Analysis of Semiotic Found in Football Shoes Advertisements

Journal of Arts and Humanities
p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X
Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019
Vol 25.4 November 2021: 452-462
Analysis of Semiotic Found in Football Shoes Advertisements
I Wayan Restu Widiarta, I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika, Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University, Denpasar, Bali
Correspondence email: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
Article Info
Submitted: 10th February 2021
Revised: 5th May 2021
Accepted: 30th June 2021
Keywords: advertisements, verbal sign, non-verbal sign, meaning
Corresponding Author: I
Wayan Restu Widiarta email:
Aims in this study, first is to find out verbal and non-verbal signs found in football shoes advertisements, and second is to analyze the meaning of verbal and non-verbal signs found in football shoes advertisements. The data sources from this study were taken from the Official Account of Nike, Puma, and Adidas. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The data were analyzed based on the theory proposed by Saussure (1983) about sign elements, the theory from Barthes (1964) about the meaning of signs, and the supporting theory from Cerrato (2012) to analyze the color terms. The result of this study showed the advertisements used the written texts as the verbal signs and the color choice and picture of advertisements as non-verbal signs. These signs also contained denotative and connotative meanings to make a good combination to attract the attention of readers.
Language is the aspect that usually uses by the human in their life. The function of language is to communicate with others. As stated by Finnegan and Besnier (1989) in the book An Introduction to Language and Linguistics that the language is a finite system of elements and principles that make it possible for the speakers to construct sentences to do a particular communicative job. It explains that the main purpose of communication to deliver meaning. In linguistic, meaning is one of the studies that categorized into semantic. It is the branch of micro
linguistic and deals with the interpretation of the meaning of words, phrases, sentences, and signs (Leech: 1974). Semantic fields are useful tools to explain meaning of something (Eco, 1979: 80). Thus, it makes the scope of semantic is very large especially to analyze the meaning; one of them is called Semiotic. According to Saussure in the book The Basic of Semiotic (2007) explained that semiotic is the study of the role of signs as part of social life. Signs could be the form of words, images, gestures, sounds, and objects (Chandler: 2002). In general, the sign is used to deliver the idea to each other. The signs can be found in the advertisement to
convey the meaning of the content of the advertisement to the readers. It often appears the implicit meaning of the advertisements. Therefore, as stated by Beasly & Danesi (2002) the society needs to filter the meaning to get the real meaning which is delivered by the advertiser.
Advertisement is the media to publish something to the public, it can be a brand, product service, event to attract the attention of the society who reads, watches, or hears the advertisement. Based on Dyer (1993) advertisement means how the day to draw attention to something or the way to inform somebody. According to Barthes (1998), there are two important elements of advertisements; they are verbal and nonverbal signs. The verbal signs include the written texts in written advertisements and it could be divided into slogan and body text (Goddart, 2002: 218). Meanwhile for non-verbal signs include images and color choice which is interesting depend on the culture of the reader in written advertisements (Wierzbicka: 1996).
This research focuses to analyze the verbal and non-verbal signs as well as the meaning of verbal and non-verbal signs found in football shoes advertisements found on in the types of poster advertisements. The football shoes advertisements publish the brand of the shoes and it contains the written text and the images that relate with the football. Nevertheless, a lot of readers are still confused to comprehend the elements of the signs in the football shoes advertisements. Therefore, it is very challenging to analyze the use of signs in football shoes advertisements. The specific thing that this research focused on 1) to find out the verbal and nonverbal signs found in football shoes advertisements and 2) the meaning of verbal and non-verbal signs found in
football shoes advertisements. By analyzing these advertisements, the researcher expects to give a better understanding of the elements which are used in football shoes advertisements.
Library research was conducted to analyze the data. The data in this research were taken from the internet at There are three data in this research which the data were downloaded from three official accounts to get the meaning from the different company about their every brand which is advertised. They are downloaded from the official account of Nike, Puma, and Adidas. In the process of collecting the data, the observation method is used to obtain detailed information. It is started by searching football shoes advertisements on the internet, reading and downloading them, classifying the part of verbal and non-verbal signs, and finding the meaning from that verbal and non-verbal signs. All of the analysis in this data in this research used the descriptive qualitative method.
