Hogwarts Dormitory Logos In Harry Potter Movie Series: A Study Of Social Semiotics
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 17.2 Nopember 2016: 209 - 217
Hogwarts Dormitory Logos In Harry Potter Movie Series: A Study Of Social Semiotics
Putu Anggita Novarianti1*, Ni Wayan Sukarini2, Putu Weddha Savitri3 123English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Studi yang berjudul “Hogwarts Dormitory Logos in Harry Potter Movie Series: A Study of Social Semiotics” ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis aspek verbal dan visual dari logo Asrama Hogwarts yang terdapat di dalam film Harry Potter dan menganalisis hubungan antara pesan yang terdapat di dalam logo dengan karakter siswa yang terdapat di dalamnya.
Studi ini menggunakan metode unduh untuk mengumpulkan sumber data. Dalam menganalisa data, studi ini menggunakan teori Saussure untuk mengklarifikasi struktur tanda ke dalam signifier dan signified. Studi ini juga menggunakan teori Berger untuk mengetahui aspek visual di dalam simbol.
Hasil studi ini menunjukan bahwa empat logo tersebut memiliki makna dan pesannya tersendiri. Pertama, karakteristik dasar siswa Gryffindor berhubungan dengan logo dari asrama mereka, yakni berani, sopan, dan bijaksana. Kedua, karakteristik siswa Hufflepuff adalah pekerja keras, ramah, loyal, jujur, dan cenderung netral. Ketiga, siswa Ravenclaw bersifat intelek, pintar, dan bijaksana. Dan yang terakhir adalah Slytherin, dimana siswanya memiliki karakteristik ambisius, cerdik, berkepimpinan, dan fokus.
Kata kunci: Sosial semiotik, tanda, simbol, logo.
The use of logo has spread in almost all aspects of social life, especially in the entertainment, in this respect is movie. One of the most famous movies in the world is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a feature film series based on the Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling. In a general word, this movie told about some teenagers who study magic in a boarding school named Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is divided into four dormitories; such are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Each of those dormitories has their own logos that contain meanings with the purpose of delivering the message, so do the logos contain symbols to decode the message inside. This study tries to decode four logos of that dormitory in order to know
more verbal and visual aspect, meaning and function, and its correlation to embody the characters of the dormitories.
1. What are the messages presented in the verbal and visual aspects of logos of Hogwarts Dormitory found in Harry Potter movie?
2. How are the messages in logos of Hogwarts Dormitory implied in Harry Potter movie correlated to embody the characters of each dormitory?
3. Aims of the Study
1. To explain the verbal and visual aspect of logo of Hogwarts Dormitory found in Harry Potter movie as it represents their values.
2. To analyse the relationships between the messages of logos of Hogwarts Dormitory implied in Harry Potter movie in supporting the characters of each dormitory.
The data source that was used in this study is Hogwarts Dormitory logos that is found in Harry Potter movies. They contain many logos that are interesting to be analysed in this study. Therefore, it will be easier to obtain the accurate data.
The data was collected by using download method. The Harry Potter movies were downloaded from the Harry Potter’s official website. The subsequent steps were to watch and observe the movies and then check all the logos that belong to Hogwarts Dormitory logos. Afterward, it was followed by note taking of the important matters of the data, in this respect, the logos of Hogwarts Dormitory that found in the movies. Then the data was selected and classified based on the need of the research.
The collected data was descriptively analysed using qualitative method based on Saussure’s and Berger’s theory. First, the verbal aspect was analysed by using Saussure’s theory and the visual aspect that was appeared on Hogwarts Dormitory logos were analysed by applying Berger’s theory. Second, the message inside the logos was analysed by using the theory of semiotics which was proposed by Saussure. Ultimately, analysing the correlation of the logos to embody the characters of each dormitory was carried out.
5. Result and Discussion
The red colour in the Gryffindor dormitory logo symbolizes courage, boldness, chivalry, strong leadership abilities of each character in the dormitory. Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, happiness, positively, and warmth.
The ratio of width to length of the logo of Gryffindor is 4:5.
There are several “empty spaces” of the appearance of the logo. The empty space is located on every side of the shape shield.
Contrast is found in the colour of the ribbon and writings (name of the dormitory). Another contrast is also found in the colour of the shield which has a very remarkable difference with the colour of the lion symbol which focused in gold.
The shield symbol in the Gryffindor’s logo could be related to represent their spirit in protecting the honour and the prides of the dormitory. The lion represents as one might imagine, primarily deals with strength. The ribbon symbol represents strong and lasting friendship.
There is no grain involved in the Gryffindor Dormitory logo.
Black and yellow are dominated the logo of Hufflepuff Dormitory. The black color symbolizes quietness, dependability, and courage of the dormitory. Yellow shines with optimisim, loyal, friendly, enlightenment, and warmth.
The ratio width to length of the Hufflepuff Dormitory logo is 1:1.
The empty space is located on the top and of the badger.
