p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 23.2 Mei 2019: 90-94

DOI: 10.24843/JH.2019.v23.i02.p02

Language Style in the Advertisement Broadcast in Cassanova Bali Radio

Dewa Ayu Made Nadya Puspa Priani*, Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi, I Gede Budiasa

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University [[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


The study entitled Language Style in the Advertisements Broadcast of Cassanova Bali Radio is aimed to identify the types of language styles used and to analyze the linguistic features applied in Cassanova Bali radio advertisements. The data of this study were taken from six advertisement scripts of Cassanova Bali radio broadcast from August 1st until August 30th 2017. These data were collected using documentation method and analyzed using qualitative method based on the theory proposed by Holmes (1992) and Grey (2008). After analyzing the data, vernacular language was the most common language style used by Cassanova Bali radio and found in five advertisements (17 sentences), meanwhile the standard language was rarely used by Cassanova Bali radio and only found in one advertisement (3 sentences). It was also found that Cassanova Bali radio used five linguistic features to attract more consumers and the most common feature was familiar language (24 words), followed by the use of imperative (15 words), hyperbole (6 words), repetition (3 words) and simple vocabulary (3 words).

Keywords: language style, linguistic features, advertisements


Penelitian berjudul Language Style in the Advertisements Broadcast of Cassanova Bali Radio bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penggunaan tipe gaya bahasa dan menganalisa pengaplikasian fitur linguistik pada iklan di radio Cassanova Bali. Sumber data pada penelitian ini diambil dari enam naskah iklan di radio Cassanova Bali yang disiarkan dari tanggal 1 Agustus sampai 30 Agustus 2017. Data ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Holmes (1992) dan Gray (2008. Setelah menganalisa data, bahasa vernakular adalah gaya bahasa yang paling umum digunakan oleh radio Cassanova Bali dan ditemukan dalam lima iklan (17 kalimat), sedangkan bahasa standar jarang digunakan oleh radio Cassanova Bali dan hanya ditemukan dalam satu iklan (3 kalimat). Ditemukan juga bahwa radio Cassanova Bali menggunakan lima fitur linguistik untuk menarik lebih banyak konsumen dan fitur yang paling umum adalah familiar language (24 kata), diikuti dengan penggunaan imperative (15 kata), hyperbole (6 kata), repetition (3 words) dan simple vocabulary (3 words).

Kata kunci: gaya bahasa, fitur linguistik, iklan

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Communication in this modern era is very important because by communication we can share our feelings, thoughts, experiences, ideas, suggestions and as well as feedback. Communication is a process where two or more people exchange information and create an intelligibility about the information (Rogers & Lawrence: 1981). There are many ways to get the information needed nowadays, one of the ways is mass media either print or electronic media. Print media can be newspapers, tabloids, magazines, brochures and banner while the electronic media can be television, internet, social media and radio.

Another way to communicate and exchange information is through an advertisement. The advertisement is becoming an effective way to introduce and advertise a product in the form of goods, services, events or ideas of a company to people. Advertisement is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas or services. While according to Effendy (in Suhandang, 2004:192) advertisement is publication or broadcasting in the form of advertisement, announcement, statement or writing by hiring something with the intention to introduce or tell something through mass media. People can find an advertisement in the television, internet, newspaper, magazine or in the radio.

Language and the style of the language play an important role in the advertisement to convey message. The language of advertisement is used to attract attention, improve imagination, and to make it easy to remember. Keraf (2006:113) mentioned that the style of language is a way of expressing feelings through language typically showing the soul and personality of a writer or speaker itself. The language of advertisement is compact, persuasive,

friendly and as well as communicative, for example, “don’t forget to bring all your fellas to Happy Puppy Denpasar at Jalan Teuku Umar 104-110 Denpasar”. It could be categorized as a vernacular language because the use of the word dunno is not acceptable in standard language since it is an informal contraction of don’t know. Furthermore, Keraf (1984) states that language style can be analyzed based on the linguistic contexts which are divided into word choice, tone, sentence structure, as well as direct and indirect meaning.

The style of the advertisement also deals with the stylistics, especially linguistic features. Instead of the whole text, stylistic approach is concerned with smaller parts such as words, phrases, or sentences and then are separated to some features. For example “because Happy Puppy Family Karaoke is here for you!” In this case, the word ‘you’ is inclusive for showing a friendly attitude to the listeners and make the listeners feel like they are involved in the advertisement.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the problems that can be analyzed in this study are:

  • a.    What types of language styles are used in the advertisements of Cassanova Bali radio?

  • b.    What linguistic features are applied in the advertisements of Cassanova Bali radio?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems above, the aims of this study are:

  • a.    To identify the types of language styles used in Cassanova Bali radio advertisements.

  • b.    To analyze the linguistic features applied in Cassanova Bali radio advertisements.

  • 4.    Research Method

The research method applied in this study consists of three aspects, including data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data and method, and technique of presenting analysis.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The main data in this study were taken from six advertisement scripts on Cassanova Bali radio. In this study, there are two kinds of advertisements analyzed; they are event advertisements and business advertisements. This study took advertisements broadcast from August 1th until August 30th 2017. Those six script advertisements were chosen because they are similar in the language style used, involved the listeners and also represented the most commonly broadcast advertisements.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of

    Collecting Data

The method used to collect data in this study was documentation through the advertisement scripts used in Cassanova Bali radio. In collecting the data, the technique of taking note of six advertisements were applied.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of

    Analyzing Data

Qualitative method was applied in this study by taking the following steps: a. Organizing the data by inserting the selected sentences from the advertisements into a table.

