I Made Putra Adnyana
Non-Regular Program Of English Department
Faculty Of Letters And Cultures Udayana Uniiversity
Kajian ini berjudul Types and Meanings of Idiom in The Song Albums of OASIS and Guns N’ Roses. Kajian ini difokuskan pada jenis-jenis idiom dan makna dari idiom yang terdapat di lirik lagu album OASIS dan Guns N’ Roses. Data diambil dari album OASIS seperti “Definitely Maybe, (What’s the Story) Morning Glory and Be Here Now” dan album dari Guns N’ Roses seperti “Appetite for Destruction, Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II. Data ini dikumpulkan menggunakan metode kualitative dengan menerapkan teknik pencatatan. Dalam hal analisis, ada dua permasalahan yang dibahas yaitu jenis-jenis idiom dijelaskan terlebih dahulu dan makna dari idiom berikutnya. Teori dari Palmer yang digunakan untuk menganalisa jenis-jenis idiom di lirik lagu. Berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Palmer (1976) ada tiga jenis idiom yaitu phrasal verb, prepositional verb dan partial idiom yang terdapat di lirik lagu. Dan untuk menganalisa makna dari idiom yang terdapat di lirik lagu teori yang digunakan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Leech (1974), teori ini dengan sangat jelas menjelaskan bahwa jenis makna dari idiom dibagi kedalam tujuh jenis makna idiom. Makna idiom memiliki hubungan yang kuat terhadap pesan yang disampaikan dari lagu tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat tiga jenis idiom dan makna idiom di lirik lagu OASIS dan Guns N’ Roses.
Kata kunci : Idioms, Jenis Idiom dan Makna Idiom
Language is considered to a system of communicating with other people using sounds, symbols, and words in expressing a meaning, idea, or thought. One of the most important languages to be learned is English. English language is an important language nowadays since it becomes an international language. A lot of people
express their thought through English language. There are many ways to express our feeling through language such as writing a novel or poetry, or people can write a song. As one of the media to express feeling, song seems to be interesting to be analyzed since it is a unique way to express the feeling and it provides various combination of vocabulary and unique set of wordings that have their own functions.
(Larson: 1984), Idiom is a number of words which are joined together, which mean something different from the meaning of the separate words that make them up. What makes idiom interesting is that the meaning of idiom cannot be predicted from the meaning of word by word. Sometimes idioms take many different forms. They can be very short , or rather long. That’s why people are hard to understand their meanings
In analyzing the song lyrics, some problems can be formulated in relation to the use of idioms in the song lyrics of OASIS and Guns ‘N Roses. By taking this topic, there are two problems discussed such as to follows :
1. What types of idioms can be identified in the song album by OASIS and Guns ‘N Roses?
2. What are the meaning of idioms found in the song album by OASIS and Guns ‘N Roses?
The aims of the study focus on :
1. The types of idioms in the song lyrics of OASIS and Guns ‘N Roses.
2. The describing of the meaning of idioms found in the song album of OASIS and Guns N
There are three procedures of research method ; Data Source, Method and Technique of Collecting Data, and Method and Technique of Analyzing Data.
4.1 Data Source
The data were taken from lyrics of the song albums of OASIS and Guns ‘N Roses. The albums that were analyzed are : OASIS, “ Definitely Maybe, ( What’s the Story) Morning Glory and Be Here Now”. In addition, the data were also taken from the song albums by Guns ‘N Roses those were Appetite for Destruction, Use Your Illusion I, and Use Your Illusion II. There are five songs from OASIS those are Shakermaker, Roll With It, Cigarette and Alcohol, Don’t Look Back In Anger and Stand By Me and 5 songs from Guns N’ Roses those are It’s So Easy, Sweet Child O’ Mine, Live and Let Die, November Rain and Civil War.
4.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data
In composing this study, the methods applied in collecting the data was qualitative method using note taking technique. The steps of collecting data are as to follows:
First the lyrics of songs in OASIS album entitled “ Definitely Maybe, (What’s the Story) Morning Glory and Be Here Now” and Guns N’ Roses, Appetite for Destruction, Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II were downloaded from the sites in internet in order to get the correct lyrics of the song. Then the lyrics were read carefully, repeatedly, intensively and taking note was done to find the data in the lyrics to be analyzed.