There are many types of research about semiotics analysis on advertisements that have been conducted by researchers. They tend to analyze the verbal and non-verbal signs of the advertisements and as well as analyze the meaning of each sign. As it is done by Fathiyah (2018), she analyzed Axe Monday Perfume Advertisement. She found that the verbal and non-verbal signs are supporting one another. There are close relations of signifier and signified of the signs. These aspects of signs deliver the meaning of the advertisements properly whether as denotative or connotative meaning. In line with Fathiyah, Sena et all (2016) also analyze signs in Adidas advertisements. They found that the verbal and visual aspects have an important purpose such
as to give some information to people concerning the sign in the aim to know the message of signs in the advertisement. It was found that Adidas advertisements mostly used conceptual and expressive meaning to influence the feeling of the readers to believe their product. Therefore, it can persuade readers to buy the product from Adidas. Another research by Risaldi (2017) which analyzed the advertisement found in Now! Bali Magazine also stated the relation between signifier and signified to support the advertisement. She concluded every advertisement should choose excellent words and enchanting picture to attract the reader’ interest.
In this research, there are several theories which are used, they are:
Semiotic Theory from Saussure (1983) Saussure classified a signed term into a signifier and signified in the book The Basic of Semiotics by Daniel Chandler. The distinction between those elements is:
1. A signifier is the form of the sign takes, it is the material form of the sign takes, such as language, letters, sounds, images, and symbols (Saussure: 1983) as stated in the Handbook of Semantic.
2. While for signified is the meaning of the signifier.
For instance, according to quotation from Saussure (1966: 67) in the book Course in General Linguistics, there is a sign of picture “tree” in the park. The signifier from this sign is the picture of tree. For the signified of this sign is the people who come to the park should take care to the tree around the park area.
Theory of Meaning from Barthes (1964)
Barthes in his book Elements of Semiology developed the theory of
meaning into denotative and connotative meaning. The explanation of both is:
1. Denotative meaning is the primer meaning or the literal meaning of something. It is usually called the meaning based on the dictionary. For instance: the word "woman" has the denotative meaning of an adult female human (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2005: 1692)
2. Connotative meaning is the implicit meaning of something. The scope is larger than the denotative meaning. It could depend on the culture and perception of meaning from the reader or hearer. For instance, the word "red and white" in Indonesia as stated in the book Filsafat Semiotika (2014: 205) has the connotative
meaning about the struggle for Indonesian against colonialism and can be implemented as the symbol of bravery.
Theory Meaning of Color Terms by Herman Cerrato (2012)
According to Herman Cerrato (2012), the color meaning could be divided into:
1. Red
It is a warm and positive color. Red has a meaning of strength, power, war, desire, love, and passion.
2. Orange
It has the meaning of fascination, happiness, success, creativity, encouragement, and state joy.
3. Yellow
It expresses the warming effect, optimism, brightening people's spirit and it can influence the serotonin in the human brain.
4. Green
It is associated with harmony, nature, freshness, and is usually used to promote an environmentally friendly product.
5. Blue
It represents stability, depth and it is related to confidence, loyalty, trust, responsibility, and integrity.
6. Purple
It conveys extravagance, fantasy, and mystery. This color is usually used by a woman than a man.
7. White
It is associated with the positive impact, new beginning, neutrality, goodness, and innocence.
8. Black
This color is the opposite of white color. It states elegance, power, mystery, and death. This color is used as a background to make another color more stand out.
9. Pink
This color is a symbol of love and femininity. It can state compassion, warmth, and understanding of human feelings. The color also can state wonderful hope for the future.
10. Gray
Gray is the symbol of indifference, intellect, knowledge, and security. It can be used as the concept of neutrality and mature
11. Brown
This color expresses stability and reliability. It is associated with growth, fertility, and the earth.
