





Adapun judul dari penelitian ini adalah The Use of Pidginized English by Vendors in Seminyak Beach Kuta Bali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penyederhanaan bahasa Inggris yang terjadi di pantai Seminyak Kuta Bali. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya bahasa pijin yang digunakan oleh pedagang acung di pantai Seminyak. Penelitian ini didasari atas teori sosiolinguistik, dan topic yang didiskusikan berdasarkan teori dari Wardhaugh (1986), Hudson (1980), Holmes (1992), Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) dan Todd (1984). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan menggunakan kuisioner, perekaman data dan membuat catatan kecil sebagai cara untuk pengambilan data di pantai Seminyak. Data yang telah ada kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan teori yang ada. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, telah ditemukan bahwa ada beberapa penyederhanaan dari segi grammar dan leksikal. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa faktor ekonomi, pendidikan dan sosial berpengaruh pada penggunaan bahasa pijin di pantai Seminyak.

Kata Kunci: Bahasa Pijin, Pedagang acung, Seminyak

  • 1.    Background of the Study

This paper is talking about the variety of English language, which is related to the language which has no native speakers, it is no one’s first language, but it is a contact language (Wardhaugh, 1985:57). The variety of language is called pidginized language, which means that its speaker who wish to be able to communicate with other try to find or improvise a simple code to enable them to do so. This topic is interesting to choose and analyze because we all know that English has a great influence in the world. It is so important to know how pidgin exist in this

globalization era. It is also interesting to know how the vendors express the sentence structure in their job. Pidgin that is spoken by vendors in Seminyak beach Kuta Bali was chosen in this paper to be the objects of observation.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background mentioned above, the problems discussed in this study are as follows:

  • 1.    What kind of language simplification that occur in the pidginized English used by vendors at Seminyak beach Kuta Bali compared to Standard English?

  • 2.    What factors lead the use of Pidgin English at Seminyak beach Kuta Bali?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

According to the problems of the study, the aims of this study are to analyze the kind of language simplification that occur in the pidginized English used by vendors at Seminyak beach Kuta Bali compared to Standard English, and to find out the factors which influence the use of Pidginized English by vendors at Seminyak beach Kuta Bali.

  • 4.    Research Method

Research method explains about the way used by the researcher in doing the research. The methodology that was used in writing this paper consist of three steps, they are data source, data collection, and data analysis.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data were taken by doing observation. They are written and spoken data of the vendors in Seminyak beach Kuta Bali. The written data were gained by giving questionnaires distributed to the vendors. The spoken data were in the form of the conversations of the vendors with foreigners in their daily activities as a vendor in Seminyak beach Kuta Bali.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method and technique used in collecting the data are as follows: Doing observation by watching and listening how vendors used their English in communicating with foreigners, giving 25 vendors questionnaires in order to record their identities and knowing the factors that lead to the use of Pidgin English by them, choosing 15 vendors as sample, recording and note taking the conversation between the vendors and their foreign buyers.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data were qualitatively analyzed based on the related theories. Every sentence in the conversations was identified and then analyzed according to the theories on Sociolinguistics.

  • 5.    The Analysis of Simplified of Language Spoken by Vendors and The Factors that Influence Simplified the Pidginized English at Seminyak Beach

    • 5.1    Simplification Language

  • A.    Positive Forms


  • (1)    This very cheap

  • (2)    This paintings nice, Sir

  • (3)    Special price morning

  • (4)    This serious price

  • (5)    Can bargain this one, Sir

  • (6)    This good than other shops

  • (7)    Tomorrow-tomorrow, see you again


Examples (1) and (2) are having the same case, which both have the absence

of ‘to be’. In examples (1 & 2), the vendor seemed to simplify the sentence. This

sentence (example 1) were lacks of to be “is” after the subject “this” which refers to “the painting” that also omitted by the vendor. The complete sentence should be consisting of at least S+V/to be. Example (1) should be “this is very cheap”.

The same form S + V/to be also must be applied to example (2). Yet, to be “is” in sentence (1) must be replaced with “are” as the second example which refers to plural noun. Thus, the subject “this paintings” must become “these paintings”.

From the data, the declarative sentences that are used by the vendors undergo the simplification in the form of the absence of “to be”. In Bahasa Indonesia, “to be” has the equal function with the word “adalah” which is used when giving the information about something. Moreover, the existence of the word “adalah” in the sentence does not bring much effect for the meaning of the sentence are does not change the meaning of the sentence. However, the verb “be” in English language must absolutely occur because the verb “be” brings the agreement with the subject, especially to show whether it is singular or plural.

In example (3), the expression “price morning” it translated into Bahasa Indonesia means “harga pagi” which is considered a special price given to the customers when the vendors just arrive in the beach and begin to sell their goods in the morning. This expression appears as the translation of the Bahasa Indonesia term “penglaris”, which refers to the first transaction that happens to the vendors in the morning. In Indonesia, “penglaris” is believed to make good transactions along the day for the vendors. And this example should be formed in Present Continuous Tense, in which verb is using the present participle verb –ing (S + V-ing). It is because the vendor is talking about what is happening at the moment of speaking. Therefore, the standard English will be “I am giving you the special morning price.”

