p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X

Humanis: Journal of Arts and Humanities

Vol 24.2 Mei 2020: 109-116

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/JH.2020.v24.i02.p01

Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019

Language Style in Romantic Movies

Ni Made Ayu Juliana Dewi*, I Nyoman Tri Ediwan, I Made Suastra English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University [[email protected]]

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia *Corresponding Author


This study aims to find out the types of language style in romantic movies and what is the dominant type of language style that found in romantic movies. The data were taken from romantic movie entitled The Last Song (2010) and Midnight Sun (2018). The data were collected by using documentation method by applying qualitative audio-visual materials technique. In analysing the data, this study used both qualitative method and quantitative method and for the presenting data and analysis, formal and informal method were used. The data were analyzed using theory of language style by Joos (1976) and theory of context situation by Hymes (1974). The result shows that all types of language style are found in Romantic movie. In The Last Song (2010) movie could be found frozen style, formal style, consultative style, intimate style and casual style. Meanwhile in Midnight Sun (2018) movie there are only formal style, consultative style, intimate style and casual style. The dominant type found in romantic movies is intimate style, while the least is frozen style.

Key words: Language style, types, romantic movie


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis – jenis gaya Bahasa dalam film – film romantis dan apa jenis gaya bahasa dominan yang ditemukan dalam film – film romantis. Data penelitian ini diambill dari film – film romantis yang berjudul The Last Song (2010) dan Midnight Sun (2018). Data – data tersebut dikumpulkan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan dengan menerapkan Teknik bahan audio-visual kualitatif. Dalam menganalisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dan menyajikan analisis data dengan metode formal dan informal. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori gaya bahasa oleh Joos (1976) yang juga teori konteks situasi oleh Hymes (1974). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis gaya bahasa ditemukan dalam film romantis. Dalam film The Last Song (2010) ditemukan gaya beku, gaya formal, gaya konsultatif, gaya intim dan gaya kasual. Sementara itu dalam film Midnight Sun (2018) hanya ditemukan gaya formal, gaya konsultatif, gaya intim dan gaya kasual. Jenis dominan yang ditemukan dalam film romantis adalah gaya intim, sedangkan yang paling sedikit adalah gaya beku.

Kata kunci: gaya bahasa, jenis, film romantis.


Info Article

Received        :    11th July 2019

Accepted       :   5th May 2020

Publised        :   31st May 2020


In society there are a lot of language variation occur that makes a different style for each society. In using language, people have different way to express their feeling or thought according to the context and situation.

Holmes (2013:239) stated that language varies according to its uses as well as its users, according to where it is used and to whom, as well as according to who is using it. The addressees and the context affect our choice of code or variety, whether language, dialect or style.

Variation of language can be shown by the fact that speakers can adopt different style of speaking or called language style. According to Waldaugh (2006: 53) you can speak very formally or very informally; your choice being governed by circumstances. Ceremonial occasions almost invariably require very formal speech, public lectures somewhat less formal, casual conversation quite informal, and conversations between intimates on matters of little importance may be extremely informal and casual.

There are some related researchers have been done previously. Those previous research have their own specification related to the subject and object of the research in order to conduct this research, the writer read some previous researches as the example and literature review.

The first article written by Tololiu (2017) entitled Language Styles with Reference to the Movie Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. The aims of this thesis to identify the language style used by all characters in the movie including the types of language style and also factors influencing the characters to use the language.

The second article written by Jawas (2015) entitled Language Style Used by Fangirls in Japanese Idol Online

Community. The aims of this study to identify the written language style and its meaning that is used by Fangirls in Japanese Idol online community and another aim is to present jargon used in Japanese idol online community.

The third undergraduate thesis that written by Lailah (2015) entitled An Analysis of Language Style used in “Two fast and Two Furious” movie. The aims of this study to describe some kinds of language style and describe when that language style used.

