ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 17.2 Nopember 2016: 235 - 240

The Comparison Of The Compliments And Compliment Responses Between Twilight And Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Movie)

Putu Yuga Wardiana Pande1

1English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]]

Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini berjudul the comparison of the compliments and compliment responses between twilight and crazy little thing called love (movie). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi dan membandingkan kategori pujian dan jenis tanggapan pujian yang lebih banyak digunakan. Data dalam tulisan ini diambil dari film berjudul Twilight (2008) oleh Catherine Hardwicke dan Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010) oleh Puttipong Pormsaka, Na-Sakonnakorn, Wasin Pokpong. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif.

Ada dua teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis pujian dan tanggapan pujian. Teori pertama yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kategori pujian dari Manes dan Wolfson (1981) menurut artikel Nugraha (2012). Teori kedua yang digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis tanggapan pujian adalah teori Herbert (1989) menurut artikel Wang dan pasal Tsai (2003).

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat dijelaskan bahwa kategori pujian ditemukan dalam sumber data pujian pada penampilan, pujian pada keterampilan/ kemampuan, pujian pada harta, pujian pada sifat pribadi, dan pujian pada hubungan dan juga jenis tanggapan pujian ditemukan dalam sumber data: tanda apresiasi, komentar penerimaan, komentar sejarah, penugasan, tanya jawab, perselisihan, dan tidak ada pengakuan.Kata kunci: pujian, respon pujian, jenis kelamin

  • 1.    Background of study

Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society. Sociolinguists are interested in language in community and the effect of social factors such as (social

distance, social status, age, gender, class) on language varieties (dialects, registers, genres, and so on, and they are concerned with the identification of the social functions of language and the way they are used to convey social meanings (Holmes – 1992:22).

Compliments is indirectly passed to each person. Sometimes in daily conversation a person can knew what or how kind of replies that person receive in those conversations. Usually, when a conversation starts some words of compliment responded by one to another. The compliment response is used for praise, whether it will accept or only give an expression.

In general, believe it or not many people are happy with praise either it has positive and negative side, for example, this is one kind of positive compliment: “your new hair fits you very well” then it is usually answered with “thanks, I am glad to hear it”. Next, is an example of negative compliment “what a nice shirt, but it does not suit you”. In film, a romantic kind of film is a perfect example for compliments. Someone can imitate what kind of compliment is showed in a film, because many various words of compliment are shown like compliments on appearance, and compliments on personality.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

Referring to the background above, there are two problems formulated in this study:

  • 1.    What categories of compliments are used in Twilight 2008 (American’s movie) and Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2010(Thailand’s movie)?

  • 2.    What types of compliment responses are used in Twilight 2008 (American’s movie) and Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2010(Thailand’s movie)?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To classify the categories of compliment used in Twilight 2008 (American’s movie) and Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2010(Thailand’s movie)

  • 2.    To classify the types of compliment response in Twilight 2008 (American’s movie) and Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2010(Thailand’s movie)

  • 4.    Research Method

A research method is the process of collecting the data source and data information. This data were taken from Twilight and Crazy Little Thing Called Love movie scripts. The data were collected through observation. The method used in analyzing the data was the qualitative descriptive method.

This research used documentation method . There are four ways done. First, watching the Twilight and Crazy Little Thing Called Love (movie) and reading movie script. Second analyzing compliment based on the categories of compliment by Wolfson’s theory (1983) as well as the theory from Manes and Wolfson (1981). Third, classifying the compliment response based on types of compliment response theory proposed by Herbert. Finally, there are two tables that were created to compare and classify the data used the theory of compliment and compliment response especially by the Twilight and Crazy Little Thing Called Love (movie) according to Holmes’s findings (1988: 462-463).

This research used the quantitative descriptive method by calculating the percentage of the results. Steps of data analysis are as follows, first the compliments word in movie scripts were analyzed. Then the compliment words found were analyzed using theory from Wolfson and Menes. Finally, Herbert theories was used to analyze the compliment responses.

  • 5.    Analysis

The Categories of Compliment and Analysis Compliment Responses in Twilight and Crazy Little Thing Called Love movie

Compliment on Appearance (Thailand’s movie)

(Data 1)

College students: So Handsome 01.30

Shone: (No Response)

Compliment: In the above conversation, the college students praised Shone by, saying so Handsome. This is compliment on appearance because the college students praise Shone appearance.

Compliment response: that after the college student praised Shone but Shone was just silent (no respond). It was no acknowledgement.

Compliment on Skill or Ability

(American’s movie)

(Data 6)

Edward: Rosalie mark the tree (Rosalie put a mark on the tree).That good. (91:31)

Rosalie: (no response)

Compliment: In the above conversation, Edward gave praise to Rosalie because she marked the tree well. And he said that good. It was compliment on skill or abilities. Because Edward appreciated with what Rosalie did to tree.

Compliment response: From the above conversation, Edward praised Rosalie but Rosalie responded to it with silence. This is called no acknowledgement.

Compliment on Possessions

(American’s movie)

(Data 4)

James: Nice Jacket. (35:34)

Vladimir: (no response).

Compliment: in the above conversation, James praised Vladimir’s jacket and saying nice Jacket. This compliment was compliment on possession because James praised the jacket used by Vladimir. It was property in compliment on possession as seen from the word jacket which belongs to Vladimir.

Compliment response:  from the above conversation, after James praised

Vladimir but he just took it silence (no respond) it was compliment response no acknowledgement because Vladimir was just silent.

Compliment on Personal Trait

(Thailand’s movie)

(Data 4)

Teacher Inn: You are good at English subject (07.18)

Nam: (No Response)

Compliment: the conversation above showed that Teacher Inn was giving the English exam results and she praised Nam. She was saying you are good at English subject. It was compliment on personal trait because Teacher Inn praised good results that Nam had.

Compliment response: in the conversation above, after Teacher Inn praised Nam, she reacted happily and smiles when received her exam result without said anything (no response). It was no acknowledgement.

Compliment on Relationship

(American’s movie)

(Data 1)

Edward: Bella, you are my life now. (90:56)

Bella : (no response).

Compliment: in the conversation, Edward praised Bella. He said “Bella, you are my life now”. This is called compliment on relationship. Because Edward felt that Bella is very important in his life.

Compliment response: From the above conversation, Edward praised Bella but Bella was just silent (no response). It was no acknowledgement.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded there are twenty nine categories of compliments used in Twilight movie. There are fourteen kinds of compliments for appearance, six kinds of compliments on skills or abilty, six kinds of compliment on possesion, two compliments on personal trait, and one for compliment on relationship. While in Crazy Little Thing Called Love movie twenty kinds of categories of compliments were found. Ten kinds on compliments for appearance, four kinds of compliments on skills or abilty, one kind of compliment on possesion, five for compliments on personal trait.

The types of compliments response in the first movie total twenty nine categories of compliments used in Twilight movie. There are four kinds of appreciation token, three kinds of comment acceptance, one kind of comment history, one kind of reassignment,

two kinds of questioning, one kind of disagreement and seveenteen of acknowledgement. While in Crazy Little Thing Called Love movie twenty kinds types of compliments response were found. There are two kinds of appreciation token, two kinds of comment acceptance, one kind of reassignment, one kind of questioning, and fourteen of no acknowledgement

  • 7.    Bibliography

Adachi, C. (2011). A Pragmatic Study of Gender-Based Compliments and Compliment Responses among Young Japanese Thesis submitted The University of Edinburgh

Payung Cedar, (2006).Thai and American Responses to Compliments in EnglishNaresuan University, Thailand Twilight (2008) full movie hd. Available from: Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010) full movie hd. Available from: