DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i03.p30

ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 22.3 Agustus 2018: 771-780

The Characters and Conflicts in Marvel Studios “Doctor Strange” Movie

Ni Putu Ayu Mitha Hapsari

English Department - Faculty of Arts - Udayana University

[[email protected]]


The title of this paper is The Characters and Conflicts in Marvel Studios “Doctor Strange” Movie. This study focuses on categorization and function of the characters in the movie and conflicts in the main character (external and internal conflicts). The data of this study were taken from a movie entitled Doctor Strange. The data were collected through documentation method. In analyzing the data, the study used qualitative method. The categorization and function were analyzed based on the theory proposed by Wellek and Warren (1955:227), supported by the theory of literature proposed by Kathleen Morner (1991:31). The conflict was analyzed based on the theory of literature proposed by Kenney (1966:5). The findings show that the categorization and function of the characters in the movie are as follows: Stephen Strange (dynamic protagonist character), Kaecilius (static antagonist character). Secondary characters are The Ancient One (static protagonist character), Mordo (static protagonist character) and Christine (dynamic protagonist character). The supporting character is Wong (static protagonist character). Then there are two types of conflicts found in this movie, internal and external conflicts.

Keywords: Character, Conflict, Doctor Strange.


Judul penelitian ini adalah The Characters and Conflicts in Marvel Studios “Doctor Strange” Movie. Penelitian ini fokus pada kategori dan fungsi dari karakter dalam film dan konflik karakter utama (konflik internal dan eksternal). Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari sebuah film yang berjudul Doctor Strange. Dalam pengumpulan data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan metode kualitatif. Tulisan ini menggunakan tiga teori, untuk kategori dan fungsi dari masing-masing karakter dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Wellek and Warren (1955:227) dan juga didukung oleh teori yang dikemukakan oleh Kathleen Morner (1991:31). Untuk konflik karakter utama dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Kenney (1966:5). Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kategori dan fungsi dalam karakter di film Doctor Strange sebagai berikut: Stephen Strange (dinamik protagonis karakter), Kaecilius (statis antagonis karakter). Karakter sekunder yaitu The Ancient One (statis protagonis karakter), Mordo (statis protagonis karakter), dan Christine Palmer (dinamik protagonis karakter). Karakter pendukung yaitu Wong (statis protagonist karakter). Lalu ada dua tipe dari konflik dalam film ini, yaitu internal dan eksternal konflik.

Kata kunci: Karakter, Konflik, Doctor Strange.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Interesting literary works generally invite readers to make an interpretation of the works in accordance with their respective capabilities readers. During this time, a literary work is known through written forms such as poetry, short stories, and novels. In addition, there are many interpretations of literary forms; they are musical poetry, illustrations, paintings, and movie. For movie, untold number of literary works were filmed, well that actually refers to the novel's plot, or simply inspired. Media movie can answer the question of how to convey the message to the channel more effectively than the novel. In general, movie is a social communication media formed from the merger of two senses, sight and hearing, which has a core or theme of a story. Elements of fiction and elements of story in general can be used by the reader to increase their enjoyment and understanding of different literary pieces. Once students are aware that all stories have elements of character, setting, plot, theme, point of view, style, and tone; they can be encouraged to ask themselves to identify the characteristics of each particular story. The more familiar they become with the different kinds of elements the better they will understand and critically analyze stories. (Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes).

Character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being (Roberts and Jacobs, 1995: 131). While Abrams (1999: 32-33) stated that Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it in the dialogue and from what they do

the action. Another narrative element that is important in a story is a conflict. In literature, the conflict is an element that involves a quarrel or a fight between two or more people who contradict each other. Conflict refers to person which deals with life situation. It is only situation that offers a conflict (Kenney 1966:19).

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

  • a)    What are the categorization and function of the characters in the movie “Doctor Strange”?

  • b)    What kinds of conflict are faced by the main character in the movie “Doctor Strange” ?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • a)    To find out the categorization and function of the characters in the movie.

  • b)    b. To identify and describe what kind of conflict was faced by the main character.