The fourth article that written by Simamora (2016) entitled Language Style Found in Indonesian Movies. The aims of this study to identify kinds of language style and tries to find the most dominant language style usage employed on the Five Indonesian movies.

Another one that written by Jamil and Nasrum (2018) entitled Language Style Used in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. The aim of this research is to find out the kind of language styles used by Albus and the social factors that influence his utterances in this novel.

Language style can occur in every conversation and dialogues. Generally, when watch a movie, the focus of the audience only about the story and actors in the movie. But in the other hand, the way actors conveying language and style that the used are often ignored. Thus, it is so interesting to know language style in a movie. There are a lot of movies in different genre in this world and one of them is romantic movie.

Based on the background of study above, the problems are:

  • a.    What types of Language style are occurs in romantic movies based on Martin Joos’s Theory?

  • b.    Which types of language style are dominant in romantic movies?

The aims of this study are:

  • a.    To find out type and describe the type of language style in romantic movie.

  • b.    To find out the dominant type of language style in romantic movies.


Methodology is very important and it provides the crucial steps that are used in conducting scientific research. The research method used in this study classified into three parts:

Data Source

Data source of this study is primary data which is kind of spoken data that were taken from the dialogues between the actors and actress in The Last Song (2010) and also Midnight Sun (2018) movies. Data were taken from Layar Kaca 21 that is a website that provide all movies that had been played in cinema. The Last Song (2010) and also Midnight Sun (2018) movies were chosen as the data because these movies so relevant with the study since talk about language style in romantic movie, there are a lot of situation that makes the actress convey their language with different styles according to the context and situation. These movies are so interesting to compare each other since both of them are best romantic movie but in different year.

Method and Technique of Collecting Data

Data collection is important to determine the data of the study. Method that is used in data collection is documentation method. The data were collected from the conversation in the movies. There were several steps applied in collecting the data: First, the movies and also the subtitles; second, watch the movies while reading the subtitle to make sure the correct words; third, understanding the script and movie; and finally, give mark using highlighter pen

and coded the utterances in the transcript that include types of the language styles. analysis the language style.

Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The steps in analyzing data are describing the types of language style that used in The Last Song (2010) and also Midnight Sun (2018) movies by theory type of language style that proposed by Joos (1976) and supported with theory context of situation by Hymes (1974) in understanding the context of situation.

Method and Technique of Presenting Data

Technique of presenting data were both used formal and informal method, since used words and sentence to explain the analysis but also used table to present the data analysis.


The analysis was done base on the theory type of language style proposed by Joos (1967) and also used theory context of situation proposed by Hymes (1974) as the supported theory.

Types of Language Style

  • a.    Frozen style

Data 1 (The Last Song movie) (01:07:43 – 01:07:47)

Priest: Do you, Philip Louis, take this woman, Megan Blakelee, to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live?

Philip: I do

Priest: You may now kiss the bride.

This conversation happened between Priest and Philip at Will’s house garden. The priest said wedding vow of Will’s sister to Philip and Philip as the fiancé of Will’s sister answered it explicitly. This situation was solemn and calm where

everyone listened to the wedding vow. The sentence “Do you, Philip Louis, take this woman, Megan Blakelee, to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live?” can be concluded that the priest uses Frozen style because that conversation does in very formal situation and cannot be change. Besides of that, that conversation also lacks of participation so the other hearer does not permit to responses. All of them are suitable with the characteristic of Frozen style.

Data 2 (Midnight Sun)

There is no frozen style on Midnight Sun

  • b.    Formal style

Data 1 (The Last Song movie) (00:31:26 – 00:32:01) Steve: Good evening Will: Hello, sir.

Steve: hey. You mind?

Will: yes sir. I understand, sir.