The analysis from three data of the official of Nike, Puma, and Adidas are found in the form of written texts as the verbal signs of the advertisements and the picture and color choice as the nonverbal signs of advertisements. It is found twelve verbal signs and eleven nonverbal signs from those three data. The explanation is below:
Nike Official Account Advertisement
Picture 1. Nike Official Account Advertisement
Verbal Signs of Nike Official Account Advertisement
The advertisement above was made by Nike to present its new product to the public to celebrate the World Cup 2010 in South Africa. It uses Cristiano Ronaldo as the model who wants to take a free-kick for Portugal National teams. The advertisement consists of verbal and non-verbal signs. The first verbal sign of that advertisement is the written text, “THE MOMENT LASTS A SECOND". It expresses the meaning of the moment from Cristiano Ronaldo when was playing with his National team for several days in South Africa. That written text also has a connotative meaning. It explains that things will not be lasting forever. A moment that happened to someone is just a temporary action. It will be passed and become a memory. It is because the action only happened at that moment and it will be remembered forever.
The second signifier is the written text, "THE LEGEND LASTS FOREVER." These words have a denotative and connotative meaning. The denotative meaning of these words refers to Ronaldo as the legend in football history who has been recognized because he gets a lot of achievements and breaks many records in football. While the connotative meaning of these texts is the attitude in this life to be a hard-working person and do not surrender especially
when an opportunity comes. It hopes to make the person do their best effort in every moment. It can change lives and might bring someone to be a legend; a famous person who is known for centuries.
The third signifier is the written text, "WRITE THE FUTURE." This signified the same opportunity for everyone to create their future. They should do anything to change the future to be better than now. This quotation firstly was said by the boxing legend, Mohammad Ali to make the people do anything to change their future. The signifier above also contains a connotative meaning. It refers to our effort nowadays have an impact on our future. So, our future is begun now. We should survive in this life to reach all of our dreams in the future because only we can change our future too. When we have done a good thing, it will influence our future to be better too, but if we do a bad thing, the result also same influences our future as the effort that we have done too.
The last signifier is the written text, "NIKEFOOTBALL.COM." These words are written below on the billboard in the football match. The denotative meaning of the words above is the source information for the reader that could be visited in the form of a link to get more information about the product that has been published by the Nike company. Then, the words also have the connotative meaning concerning Nike is the company that supported the World Cup 2010 in South Africa as the biggest event of football. Therefore, Nike wants to get the attention of the readers about their company by trying to make World Cup in South Africa be a successful event.
The overall message of the verbal signs in this first advertisement is to inform the audience that Nike is one of the brands that would support the FIFA
World Cup 2010 in South Africa. Nike makes the statements to do the best in the tournament for each player and team to get the best result in the game and always remembers as the legend in football history. The verbal signs in this advertisement also contain the connotative meaning to be a spirit for people to change the future to be better. Thus, all of the written words try to persuade the reader to be the optimistic person to face the challenge in this life.
Non-Verbal Signs of Nike Official Account Advertisement
The advertisement from Nike above has four non-verbal signs to make the advertisement more unique to appeal to the attention of the readers. The first nonverbal sign in this advertisement is the image of the statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in a position to do a free-kick. It has the meaning concerning the obligation from Ronaldo that has been famous in football with his ability in taking a free-kick. Ronaldo is made in the form of a statue to make the reader's attention focusses on Ronaldo as the brand ambassador of Nike. The images of the statue also have the connotative meaning to persuade the readers to believe the product from Nike because it has been used by the superstar like Cristiano Ronaldo which is made in the form of statue as the symbol of the legendary in football.
The second signifier in this advertisement is the picture of the enemy who wants to block Ronaldo's free-kick. It has the meaning to the effort from the five people who try to block the free-kick from Ronaldo by making themself like the wall. They know the shooting skill from Ronaldo and try to thwart the opportunity from Ronaldo to make a goal from the free-kick. The picture also has a connotative meaning. It concerning the life is never plat and always there is an obstacle that we should pass to reach all
of our dreams and be successful people in this life.
