


Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Udayana


Karya tulis ini berjudul “The Translation of English Personification and Simile Expressions in John Grisham’s The Street Lawyer into Indonesian”. Tujuan dari penulisan karya tulis ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan majas personifikasi dan simile yang terdapat pada novel John Grisham yang berjudul The Street Lawyer beserta terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Karya tulis ini menggunakan dua novel sebagai sumber datanya, yaitu “The Street Lawyer” oleh John Grisham dan “Pengacara Jalanan” oleh Widya Kirana dan Diniarty Pandia. Data yang digunakan dalam karya tulis ini dikumpulkan dengan cara membaca secara seksama dan teliti yang berfokus pada majas personifikasi dan simile. Kumpulan data tersebut dianalisis dengan metode qualitative dan disajikan secara dekriptif. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori figurative language oleh Knickerbocker dan Reninger (1963) dan teori terjemahan oleh Larson (1998). Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa terdapat sepuluh majas personifikasi dan enam majas simile dalam novel John Grisham yang berjudul “The Street Lawyer” dan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Keenam majas personifikasi diterjemahkan secara‘non-figurative equivalent’. Dari keenam majas tersebut terdapat dua majas menggunakan teknik ‘structural adjustment’ dalam terjemahannya, empat lainnya menggunakan teknik ‘deleting secondary sense’ dalam terjemahannya karena tidak ada majas yang sesuai dengan bahasa sumber dan penerjemah tetap ingin menerjemahkan sesuai dengan makna pada bacaan. Terdapat empat majas personifikasi yang diterjemahkan secara figurative equivalent. Semua majas simile diterjemahkan secara figurative equivalent.

Kata kunci: Terjemahan, bahasa kiasan, personifikasi, simile.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Figurative language is much needed in making literature, such as poems, poetry, drama and novel. Novel as a literary work, often provide figurative expressions. The writers use figurative expressions in the novel in order to make the novel more interesting when the reader read it and to emphasize the meaning of the writers. This study used The Street Lawyer novel as data. This novel was

chosen because there were many figurative languages being used and they were interesting to be analyzed, especially personification and simile which can be used in this study.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

There are two problems in this study which need to be discussed:

  • 1.    What are the English personification and simile expressions found in The Street Lawyer novel and how are they translated into Indonesian?

  • 2.    What the types of translation adjustment are used by the translator in translating personification and simile expressions in The Street Lawyer novel into Indonesian?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are:

  • 1.    To find out personification and simile expressions found in The Street Lawyer novel and their translation into Indonesian.

  • 2.    To analyze types of translation adjustment found in translation of personification and simile expressions.

  • 4.    Research Method

The data of this study were taken from an English novel written by John Grisham entitled The Street Lawyer (1998) and its translation written by Widya Kirana and Diniarty Pandia (2001) in Indonesian. The data in this study were collected by doing documentary method in some steps. The first, the data were collected through reading attentively and accurately with focus on the Personification and Simile Expressions in The Street Lawyer novel (Source Language version) and their translation and then written down by the technique of note taking. The collected data in this study were analyzed by doing qualitative method and descriptively presented. There were some steps followed in analyzing the data: The first, the data containing figurative language are observed and classified into personification and simile expressions. The second step was

analyzing implementation of personification and simile expressions from The Street Lawyer novel into Pengacara Jalanan novel. The last step was analyzing types of translation adjustment found in translation personification and simile expressions.

  • 5.    The Analysis

The analysis is based on Larson’s and Knickerbocker and Reninger’s theories. Next is followed by the analysis of translation of idiomatic expressions based on Larson’s theory of idiomatic translation with the types of adjustments.

  • 1.    Personification Expressions Translated into Non-figurative Expressions


    Source Language

    Target Language


    The gun was back on me.

    Kemudian moncong senjata itu kembali terancung padaku.


    A lone police car sat empty with its lights on.

    Sebuah mobil polisi diparkir di bawah, kosong, lampunya menyala.


    A porcelain vase sitting innocently on a coffee table.

    Vas porselen di atas meja kopi.


