Jurnal ini bejudul “Derivational English Prefixes and Suffixes with Reference to One Day at a Time by Danielle Steel”. Tujuan dari penlitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan fungsi dari awalan dan akhiran yang terdapat dalam novel One Day at a Time by Danielle Steel. Teori yang digunakan dalam dalam penelitian ini adalah teori dari Rudolph Quirk (1973) dalam bukunya University Grammar of English yang menjelaskan tentang tipe-tipe dari awalan dan imbuhan. Teori yang kedua dari Laurie Bauer (1983) dalam bukunya English Word Formation menjelaskan bahwa fungsi dari awalan dan imbuhan adalah dapat sebagai merubah makna dari kata atau mempertahankan makna dari kata dasar. Meode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pembahasan data di awali dengan membaca novel ini dan mengumpulkan kata-kata yang mengandung awalan dan akhiran yang telah dipilih secara acak, setelah itu memisahkan kata tersebut dari awalan dan akhirannya dan menganalisis jenis dan fungsi dari masing-masing imbuhan tersebut. Hasil dari pembahasan menemukan bahwa ada lima tipe awalan dan lima tipe akhiran yang masing-masing mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda-beda yaitu mengubah arti dari kata dasar dan mempertahankan arti dari kata dasar.

Kata kunci: awalan, akhiran, perubahan

  • I.    Background

Word structure can be subdivided into inflection and derivation. Inflection is the changes that happen in words without deriving a new word or a word in a new grammatical category. Inflectional cannot change the class of the word; it focuses

with syntactically determined affixation process. Derivational focuses on the formation of the new lexemes by affixes, which have changed their word-classes and the meaning of the word itself and it changes and influences the grammar as well. The reason why this topic chosen because most of the English learners do not know what the function of this derivational prefixes and suffixes is. so it can makes confused when we have to applied to use this derivational prefixes and suffixes. This study will explain about the derivational prefixes and suffixes functions and process of word-classes become clearly.

  • 2.    Problems of this study

  • 1.    What are the types and functions of derivational prefixes and suffixes found in One Day at A Time By Danielle Steel?

  • 2.    How is the process of derivational prefixes and suffixes found in One Day at A Time By Danielle Steel?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Related to the problems of the study, the aims of this study are to indentify and analyze types and functions of prefixes and suffixes that found in One Day at a Time by Danielle Steel.

  • 4.    Research Method

This research method of this study includes the data source, method and technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data of this study taken from the novel “One Day atA Time” by Danielle Steel. This novel printed in New York, United States, published on February 2009 by Random House Publishing Group, and contains of 399 pages.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data of this study collected by library research with documentation method. There are five data of prefixes and 5 data of suffixes that have been found by random. The data was taken in some steps, first was read the novel word by word. Second, collected words that consist of derivational prefixes and suffixes were remarked at each word and classified based on their word-classes.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

This data identified and analyzed based on its categorization. Analyzing this data used some steps; first after found the word that contains derivational prefixes and suffixes, next separated the word from their prefixes and suffixes into their word-classes to get the base. Second, the prefixes and suffixes of the word were classified into their word-classes in order to know the type of its derivation. Third, the each prefixes and suffixes was continued by analyzing the function of each prefixes and suffixes.

  • 5.    Analysis of Derivational English Prefixes and Suffixes with Reference to One Day at a Time by Danielle Steel

    • 5.1    Type and Function of Prefixes

Quirk (1973:430) stated that prefix add before the base form, with or without change of word class. There are many kinds of prefix in English for instance: dis-, under-, un-, up, in-, and etc. In addition, according to Bauer (1983:33) stated that derivation also subdivided into class-changing and class-maintaining. Class changing means that the impact of derivation can change the word class and also the meaning of the base and the other hand class maintaining means that derivational process only change the grammatical lexemes without change the word class and meaning.

  • 5.1.1    Prefix dis-

She looked faintly disappointed and he laughed. (page 66)

From the sentence above word form “disappointed” has conducted to the word class of adjective. The base form is “appoint” means assign someone or things, that belongs to word class verb. Prefix dis- added by base form appoint becomes disappointed, that shows change the word class from verb into adjective and also change the meaning in the new form.