4.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data
The collected data were analyzed using qualitative method. The analysis was started by analyzing the idiomatic expressions of the lyrics in the forms of phrasal verb, prepositional verb and partial idioms based on Palmer’s theory and the meaning of idiom based on Leech’s theory, afterward.
1. “Don't let anybody get in your way”, (OASIS, Roll With It,1995). The expression of ‘get in’ is phrasal verb, consists of two formed by the verb ‘get’ and the adverb ‘in’. The meaning of ‘get in’ in this lyric is to disturb or to interfere. Therefore it belongs to connotative meaning since its meaning over and above its conceptual content, Leech.
2. “I find the key that lets you slip inside”, don’t ever stand aside”, (OASIS,Roll With It,1995). These idioms can be considered as phrasal verb since the verb ‘slip’, ‘stand’ then followed by adverb ‘inside’ and ‘aside. The expression phrasal verb ‘slip inside’ has not connected to lose one’s balance and then fall but the expression ‘slip inside’ here means fall apart or feel regret. By viewing the types of meaning, Leech, the phrasal verb slip inside can be categorized as connotative meaning. The meaning ‘stand aside’ here is to do nothing, therefore it can be categorized as connotative meaning, Leech.
3. “Made a meal and threw it up…”.(OASIS, Stand by Me, 1997). The idiom threw it up is considered phrasal verb where the verb ‘threw’ means to send something from one’s hand through the air with some force by moving the arm and the adverb ‘up’ means to or in a higher place, position, condition, degree, etc and separated by direct object ‘it’. The meaning ‘threw it up’ related to the song lyric is to stop doing something. Therefore, ‘threw it up’ can be categorized as connotative meaning since its meanings doesn’t has its literal meaning, Leech.
4. “I’d probably break down and cry”, (GNR, Sweet Child O’ Mine, 1987). The idiom break down is phrasal verb where the verb ‘break’ and the adverb ‘down’. The meaning ‘break down’ conveys the connotative meaning, since it does not has the common meaning ‘to break someone to or at a lower place or position’, down here is connected to the feeling of human.
5. “As if they thought of rain’, (GNR, Sweet Child O’ Mine, 1987). The idiom thought of carry out the phrasal verb where the verb ‘thought’ and the adverb ‘ of’. The ‘thought of rain’ means sad, crying, tears in the eyes. It belongs to connotative meaning, Leech.
6. “In which you live in”, “Makes you give in and cry”, (GNR, Live and Let die,1991). The words ‘live in’ and ‘give in’ belong to phrasal verb; the verb ‘live’, ‘give’, followed by the adverb ‘in’. The expression ‘live in’ has meaning how the way to live life. And the expression ‘give in’ means to feel apart, sad, disappointed, retreat. Both ‘live in’ and ‘give in’ are connotative meaning, Leech.
7. “And all the things are swept aside”, (GNR, Civil War,1993). The expression swept aside belongs to phrasal verb since it consist of two forms those are the verb ‘swept’ and the adverb ‘aside’. The expression ‘swept aside’ here means to clean up one’s mind from something, or to erase one’s faithful or believing and trusting of.
8. “Shake along with me”, (OASIS,Shakermaker,1994). The words shake along with is a prepositional verb where the verb ‘shake’ plus adverb ‘along’ and followed by the preposition ‘with’. The meaning ‘shake along with’ here is to dance. It belongs to connotative meaning, above its literal meaning.
9. “You Gotta roll with it”, (OASIS, Roll with it,1995).The word roll with is considered prepositional verb since it is a sequence of verb and preposition. The meaning ‘roll with’ here is do what ever you want to do or be your self. The ‘roll with’ is connotative meaning, Leech.
10. “She knows it’s too late as we’re walking on by”, (OASIS, Don’t look back in anger,1995). The expression walking on by belongs to prepositional verb since it is a sequence of verb ‘walk’ plus adverb ‘on’ and followed by preposition ‘by’.The expression prepositional ‘verb walking on by’ here means in being relationship. By viewing the types of meaning, Leech, the prepositional verb ‘walking on by’ can be categorized as stylistic and connotative meaning, since from the stylistic point of view this expression has
been softened and connotatively, the words has different meaning than literal meaning, Leech.