This conversation happened between Stave and Will, they talked face to face at seashore in tense situation that felt by Will. It began when Ronnie met Will who is the volunteer from the aquarium. They were sitting on the beach at evening to guard the turtle eggs from raccoon. They decided to sleep there and suddenly Steve; Ronnie’s father came to visit them and made a line in the middle of them in order to make a limit between them. The conversation above was about Stave that made a line at sand and asked Will was it fine for him.

Language style that is used by Will to Steve is Formal style it can be seen from the sentences “Hello, sir” and “yes sir. I understand, sir”. That sentences indicate Formal style because it uses sentences structure that shows less intimacy, the speaker are very careful to use choice of words, pronunciation and the speaker also uses the word “sir” to call Steve. Another reason is because that

conversation happened in Formal situation, it can be seen from the expression of Will and contextual meaning that happened. Will used that language to make it more polite because it was the first time Will meet Ronnie’s dad.

Data 2 (Midnight Sun) (00:39:25– 00:39:29) Jack: Is that what you go by? You go by Charlie and not Chuck or Chuckie or C-town?

Charlie: No sir, I… just Charlie

Jack: Charlie, okay. You ever been arrested?

Charlie: No, sir.

This conversation took place at Katie’s home at the night, Charlie came to Katie’s home to ask permission from Jack as the father of Katie because they were leaving the city together. Jack and Charlie sat together while waiting Kattie for dressing up. Charlie was very nervous when Jack asked about himself. Since it was the first time Charlie met Jack.

Language style that is used by Charlie to Jack is Formal style it can be seen from the sentences “No, sir, I… just Charlie” and “No sir”. That sentences indicate Formal style because it uses sentences structure that shows less intimacy, the speaker are very careful choice of words, pronunciation and Charlie uses the word “sir” to call. Another reason, that conversation happened in formal situation, it can be seen from the expression of Charlie and contextual meaning that happened. Charlie uses that language to make it more polite because it was the first time Charlie meets Katie’s father.

  • c.    Consultative Style

Data 1 (The Last Song) (01:07:13 – 01:07:27) Will: Ronnie!

Ronnie: Do I look all right?

Will: Yeah

Ronnie came to Will’s house to attend the wedding of Will's sister. She looked beautiful to make Will fixate on him. Will smiled at Ronnie and Ronnie asked about his appearance that day. This conversation took place in a semi-formal situation and there were two participants who have a conversation namely Ronnie and Will.The conversation above is categorized Consultative style because the sentence “Do I look all right?” shows how Ronnie needs a response from the Will and Will responses it shortly with the word “Yeah” which is suitable with the standard signal of Consultative style. Beside of that this conversation happened in semi-formal situation which is also suitable with the characteristic of Consultative style.

Data 2 (Midnight Sun) (00:19:09– 00:19:14) Charlie: Can I walk with you?

Katie: Um, yeah.

There were two participants in the conversation, Katie and Charlie. This conversation was taking place at Train station. Katie that left her notebook back to station to pick it up. But there Charlie stood while brought Katie’s notebook. Katie was feeling so shy and then Katie told Charlie, she wanted to walk to home. But Charlie who had an interest on Katie wanted to follow Katie so he asked to walked together. The situation was in semiformal situation since it was the first time Charlie met Katie but they tried to talk casually. The conversation above uses Consultative style since the speaker gives suggestion and the addresser response shortly with the standard signals of Consultative style “Um, yeah”. So that it can be conclude this conversation is Consultative style.

  • d.    Intimate style Data 1 (The Last Song) (00:02:01 – 00:02:03) Jonah : Dad!

Steve : Hi, Joe-Boy. How are you, man?

This conversation happened when Jonah and his sister and mother arrived at his Father’s home. Jonah who just arrived to called his father. Stave responded and they hugged each other. The situation was very relaxed and warm where they were happy to meet each other after separating long enough. As seen in conversation above, Jonah uses Intimate Style, it can be seen in the word “Dad” that come from extraction of Daddy, Jonah uses that because he has really close relationship, that is between son and father, in other hand Steve also uses Intimate Style, it can be seen at the word “Joe-Boy”. Steve uses that word to call his son which is “Joe” stands for the name of his son, Jonah and “Boy” is used to say that Jonah still child. This conversation indicates Intimate Style because it uses private language, meanwhile this conversation also happened between dad and son that has close relationship, that suitable with the characteristic of Intimate Style.

