Kadek Ika Dewi Ani
Idiom adalah sesuatu yang yang sering kita ucapkan di setiap percakapan sehari-hari. Namun kadang-kadang sangat susah untuk dimengerti artinya. Khususnya pada saat kita membaca novel terjemahan. Arti dari idioms yang terdapat di novel terjemahan sangat asing bagi pembaca sehingga menyebabkan pembaca kebingunhgan.
Dalam menerjemahkan sebuah novel, kita sangat memerlukan terjemahan yang tepat untuk mendapatkan arti yang sama dari novel yang asli. Terjemahan adalah proses menyampaikan pesan dari novel yang asli. Oleh karena mennerjemahkan adalah proses menyampaikan pesan dalam ke dalam dua bahasa, maka akan bayak masalah yang akan ditemukan pada proses menerjemahkan seperti contohnya kesulitan pada saat menemukan padanannya.
Naskah ini membahas tentang padanan terjemahan dari idiom dalam Novel Bahasa Inggris “ English idioms found in Agatha Christie’s novel The Listerdale Mystery pada novel Bahasa Indonesia Misteri Listerdale oleh Lanny Murtiharjana. Teori yang digunakan berhubungan dengan kesamaan terjemahan dari idioms dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya. Idioms yang ditemukan diklasifikasikan ke dalam kata kerja, kata benda, kata sifat dan kata depan. Idioms diidentifiksi dan diklasifikasikan menggunakan klasifikasi berdasarkan klasifikasi dari Fathuddin. Dan dalam menganalisa terjemahan idiom akan digunakan teori dari Catford dan Larson yaitu non figurative dan figurative expressions.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan non figurative expressions yaitu penerjemah menterjemahkan idioms dari novel bahasa inggris kedalam bentuk terjemahan non idioms di dalam novel terjemahan atau menggunakan figurative expression dimana penterjemah menggunakan terjemahannya sebagai pengganti dari idioms dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam hal ini pengganti idioms bisa saja digunakan sebagai penganti idioms kalau memiliki arti yang sama dengan idioms dalam bahas Inggrisnya.
Kata Kunci : Idiom, Terjemahan, Persamaan
Translation is an important process. The study of it has become one of the crucial studies in linguistics. Language is part of culture, and therefore, translation, which mean by an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in a language for a text in another cannot be done adequately without the knowledge of the two cultures as well as the knowledge of the language structures.
Many books, novels, poetry are written in English. We can get a lot of knowledge from them but some people who cannot understand English need translation of those books in their own language. At the time, novel is very interesting to be read, because we can get a lot of benefits for our daily lives. We can learn how to solve our problem from the story of the novel or it can be a mirror of our lives. We don’t realize that novel consists of a lot of words phrases whose meanings are not the combination of the meanings of individual words. Idioms are something common in our daily conversation, but sometimes it is difficult to understand the meaning, especially when we read a translated novel. It sounds so unfamiliar to the readers and it caused the readers to be confused. (for example: a blue rose). We cannot say that the meaning of it is a rose which has a blue color. But in idioms, it means that impossible. When we read an English novel and then we read its translation, sometimes we get different sense in both of those novels.
Based on the background and the empirical studies, two problems can be formulated as follows:
1. What kinds of idioms are found in the SL novel ?
2. What are the meaning equivalences of those English idioms in Indonesian?
From the problems that rise above, the aims of this study are:
1. To identity and describe the English idioms in the novel The Listerdale Mystery by Agatha Christie
2. To analyze the equivalences of idioms used in the novel The Listerdale Mystery by Agatha Christie in ( Their Translation in Misteri Listerdale by Lanny Murtiharjana.
Based on the problem above and to limit the scope of study, there are two aspects of idiom which are:
1. To identify the classes of the English idioms used in the novel The Listerdale Mystery by Agatha Christie.
2. To analyze the equivalences of idioms used in the novel The Listerdale Mystery by Agatha Christie Into Their Translation Misteri Listerdale by Lanny Murtiharjana.
In this study, the data was are from the English novel “The Listerdale Mystery” by Agatha Christie and its translation “Misteri Listerdale” by Lanny Murtiharjana. The reason for choosing this novel as the data source of this writing is that the novel contains many idioms.
The method that was used to collect the data is library research. The data were collected by reading and identifying the English idioms that found in the SL and determine them into RL.
The data were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. The collected data were classified into verb, noun, adjective and adverb. The data were analyzed to find the equivalences by comparing the idioms found in the English novel “The Listerdale Mystery” by Agatha Christie with the translated novel in Indonesian “Misteri Listerdale“ by Lanny Murtiharjana.
Based on the foregoing analysis and discussion, the following points can be drawn as conclusion. In the process of transferring the English idioms from the SL text into the RL text, the translator makes some adjustments because if translating idioms literally the result will usually be nonsense in the receptor language. The adjustment has made the translation natural in the RL as if it is originally written in their native language. Generally, there are two types of adjustments that are adopted, namely following:
(1) . By non figurative expression, that is, the translator translates the idioms of the SL into non idioms in the RL text.
(2) . By figurative expression, that is, the translator makes substitution of the SL idiom by the RL idioms.
An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot be inferred from the meaning of it is part. And In this novel, we just analyze twenty one idioms fifteen of them were translated nonfiguratively into RL, and two of them were translated figuratively into RL. There are eight verbs, three nouns, three adverbs and three adjectives was found in nonfigurative translation, one adverb, one verb and two
nouns were found in figurative translation. All of the idioms from the SL are translated into RL.
The translator were looking for the most natural and accurate way to express his meaning. Therefore, the form of the translation may be quite different from the form of the source text, even when the concepts are shared between the two languages. One must be remember that in the process of translating the idioms from SL text into RL text, should be viewed on the basis of their meaning, message, and function. And to make a good translation, a good adjustment is needed.
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