  • 4.    Research Method

The research method in this study consists of data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

Data source is an important thing to support the analysis of this study. The data in this study were taken from the movie under title “Doctor Strange” produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The movie was written by Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson,C. Robert Cargill and release on October, 27 2016 in Indonesia. The story was very interesting to be discussed because this story tells about pride leading to destruction, and never gives up on anything. “Doctor Strange” is a 2016 American superhero film based on the

Marvel Comics character of the same name, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the fourteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method used in collecting the data was the documentation method. The movie “Doctor Strange” was selected because it provides enough data related to the problems to be analyzed. There are three techniques in collecting the data. Firstly, downloading the movie and the script, and then watching the movie “Doctor Strange” also reading the script movie at the same time to make a clear understanding of the conversation of each other. Secondly, note taking and classifying the category and function of the characters and conflicts that found in the movie.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The category and function of the characters and the conflict of the main character were analyzed. In analyzing the data, descriptive – qualitative method was applied. Identifying first and then classifying in accordance with their type of categorization and function of the characters. After knowing the types of categorization and function of the characters found in the movie, then it was analyzed based on the theory of conflicts found in the movie.

  • 5.    Analysis

    • 5.1    The Analysis Of Characters And Conflicts In Marvel Studios “Doctor Strange” Movie.

This part consists of the analysis of the data beginning with the definition about categorization and function of the characters in the movie Doctor Strange.

  • 5.1.1    Stephen Strange

Based on the theory proposed by Wellek and Warren (1955:227), Dr. Strange is classified as a dynamic character. The content that shows Dr. Strange belongs to a dynamic character is when Dr. Strange reaches the Kamar-Taj and meets The Ancient One, then he asks The Ancient One whether it is true that she is the person who made Pangborn recover fully and return to walk. The Ancient One responded to him but that it was not her that made Pangborn heal again but his own body. Dr. Strange greatly lowered the ability of The Ancient One by saying how can Pangborn heal with injuries throughout the C7-C8 on his spinal cord. After The Ancient One heard the answer from Dr. Strange, she tried to explain how the cells in the body can make people healed with confidence, but the results are still Dr. Strange is arrogant by saying that he only wastes money into the place if he is only treated in a way of self-belief, he still believes that his knowledge is still higher than The Ancient One. Until finally The Ancient One tries to prove that the science possessed by Dr. Strange is very narrow by way of removing astral form of him from his physical form, where his soul is separated from his body. It was done in order to prove so many things that Dr. Strange brings. Then the Ancient One also brings Dr. Strange to another dimension and it is controlled by the mind of The Ancient One. After all that done by The Ancient One, Dr. Strange changed his mindset and evidenced by the conversation below (31:25 – 31:39):

The Ancient One    : Have you

seen that before in a gift shop?

Dr. Strange        :    Teach


The Ancient One : No.

Being aware of the mighty ability of The Ancient One, Dr. Strange Asks him to be taught, but The Ancient refuses him, she remembered his attitude; he is very arrogant, but Dr. Strange does not give up, he remains outside the Kamar-Taj hoping that The Ancient One will teach it. See the sincerity of Dr. Strange, then Dr. Strange allowed to reenter the Kamar-Taj.

Based on the supporting theory proposed by Morner and Raus (1991:31), character can be classified into protagonist and antagonist, and Stephen Strange can be classified into protagonist character. Protagonist character is the character that usually shows the readers ideal values or norms. The content that showed Stephen Strange is a protagonist character is when Dr. Strange tries to save The Ancient One who is dying. It can be seen (01:22:15–01:23:08) in the

conversation below:

Dr. Strange Christine

Dr. Strange


Dr. Strange

Christine Dr. Strange


: Christine!

: Are you kidding me? Oh, my God.

:It's not fibrillation. She has a stunned myocardium.

: Neurogenic?

: Yes. Nic? We need to relieve the pressure on her brain.

: We're losing her!

: We need to increase her oxygen!

: I need a crash cart! We're not reading any brain activity. (during this scene, the astral form of The Ancient One comes out of its

physical form, and Dr. Strange chased after him)

Dr. Strange : What are you doing? Come on, you're dying!

When The Ancient One fought with Kaecilius, she was stabbed, and fell. Right then Dr. Strange helped her by bringing her to the hospital for immediate surgery because his condition was so severe. Dr. Strange tries to keep The Ancient One from dying, though in the end her life cannot be saved.