The third signifier is the man with a red jersey who stands behind Ronaldo when he takes the free-kick. It means to show the person as the teammate from Ronaldo in Portugal National Team, his name is Luis Nani which waits for Ronaldo to take the free-kick and he hopes it can be a goal for his national team. He believes in the ability of Ronaldo to take the free-kick because he knows the personality and the skill of Ronaldo very well. Besides the meaning above, this picture has connotative too. It indicates to trust someone in this life, especially our friend. We should support them in every moment to change the situation to be better in this life. When we support someone, it would make them believe in us too because the better friendship is made by the respect and the trust in each other.
The fourth is the color of the football field background as the last signifier in this advertisement. It combines two different characteristics of color between the use of black as the dark color in the supporter tribune and green as the bright color of the grass. The meaning of these two different color characteristics is to emphasize the moment from Ronaldo in taking the free-kick. It wants to make the readers focus to look at Ronaldo as the model in this advertisement by using the bright color surrounding the picture of Ronaldo. Also, there is a meaning of the color choice in the advertisement too. The black color according to Cerrato (2012) has the meaning of elegance and mystery of the person involved in the advertisement. It has the connotative meaning to the elegance style from Ronaldo who wants to take the free-kick with his style and the mystery refers to the result of the free-kick will be the goal or not. While for the meaning of green color as stated by Cerrato (2012) has the
meaning of the harmony between two teams in the match as the fair play motto in the football match. It has the connotative meaning to the players only be the enemy in ninety minutes, after the end of games they all same as the colleague in the same profession.
The overall messages of these nonverbal signs of Nike advertisement show the people who are involved in the World Cup 2010 in South Africa by the iconic image of Ronaldo who wants to take the free-kick that famous as the greet freekick taker in football history. The picture also has the meaning of believing our friend is doing something in this life and be a person with a big spirit to reach all of our dreams in life. Therefore, these non-verbal signs are good to support the verbal signs of the advertisement and attract the reader's attention to easier in understanding the meaning of the advertisement.
Puma Official Account Advertisement
Picture 2. Puma Official Account Advertisement
Verbal Signs of Puma Official Account Advertisement
The second advertisement is made by Puma in 2014 to publish a limited edition of new football shoes to the public. This advertisement contains verbal and non-verbal signs to make the readers interested to read it. The first
verbal sign in this advertisement is the written text "MORE ACCURACY" which is put in the top center of the advertisement. It has a denotative and connotative meaning. The denotative meaning of the words is the ability in doing something with fewer mistakes. The ability meant in this sign concerns the skill of the football players on the field to make their teams win the match. While the connotative meaning of the sign is Puma Company tries to persuade the customer to buy their shoes product with the benefit of having more accuracy to increase the skill of the player on the field.
The second signifier is the statement, "MORE POWER". It means the strength or the ability of the football player to control something. By wearing the shoes, the player can increase their skill of shooting power and passing to help them make a goal. The words contain connotative meaning too, it could influence the power in the teamwork. More power would develop the selfconfidence of the players to control the game and make the goal. Therefore, the power can give a positive impact on the mental of the whole player in teamwork.
The third signifier is the statement, "BRING THE STORM TO THE GAME." The meaning of these words is to make the nightmare for the enemy's team by the skill of accuracy and shooting power. The words also have the connotative meaning since it is about a hope to destroy the enemy team as the word "STORM" indicates the natural disaster that endangers human life. The use of these words is as the illustration of the impact from the shooting power and accuracy of the players after wearing the product from Puma shoes as the imagery from written texts above.
The last signifier is the words, “”. It means to the link which can be visited by the
readers to get more information about these shoes or the information concerning the puma football club product. These words emphasize that this advertisement is Puma. Therefore, it also has a connotative meaning to avoid confusion from the reader to the company that makes the advertisement.
The overall messages in these verbal signs from the Puma advertisement are the written text that put to convinces the reader to buy the shoes from Puma. It shows the hope of the advertiser by wearing the product can give more accuracy and power from the football player who wears the shoes. The advertisement also put the illustration by wearing the shoes can make the player easier to destroy the enemy's team like the bring storm as the disaster to the game. The advertiser also put the link for the readers who want to get more information about this product.