In example (4) and (6), again the absence of “to be” has occurred. Both examples must use “is” as to be after “this” as the determiners, which refers to singular noun.

In example (4), the speakers use special terms, they create new expression in order to ease their interaction with their customers. But, of course, those terms are still understandable. These special terms or new expressions are created by mixing the local expressions which have been translated into English. For instance, “serious price” means the “real price.”

Therefore, the standard English for example (4) is “This is the real price.”

Meanwhile in example (6), there is also an error in using degrees of comparison of adjective “good”. In order to compare two or more objects, degrees of comparison needs to be applied to the sentence. In example (6), two objects are being compared, the one belongs to the vendor, and another belongs to the other shop. The comparative degree for “good” is better. The formula for comparative degree sentence is S + to be + comparative degree adjective. Thus, the standard English for example (6) must be “This is better than the other shops’

Example (5) performs errors such as absence of subject, as well as absence of preposition. The problems occur as the result of the intention to simplify the word order and the speakers do not tend to embed them. The sentence in English should be formed by Subject + Verb/to be. In this case, the sentence does not have subject. The subject needed for example (5) that is “You” which refers to the person whom the vendor was talking to. The preposition “for” in order to be followed by noun “this one” is also needed in example (5). The standard English for this sentence must be “You can bargain for this one, Sir”

In example (7), the expression “tomorrow-tomorrow” appears from local vocabulary, Bahasa Indonesia, which means “besok-besok”. In Bahasa Indonesia, “besok-besok” means next time. The vendors simplify the sentence and translate “besok-besok” into “tomorrow-tomorrow”, the sentence should be “See you next time”.

  • B.    Negative Forms

From the data collected in Seminyak Beach, there are some examples of negative instruction:

  • 1.    Not bargain too low, Sir.

  • 2.    No money, no bargain.


Based on the data, the speakers do not seem to be aware of being mistaken in arranging the sentences. They just simplify the use of the word “NOT” and “NO” in certain or any places. The data show the avoidance of auxiliary verb “do” in negative clause, as one of the criteria of pidgin. “No” is used as a negator in the responses. Those data can be compared to Standard English in the sense of its grammatical aspect:

  • 1.    Don’t bargain too low, Sir.

  • 2.    Don’t bargain anything if you don’t have any money.

  • C.    Interrogative Forms

For example:

  • 1)    First time in Bali?

  • 2)    You wanna surfing today?

  • 3)    One water?


In the examples above, there are no subject pronoun, auxiliary, modal or verb before the subject in the interrogative forms. The vendors used the simple expression in offering something or communicating to the tourist, supported by gesture, and by raising their intonation. Besides, some elements of the sentence were also omitted. Those sentences showed the vendors tended to use the simple expression in most


In example (1), there was the absence of subject pronoun, the sentence has no subject pronoun in the beginning of the sentence. Therefore, the rule of word order should be: V/to be + S + P + O. The form was simplified by the vendors in the conversation. Those sentences showed the simple expression used by the vendor in most responses by omitting the subject of the sentence. However, the tourist still understood what the vendors mean. The sentence should be “Is it your first time in Bali?”. As in example (2), the vendors also simplified auxiliary “do” as the operator in the beginning of the interrogative sentence. The sentence should be “Do you want to have surfing today?”. Moreover, in example (3) there was also the simplification of auxiliary “do” in the interrogative form. And the sentence should be “Do you like a bottle of water.”

  • 5.2    The Factors that Influence the Pidginized English at Seminyak Beach

  • A.    The Economy Background

Generally, economic factor is responsible for the existence of pidginized English. In this case, the economic factor is related to tourism sector. In Bali, the understanding of foreign languages, especially English, has been an important part of the development of tourism.

  • B.    The Educational Condition

The result of investigation shows that the people who run the business become vendors are those who did not continue their education after junior high school. They only get their knowledge of English in their school, a few of them are learning English by taking course, and some of them learn English themselves by listening to other people talking English. However, based on the observation, they are not good at in English. In communicating with foreigners, they express their idea just by translating Indonesian or Balinese language into English.

  • C.    The Social Factor

The usage of Balinese language and Bahasa Indonesia in their daily life as the mother language makes the vendors simplify English with those pronunciations and dialect of that language. The vendors also translated some expressions into their mother language that they should have translated into Standard English, but these simplified of English done by the vendors can be understood by the foreigners.

  • 6.    Conclusion

  • A.    Based on the data, there were found some simplifications, such as grammatical, lexical, modal, auxiliary and subject pronoun.

  • B.    Some factors that influenced the pidginized English in Seminyak beach Kuta Bali, were: the economic background of the vendors, the educational condition of the vendors, and the last one was the social factor.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Holmes, Janet.1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. USA : Longman.

Hudson, RA.1980. Sociolinguistics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Randolph Quirk & Sidney Greenbaum.1973. A Comprehensive Grammar of the

English Grammar. USA : Longman.

Todd, Lotero.1984. Modern English: Pidgin and Creoles. England : Basil Blackwell.

Wardhaugh, Ronald.1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Great Britain: Page


Winford, Donald.2010. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language. Colombus: The Ohio State University.