Data 2 (Midnight Sun) (00:23:36– 00:23:58)

Morgan: Mr.! May I present Katherine Price of Washington.

Jack: Wow. Peanut... you look amazing.

This conversation was taking place at Katie’s house in relaxed situation when Morgan was trying to dress Katie, started from choosing clothes and also did make up. Katie that never dressed up before looked different and beautiful. That is why when Jack was looking her daughter, he was very happy and was stunned to see the beauty of his daughter.

The conversation above uses Intimate style, it can be seen from the words “wow peanut… you look

amazing”. The word “peanut” here has meaning implicitly. It does not mean a peanut kind of food but it means love and word to show affection. Jack uses that word indicates Intimate style since that adressed to her daughter that means they have close relationship and this word also kind of jargon so that it is suitable for the characteristic of Intimate style.

  • e.    Casual style

Data 1 (The Last Song) (00:04:06 – 00:04:08) Will: You Ok?

Ronnie : I would rather drink my milkshake than wear it, but I’m fine.

The conversation above happened at seashore when Ronnie was walking at seashore. Will accidentally threw a ball and hit Ronnie’s head when Ronnie held on a strawberry shake that made the drink spilled onto Ronnie’s clothes. Ronnie felt upset but she was trying to calm down. She answered sarcastically when Will asked about her condition after was hit by the ball.

The words that is used by Will for the first time they met are indicates Casual style because it happened in informal situation with less grammar and short sentence. In other hand, language that is used by Will indicates Casual style because it is suitable with the characteristic of Casual style that addressed to a stranger, but it serves to make someone an insider simply by treating someone as an insider.

Data 2 (Midnight Sun) (00:09:21– 00:09:27)

Charlie’s friend: What… what are you doing?

Charlie: Dodging another bullet.

Charlie’s Friend: C’mmon, dude. It’s our graduation night.

Charlie: I’m not feeling it, boys.

This conversation was taking place when Charlie and his friends were

celebrating their graduation but because Charlie still felt bad about his condition that he could not swim again so he decided to go home first. While Charlie’s friends are trying to convince him to stay because that day is their graduation day. This conversation indicates Casual style. Since it is taking place in informal situation at the graduation party. Beside of that, this conversation indicates Casual style because the sentence “C’mmon, dude…” kind of slang word from “Come on” and the word “dude” also slang word from the word “brother”. The characteristic of Casual style is using slang word and used in informal situation between close friends.

Dominant Type of Language Style

Types of Language style



Frozen style



Formal style






style Intimate




Casual style






The table above shows the frequency types of language style in The Last Song (2010) and Midnight sun (2018) that are analyzed. The types of language style in Romantic movies can be seen from the previous analysis that has been completed. In The Last song (2010) movie, all types of language styles exist, ranging from frozen style, formal style, consultative style, intimate style and casual style. But in Midnight Sun (2018) movie not all types of language style are found, only formal style, consultative style, intimate style and casual style, while frozen style is not found. So that

base on the frequency that are found. It can be concluded that intimate style is the most dominant type in romantic movies since romantic movie generally uses informal language and sharing about affection between the characters.


Based on the analysis, it is found that the type of language style of Romantic Movie is Frozen style, Formal style, Consultative style, Casual style, and Intimate style. Meanwhile the types of language style that found in Midnight sun movie (2018) are Formal style, consultative style, Casual style, and Intimate style. The most type used is Intimate style because in romantic movie there were a lot of moments to share feelings with close relationship. So that the most type of language style is Intimate style. On the other hand, the least found is Frozen Style.


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