Non-Verbal Signs of Puma Official Account Advertisement
This second advertisement also contains non-verbal signs. The first nonverbal sign of the advertisement is the picture of shoes which have pink color with the white stripe and the blue footwear. It means the new shoes product that is made by the company is the same as the advertisement. It uses the combination of blue and pink colors not only on the shoes but also for the written sentences and there is a white strip as the design of the shoes. The use of all the bright colors for this design is the symbol of a successful beginning. As stated by Cerrato the meaning of white color (2012: 14) refers to the perfect product and positive meaning and then combines with pink to increase the feeling of hope (18). Moreover, the blue color means calm, reduce tension and fear, Therefore, the used of all color could be a perfectness of positive hope with can be
reached by calmness and without feeling fear offered by the advertiser to those who wear this product.
The next signifier is the picture of a pink puma in the right corner of the advertisement. It means about the product is made by Puma and this logo usually uses in every brand that is made by Puma company. It uses the pink color same with the color of some written texts and the shoes in the advertisement. It also reveals the connotative meaning to grab the attention and tell the reader concerning the company that published the advertisement. Thus, the picture tries to explain the shoes which are advertised are made by Puma.
The last signifier is the background of the advertisement shows the picture of a storm. The picture has the meaning to appropriate the written texts, "BRING THE STORM TO THE GAME." This picture emphasizes that written text. The storm in this picture has the connotative meaning as illustration after the player wearing the shoes from Puma can destroy the enemy like the natural disaster because it will increase the accuracy and power to make a goal and be a nightmare for the enemy team.
The overall messages of these nonverbal signs in the Puma advertisement are the picture of shoes that will be sold to the public by using the brighter color to attract the attention of the readers to read the advertisement. There is the picture of the storm as the illustration for the player after wearing the shoes to destroy the enemy as the impact of increasing the accuracy. On the right bottom also put the picture of Puma to make the readers know the advertiser of this advertisement. Therefore, all of the non-verbal signs in this advertisement have a relation with verbal signs to persuade the readers to buy these new shoes products from Puma.
Adidas Official Account Advertisement
Picture 3. Adidas Official Account Advertisement
Verbal Signs of Adidas Official Account Advertisement
This advertisement is made by Adidas to celebrate the World of 2010 in South Africa. It uses Steven Gerard as the model in the advertisement. This advertisement contains verbal and nonverbal signs. The first verbal sign in this advertisement is the written text, "EVERY TEAM needs THE POWER OF X". The meaning of these words is every team needs a player with a number ten position in the game. In football, this position is called a playmaker or attacking midfielder. The connotative meaning of these words is the ability of player number ten is needed to make a difference for the result of the game; especially the player number ten needs the power of shooting because shooting is the important skill to make a goal and win the game.
The second signifier is the statement, "UNITE YOUR POWER WITH PREDATOR_X THE MOST POWERFUL PREDATOR OF ALL TIME." These words have denotative meaning to unite the strength of the kick by wearing Adidas shoes Predator X which has been known as the best series of predators to increase the power of shooting. The connotative meaning of the word hopes to persuade the reader to believe the advertisement by wearing the shoes from Adidas could increase the
power of shooting to make a goal score. It hopes the readers are interested to buy the product which is advertised as the most powerful predator shoes series from Adidas all the time.
The third signifier is the words, "AND BE THE POWERHOUSE ON EVERY SHOT WITH POWER SPINE TECHNOLOGY." It means the technology of the power spine is available in this Predator X series. It also has a connotative meaning concerning the players could show their skill to increase the power of shoot easily by wearing the Adidas X series. Thus, it hopes can persuade the readers to buy the product.