    The city buries unclaimed.

    Pemerintah kota menguburkan mayat-mayat yang tak dikenal.


    A cup of apple juice was waiting at the end.

    Di ujung dapur disediakan segelas jus apel.


    The clock suddenly called him.

    Tiba - tiba dia ingat waktu.

To translate the sense of the word non-figuratively, that is the intended meaning may be made plain so that there is no longer a figurative sense in the receptor language translation. It is necessary to translate idiomatic expressions into non figurative expressions equivalent when it is not available in the receptor language. In this there were six personifications expressions were found and they translated non-figuratively. If they were translated into non figurative expressions, the most difficult problem is when the concepts are unknown in the receptor culture. So, the translator can use one of the possibility techniques.

In The Street Lawyer novel there were two techniques used in translating personification expressions. Two personification expressions were translated using structural adjustment. In this study the subject the gun as a prepositional

phrase in the source language is translated as an adverb kemudian in the receptor language and the subject the clock as a noun phrase in the source language is translated as an adverb of time tiba-tiba in the receptor language. This may mean that a very different form will be used in order to insecure correct meaning and natural expression. It will not always be possible to translate a source language noun with a noun in the receptor language since the form in the receptor language is very different from the source language form and yet this kind of adjustment, using verbs or preposition rather than noun, must be made in order to communicate the message.

In this study there are four personification expressions found and they are translated by deleting sense of the expressions. The equivalent lexical items will never have the same sense from languages to languages. This technique was used because in the receptor language there was not the same sense as the source language and the translator only transferred the intended meaning of the text.

  • 2.    Personification Expressions Translated into Figurative Expressions


    Source Language

    Target Language


    The sunglasses were looking at me.

    Kacamata hitam itu memandangku.


    A gust of wind hit the side of the building and rattled the windows.

    Angin dingin menerpa samping bangunan dan menggoyang-goyangkan jendela.


    The radio said the day’ s high would be twenty degrees.

    Radio meramalkan bahwa suhu tertinggi hari ini minus tujuh derajat Celcius.


    A sweet note on the table told me that she had to make her rounds.

    Pesan singkat yang manis di meja mengatakan bahwa dia harus berkeliling memeriksa pasien.

Another way of translating idiomatic expression is to substitute a figurative expression of the receptor language for the figurative expression in the source language (if it is available) with a note the meaning is retained. There were four personification expressions found and they were translated figuratively. The translator tried to make the same message from the source language, keep the meaning of the source language. Although the receptor language still used figurative language but it can be accepted and understood by the reader. A

translator also needs to develop sensitivity to the use of idioms in the receptor language and use them naturally to make the translation lively and keep the style of the source language.

  • 3.    Simile Expressions Translated into Figurative Expressions


    Source Language

    Target Language


    Wire ran like colored spaghetti.

    Kabel-kabel bersilangan seperti spageti.


    It sounded like a cannon.

    Letusan itu terdengar seperti dentuman meriam.


    The change in careers had hit like a bullet.

    Perubahan dalam karier menghantamku seperti peluru meriam.


    Dumped them in other parts of the city like manure.

    Dicampakkan ke bagian kota yang lain seperti sampah.


    I roared into the apartment like a man possessed.

    Aku mnyerbu masuk ke apartment seperti orang kerasukan.


    Fancies himself as a godfather type.

    Menganggap    dirinya    semacam


There were six simile expressions found and they were translated figuratively. The translator tried to make the same message from the source language and make it lively and easily understood by the reader. The same simile expressions was used in the receptor language as long as they was acceptable and understood by the reader.

6. Conclusion

It can be concluded that there were ten Personification Expressions and six Simile Expressions. The translations of idiomatic expressions were implemented by non-figurative expressions and by figurative expression. There was also structural adjustment because it is not always possible to translate a source language noun with a noun in the receptor language since the form in the receptor language is very different from the source language form. The deletion of the secondary sense also cannot be avoided because sometimes the comparison object that is used in the source language idiomatic expression is not commonly used as the comparison object in the receptor language.


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