11. “Stand by me nobody knows…..”, (OASIS, Stand by me,1997). The idiom stand by belongs to prepositional verb where the verb ‘stand’ followed by preposition ‘by’.The meaning of ‘stand by’ here is to support or help. By viewing the types of meaning, Leech, the prepositional verb ‘stand by’ can be categorized as connotative meaning since it has communicative value an expression for what it refers to.
12. “When I fade into the night”, (GNR, It’s so easy,1987). The idiom fade into belongs to prepositional verb since it is a sequence of verb ‘fade’ plus preposition ‘into’. The meaning ‘fade into’ is to disappear and it belongs to connotative meaning.
13. “And the wars go on with brainwashed pride”, (GNR, Civil war,1993). The idiom go on with consists three form those are a verb ‘go’ plus an adverb ‘on’ and followed by a preposition ‘with’. Based on Leech, the prepositional verb ‘go on with’ can be categorized as stylistic meaning since the use of that word conveys about the social circumstance or its use.
14. “And are washed away by your genocide”, (GNR, Civil war,1993).The expression washed away by belongs to prepositional verb since it is a sequence of a verb, an adverb and a preposition. The expression ‘washed away by’ means here to clean up, to destroy, to kill of human being in case this meaning related to the song that is about civil war. Therefore the expression of prepositional verb ‘washed away by’ can be categorized as stylistic meaning since it conveys about the social circumstances and the meaning doesn’t its literal meaning.
15. “I know the roads on which your life will drive”.(OASIS, Roll with it,1995)The expression your life will drive can be categorized as an example of partial idiom, where the word life has its usual meaning and the word drive has the meaning that is peculiar to a particular sequence. The word drive here doesn’t mean to get in the car in order to take a trip or move to another place
by riding a car but the word drive here explains to the word life and it has meaning about whether the life is good or getting worst. This expression belongs to connotative meaning, Leech.
16. “Please don’t put your life in the hand”.(OASIS, Don’t look back in anger,1995).The expression please don’t put your life in the hand, the word has usual meaning and which has the meaning that is peculiar to particular sequence. This idiom is belong partial idiom. The meaning this lyric is don’t be desperate. Therefore it belongs to connotative meaning, Leech, since it over and above its purely conceptual content.
17. “Before my heart starts to burn”. (OASIS, Stand by me,1997).In viewing the type of idioms, the expression starts to burn belongs to partial idiom since the word starts has usual meaning while the word burn has the meaning that is peculiar to particular sequence. The meaning ‘starts to burn’ here is to become angry and it belongs to connotative meaning, Leech.
18. “I know it’s hard to keep an open heart”,(OASIS, November rain,1991). the word keep an open heart is belonging to the partial idiom, since the word keep has usual meaning while the word an open heart has meaning that is peculiar to particular sequence. The meaning of ‘keep an open heart’ is to be open minded, flexible, except the criticism. It belongs to connotative meaning, Leech.
From the analysis of the data in the types and meanings of idioms in the song lyrics of OASIS and Guns N’ Roses, there are some conclusions that can be formulated which are relevant as the answer of the problems of this study. In the view of the types of idioms, the three types of idioms namely Phrasal verb, Prepositional verb and Partial idiom. Concerning the meaning, the idiom is an expression that cannot be easily understood by the meaning of the words composing it. The meanings of idioms are clearly described in the analysis, it is clear that the idiom presents a single meaning which is completely different from the individual words-the words
composing the idiom. After passing the whole analysis, song lyrics of OASIS and Guns N’ Roses mostly contain of three types of idioms, in which the phrasal verb and prepositional verb are the types of idioms with the most frequent occurrences. While the partial idiom as the type of idioms occurring for the least. The meaning of idioms in the song lyrics of OASIS and Guns N’ Roses can be classified into connotative and stylistic meaning. Where the connotative meaning is the most frequent occurrences and for the least is stylistic. By viewing the types and meaning of idioms in the song lyrics of OASIS and Guns N’ Roses as result in the people can be easily to understand the idioms.
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