DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i03.p14

ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 22.3 Agustus 2018: 664-669

Verbal and Non Verbal Signs in the First Episode of Webtoon Orange Marmalade

Desak Putu Bella Prabasari1*, Putu Weddha Savitri2, A.A. Sg. Shanti Sari Dewi3 [123]English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]], 2[[email protected]], 3[[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


This study is entitled Verbal and Nonverbal signs in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade. This study mainly focuses on the analysis of signifiers and the signified of the verbal and nonverbal signs and their relationship in creating an event in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade. Semiotic theory by Saussure’s was applied to analyze the first problem about signifying of the verbal and nonverbal signs while McCloud’s theory of relationship in comic was applied to analyze the second problem. Qualitative method was applied in the analysis of this study. The source of data was taken from the first episode of Webtoon entitled Orange Marmalade by using documentation method. The data were presented descriptively in the form of table and diagram. All types of signs found in the first episode of webtoon entitled Orange Marmalade consist of signifier and signified by verbal and nonverbal sign. The analysis reveals that the meaningful event is created by the relationship between verbal and nonverbal signs comprised in each panel within a page of the webtoon. The analysis also shows that both verbal and nonverbal signs support each other in conveying the idea.

Keywords: webtoon, verbal signs, nonverbal signs


Studi ini yang berjudul “verbal and nonverbal signs in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade” utamanya berfokus pada analisa signifier (tanda) dan signified (penanda) dari tanda verbal dan nonverbal serta hubungan mereka dalam membentuk rangkain cerita pada episode pertama webtoon Orange Marmalade. Teori Semiotik Saussure diaplikasiakan untuk menganalisis masalah pertama tentang signifikasi tanda-tanda verbal dan nonverbal sementara teori Mccloud tentang hungan dalam komik diaplikasikan untuk menganalisa masalah kedua. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sumber data diambil dari episode pertama webtoom yang berjudul Orange Marmalade dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Data ini kemudian dipresentasikan secara deskripsi dalam bentuk tabel dan diagram. Semua bentuk-bentuk tanda yang ditemukan dalam episode pertama webtoon Orange Marmalade terdiri dari signifier dan signified oleh tanda verbal dan nonverbal. Hasil dari analisa menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian yang bermakna dihasilkan oleh hubungan antara tanda verbal dan nonverbal diwakili dalam setiap panel dalam satu halaman webtoon. analisa juga menunjukkan bahwa baik tanda verbal Maupun nonverbal saling mendukung satu sama lain dalam menyalurkan sebuah ide.

Kata kunci: Webtoon, Tanda, Verbal, Tanda Nonverbal.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

People use language as a means of communication, either spoken or written. Language is a system of signs that expresses idea; and is therefore,

comparable to a system of writing, the alphabet, symbolic, and military signals (Saussure 1983). In fact, there are signs all around us in everyday life.

The sign can be found in many aspects of life that represent certain

meaning. The forms of signs are text or words, images, gesture, and objects. Humans use signs or symbols to communicate with each other that have the same idea, feeling, and desire. In terms of communication, there are sign system and symbols agreed by the communicator.

The study about the sign and its meaning is known as semiotics. Saussure (cited in Chandler, 2001) defines semiotics as the science of signs in society. According to Saussure (1983), a sign must have both signified and signifier. Those are always related to each other to illustrate important message used by somebody. A signifier signifies a form which the sign takes. A signified (signifie) is an abstract concept of what the signifier means. It becomes a concept or meaning which signifier refers to.

The signs can also be divided into verbal and nonverbal signs. Chandler (2001) stated that verbal sign is defined as something that deals with text and word. The nonverbal signs generally refer to the picture.