  • 5.1.2    The Ancient One

In the movie, The Ancient One can be categorized as one of static characters. It can be seen from the beginning until the end of the movie, where The Ancient One without any doubt always helps the healing of Dr. Strange’s hand. The content that shows The Ancient One is a static character; it can be seen in (32:05 – 32:57) where after the arrival of Dr. Strange to Kamar-Taj with his arrogance, The Ancient One still wants to help Dr. Strange, although previously she had not wanted to help him because she was aware of the stubbornness, arrogance, ambition of him. Mordo tried to convince The Ancient One that Dr. Strange also has great strength in addition to the arrogant nature of it.

Based on the supporting theory proposed by Morner and Raus (1991:31), character can be classified into protagonist and antagonist, and The Ancient One can be classified into protagonist character. The content that shows The Ancient One is a protagonist character in this movie as can be seen in (25:50 – 25:57).

Dr. Strange : Did you heal a man      named

Pangborn?     A

paralyzed man? In a way. You helped him to walk again.

The Ancient One : Yes.

In that scene, Dr. Strange wants to ascertain whether it is true that The Ancient One ever cured a man named Pangborn, a man whose legs were deformed by falling where he worked, with severe spinal injuries. And the answer is true that The Ancient One has indeed healed that person. This proves that The Ancient One is a good person for helping the troubled man with all the knowledge she has.

  • 5.1.3    Karl Mordo

In the movie, Mordo can be categorized as one of static characters. It can be seen from the beginning until the end of the movie, where Mordo without any doubt followed the rule from The Ancient One. There was no important conversation that showed Mordo is a static character. But, the analysis of Mordo as a static character can be seen in visual as like it can be seen in the scene. For example, where he trained the strength of Dr. Strange's hand is accompanied by The Ancient One next to him. In this scene, Strange also had time to ask Mordo where The Ancient One came from. Mordo replied that no one knows where she comes from and how old she is, but he explains that the teacher is someone who is tough and unpredictable, no mercy, and she makes him as it is now. And in that scene Mordo also reminded Dr. Strange to trust the gurus and not to get lost (46:0646:32).

Based on the supporting theory proposed by Morner and Raus (1991:31), character can be classified into protagonist and antagonist, and Mordo can be classified as a protagonist character. The content shows that Mordo is a protagonist character (01:30:10-

01:31:00) when Mordo helps Strange to defend Hong Kong Sanctum from the threat of the dark dimension that will destroy the earth. In this scene, Strange tried to talk to Mordo that he needed his help to protect Sanctum because Mordo had previously been disappointed in his belief with The Ancient One, Mordo hesitated to help Strange, but Strange still tried to convince Mordo that he could not do it alone.

  • 5.1.4    Kaecilius

Kaecilius can be stated as one of static characters. It can be said like that because from the beginning Kaecilius become a whole point of this story; in other words he is the antagonist of this story. He can stand for the static antagonist character. The point that Kaecilius in here categorized as one of the static characters is that because from the beginning of the story Kaecilius wanted to destroy the entire Sanctum by using the power of the dark dimension he got from the book page Cagliostro stolen while he was a disciple of The Ancient One, containing a spell that can connect him with Dormammu, Dormammu is a primordial, inter-dimensional entity who wields apocalyptic levels of supernatural power and is the ruler of the Dark Dimension. Dormammu convinced Kaecilius to use his power to destroy the Masters of the Mystic Arts and bring the Dark Dimension to Earth. He had a mission to open another dimension gate to make the black magic enter, so he could live eternally.

  • 5.1.5    Wong

Wong is one of the characters in this movie. He is the guardian of a room at Kamar-Taj containing The Ancient One’s spell books and he is categorized as one of the static characters. It can be seen from the beginning until the end of the movie, where Wong without any doubt followed the rule from The

Ancient One. There was no important conversation that showed Wong is a static character. But the analysis of Wong as a static character can be seen in his visual as it can be seen in the scene. For example, where he just follows the storyline, he helps Strange to keep the Sanctum which is a relic of The Ancient One (01:28:55).

Based on the supporting theory proposed by Morner and Raus (1991:31), character can be classified into protagonist and antagonist, and Wong can be classified into protagonist character. The content to show Wong is a protagonist characters in this movie, it can be seen (35:46-38:25) when Wong gave an important book that Strange had to read that could help him understand with the witchcraft that can be learned in Kamar-Taj. Among the books Maxim Primer and Redek containing classical sanskrit given by Wong to Strange.

