DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i01.p01

ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 22.1 Pebruari 2018: 1-5

The Analysis of American Slang in Movie Script “The Wolf of Wall Street”

Putu Aristya Dewi1*, I Made Suastra2 12English Department Faculty of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] *Corresponding Author


Jurnal ini berjudul “The Analysis of American Slang in The Movie Script “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Adapun tujuan dari analisis ini adalah untuk menemukan apakah primary slang dan secondary slang digunakan oleh karakter dalam film tersebut atau tidak, selain itu juga untuk menemukan tipe makna dari arti slang berdasarkan konteks situasi dari kata itu sendiri.Adapun data yang digunakan diambil dari naskah film yang berjudul “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Metode dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan secara qualitatif akan dijelaskan dengan teori yang dikemukankan oleh Chapman (2007) yang membagi tipe slang menjadi Primary Slang dan Secondary Slang. Selain itu teori yang dikemukakan oleh Leech (1981) yang membagi tipe makna menjadi tujuh jenis diantaranya makna konseptual, makna konotatif, makna sosial, makna affective, makna reflected, makna collocative, and makna thematic.Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa primary slang adalah tipe slang yang banyak ditemukan dalam naskah film tersebut, dan ada beberapa jenis secondary slang juga ditemukan dalam naskah tersebut. Diantara tujuh tipe makna, hanya makna konseptual, makna reflected, dan makna affective yang ditemukan. Adapun makna dari kata-kata slang tersebut sesuai dengan konteks dimana kata itu digunakan.

Keywords: slang, makna, kontek situasi


This study is entitled “The Analysis of American Slang Found in The Movie Script “The Wolf of Wall Street””. The aims of this study are to find out whether primary and secondary slang was used by the characters in movie script titled “The Wolf of Wall Street”, to find out the types and also the meaning of the slang word that used by the characters based on the context of the situation. Documentary method was used to collect the data and then qualitatively described base on the theory of Chapman (2007) who divided the types of slang into primary and secondary slang. This study also uses the theory of Leech (198i) who classified the types of meaning into seven types which are conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning. From the analysis, it can be concluded that primary slang was mostly found and used by the characters in the movie, but nevertheless there are several secondary slang used by the characters in “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script due to a matter of stylistics choice and also used to describe things in a secret way. Among the seven types of meaning, there are only conceptual meaning, reflected meaning, and affective meaning. The

meaning behind each slang word in “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script are depend on the context in which slang words are used.

Keywords: type of slang, types of meaning of slang, context of situation.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Slang is considered a very informal word or expression that is commonly used in our everyday conversation. Even though the use of slang is really popular nowadays, in the past slang was often associated with vulgar words that wereconsidered nonstandard language.

According     to     Chapman

(2007)slang emerged from the special languages of subcultures and it has little to do with the main aim of language and it is the most nonlinguistic sort of language. Slang is the thing that everybody can recognize and nobody can define it. The use of slang by the teenagers is still being counted on for innovation on creating new slang.

In general, the use of slang is really popular and appears anytime and in all languages. It is interesting to do research in slang because it will give additional information on new word or speech in English and the true meaning of slang used in movie. Slang will be more interesting when studied further.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

  • a.    What are the types of American Slang used by the characters in “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script?

  • b.    What is the meaning of slang word used by the characters in “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • a.    To find out the type of slang word used by the characters in “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script.

  • b.    To analyze the meaning of slang word used by the characters in

“The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script

  • 4.    Research Method

    a.    Data Source

In this study the data wereobtained from the movie script entitled “The Wolf of Wall Street” by Terence Winter. It is a 2013 American comedy movie directed by Martin Scorsese. This study chose “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie script as the data source because it is a great American comedy movie that receive mostly positive reviews and the important reason why this movie script was choosen is that its script contains a lot of slang words especially used by the drug user.

  • b.    Method and Technique of Collecting The Data

Since the data wereobtained from the dialogues among the characters in the movie script “The Wolf of Wall Street”, the documentation         method

wasapplied to obtain the data. There are several steps used in this study when downloading the movie script; the second step was reading and understanding the movie script to find out the slang words used by the characters in the movie; the third one was taking notes on all utterances, and the last one was classifying the data based on the theory.

  • c.    Method and Technique of Analyzing the Data

The descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the

data. Descriptive means that the data were analyze in words or sentences descriptively. There are several techniques used in this study to analyze the data such as classifying each conversation based on slang theories and choosing the conversation that contains slang, and the data were analyzed using thetheory of slang proposed by Chapman (2007) and the theory proposed by Leech (1981).

