Hendy Hartady 0701305106
English Department, Faculty of Letters
Udayana University 2013
Jurnal yang berjudul " IDIOMS FOUND IN THE MYSTERY MR QUIN BY AGASTHA CHRISTIE AND THEIR TRANSLATION IN MR. QUIN YANG MISTERIUS BY JULANDA TANTANI " bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi lebih dalam tentang ekspresi idiomatik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis idiom yang ditemukan dalam novel The Mysterious Mr Quin.
Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan, yang berarti membaca novel dan mencatat idiom apapun yang terjadi dalam teks sumber, dan mencari setaranya dalam bahasa target dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Teori utama yang digunakan teori idiom sebagai frase yang diusulkan oleh Leech.
Dalam analisis, jenis ekspresi idiomatik disajikan pertama. Analisis kesetaraan yang ditemukan setelah membandingkan sumber dan bahasa target. Dalam hasilnya, ada tujuh jenis idiom yang telah dianalisis dalam novel, yaitu phrasal verbs, phrasal-prepositional verbs, prepositional phrase, idioms with verbs as keywords, idioms with nouns as keywords, idioms with adjectives as keywords, dan idiomatic pairs.
Setiap idiom memiliki makna tergantung pada konteks dan cerita. Meskipun ada beberapa idiom yang memiliki bentuk dan kata-kata yang sama, mereka memiliki arti yang berbeda sesuai dengan konteks dan cerita.
Kata kunci: terjemahan, terjemahan idiomatik, proses penerjemahan.
1. Background
In learning English, learners learn to know the meaning of English words; either they are in single words or in groups. They usually open up the dictionary to find the meaning of words. Yet, in English, there are words that cannot be found in the dictionary, and there are phrases or sentences that cannot be explained in grammar theories. This special feature of English language is called idiom.
As defined by The New International Webster (1900), an idiom is an expression not readily analyzable from its grammatical construction or from the meaning of its component parts. It is the part of the distinctive form or construction of a particular language that has a specific form or style present only in that language.
While, Hornby, (2000) states that idiom is the kind of language and grammar used by particular people at a particular time or place. Furthermore, idioms, as linguistic feature, present some of the most difficult materials for learners of English as a foreign or second language to successfully understand. The difficulties in understanding idioms arise from two different characteristics of language. The meaning of many idioms often does not correspond to their individual components.
In some senses, idioms are the reflection of the environment, life, and historical culture of the native speakers and are closely associated with their innermost spirit and feelings. They are commonly used in all types of language, informal and formal, spoken and written. As idioms are important part of languages, understanding of a language requires understanding of its idioms and the tactics for idiom translation.
2. Problems of The Study
In this paper, the idioms in The Mysterious Mr.Quin novel was analyzed. The central problem to be analyzed is what the types of idioms used in The Mysterious Mr.Quin’s novel?
3. Aims of The Study
This writing about translation is interested to explore deeper about idioms, such as to classify and prescribe the types of idioms those are used in The Mysterious Mr.Quin’s novel.
4. Research Method
The data were analyzed by using qualitative method since this method can be used to describe and interpret qualitative data. There are some steps followed in analyzing the data.
First, the idioms were classified based on by identified the phrase in source language. Second, the idioms were found classified based on their types. Third, the data analysis was presented. Finally, conclusions were drawn.
5. Results and Discussion
There are seven types of idioms analyzed. As follows:
5.1 Phrasal Verb
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb.
There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is :
Dried up (page 9)
Mr Satterthwaite was sixty-two- a little bent, dried up man with a peering face oddly elflike, and an intense and inordinate interest in other people’s lives.
Form :
Dried = verb
Up = adverb
Dried up is formed by Verb + Adverb. So, it belongs to a form of phrasal verb.
5.2 Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb.
There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is :
To sell up (page 43)
Before the Elliots had to sell up.
Form :
To = Preposition
Sell = Verb
Up = Adverb
Based on the form above, to sell up belongs to a form of
Prepositional Phrase.
5.3 Prepositional Phrase
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb.
There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is :
By all means (page 14)
‘Bed, by all means,’ she said lightly.
Form :
By = Preposition
All = determiner
Means = verb / adjective
Based on the form above, by all means belongs to a form of Prepositional Phrase.
5.4 Idioms with Verbs as Keywords
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb.
There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is :
Get hold of (page 38)
The Unkertons would naturally be mad to get hold of him and the bride!
Form :
Get = verb
Hold = verb / noun
Of = prepositional
Based on the from form above, get hold of, belongs to a form of idioms with verb (get) as keywords.
5.5 Idioms with Nouns as Keywords
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb. There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is : Switched on (page 13)
He strode across the wide hall where they were sitting, and switched on an extra light.
Form :
Switch = noun
On = adverb
Switch on is formed by Noun + Adverb. So, it belongs to a form of idioms with nouns (switch) as keywords.
5.6 Idioms with Adejectives as Keywords
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb. There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is :
A little out (page 102)
Three times before he had met Mr Quin, and each time the meeting had resulted in something a little out of the ordinary.
Form :
A = determiner
Little = adjective
Out = adverb
Turned back is formed by Verb + Adverb. So, it belongs to a form of idioms with adjective (little) as keywords.
5.7 Idiomatic Pairs
In this section some data are classified as Phrasal Verb. There are thirty-four data found in the novel. One of them is : Happy or unhappy (page 11)
In a queer intuitiveway, he felt certain that she was either very happy or very unhappy – but he didn’t know which, and it annoyed him not to know.
Form :
Happy = adjective
Or = conjunction
Unhappy = adjective
Based form above, so happy or unhappy, it belongs to a form of idiomatic pairs.
6. Conclusion
Based on the problem and the analysis on the previous chapter, the following points can be described as the conclusion of the study. There seven types of idioms founded in the Agatha Christie’ s novel entitled The Mysterious Mr Quin as SL text. Those types of idioms can be presented as follows: phrasal verbs, phrasal-prepositional verbs, prepositional phrase, idioms with verbs as keywords, idioms with nouns as keywords, idioms with adjectives as keywords, and idiomatic pairs are often shown in each chapter. Idioms which were found have no exact grammatical structure. Especially for the fourth until sixth form of idioms: idioms with verbs as keywords, idioms with nouns as keywords and idioms with adjectives as keywords. The keywords were determined based on which word that mostly influences the whole phrase and the meaning of its. So, most idioms which are formed by verbs: phrasal verbs form, and have a verb as keywords have many forms of verb based on the tenses of the sentence.
Christie, Agatha (2003). The Mysterious Mr. Quin. London:
Tantani, Julanda (2008). Mr. Quin yang Misterius. Jakarta: PT
Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad and Geoffrey Leech (2002). Longman Student Grammar of ,Spoken and Written English. England: Pearson Education Limited.
Hornby, A Swith A P Cowieand A C Gimson (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press
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