  • 5.1.6    Christine Palmer

Based on the theory proposed by Wellek and Warren (1955:227), Christine is classified as a dynamic character. The content that shows Christine belongs to dynamic character is when Christine decided to leave Strange. Christine Palmer is a surgeon and former colleague of Doctor Stephen Strange, who helps him anchor his humanity. She's a former girlfriend of Strange. Previously, he was a very caring person with Strange. Every day he took care of Strange, bought him food, and helped him shave a mustache. However, someday Christine felt very angry at Strange because he was always selfish and never heard Christine's opinion. It can be seen from conversation below (16: 36-18: 15) :

Strange: This is the part where you leave.

Christine: Fine, I can't watch you do this to yourself anymore.

Strange : Oh, too difficult for you, is it?

Christine: Yes, it is. It breaks my heart to see you this way.

Strange: No, don't pity me. Christine: I'm not pitying you. Strange: Oh, yeah? Then what are you doing here, bringing cheese and wine like we're old friends going for a picnic? We are not friends, Christine. We were barely lovers. But you just love a sob story, don't you? Is that what I am to you now? "Poor Stephen Strange, charity case." "He finally needs me." Another dreg of humanity for you to work on. Patch him up and send him back into the world, heart's just humming. You care so much, don't you?

Christine :Goodbye, Stephen.

Before the conversation took place, Strange tried to ask for help to get his hands healed quickly, but it cost a lot and something very unlikely. One of the reliable doctors refused Strange's request, when Strange was very disappointed and slammed all the stuff in front of him because he felt very frustrated. When Christine came, he tried to calm Strange, assuring him that this was not the end of everything. Strange ignores Christine, she snaps at Christine and kicks him out. Unable to bear the Strange treatment, Christine finally decided to leave Strange.

Based on the supporting theory proposed by Morner and Raus (1991:31), character can be classified into protagonist and antagonist, and Christine

can be classified into protagonist character. The content to show Christine is a protagonist character in this movie can be seen from (12:11-12:30) when Christine tried to help Strange who had an accident after he was found using a helicopter. It took a long time to find Strange who had a car accident and plunged into a ravine, after being discovered and Strange was taken to the hospital where he worked. Visible Christine Palmer pushed the bed from the Emergency Unit to the operating room and she was also one of the team doctors who performed the operation against Strange to try to heal her nerve-damaged hand. There is no important conversation in this scene.

  • 5.2    Analysis of Conflicts

The theory used to analyze conflicts in this movie is proposed by Kenney (1966:5).There are two types of conflicts; they are internal and external conflicts.

  • 5.2.1    Internal Conflicts

The conflicts which are experienced by Stephen Strange as the main character begin when Strange had a very severe car accident to make nerves in his hand damaged. At that time Strange wanted to go to dinner with a neuroscientist association, he went alone, before he wanted to invite Christine Palmer but she refused. Once he was ready, he hurried and drove fast with his Lamborghini car. In the middle of the road, he received a call from one of the Hospital staff where he worked named Billy. Billy informs some of the current state of the patients that Strange has to deal with. But when Billy informs one of the 22-year-old female patients with an electronic implant in her brain to control schizophrenia struck by lightning and Strange tells him to send an X-ray image to his handphone, his concentration is

interrupted while driving, he occasionally glances at pictures sent by Billy while driving, then suddenly he crashed into another rider and hit the roadblock until he finally fell to the chasm below the beach.

Since then his nerves have been damaged. When he realized after undergoing surgery, he was very shocked to see the condition of his hand fitted with 11 stainless steel on his bones; it made him cry. Strange is very angry with the surgery done to him, according to him there is another faster way to heal his hand.

Strange : No.!

Doctor : Give your body time to heal.

Strange : You've ruined me.

From the conversation above Strange looks angry about the results of the surgery that do not make him better. After that, he tried various surgery to make his hand healed completely and stopped shaking.

He has passed 7 surgeries but all failed. His desire to heal made him try different ways even though it would not be possible to instantly make him recover for the team of doctors who handle him, and that is that makes all his wealth run out. From here comes the internal conflict in Strange and his mind. His desire is very strong to heal in various ways, a conflict arises in his mind. He wants to heal quickly in other ways but the expense is so much to make all his assets run out in vain with many failed surgery actions. There are two choices; he borrows money or stops all his ideas. This makes him very frustrated.

