Language Planning in Tolkien’s the Fellowship of the Rings

Fatchur Rozi

English Department, Udayana University Abstract

Paper ini khusus mentelaah language planning yang ada dalam film lord the rings serial pertama yang berjudul; The fellowship of the Rings. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui strategi apa yang di gunakan dalam film the fellowship of the ring, dan apa tujuan language planning dalam film tersebut. Data untuk paper ini diperoleh dari satu film “Lord of the rings; The fellowship of the Rings,dan juga script dari film tersebut. Metode dan tekhnik pengumpulan datanya. Dengan melihat dan mengerti film, membaca original scrip the fellowship of the rings, mengumpulkan original data yang sesuai dengan pembahasan, dan mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan tipe bahasa.

Temuan yang diperoleh dari analisis language planning in tolkien’s the fellowship of the rings adalah strategy language planning yangg di gunakan dalam film ini adalah corpus planning strategy. Corpus planning disini menciptakan kata-kata atau ekspresi baru dan memodifikasi kata atau ekspresi lama. Dan standarisai bahasa yang melibatkan penyusunan ejaan,tata bahasa, dan kamus untuk bimbingan penulis dan pembicara.Dan temuan keduanya adalah tujuh bahasa baru yang di ciptakan oleh Tolkien, yaitu Elvish language, Khuzdul, Black Speech, Entish (Old and New Entish), Men and Wizards language.

Kata Kunci: Perencanaaan Bahasa, Modifikasi kata, dan Bahasa baru

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Language planning covers a wide variety of activities including the introduction of new labels for fruit, the reform of spelling systems, and the provision of advice on non-sexist terminology such as Ms and chairperson. It also includes the development of national languages and standard dialects, Holmes, (1992:128).

The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes in The Lord of the Rings, an epic set in the fictional world of Middle-earth. The Lord of the Rings is an entity named Sauron, the Dark Lord, who long ago lost the One Ring that 2

contains much of his power. His overriding desire is to reclaim the Ring and use it to enslave all of -Middle-earth.

In this research, the researcher expressed the language planning in Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring based on Tolkien’s language planning under the title “Language Planning in Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring : The Fellowship of the Rings”.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

The problems that arise related to the Language Planning in the First Trilogy of Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Ring can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What is the strategy of the language planning used in the movie of The Fellowship of the Ring?

  • 2.    What is the aim of the language planning used in the movie?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems above, the aims of the study are:

  • 1.    To find out the strategy of the language planning used in the movie The Fellowship of the Ring

  • 2.    To find out the aim of the language planning in the movie the Fellowship of the Ring

  • 4.    Research Method

Research method explains how we do the research. It can be defined as the procedure on the method used in writing a scientific paper, which in this case includes the method of determination of the data source, of collecting the data and how the data will be analyzed.

  • 4.1.    Data Source

Data were extracted from movie The Fellowship of the Ring (2001); it is the first of three volumes in The Lord of the Rings and the original script movie The Fellowship of the Ring.

  • 4.2.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

There are several steps done by the reseacher to get the data, those are:

  • 1.    Watching and understanding the film

  • 2.    Reading the original script of The Fellowship of the Rings

  • 3.    Collecting the data in original script related with the study

  • 4.    Classifying the data based on the type of language planning

  • 4.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

Firstly the data were classified into language features used by all the characters from different races in order to identify language constructed which belong the strategy of language planning by Tolkien as a linguist. Secondly, the data were analyzed to find the aim of the language planning. The theory used is theory of Sociolinguistics by Jones & Singh (2005).

  • 5.    Analysis

    Strategy of Language Planning

According to Jones & Singh (2005), language planning strategies tend to be manifested within two particular areas, status planning and corpus planning and in the movie Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Rings, Tolkien used corpus planning strategy.

Corpus Planning Strategy

Corpus planning refers to prescriptive intervention in the forms of a language. This may be achieved by creating new words or expressions, modifying old ones, or selecting among alternative forms.

The Elvish Language

The languages were the first thing Tolkien created for his mythos, starting with what he originally called "Qenya", the first primitive form of Elvish. This was later called Quenya and is one of the two most complete of Tolkien's languages.


The Dwarvish language sounds much like Hebrew, and indeed Tolkien noted some similarities between Dwarves and Jews: both were at once natives and aliens in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue. Another reason why Hebrew was chosen as a basis for Khuzdul is that it is unlike any of the European languages, and thus sufficiently alien to western ears to show just how different the Dwarven speech was from the Elvish languages.

Black Speech

Sauron created the Black Speech, as an artificial language, to be the sole language of all the servants of Mordor. Unlike Elvish, there are no poems or songs written in it (apart from the Ring's inscription), and because Tolkien designed it to be unpleasant.


Entish is a constructed language from the fictional works of J.R.R. Tolkien's, it is the language spoken by the Ents in Middle-earth. Ents are not hasty creatures; they take their time. There are actually two different languages: Old Entish and "New Entish" Old Entish Language

Old Entish language is the sonorous, rumbling and ancient language of the Ents, a language quite unlike those used by Elves or Men. Entish was a slow and thoughtful language for a slow and thoughtful people, in which words and names told the story of the things they described. This is perhaps part of the reason for 5

the Ents' shyness about names, considering their own Entish names to be private things only to be told to trusted friends.

New Entish Language

Due to contact with the Elves, the Ents learned much from them. The Ents found the Elvish language to be a lovely language, and adapted it after their fashion to everyday use. However, they basically adapted the vocabulary to Old Entish grammatical structure. Thus, unlike Old Entish, the individual words of New Entish that characters such as Treebeard spoke were easily translatable.

Men Language

The race of Men refers to Mankind and does not denote gender. Therefore, it can also refer to the females of this race. They are distinct from the various Man-like races, though some, like the hobbits, are probably Men in origin, and others are thought by some characters to be Men, such as the Wizards.

Wizards Language

Some have objected to The Lord of the Rings because it features wizards, which can mean a 'caster of spells.' However, Tolkien's wizards more like 'wise men' or even 'messengers.' Tolkien, a lifelong philologist and devoted Catholic, deliberately used the word wizard, as it connoted 'wisdom' and conveniently conveyed to the reader the 'other worldly' powers of the characters.

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

In the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring movie there were some findings that can be found in relation to language planning. The first finding in the movie was the strategy used by Tolkien, he used Corpus Planning strategy. The second finding was seven languages created by Tolkien or also called constructed language. The constructed languages in the movie were Elvish language, Khuzdul, Black Speech, Entish (Old and New Entish), Men and Wizards language.6

The third finding was about the aim of the language planning by Tolkien. The aim was the achievement of linguistic purism and assimilation. The key word to find out the aim in this movie was aesthetic. Among the seven constructed languages by Tolkien, each can be seen having it own art even for the Black Language that used by Orcs.7


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