  • 5.1.2    Prefix under

Thank you for understanding what this mean to me. (page 84)

The word form “understanding” conducts to word class verb. The base word “stand” also belongs to word class verb that means upright position and added by gerunding function for, so it becomes “standing”. Base form “standing” added by prefix –under becomes understanding. From the derivational process about, it maintains the class form of verb into verb.

  • 5.1.3    Prefix un-

He looks very unhappy. (page 56)

Word “unhappy” clause conducts to word class an adjective and has meaning sadness. The base form “happy.” added by prefix –un becomes “unhappy” it shows the opposite from the base word, and change the meaning also. The function of this prefix is maintaining the word class from adjective into adjective.

  • 5.1.4    Prefix up-

she was too tired and upset to argue with her. (page 328)

The word “upset” is adjective. The word class belongs to base “happy” is verb. Prefix up- has change the base form into new class and word meaning. The function of prefix up- from the sentence above is changing the word class from verb into adjective.

  • 5.1.5    Prefix in

Being extremely insecure on a long term basis is a good thing. (Page 92)

The word “insecure” is adjective. Base word is “secure” that the word class belongs to adjective also. It means free from danger. The prefix in- added with base “secure” becomes “insecure”. Prefix in- is maintaining the word class of adjective into adjective that refer to an opposite condition of its base form.

  • 5.2    Type and Function of Suffixes

Quirk (1973:430) stated that prefix add before the base form, with or without change of word class. There are many kinds of prefix in English for instance: -ly, -ian, -s, -er, -ion and etc.

  • 5.2.1    Suffix –ly

“ Where are you?” jane said tersely (page 16)

The word form in above clause conducts to word class of adverb. The base word                                form                                is

terse” that has meaning make something shorter and it belongs to the word class an adjective. Base word terse added by suffix –ly becomes tersely is changing the word class adjective into adverb.

  • 5.2.2    Suffix –ian

She got involved with a married politician after we broke up. (Page 65)

The word “politician” belongs to word class of noun. The base word is “politic”. This base belongs to the word class of an adjective. The word “politician” coming from derivational process by added suffix- ian is changing the word from adjective into noun and also change the meaning.

  • 5.2.3    Suffix –s

“You know, you guys are pigs” she said addressing both dogs. (Page 42)

The word “ guys” belongs to word class of a noun. The root “guy” belongs to the word class of a noun, which the meaning is a man. The suffix –s has been able to maintain the class function and word meaning from noun into noun. The meaning of a word form is only indicates the plurality (more than one person).

  • 5.2.4    Suffix –er

“I’ll just take a shower and go to bed” (page 52)

The word form above clause conducts to word class of a noun. The base word form is “show”, this base belongs to the word class of a noun, which the meaning is performance. The base word “show” added by suffix –er becomes “shower” is maintaining the word class from noun into noun and the new meaning of a word form has been applied which is totally different to the core meaning of the base form.

  • 5.2.5    Suffix –ion

She and Elizabeth were going to be on location in New York for five months. (

Page 19)

The word form above clause conducts to word class of noun. The word form location is derived from a suffix –ion to its base form, locate-. The base belongs to the word class verb. It means to discover or identify a place. The suffix –ion has brought the changing to word class function from verb into noun and word meaning.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on analysis above several points can be concluded on this study. The analysis prefixes and suffixes have used five data of prefixes and five data of suffixes. It can be found five types of prefixes such as dis-, under-, un-, up, in- and also five types of suffixes such as -ly, -ian, -s, -er, -ion The changing classes of prefixes after analyzing data were involving dis-, and up-, and for maintain class of prefixes were involving under-, un-, and in-. Class changing for suffixes those are –ian, and –ion. Class maintaining for suffixes includes –s, -ly, and –er.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word-Formation.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Quirk, Radolph .1973. A University Grammar of English, London: Longman Group Ltd.

Steel, Danielle.2009.One Day at a Time, United States, New York.The Random House Publishing Group.