I Wayan Redinata

English Department, Udayana University


Paper ini khusus mentelaah percakapan yang muncul dalam film anak-anak “Dora the Eplorer” berdasarkan teori Context of Situation dari Halliday dan teori Conversational Analysis dari Liddicoat. Data untuk paper ini diperoleh dari satu seri film “Dora the Explorer” yang berjudul “To the Tree House” dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Sedangkan metode dan teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif. Temuan yang diperoleh dari analisis “Context of Situation” yaitu “Field” dari percakapan tersebut adalah tentang perjalanan Dora dan Boot ke rumah pohon, kemudian “Tenor” dari film ini adalah semua karakter didalam cerita dan semua penontonnya. Dan “Mode” dari percakapan tersebut adalah bahasa lisan (spoken). Dalam hal “Conversational Analysis” dapat diperoleh turn taking organization, sequence organization, preference organization dan dispreferred first pair part.

Keywords: context of situation, implication, movie.

Background of study

Movie or film is a product of media which could entertain human in their exhaustion and gives some information about something represent in the film or movie. Many people transform their knowledge into a film through the action and the language they perform in it. In relation of this fact, the language has an important role in the way to transfer the information to audience through kid movie.

Film or movie in this modern era is more various and give more education for the audience. Language in the kid movies is different to the adult movies because in kid movies the language is simpler than in adult movies. The kid movies transfer simple information to give more basic knowledge to the kids caused by the language is simpler.

When people speak or write, they produce text. The term ‘text’ refers to any instance of language, in any medium, that makes sense to someone who knows the

language (cf. Halliday and Hasan, 1976: Chapter 1 (Halliday, 2004:3)). He explain that text is a rich, many-faceted phenomenon that ‘means’ in many different ways. It can be explored from many different points of view.

In this study, the project focused on analyzing context of situation and the implication of utterance in a kid movie by the title “Dora the Explorer” because it is one of the kid movies that attract my attention to analyze. By knowing the context of situation and utterances implication of the movie, we will clearly understand what the characters actually want to convoy in the movie.

Problem of study

Based on the background stated above, the problem of the research can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What is the context of situation features in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” based on Halliday perspective?

  • 2.    What is the implication of the utterance in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” base on conversational analysis?

Aim of Study

The aims of study are to analyze the context of situation and the implication of the utterance in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer”.

Thus, the following terms are being proposed as the aims of study:

  • 1.    To analyze the context of situation in the kid movie based on the Halliday perspective.

  • 2.    To analyze the implication of the utterance in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” base on conversational analysis.

Scope of Discussion

The research is focused to analyze the utterance which made in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” related to context of situation and conversational analysis. The theory of context of situation is proposed by Halliday and conversational analysis is proposed by Liddicoat were used to analyze the data, they are:

  • 1.    Context of situation which is covered by three aspects they are field, tenor and mode.

  • 2.    Conversational analysis which is covered by four aspects they are turn-taking, sequence, preference and repairs

Research Method

The methodology were used in this research includes three points they are data sources, data collection, and data analysis.

  • 1.    Data Source

The data were taken from one series of the kid movies by the title “Dora the Explorer” which is really interested to analyze because there are many utterance with special meanings for the audience.

  • 2.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected by documentation methode, firstly watching and listening all utterance in the movie for seven times which is followed by writing every utterance the character made along the story. Classifying the utterance is the next step easier to analyze regarding the context of situation and the implication of the utterances.

  • 3.    Method and technique of Analyzing Data

The method and the technique of analyzing data were qualitative-descriptive which is started by documentation or writing every utterance the character made in the kid movie by title “Dora the Explorer”, in terms of collecting data, and next is classified all utterance found in the movie. Each data were analyzed based on the theoretical framework that the context of situation theory by Halliday were used and followed by the Liddicoat’s conversational analysis theory.

Context of Situation Analysis

As a discourse, the utterance of the character in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” has what is named context of situation; it is the environment of a text consists of field, tenor and mode. The field refers to the subject matter of the

utterance of the character and what it is all about, tenor means the participants and their statuses, and mode is the way the massage of the movie delivered to the audience. These three categories are described clearly as follows.