The last signifier is the written text, "IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING". This sign means for those who wear the shoes will be able to do any moves. These words have a denotative and connotative meaning. In denotative meaning, these words are the slogan from Adidas in advertising their product. While in connotative, these words reveal motivation for people to do their best in this life because there is no something impossible. Thus, these words have the function to convince the reader to believe with themself to pass their impossible imagination. Overall, these words expect to make the readers do not surrender easily to do something.
Overall, the messages in these verbal signs are the written text of the advertisement that every team needs the role of the player number ten, which know as a playmaker or attacking midfielder, and the skill of shooting to make a difference in the result of the game. The advertisement also put the slogan to make everyone tries do the best because there is something impossible and the word choice in this advertisement hopes to persuade the readers to believe the product because it provides the
technology to increase the shooting power.
Non-Verbal Signs of Adidas Official Account Advertisement
In this advertisement, four nonverbal signs are used to make the advertisement more interesting. The first signifier is the picture of the man with the shooting pose. It means to emphasize the text, "EVERY TEAM NEEDS THE POWER OF X". This player is Steven Gerard which is known as the player position number ten in football. It also expresses the connotative meaning refers to the skill of shooting from Gerard could be increased by wearing the shoes. Thus, it hopes can persuade the readers to buy these Puma series X Predators because Steven Gerard also wears them.
The second signifier is the picture of shoes with the light effect surrounding them. It means the product which is advertised is the shoes like in that picture. The picture contains a connotative meaning too, it functions to grab the reader's attention as the use of light effect color surrounding the shoes which express the wonderful hope after wearing the shoes.
The third signifier is the use of yellow color as the written text of the advertisement and the black color as the background of the advertisement. The yellow color expresses the bright color and black expresses the dark color to attract the attention of the readers. Yellow color as stated by Cerrato (2012) can make people feel optimistic. Thus, it has the connotative meaning to the layer should be optimistic and always spirit by using the shoes as the impact of new technology to make player easier in the shooting. Then, the black color usually uses in design to make other colors stand out (Cerrato, 2012). Therefore, the used of black color as the background of advertisement to make the readers focus
on the content of advertisement because the black color makes other colors more stand out and it hopes the color from the written text and the football star will be seen firstly than the dark color of the background.
The last signifier in this non-verbal sign is the logo of Adidas and FIFA World Cup 2010 in the top right of the advertisement. It means Adidas as the company that makes the advertisement also involved in FIFA World Cup 2010. It has a connotative meaning since it wants to inform the audiences that Adidas is a company that has a specialty in sports equipment including shoes, as well as it is an official sponsor on this World Cup in South Africa. Therefore, it is hoped can persuade the readers to buy the shoes because the shoes are worn by the football star in the biggest event of football. This logo is expected to show the cares from Adidas about the biggest football event and it tries to make the football fans give more supports too.
The overall messages of these nonverbal signs in this Adidas advertisement are that player number ten can use Adidas series X Predator to increase the shooting power. The picture of the shoes which are advertised also appeared in this advertisement to make the readers know about the product that will be sold to celebrate World Cup 2010 in South Africa. The color choice between the written texts and background is really good to attract the reader's attention by using two different characteristics of colors. Therefore, the verbal and nonverbal signs of this last advertisement are a good combination to convince the readers to buy the product from the Adidas series X Predator.
Advertisement is the best way to announce the brand, product, service, or
event to the public. Some of the advertisers make interesting
advertisements to persuade the readers to read the advertisement and convince the information that provides in the advertisements is correct. Those three advertisements of Nike, Puma, and Adidas, contain verbal and non-verbal signs to attract the attention of the readers. The verbal signs that are found in this research are in the form of declarative sentences which are used to state the opinions or the facts for the readers and also use imperative sentences to persuade people to buy the products. While for the non-verbal signs, it is found concerning models and the picture that have the relation about football and the attractive color choice to attract the attention from the readers. These verbal and non-verbal signs have denotative and connotative meanings. Connotative meaning is found mostly in those signs because in this way the advertisements looked attractive and unique. Moreover, the models used, who are the football superstars, implicitly persuade the readers to use the products by offering the benefits that they can be as good as the football superstars or have the ability as theirs.
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