  • b. Classifying the sentences into six table of the language style proposed by Holmes (1992) and twelve tables of the linguistic features proposed by Grey (2008).

  • 4.4    Method and Technique of

    Presenting Data

The current study used the informal one which is descriptively written to make it easy to understand. First, in order to answer the first and second problems, the data were classified into the types of

language style and linguistic features used in the advertisement broadcast in Cassanova Bali radio. Last, the analysis was descriptively explained by showing the words taken from the selected advertisements and then followed by the explanation about what indicates them as a certain language style and linguistic features.

  • 5.    Data Analysis

There are two main theories used and related to the problems presented in this study. They are the theory about type of language style by Holmes (1992) called vernacular and standard language and the theory about linguistic features proposed by Grey (2008) called hyperbole, familiar language, repetition, use of imperative, and simple vocabulary.

  • 5.1    Language Style

As stated by Holmes (1992:76), there are two types of language style used in the advertisements of Cassanova Bali radio, they are vernacular language and standard language.

  • 5.1.1    Vernacular Language

Vernacular language generally refers to a language which has not been standardized or codified and which does not have official status (uncodified or standardized variety).

Advertisement A

Do you want to hang out with your friends but dunno where to go?

In this example, the informal word dunno was found. Dunno was used to represent an informal way of saying don’t know and it is also known as informal contractions. The usage of dunno is not acceptable in standard language since it is a casual way to say don’t know. Another informal word found in this example was hang out. Hang out is the informal expression of spend time with someone. It usually implies an informal relationship such as

friendship, and refers to a favorite place that people often visit. The use of dunno and hang out in this example show that the advertiser used the informal expression or expression commonly used by the listener to make the advertisements more attractive.

  • 5.1.2    Standard Language

Standard language is generally written, and has undergone some degree of regulation or codification (in a grammar and a dictionary).

Advertisement B

Goodway Hotel & Resort Bali would like to offer you a best place for many events such as meeting, outbound and graduation.

This sentence shows that Advertisement B used formal style or standard language to promote product. It could be stated as a standard language because there are some words acceptable in formal language such as in this example, the word would like was found. Would like cannot be translated one by one, it is a phrase used to express politeness when making offers and has a higher politeness word than want.

  • 5.2    Linguistic Features

This chapter also discusses the findings to answer the second research question using a theory proposed by Grey (2008). There are five linguistic features; they are hyperbole, familiar language, repetition, simple vocabulary and use of imperative.

  • 5.2.1    Hyperbole

  • (3-1 Advertisement A)

The best and largest karaoke place than any other place in Bali with affordable price

This sentence could be categorized as hyperbole. It can be seen from the prominent sentence compared to the other sentences in advertisement A. This is also supported by the words best and

largest also known as superlative degree, the third degree of comparison. Through these words, the advertiser wanted to emphasize that there was no best and largest karaoke place in Bali compared to Happy Puppy, so the listeners would feel interested in visiting this place.

  • 5.2.2    Familiar Language

  • (3-2 Advertisement B)

Enjoy your stay with us at Goodway Hotel & Resort Bali!

As shown in the sentence above, advertisement B also used familiar language feature. Listeners would really enjoy the broadcast advertisement if they felt involved in the advertisement because the use of the words you and your in inclusive way.

  • 5.2.3    Repetition and Simple


  • (3-1 Advertisement A)

Happy Puppy, Happy Family!

The example above is the slogan of the advertisement and could be classified as a rhyme repetition. It was related to the sound of accented vowels of the words ‘happy’,  ‘puppy’ and ‘family’.

Because they made it as a pattern, the listeners would be easier to remember the advertisement. This example could also be categorized as simple vocabulary feature because the advertiser used attractive words and it could make the consumers remember the advertisement although they see it at a glance.

  • 5.2.4    Use of Imperative

  • (3-4 Advertisement D)

Let’s join us and give them a thousand of love!

In this example, the imperative word let’s or let us was found. In an imperative sentence arrangement, the use of let us or let’s is to convey or share invitations. With the use of the imperative sentence, the advertiser wanted to invite the listener to show their concern for

children with cancer in Bali by joining the event. And with the exclamation mark “!” at the end of the sentence is a general characteristic of the imperative sentence could strengthen that this example was an imperative sentence.

  • 6.    Conclusion

This study discussed about the types of language style and linguistic features in the advertisements. There are six advertisements in Cassanova Bali radio taken as the data in this study and analyzed using the theory proposed by Holmes (1992) who divides language style into two parts; they are standard and vernacular language and also the theory proposed by Grey (2008) who divides linguistic features into five parts, they are hyperbole, familiar language, repetition, simple vocabulary and use of imperative.

Based on the analysis, it could be concluded that the broadcast advertisementd in Cassanova Bali radio used two language styles when they promoted their products. The two language styles are standard language or formal style and vernacular language or informal style. As a result, vernacular language or informal style are the most common language styles used by Cassanova Bali radio and found in five advertisements      (17      sentences).

Meanwhile, the standard language is a style that was rarely used by Cassanova Bali radio and was only found in one advertisement (3 sentences).

Based on the findings, it could also be concluded that Cassanova Bali radio used five linguistic features to attract more consumers. As a result, the most common feature is familiar language (24 words), followed by use of imperative (15 words), hyperbole (6 words), repetition (3 words) and simple vocabulary (3 words)

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