Vika Maisaroh
Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana
Bahasa verbal adalah bahasa yang di gunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan melalui text tulisan yang dapat mewakili perasaan, pemikiran, dan menjelaskan sesuatu, sedangkan bahasa visual adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi yang dilakukan melalui gambar, warna, dan simbol yang dapat menggambarkan sebuah pesan yang berbentuk imajinasi sang pembuat, yang sering digunakan pada sebuah iklan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagian-bagian dari iklan dan mengetahui pesan atau makna di dalamnya untuk mencari persamaan dan perbedaannya.
Data untuk penelitian ini di ambil dari cover majalah FORSEL edisi April dan Mei 2012. Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dengan metode dokumentasi dan tehnik mencatat. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data dan disajikan secara deskriptif.
Kata Kunci: Bahasa Verbal, Bahasa Visual, Iklan
Advertising as a form of communication was used to persuade audience (viewers, readers, or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Based on the theory proposed by Dyer (1993:2) “Advertising means drawing attention to something or notifying or informing somebody of something”.
The language used at the advertisement is different from language used in daily conversation. The advertisers compete to create attractive advertisement. The Combination of color, symbol, picture, or even text with some kind of style intended to deliver the message present on the advertisement and persuade the reader. In this case, the advertiser use verbal and visual signs that mostly have connotative meaning based on (Leech, 1981: 12) “Connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above it purely conceptual content ”
1. What are the components of verbal and visual language presented on the cover of FORSEL magazines on April and May editions ?
2. What the differences and similarities are presented on the cover of FORSEL magazine on April and May editions?
Based on the problem of study the aims of study are:
1. To analyze the components of verbal and visual language presented in cover of FORSEL Magazines.
2. To explain the differences and similarities of the message found based on the meaning presented in the cover of FORSEL magazines on May and April editions.
Research is a system or procedure used in writing scientific paper, method is the way to do the research. There are three parts of research method used in this study data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data.
Data source is the source from which the data that analyzed were obtains to support validity of the study. The data on this study wer taken from a magazine of cellular consumer’s guidance, namely FORSEL magazine No. 4 April 2012 edition published by Kompas Gramedia. This edition was the special editions, which include some brands of Roockies of 2012 and Sony mobile phone is one of the Rookies that showed in the cover. Another data was taken from Forsel magazine no.5 Mei 2012 this cover magazine was promoted a mobile phone from LG brand. Super Junior the famous Korean boy band was used as the icon for this edition. The combination of verbal and visual language presented on the cover in where its arrange in the good way, interesting and provide all data to analyzed are
the reasons that make the researcher interesting to analyze this magazine as the data source.
The data collected based on library research and there is no respondent involved in this study. Library research is a research which the observation is done in library including reading, and noting the data which related to the topic in this study.
There are some steps to collect the data. First, reading the magazines carefully. Second, taking note to collect the data, after divided the words and the picture to analyze and eliminated unnecessary data. Next, observed the data to find verbal and visual language used in the cover of these magazines.
In analyzing the data, theory of semiotic was used to analyze all verbal and visual signs. Clasiffy the data based on verbal and visual data were classified and the words and the picture in the advertisement, were selected the data using theory of semiotic was selected. After, analyzed the meaning of each sign based on the theory of verbal and visual..
Rresults of the analysis of this study were presented by using descriptive narrative method. The explanation presented by using words and sentences.
5. Data Analysis
5.1 The components of the advertisements and the Presentation of Verbal Language
The verbal languages used in both of SONY EXPERIA and LG Optimus L3 advertisements are formed by text. In addition, the analysis of this study related to Dyer (1986:87) theory about text. He stated that every people interprated and read the text in different way. In this case the researcher also analyzed the meaning of the text by theory of advertisement that proposed by Leech, 1966:59.
The Component of advertisements
a. Headlines
The headline of these advertisements are placed on the top of page cover and written in capital letters with white color. The headline of these magazines are placed under the subtitle of the magazines “ CELLULAR CONSUMER GUIDANCE” , this subtitle are explained the purpose of information served on those magazines, that especially for them who love cellular and consumer who want to get information about cellular marketing, these magazine are the guidance.
Forsel’s word with capital letters and bold style consist of two words “FOR” and “SELULAR” is the headline, it’s show the focus information served in this magazine is only about cellular includes low technology mobile phone and high technology mobile phone.
b. Body Copies
The body copy consists of two texts , which explained the content of magazine and related to the pictures that advertised SONY EXPERIA and LG optimus L3. The body copy placed on the middle of the magazines. SPECIAL EDITION is the first text that showed on the cover of Forsel Magazines April edition. This edition, is special edition. The words used to take reader attention and make them more interesting is 50 + ROOKIES of 2012 where it is the second text. This text are put between two chessboard flag in the right and left .White color of text is art of chessboard theme. The font size of this text are bigger than the text before, it’s mean the advertiser try to persuade the reader to put more attention to the words. They also used incommon words to make them desire to buy the magazine. ROOKIES based on the theme, the ilustration and the content of the magazine is name of a group sellular mobile phone with high technology operating system.