  • d.    Method and Technique of Presenting Analysis

According to Sudaryanto (1993:145), there are two methods that can be used to present the analyzed data; there are formal and informal methods.Since the technique of analyzing the data applied the descriptive qualitative method the data were analyzed in words or sentences descriptively, that’s why the informal method was applied to present the analyzed data.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

This sub chapter describes the analysis of slang words found in the movie script “The Wolf of Wall Street”. The data analysis in this study is divided into two parts, the first part is analizing the context of the situation of the dialogue, and the second one is analyzing the type and meaning of American Slang uttered by the character in the movie script “The Wolf of Wall Street”

  • 5.1    Primary Slang

    a. Dick

There are two people involved in this conversation; they are person 1 (Jordan) and person 2 (Naomi).

Jordan’s Estate – Master Bedroom – Day. With Naomi, 24, blonde and gorgeous, a living wet dreamin LaPerlalingerie.

Jordan : My wife, oh my wife, Naomi, she is the Duchess of BayRidge, Brooklyn, and a former modeland Miller Lite girl.

Naomi licks her lips; she’s incredibly, painfully hot.

Naomi : Yeah, I was totally hot and the one blowing you in the Ferrari, so put your dick back in your pantsbecause I don’t want to fuck with you. (Winter, 2013:3)

There are two participants involved in the conversation above. The first one is Jordan and the second one is Naomi. It is known that Naomi is Jordan's second wife.The conversation above is taking place in the bedroom in Jordan’s house. In the conversation above, the topic spoken by the participants is abouthaving sex. The mode of the conversation above obviously in spoken language in term of dialogue between the two participants, Naomi and Jordan.The word “dick” is considered a slang word used to refer to “penis”. In addition, the slang word “dick” can also be used to name a person who is considered rude, abrasive, inconsiderate, or otherwise contemptible. In the statement above, the word “dick” means “penis”. In this case, the word “dick” is considered a primary slang. Based on the context of the sentence above, the slang word “dick” is considered a word that has conceptual meaning because the meaning of the word in the sentence above is the same as the denotative meaning of the word itself.

  • 5.2    Secondary Slang a. Coke

The persons who are taking part in this conversation are person 1 (Aunt Emma) and person 2 (Jordan).

They sit on a nearby bench in the living room. After a while:

Aunt Emma : Sometimes I wonder if you letthis thing (take the money) get the best of you, dear. (beat)Among other substances.

Jordan          : It’s that obvious,

huh?I’m a drug addict, Emma. Coke,pills, whatever you wanna name it. Sex addict too.

Aunt Emma : You’re a man with large appetites. (Winter, 2013:87)

The conversation involves two participants, the first one is Aunt Emma and the second one is Jordan. Aunt Emma is aunt of Jordan's wife. Jordan and Aunt Emma really have close relationship.In that situation, the conversation focuses on the way how Jordan life is.The conversation can be considered face-to-face conversation. This is indicated by the appearance of the words “this thing”. The speaker; Aunt Emma said “this thing” instead of “this money” because the speakers are in the same environment as their interlocutor, which cause them to share the same knowledge and enough context to figure out what “thing” refers to.The word “coke”above can be classified as a word carrying out two meanings such as to name cocaine and the name of the popular type of cola brand which is “Coca Cola”. But based on the conversation above, the word “coke” refers to the name cocaine.The word “coke” has multiple conceptual meaning, the denotative meaning of the word “coke” is used to name the cola brand and the other meaning of word “coke” is used to name “cocaine”. So the meaning of the word “coke” depends on the context of the situation where the word is used.

  • 6.    Conclusion

After analyzing the types and the types of meaning of slang based on the context of situation of the movie script “The Wolf of Wall Street” by Terence Winter in the previous chapter, some conclusions can be made such as the kinds or the types of the American slang used in the movie script “The Wolf of Wall Street” by Terence Winteris generally primary slang. There are thirty six slang words uttered by the actor in the movie script. There are twenty seven words that can be classified as primary slang and nine words that can be classified as secondary slang. However, because this study focuses on secondary slang, only a few primary slangs are analyzed. The interpretation of the meaning uttered by the characters is playing the important role in analyzing the words. In this study, in order to find out the correct meaning of the word, the analysis depends on the context of the situation in which the slang words are used, because one word can carry out several meanings.Related to the types of meaning of the American slang found in the movie script, from the seven types of meaning, there are only four types such as conceptual meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, and reflected meaning can be found. The reflected meaning is the most type of meaning found in the movie script.

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