Borrowing in The Novel The Hound of The Baskervilleand Its Translation
Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019
p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X
Humanis: Journal of Arts and Humanities
Vol 24.2 Mei 2020: 129-134
Borrowing in The Novel The Hound of The Baskerville and Its Translation
Agus Yuda Renanda Sanditha*, I G A G Sosiowati.
English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University [[email protected]],[[email protected]] Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
This study is aimed to find out the types of Borrowing that is used in translation of the novel The Hound of the Baskerville and the dominant type of borrowing in used. The data were taken from a novel entitled “The Hound of The Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and its translation in Indonesia by Dina Begum. This study used library method to collected the data from the novel. To analyse the data, this study used qualitative method. As for analysis of data presentation, this study used formal and in-formal method. The finding showed there are two type of borrowing used in the novel they are Pure Borrowing and Naturalized Borrowing. The dominant type of borrowing is Naturalized Borrowing with 138 data.
Keywords: Translation Procedure, borrowing, novel.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis-jenis borrowing yang digunakan di terjemahan pada novel The Hound of the Baskerville dan jenis borrowing yang paling banyak digunakan. Data ini diambil dari sebuah novel yang berjudul “The Hound of The Baskerville” oleh Sir Arthur Conan Doyle dan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Dina Begum. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Kepustakaan untuk mengumpulkan data dari novel tersebut. Untuk menganalisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan ada 2 jenis borrowing yang digunakan di novel yaitu Pure Borrowing dan Naturalized Borrowing. Jenis borrowing yang paling banyak digunakan adalalah Naturalized Borrowing dengan jumlah 138 data.
Kata kunci: Prosedur Terjemahan, Borrowing, Novel.
Language is an important for people in the world. It is condidered tobe the best means of communication to express ideas, feeling and information in society. According to Chomsky (1972), “Language is one characteristic that is unique to humans among all other living beings”. In monolingual society, they only understand their own language. In order to comunivate with other society
with different language, they need a translation of meaning.
Now days, translation becomes one of the most important process to transfer idea, feeling and information across languages. The translator must keep the meaning of the Source Language (SL) text intact into the Target Language (TL). Since ther are no absolute sinonimuos, the translator must find the closest natural meaning equivalent between the source language and the target language.
Info Article | |
Received : |
29th July 2019 |
Accepted : |
5thMay 2020 |
Publised : |
31st May 2020 |
Many fields of life have been touched by the phenomena of translation, such as IT, education, t, tourism, literari work and so on. Literary work such as novel is the most important thing tobe translated, because through literary work people may free their feeling from everyday routine. .
Novel is the most favourable thing to be read among people in their free time. Novel considered as a breakthrough to an imaginary world for people to escape their real lives. People can feel entertained when they are reading a novel, as novel mostly contain very compelling stories which people might find interesting things, events or places., One of the most compelling novels is The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle (1902), which is translated into Indonesian by Dina Begum. This novel would be the data due to its translation has a high amount of borrowing phenomenon.
Based on background, there are some interesting problems: What kinds of borrowing found in translation on the Novel of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?, What is the most dominant type of borrowing used in translation of the novel “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?. Based on the problems above, the study aims to: To find out the type of borrowing found in Novel of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To find out the most dominant type of borrowing in the translation of the novel “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Methodology is an important procedure to conduct a scientific
research. The data of this study was taken from the English Novel The Hound of the Baskervilles written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1902 and its Indonesian translation by Dina Begum in 2013. This novel tells the story of the hound of Baskerville that always makes the Baskerville family suffer. Doctor Mortimer goes to meet detective Holmes to discover why Sir Charles died and tell him about Sir Henry, the heir of Baskerville wealth will come to inhabit the Baskerville residence. Many notable incidents happened since the arrival of Sir Henry in the Baskerville residence, starting from warnings, stalkers, and love affairs. During his stay in Baskerville residence, Sir Henry is accompanied by Dr. Watson according to Detective Holmes' decision. At that time Dr. Watson went to the swamp to meet the person he had seen from afar. And finally, he met Detective Holmes who had been watching over them. Dr. Watson relates what happened while watching Sir Henry to Sherlock Holmes, and vice versa, until finally they got all the information and strong evidence about the hound. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went to the Baskerville house and was greeted by Sir Henry in a happy mood. Sir Henry informed that tomorrow night Sir Henry was invited to come to a neighbour’s house to drink wine and intend to invite Sherlock Holmes and also Dr. Watson to come visit too. But Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson could not come because there were still other matters to be resolved. With sadness Sir Henry allowed Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to return home. But actually, it is a tactic made by Sherlock Holmes to find the culprit. The next night, Sir Henry visited the neighboring house alone and Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson waited around the neighbor's house. When Sir Henry finished and returned home, suddenly a large black dog came behind
him and try to attacked Sir Henry. Instantly Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were silent stiff because the dog was different from the dog they had seen before. Until finally Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Mortimer pulled out and directed his Revolver to the big dog and finally the dog could be killed and they success to save Sir Henry. There have been puzzles and rumors about the curse of the Baskerville Hound that has been haunting the people around the swamps. Finally, the Curse of the Baskerville Dog has vanished due to Sherlock Holmes and also Dr. Watson.