LG optimus L3 is the name of mobile phone brand, TEEN DROID SPIRIT is the slogan for this product where, it’s mean android system operation is used in this mobile phone. Beside, TEEN is short word from teenagers.The advertiser used the word TEEN with purposed to persuade teenagers and put them
up as number one target marketing.The advertiser also put spirit word to demonstrate the feel of cheerfulnese, colourfull life, powerful and energic which identic with teenagers.This mobile phone is recomend for them who life with spirit.
c. Signature lines
The signature line of this advertisement stand in the top left of page, mentioning the trademark, a branded name written in capital letters. The words BlackBerry,IOS,ANDROID, and WINDOWS PHONE are name trademark that advertised and explained on the magazine. All information about those is presented on the magazine.
d. Standing details
The standing details of this advertisement are placed on the right bottom of page. It has explained the company that published the magazine. Includes price for the magazine inside and outside city, number of published, and date of published.
e. Illustrations
The illustration of SONY EXPERIA SOLA advertisement are used Chessboard style with black and white color, some brand names ( NOKIA, Apple, Motorolla, HUAWEI, BlackBerry, SAMSUNG, ZTE ) placed randomly in white board. The brand name in this magazine illustrate as the Chess. This magazine basicly ilustrate the competition of celluler mobile phone in marketing product, they are fight to be the best mobile phone product with high technology system operation. All products with high technology set in ROOKIES of 2012.
The advertisement of LG Optimus L3 illustrated perfomance of Korean Boy Band on the stage. They are perfome while holding on LG optimus L3 mobile phone. The audiances seems pointing their finger to them and rise their hand, some of them also look interesting to what are they holding on.
5.3. Visual Signs
The visual signs of the advertisement are in the form of pictures, which occupies almost half of the space of the advertisement. The analysis of presentation of visual sign based on signifier-signified concept proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure (1985) and support by color meanings taken from (2009). It can be seen through the explanations below.
The advertisements above are the advertisements of Forsel magazines April and May 2012 editions and these are the analysis.
This flag with rectangle shape and chessboard pattern and ( black and white ) identical color express a competitionn. In race car competition when they start the competition they take the flag up as the symbol that the game is start. The pattern it self show the pattern of chess game, where in chess game the players should be genious to be the winner,it’s related to the moment happened where every mobile phone product become arrival to be the winner ,they created the smartest mobile phone to be the king in mobile phone marketing. Based on color theory of white, White can indicate simplicity with high-tech .Black itself
indicated as an excellent technical color and it assist targeting a sophisticated high-end market or a youth market to add mystery. Black is the color of protection and power.
Data explanation: SONY EXPERIA SOLA Picture
This picture shows one of mobile phone product that include in Rookies series 2012, XPERIA SOLA mobile communication introducing new experience of “ Floating Touch “ .This kind of difference made this mobile phone become the most recommended. Domination of red color in this mobile phone show good passion and sensitivity of love.
5.3.2 Advertisement of LG Optimus L3 on FORSEL Magazine May edition Explanation of data 1 : Korean Boy Band picture
These are Korean boy band picture, at the time this Korean boy band was number one of famous Korean boy in the world, They are also the brand ambassador of LG optimus L3, the manager of LG mobile phone product used them to rise up the consumers where the target is teenagers. Their present on the magazine is signified that LG Optimus L3 is climb to be the idol of teenagers, same as the brand ambassador SUPER JUNIOR (SUJU). This advertisement is also show the spirit of teenagers , based on the slogan “ TEEN DROID SPIRIT “ which related to the verbal sign interpretation. This product want to take more attention from teenagers.
Data explanation: LG optimus L3 picture
This picture is a picture of LG optiomus L3 with Korean boy band picture inside of the screen. The Boy Band picture is signified that they are the brand ambassador of that product
Data explanation: Android symbol picture
This picture is android icon. It’s signified that this mobile phone (LG optimus L3) is a smart phone with android system operation. Based on the theory of color silver is the color of glamour, distinguishment, high tech and modernity.
6. Conclusion
The components of verbal and visual languages on FORSEL magazine April edition
are :
Verbal languages found on the subtitle where placed on top center on the page cover magazine. Headline that placed on the top of page cover with big font size, body copy where placed on the middle of page cover, signature line placed on the top left page cover wrote in smaller font text, standing details placed on the right corner page cover. The verbal sign also used as the illustration where put randomly in chessboard pattern. Visual languages found on the FORSEL magazineon April edition are two flags with chessboard pattern, a SONY EXPERIA SOLA picture the mobile phone that advertised. White and black as the major color, red color as the color of mobile phone.
The components of verbal and visual languages on FORSEL magazine May edition are:
Verbal languages found on the subtitle where placed on top center on the page cover magazine. Headline that placed on the top of page cover with big font size, body copy where placed on the top left of page cover that wrote in bigger font text, signature line placed on the top left page cover wrote in smaller font text,the last verbal language is standing details placed on the right corner page cover.Visual languages on FORSEL magazine May edition was found on the picture of Korean boy band, audiance, LG optimus L3 picture, picture of android icon, and also some colors that presented on the cover magazine.
The differences and similarities
The similarities of FORSEL magazine April and May edition found
- The set up of advertisement (headline, illustration,body copy,signature line) - The purpose of delivering information (to inform the reader about cellular mobile phone)
- The type of product that advertised
The differences of FORSEL magazine April and May edition
- Illustration story
- The contains of body copy
- The main message presented
- The target reader or object of sales marketing
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