DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i01.p23                                            ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 22.1 Pebruari 2018: 152-155

Swear Words Used In The Movie “Fast And Furious 6”

Ni Made Ulan Sari

English Department Faculty of Arts – Udayana University [[email protected]]


Language is used as a means of communication in social intercourse. It can be used to propose one’s ideas, deliver particular messages, and to express emotions. One of many ways of using language is by producing swear word. Swear word is an offensive word which often used to express humiliation, anger and any other tense emotions. This study concerns with the descriptive analysis of swear word found in Fast and Furious 6 movie and its function. Hopefully, this study will be useful for English Department students and also the viewers of the movie to gain better understanding in interpreting the meaning and function of the swear word found in the movie.The research method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through observation and documentation method. The data was taken from the dialogue among the characters in the movie and its subtitles. Then, the deductive-inductive method was used in the step of the data analysis. Furthermore, in presenting the analysis, the data is explained descriptively in words, supported by tables.The finding presented that there are six kinds of swear words proposed by Hughes (2006) are performed by the characters in Fast and Furious 6 movie. There are seven swear words that related to sex (ass, asshole, ass-kicking, pussy, big-ass, bad-ass), two swear words related to excrement (shit and bullshit), a swear words related animal’s name (fox), three swear word related to personal background (bitch, son of a bitch, bastard), a word related to sexual activity (fuck) and three words related to taboo or religion or oath (hell, damn, goddamn). Meanwhile, swear word related to mentall illness and racism was not found in the movie. Furthermore, the function of swear words performed by the character of the movie are used as abusive swearing, cathartic swearing, idiomatic swearing and emphatic swearing. Swear word which used as dysphemistic swearing is not found in the movie.

Key words: swearing, swear words, language, utterance, emotion


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang makna dan fungsi dari kata umpatan yang ditemukan di film Fast and Furious 6. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Secara umum, data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi dan dokumentasi. Secara khusus, data diambil dari dialog karakter film Fast and Furious 6 dan subtitelnya. Kemudian, metode deduktif-induktif digunakan ketika menganalisis data. Selanjutnya, analisis data ditampilkan secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam jenis kata umpatan dalam film Fast and Furious 6 yang sesuai dengan teori dari Hughes (1991). Ada tujuh kata umpatan yang terkait dengan jenis kelamin (ass, asshole, ass-kicking, pussy, big-ass, bad-ass), dua kata umpatan yang terkait dengan kotoran (shit and bullshit), satu kata umpatan yang terkait dengan nama binatang (fox), tiga kata yang terkait dengan latar belakang seseorang (bitch, son of a bitch,

bastard), satu kata umpatan yang terkait dengan kegiatan seksual (fuck), dan tiga kata umpatan yang terkait dengan tabu atau agama atau sumpah tertentu (hell, damn, goddamn). Kemudian, fungsi dari kata umpatan yang ditunjukkan oleh karakter film Fast and Furious 6 meliputi abusive swearing, cathartic swearing, idiomatic swearing dan emphatic swearing. Semoga penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris untuk meningkatkan wawasan dalam menginterpretasikan makna dan fungsi dari kata umpatan, serta penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi untuk peneliti lainnya yang melaksanakan penelitian dengan topik yang sama atau yang berkaitan.

Kata kunci: mengumpat, kata umpatan, bahasa, ucapan, emosi

  • 1.    Background of the Study

One of many ways of using language is by producing swear word. Swear word is a form of linguistics expression which is often referred to bad language because all swear words are taboo, although not all taboo words is swear words (Karjalainen, 2002:18). Since swear words are judged as bad words, many people avoid using it in their conversation. However, not everyone agree with this statement. Swear words are still a part of human language and swearing is one of the most efficient ways to express extra frustration or anger in difficult situation. Moreover, it has even been suggested that swear words may be a factor in reducing stress (Chrystal in Karjalainen, 2002).

Swear words can be used intentionally or unintentionally. Most of the time, the use of swear words is influenced by the speaker’s emotions. Hughes (1991) stated that people swear by, people swear to (do something), people swear at (somebody or something) and sometimes people swear simply out of exasperation. The discussions of swear words are interesting since everybody swears, at least occasionally.

Since the discussion of swear words cannot be separated from pros and cons, therefore, the kinds of swear words and its functions became the main concerns of this study. In addition, swear words can be found in many media, one of which is in a movie entitled Fast &

Furious 6. The movie is American movie, released in 2013, directed by Justin Lin. Fast & Furious 6 is such a grossing film that contains a lot of swear word. The movie characters mostly use the swear words to represent their feeling without thinking about the hearer’s feeling. Therefore, Fast & Furious 6 movie was chosen as the object in this study.

  • 2.    Problems of Study

The problems raised in this study are formulated as follows.

  • a.    What kind of swear words used in Fast & Furious 6 movie?

  • b.    What are the function of swear words used in the dialog of Fast & Furious 6 movie?

  • 3.    Aims of Study

The aims of this study are specifically listed as follows:

  • a.    To identify the kinds of swear words found in Fast and Furious 6 movie.

  • b.    To understand how the function of swear words found in Fast and Furious 6 movie.