The method of collecting data was documentation and observation method. There are three steps for data collection: a. Reading and scanning the novel to find out the borrowing procedure phenomenon;
b. Collecting all the words that contain the type of borrowing procedures on the novel from SL and the TL;
c. Listing SL and TL words in which the borrowing procedures occurred in the novel.
The collected data was analyzed qualitatively with the following steps:
a. Defining the word classes by using an online tool named LinguaKit (;
b. Classifying the kind of Borrowing Procedures as stated by Vinay and Darbelnet; and Molina & Albir;
Finnaly, The analysis was presented by formal and informal method.
Pure Borrowing
Pure Borrowing is the expression or word which purely taken from source language or original word into target language without any change. Below is the data that found in the novel.
Source |
Target Language |
Language | |
Would be an |
Akan berharga |
ornament to any |
bagi Museum |
anthropological |
antropologi mana |
Museum (P.9, |
saja (P.15, L.1) |
L.19) |
“Museum” in source language translated into “Museum” in target language. Since there is no any change that found in target language, it could be classify as pure borrowing. “Museum” according to Oxford Dictionary is “A building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited” in source language, while in target language, “Museum” is “gedung yang digunakan sebagai tempat untuk pameran tetap benda-benda yang patut mendapat perhatian umum, seperti peninggalan sejarah, seni, dan ilmu”. Both of source language and target language have the same concept. But the spelling and pronunciation is different. Therefore, the term is being borrowed into the target language. The word “Museum” has a grammatical category as Noun.
Naturalized Borrowing
Naturalized borrowing is the process of naturalizing the word from source language to fit the spelling system in the target language. Below is the naturalized borrowing with the change of spelling.
a. Consonant “c-“ in the beginning of the word into Consonant “k-“
Source Language Target Language CONDUCTOR KONDUKTOR
A change can be seen from consonant “c-“ into consonant “k-“. And there is also a change of consonant “-c” in the middle of the word into “-k-“
b. Consonant “-c-“ in the middle of the word into Consonant “-k-“
Source Language Target Language
A change of consonant”c-” could be seen in the middle of the word into consonant “k-”.
c. Consonant “-c” in the end of the word into Consonant “-k”
Source Language Target Language
A change can be seen from consonant “-c” in the end of the word into consonant “-k”.
d. Combined Consonant “ch” into “k” Source Language Target Language
A change of consonant combining “-ch-“ could be seen in the middle of the word into one consonant “-k-“.
e. Combined Consonant “th” into “t”
Source Language Target Language HYPOTHESIS HIPOTESIS
A change of a consonant combining “-th-“ in the middle of the word into one consonant”-t-”
f. Combined Consonant “ph” into “f”
Source Language Target Language
A change of consonant combining “ph” in the end of the word into one consonant “-f”.
g. Consonant “c” into “s”
Source Language Target Language SPECIALIST SPESIALIS
A change of consonant “c“ could be seen in the middle of the word into one consonant “s“.
h. Combined Vowel into Single Vowel
Source Language Target Language
A change of vowel combination “-ou-“ in the middle of the word into single vowel“-u-“ in the target language.
i. Double Consonant into Single Consonant
Source Language Target Language
change of double consonant “-ff“ in the end of the word into consonant“-f“ in the target language
j. Element “-ive” into “-if”
Source Language Target Language
A change of element “-ive“ in the end of the word into single consonant“-if“ in the target language
k. Element “-sion” into “-si”
Source Language Target Language
A change of element “-sion“ in the end of the word into “-si“ in the target language
l. Element “-tion” into “-si”
Source Language Target Language
A change of element “-tion“ in the end of the word into “-si“ in the target language
m. Element “-x” into “-ks”
Source Language Target Language
A change of element “-s-“ could be seen in the middle of the word into “-ks-“.
n. Element “-y” into “-i”
Source Language Target Language
A change of element “-y-“ could be seen in the end of the word into “-i“.
Based on foregoing analysis the conclusion of this study is that the traslator use both Pure and Naturalized borrowing process. Pure Borrowing is the expression or word which purely taken from source language or original word into target language without any change and Naturalized Borrowing is the process of naturalizing the word from source language to fit the spelling system in the target language.
In term of the dominant type of borrowing procedure, the most accured process is the Naturalized borrowing with the total of 138 data.
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