The aplication of verbal and nonverbal signs is also found in comic. Comic is a visual medium used to express ideas by combining text and images, and usually, in the form of panels that are made sequentially. There are many kinds of comics, and one of them is webcomics (also known as online comics or Internet comics); the comics published on a website and webtoons are South Korean webcomics. According to Oxford English Dictionary, webtoon is an animated cartoon or series of comic strips published online

The topic in this study is verbal and nonverbal signs in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade. The topic was chosen because verbal and nonverbal signs are often found in daily basis and

sometimes people tend to focus on the verbal signs only meanwhile nonverbal sign is as equal as the verbal signs and the signs found in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade contain complex verbal and nonverbal signs to construct certain events. The verbal sign is indicated by the textual dialog or description of the setting while the nonverbal is represented by the picture or the drawing.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, there are two problems in this study, namely;

  • 1)    What are the signifiers and the signified of verbal and nonverbal signs in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade?

  • 2)    How verbal and nonverbal signs are related to each other to create an event in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1)    To identify the signifiers and the signified of verbal and nonverbal signs in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade.

  • 2)    To analyze the relationship between the verbal and nonverbal signs to create an event in first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade.

  • 4.    Research method

The research method of this study includes the data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data and method and technique of presenting data. Each part of research method is explained as follows:

  • 4.1    Data source

The source of data used in this study was taken from the first episode of webtoon entitled “Orange Marmalade

written by Soekwoo and publish in 2015 and     it     was     accessed     in e-marmalade/ep-1-meeting/viewer?title_no=97&episode_no =2. This study only focuses on 38 panels in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade because the data is homogeny, consisting of text and pictures which are enough to represent the whole data needed. This webtoon was adapted into a TV series of the same name in 2015. The webtoon tells a love story between a vampire named Baek Mari and a human named Jaemin Jung.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting data

The data in this study were collected using the documentation method. The documentation method was used to collect the data by browsing it from the internet.

In this study, the data were collected through several steps. First, the webtoon Orange Marmalade was downloaded to obtain the softcopy data from the internet. Then, all chapters on the webtoon were read and a chapter was chosen to be analyzed. This study used the first episode because the data were homogeny, consisting of text and pictures. Therefore, some panels were considered sufficient to represent the whole chapters. Finally, notes of the verbal and non-verbal signs were taken.

  • 4.3    Method and Techniques of Analyzing Data

In the method of analyzing data, this study used the qualitative method. The technique of analyzing data followed several steps; first, the first episode in the webtoon was separated panel per panel. Then each panel was divided into two parts. The first part consists of verbal signs and the second part consists of nonverbal signs. The Semiotic theory

by Saussure was used to analyze the signifiers and signified of the verbal and nonverbal signs. Then theory of relationship in comic proposed by McCloud was applied to analyze the relation between the nonverbal and verbal signs in creating an event in the webtoon.

  • 4.4    Method and Techniques of Presenting the Result of Data Analysis

This study applied the descriptive method to analyze the first and second problems. In answering the first problem, this study used table to present the analysis. The table was divided into 2; the first table consists of verbal signs and the second table consists of nonverbal signs. Meanwhile, for the analysis of the second problem this study was presented descriptively in the form of paragraphs and diagrams.

  • 5.    Results and discussion

The analysis was conducted based on theories proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure and Scott McCloud. Theory of Semiotics by Saussure was applied to find out the signifier and signified of verbal and nonverbal signs in the webtoon. The second is theory of relationship in comic proposed by McCloud applied to analyze the relationship between words and pictures (verbal and nonverbal signs) to create an event in the webtoon.




There are no verbal signs in this panel






Five people playing a basketball. Two of them jump in the air.

Jaemin jung wants to put the ball into the ring. Another character wants to prevent him so that a ball cannot enter the ring.

The picture shown in the panel consists of five people who are playing a basketball at the basketball court. One of them is jaemin Jung. He is throwing the ball to the ring by jumping in the air and another character tries to prevent him.

The relationship between words and pictures in this panel applies Picture Specific Relationship. It can be seen that the idea is delivered by the picture without involving any words. This type of relationship shows that the dominant sign in conveying the messages belongs to the picture while the words are unnecessary. The illustrations show the character, his activity, and the environment surrounding him which gives the readers the first portrayal of the story. Therefore, the nonverbal signs play a prominent role in delivering the message.