The field of the utterance of the character in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer”

The utterance of the character in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” by the title “To the three house” is addressing to all children who like watching cartoon film. Beside it is as an entertainment, it also give them many knowledge such as about colour, number, how to find something, interaction, friendship and many others.

The first topic of the movie is about the introducing of Dora. She would find her friend Boot the monkey. When they have met one another, they walk around and heard mommy bagabaga asked for helping to find her child that she lost one of them. Then all the bagabaga have found and had to fly to the tree house for a big party that would be held there. Dora and Boot are invited but they didn’t know how to get it. When we don’t know how to find some place, we have to find it in a map. That is a massage which is delivered in the situation. Finally they found the way how to get to the tree house that they have to pass the crocodile lake and stone wall to get to the tree house. On the way to the tree house Dora and Boot faced many problems to get to the tree house. They met many of their friends in trouble then they helped them with happiness until at the end they reached the tree house and held a big party with their entire friends.

The tenor of the utterance of the character in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer”

There are always two participants in every discourse, speaker and hearer in oral language or writer and reader in written language. In this case the speaker is all characters in the movie “Dora the Explorer” especially Dora and Boot because they did an interaction to audiences in asking for helping to find and to do something. In the other hand, the utterances in the movie have many education meanings to the audiences especially for the children about colours, number, friendship, help one another, how to do something and etc. therefore this movie is really helpful for the

developing brain of the children and helps the parents to give education to their children.

The hearers of this movie are all people around the world especially the children under 6 years old who interested in cartoon movie. They can get many new information and knowledge from the movie and it can teach about human life.

The mode of the utterance of the character in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer”

The massages of this movie are delivered in spoken language by all character in the movie they are Dora, Boot, Bagabaga, Pari bird, Isa, Beny, and the entire friends. The characteristic of the utterances are informative, educate and semi interactive. It is informative because many utterances in the movie tell the audiences about some information such as when we lost the way we have to find out the way in the map. Next is educate because it shows the audiences about colours, numbers, help one another and etc. Then the last is semi interactive because the characters always ask many questions and help the audiences and give the audiences time to think how to help the character and decides to help them.

Conversational Analysis

Conversation analysis seeks to understand these shared procedures which participants in an interaction use to produce and recognize meaningful action (Liddicoat, 2007:7). Liddicoat was emphasized four organizations in conversational analysis they are turn-taking, sequence, preference and repairs.

Dora : What’s wrong mommy bagabaga?

Bugs : Owh? Dora? Boot? I need your help! I have ten bagabaga babies, but one is lost!


Turn-taking in terms of current speaker selecting the next speaker occurs in this situation Dora select Mommy bagabaga as the next speaker that showed by utterance from Dora “What’s wrong mommy bagabaga?”

Dora : What sounds does a baby bagabaga make?

[Bug baby   : Bagabaga…bagabaga…]

Dora        : Right!


Basis adjacency pair of sequence organization in terms of question-answer occurs in this situation that question from Dora and answered by another baby bug. Boots : I know! The baby bug is behind the flower!

Dora : that is not the bagabaga baby!


In this situation preference organization in terms of disagreement occurs showed by word “not” from Dora.

Dora : Yeah… let’s go to the big party at the tree house!

Come on say with us! Lake, wall, tree house! Lake, wall, tree house!


In this situation occurs dispreferred first pair part in terms of request that Dora request the audience saying something with them.


Based on analysis above, the following conclusion can be presented that in terms of context of situation in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” that the field of the utterances is about a trip to the big party at the tree house. The tenor means who take apart or the participants which consists of two they are speaker and hearer. In this case the speakers are all of characters in the movie and the hearers are all people around the world especially children under 6 years old. And the mode of utterances in the movie is spoken by all characters in the movie. The characteristic of the utterances are informative, educate and semi interactive.

The implication of the utterances in the kid movie “Dora the Explorer” based on conversational analysis is found that the pattern of the utterances involve turn-taking organization, sequence organization, preference organization and dispreferred first pair part.


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