  • 4.    Research Method

The research method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative method. The qualitative method supports the validity of the research since it is concerned with developing explanations of social phenomena such as swearing. The data of this study were taken from the movie entitled Fast & Furious 6 written by Chris Morgan, directed by

Justin Lin, and starred by Vin Diesel. It is watched frequently in order to get the relevant scene that provided swear words. Meanwhile, other scenes without swear words were omitted from the observation. In collecting the data, The data were collected through observation and documentation method. Observation was done in order to gain the primary data, while secondary data was collected through documentation method. There were some steps in collecting the data. First, the movie was repeatedly watched. Then, together with the first step, the utterances that relevant to the topic were directly noted down. Finally, the data was selected and classified into some types under the socio-linguistic theory.

After all data collected, the data were classified based on the kinds according to Hughes (1991) and the function of swear words according to Lee Mckervey (2014). The data were analyzed and selected to a certain number needed for the type of data presentation with the purpose of describing the various kinds of swear words and the function of swear words in the dialog. In presenting the analysis, the data is explained descriptively in words. After the data were displayed, a conclusion was drawn. Drawing conclusion was the last procedure of analyzing the data of this research. The conclusion was drawn from the proposed research problems.

  • 5.    Research Findings and


The finding shows that there are six out of eight types of swear words performed by the characters of Fast and Furious 6 movie. Firstly, the characters performed several swear words that related to sex such as ass, asshole, asskicking, pussy, big-ass and bad-ass. Asshole literally means a person’s anus and is commonly known as a slang form. It is often used to swear, especially

referring to a stupid, irritating or contemptible person. Then, the phrase ass-kicking, as a noun, means a beating or a brutal and decisive defeat of a person or individual by another who had thoroughly dominated them in doing so, such as in sports. It belongs to swear words related to sex since the word ass exists in the phrase. When it used as a swear word, the word ass may refers to a foolish or stupid person or a person’s buttocks. After that, in North American, the word pussy is a swear word that refers to a weak, cowardly or effeminate man. The word big-ass is familiarly used in the United States, especially when the speaker expresses his shock or admiration towards someone or something. Sometimes, the word big-ass is not only used as an expression but also is used as an insult and cathartic swearing. Bad-ass can be defined as a noun and an adjective. It means a though, uncompromising and intimidating person. It can be defined as impressive or excellent as well. The definition depends on the sentence form and its context. In here, the word bad-ass is categorized as a swear word related to sex since it is a combination of words bad+ass. Secondly, the characters of Fast and Furious 6 movie performed two swear words related to excrement such as shit and bullshit. Excrement is generally related to things which are assumed to be dirty, disgusting, and rude if it is said in public. The word shit is one of the most popular profanities, but the meaning of the word depends on the situation context and the intention of the speaker. Bullshit is literally the combination of the word bull and shit. The function of swear word bullshit is mostly used as a cathartic swearing and emphatic swearing. Most of the time, the significance of someone swears the word bullshit is to release their stress and to express emotions.

Thirdly, when somebody is under a negative emotion, sometimes he or she swears using animal terms. In Fast and Furious 6 movie, the animal term that used as a swear word is fox, which refers to a cunning or sly person. Then, there are three swear words of personal background which are spoken by the speaker to a person who is considered to have a low status or profession. It means to insult, to degrade or to put down someone. Swear words of personal background are bastard, bitch, and son of a bitch. Next, swearing using terms of sexual activities is vulgar according to the society. One swear word of sexual activity that performed by the movie character of Fast and Furious 6 is fuck. Finally, the other kind of swear word found in the movie is swear words that related to taboo or religion or oath, that includes hell, damn, and goddamn. In the movie, the swear words may be used repeatedly, depending on the context of conversation and situation which makes its meaning be varied. One may not understand the meaning of swear words that exist in the Fast and Furious 6 movie or why are the movie characters swearing. Therefore, understanding about the function of the swear words is considered important because it helps people, especially the movie viewers, to understand the meaning of the swear words. In this study, the function of swear words involved abusive swearing (to abuse, intimidate and insult others), cathartic swearing (to show that someone is undergoing negative emotions), idiomatic swearing (to arouse interest or to show off), and emphatic swearing (to emphasize particular things informally).

  • 6.    Conclusions

Based on the discussion on swear words found in movie Fast and Furious 6, there are some conclusions that can be drawn. Firstly, There are six kinds of

swear words proposed by Hughes (2006) are performed by the characters in Fast and Furious 6 movie. There are seven swear words that related to sex (ass, asshole, ass-kicking, pussy, big-ass, badass), two swear words related to excrement (shit and bullshit), a swear words related animal’s name (fox), three swear word related to personal background (bitch, son of a bitch, bastard), a word related to sexual activity (fuck) and three words related to taboo or religion or oath (hell, damn, goddamn). Meanwhile, swear word related to mental illness and racism was not found in the movie. Secondly, the swear words mentioned are used repeatedly in different scenes of the movie and each swear word has different meaning depending on the context of the situation. Furthermore, the function of swear words performed by the character of the movie are used as abusive swearing, cathartic swearing, idiomatic swearing and emphatic swearing. Swear word which used as dysphemistic swearing is not found in the movie.

  • 7.    References

Chrystal, David. 2003. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language Second Edition. USA:     University     of

Cambridge Press

Hughes, George. 1991. Swearing: A Social History of Foul Language,    Oath,    and

Profanity in English. New York: Blackwell.

Karjalainen, Markus. 2002. An analysis of the loss of swearwords in two Swedish translations of J. D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye. University of

Mckervey, Lee. 2014. Five Function of Swearing.