The sound produced when a ball hit the ring.






A basketball’s ring and a ball.

A ball entering the ring.

The previous panel shows that Jaemin Jung tries to put the ball into the ring. This panel shows that the ball enters the ring supported by the verbal sign “ Thunk” and the next panel shows that another character congratulates Jaemin Jung by rubbing his hair cheerfully, seen from his wide open mouth this proves that Jaemin successfully put the ball into the ring.

The relationship between verbal and nonverbal signs which belongs to Picture Specific Combination as the word is not completely necessary because the pictures have clearly told the message. The main message is delivered by the picture by illustrating that the ball is entering the ring while the verbal sign “Thunk” only acts as the soundtrack of the image.








The character is very tired and breathless.






A boy full of sweat opens his mouth.

The character is tired       after

playing basketball.


The character opens his mouth widely and put his hand into Jaemin Jung’s head.

He congratulates Jaemin Jung for putting the ball into the ring successfully.

The picture shown in the third panel consists of two boys. On the right side Jaemin Jung looks very tired as can be seen from his face that there are some sweats running down; besides, he opens his mouth like he is sighing. The verbal sign “pant” can represent what he feels at that time in which he is very tired and breathless after playing the basketball as shown in the previous panel. And there is his friend, he looks like congratulating Jaemin Jung because he successfully puts the ball into the ring as can be seen from the way he opens his mouth widely and touch Jaeesmin’s head

The relationship between verbal and nonverbal signs belongs to Additive. The picture shows a boy full of sweat opens his mouth while the word “pant” produced by the character describes what he feels after playing basketball. The readers can directly understand the message by seeing the picture but the word is added to amplify the meaning of the picture. Therefore, the relation between word and picture refers to Additive relationship. Concerning panel to panel transition, this page uses Subject to subject Transition. The first panel to the last panel applies Subject to subject Transition, which displays a shift in viewing the subject. The first panel shows the five students who are playing basketball in the basketball field then shift into the different subjects, the ring and basketball and then shift into the character’s face in the last panel.

  • 6.    Conclusions

Based on the analysis of the formulated problems, the following points can be drawn as the conclusion:

This study analyzed verbal and nonverbal signs in the first episode of webtoon Orange Marmalade. The verbal signs found in the first episode of

webtoon Orange Marmalade play a role in supporting the nonverbal signs by signifying some aspects which are not covered by the nonverbal signs, such as the character’s identity, the characters’ emotion and setting of place. Nonverbal signs are primarily signifying the character’s action and settings. The relationship between verbal and nonverbal signs is an important factor to create an event in the webtoon. Both verbal and nonverbal signs have various types of relationship to support each other. From the analysis, the relationship between verbal and nonverbal signs found in the first episode of Webtoon entitled Orange Marmalade differs from others and not all types of relationship found in this webtoon. The revealed relationship includes Word-specific, Picture-specific, Additive, Parallel, and Interdependent combinations. Their relationship to create an event is also concerned with panel transition by applying Action-to-action, Subject-to-subject, and Moment-to-moment transition.

  • 7.    References

Anonym. 2009. “Oxford Dictionary”. (Accessed in May, 11  2017 from on/webtoon)

Chandler, Daniel.2001. Semiotic for Beginners.     (Downloaded     from: ents/S4B/) e-marmalade/ep-1

meeting/viewer?title_no=97&episode_no =2. (Downloaded in July, 10 2017)

McCloud, Scott. 1993. Understanding Comics:  The Invisible Arts. New

York:Harper Perenial. (Downloaded from e/Pre_C_drawing_Video_files/Understan ding%20Comics%20

(The%20Invisible%20Art)%20By%20Sc ott%20McCloud.pdf)

Saussure, Ferdinand de. 1983. Course in General Linguistics. The Philosophical Library. New York City. (Download from: l00saus.)