  • 5.2.2    External Conflict

  • a.    The Conflict Between Stephen Strange and Kaecilius

The first conflict between Strange and Kaecilius when Kaecilius tried to destroy London Sanctum. At that time Strange was in London Sanctum and suddenly Kaecilius came. London Sanctum was guarded by Master Daniel, and he tried to kill him.That is why Strange was trying to stop it. The following (56:48-57:13) quotation shows this :

Kaecilius     : Daniel, I see they

made you master of this Sanctum.

Daniel       : You know what

that means?

Kaecilius      : That you'll die

protecting it.

(Then, Kaecilius stabbed Daniel)

Strange      : Stop!!!

Strange tries to help Daniel protect London Sanctum but Daniel eventually dies. Then, Strange resolves the conflict with competition, because they both want to win. Strange wants to protect London Sanctum, while Kaecilius wants to destroy London Sanctum. Strange tries to fight with Kaecilius to protect London Sanctum. From then on, Strange became the enemy of Kaecilius.

  • b.    The Conflict Between Stephen

    Strange and Christine Palmer.

The conflict between Strange and Christine when they have different opinions about how to cure Strange. At that time Strange wanted to get well with a very expensive medicine but Christine forbade it. She wants to stop Strange because all Strange's possessions are

gone for a futile medicine while he currently has nothing and forbids Strange to borrow money for his treatment. According to Christine, healing is not about medicine anymore but about mania, somethings just can't be fixed. The following (16: 36-18: 15) quotation :

Christine : Hey! He won't do it.

Strange : He's a hack. There is a new procedure in Tokyo. They culture donor stem cells, and then harvesting them, and then 3D printing a scaffold. If I could get a loan together...

Christine : Stephen.

Strange : A small loan, just $200,000.

Christine : You've always spent money as fast as you could make it. but now you're spending money you don't even have. Maybe it's time to consider stopping.

Strange : No, now is exactly the time not to stop... because, you see, I'm not getting any better!

Christine :   But this isn't

medicine anymore. This is mania. Some things just can't be fixed.

The conflict endsn, Christine decided to leave him alone because Christine was very upset with Strange's words and he did not appreciate Christine as his girlfriend, instead Strange drove her away and ignored Christine (18:1718:32).

  • c.    The Conflict Between Stephen Strange and The Ancient One

The first conflict between Strange and The Ancient One when Strange manages to find Kamar-Taj and meets The Ancient One. At that time Strange was still with his arrogant and lowered the opinion of The Ancient One. He did not believe that The Ancient One can treat it and make him recover, for him it is not real and will not work with magic. The following (27:02-28-16) quotation shows this :

The Ancient One    : Each of

those map was drawn up by someone who could see in part, but not the whole.

Strange : I spent my last dollar getting here, one-way ticket and you're talking to me about healing through belief?

The Ancient One     : You're a

man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your whole life, trying to widen that keyhole, to see more, to know more. Now, on hearing that it can be widened in ways you can't imagine you reject the possibility.

Strange : No, I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras or energy or the power of belief. There is no such thing as spirit! We are made of matter and nothing more. You're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe.

The Ancient One : You think too little of yourself.

Strange       : Oh, you think

you see through me, do you? Well, you don't. But I see through you!

From the above conversation it can be seen that Strange strongly opposed what the Ancient One said. He thought everything about spiritual was impossible. But after the debate, The Ancient One tried to prove to Strange that the existing treatment in the Kamar-Taj could really make people heal by the way The Ancient One pushed Strange's astral form out of its physical form.

  • 6.    Conclusion

The findings show that the categorization and function of the characters in the movie as follows: Stephen Strange (dynamic protagonist character), Kaecilius (static antagonist character). Secondary characters are The Ancient One (static protagonist character), Mordo (static protagonist character) and Christine (dynamic protagonist character). Supporting character is Wong (static protagonist character). Then there are two types of conflict found in this movie, internal and external conflict.

  • 7.    Reference

Abrams, M.H. 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms. United States of America:  Heinle & Heinle. Seventh


Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes n.d.

Available from: tion/ficElmnts.html [Accesed Januari 2, 2018]

Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York. Monarch Press.

Morner, Kathleen and Rausch Ralph. 1991. NTC’s Dictionary of Literary Terms. McGraw-Hill Education.

Roberts, V. Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs 1995. An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretince Hall Inc.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1967. Theory of Literature. New York. Harvest.