In Hufflepuff logo, contrast found in the first letter in the word of Hufflepuff which is bordered. The contrast of the logo also found in the pattern of the background of the shield which has two different patterns. Another contrast also found in the colour inside the shield and the colour of the ribbon which have a very remarkable difference with the colour of the badger symbol which is focused in black.
The badger is known for having a gentle nature and has come to be the symbol of love and loyalty; both are traits of Hufflepuff house. The shield symbol used to embody the will to protect the honour and pride of the dormitory. The ribbon symbol means sweet and long lasting friendships of each character that belongs to the dormitory.
There is no grain involved in the Hufflepuff logo.
Gray and blue are dominated the logo of Ravenclaw Dormitory. The blue colour in the Ravenclaw logo symbolizes softness, trust and quietness of the dormitory. Gray is used in Ravenclaw logo design to show the intelligence of the dormitory.
The ratio of width and length of the logo of Ravenclaw is 1:1
The empty space or the blank space is located on every side of the shape shield.
Contrast is the differences among elements in a sign. Contrast is used for emphasis particular symbol. In Ravenclaw logo, contrast seen in the ribbon that located in the top of the shield.
Shield shape could be related to security, power or control, strength, protection, safety, and defences. Eagle is said to symbolize skill, focus, determination, and vision. The ribbon represents strong and lasting friendship.
Grain is not suitable to represent the character of Ravenclaw dormitory. Therefore, there is no grain involved in the Ravenclaw dormitory logo. This means that the logo precisely reflecting the characters of the dormitory.
The color green refers to be more negative side in this logo due to green also tend to be selfishness, greedy and miserly as same as with the traits of Syltherin itself which is ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. The silver color can symbolizes lonely, lifeless and colorless.
The ratio of width to length of the logo of Slytherin Dormitory is 2:6.
- Spatiality
The empty space is located on every side of the shape shield. As Berger said the sense of spatiality associated with high status in homes, buildings, and etc, also expresses itself in the spatiality found in advertisements and other visual signs (1984: 33). It means this empty space is a sign of elegance, refinement, and quality of the Slytherin dormitory.
In Slytherin logo, contrast seen in the first letter of the written name in the ribbon, the color black in “S” was contrast with the green color in the ribbon that strengthen with the first letter in written name of the logo.
Shield represents the symbol of protection. Serpent is often associated with immortality and rebirth. Ribbon usually used to tie something up and to decorate a gift, therefore in this case the ribbon has meaning to tie relationship between characters of the dormitory.
There is no grain involved in the Slytherin logo. This means that the logo precisely reflecting the characters of the dormitory.
5.2. Data Analysis of Verbal Aspect
5.2.1. The Analysis of Verbal Aspects of Gryffindor Dormitory’s Logo
The main text in the logo is the name of the dormitory signifier “Gryffindor”. The meaning of the word “Gryffindor” according to Harry Potter.Wikia etymologically “Gryffin+Dor”, Gryffin means creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. In Old English and Old High German “dor” means gate or door. In French "d'or" means "of gold," one of the Gryffindor Dormitory colours, though it can also come from the Greek word "dora" meaning "gift". A combination can be assumed; "Golden Gift of the Lion".
5.2.2. The Analysis of Verbal Aspects of Hufflepuff Dormitory’s Logo
The main text in the logo is the name of the dormitory signifier “Hufflepuff”. The meaning of the word Hufflepuff according to HarryPotter.wikia etymologically "huff and puff" or blustery. "Huff" also means to breathe; "puff" is a medieval term for pastry. The first letter of the dormitory names was capitalize, bold and written clearly in the logo, this signified it was the name and obviously want to be the main focused or the main visible part of the logos, therefore people clearly to see and remember the name of the dormitory and also “Hufflepuff” are the given name of the founder of the dormitory; Helga Hufflepuff.
Ravenclaw is simply 'raven' + 'claw'. A raven is a large black bird that belongs to the crow family; however Ravenclaw's symbol is an eagle. In legend, ravens are known to be smart birds and quick learners; a claw means the nails of the bird. Ravenclaws are known to be also wise and quick learners.
The main text in the logo is the name of the dormitory signifier “Slytherin”. The meaning of the word “Slytherin” according to Harry Potter.Wikia etymologically, Slytherin may refer to the words "sly" as well as "slithering", which is the form of locomotion of snakes, possibly referring to their rare ability to talk to snakes called parseltongue.
5.3. The Correlation between the Messages of Logos to Embodying the Characters of Each Dormitory
The particular characteristics of students sorted into Gryffindor are courage, chivalry, and determination. The emblematic animal is a lion, and its colours are red and gold. Gryffindor corresponds roughly to the element of fire, and it is for that reason that the colours red and gold were chosen to represent the Dormitory. The colour of fire corresponds to that of a lion as well, red representing the mane and tail and gold representing the coat.
Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four dormitories; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. The emblematic animal is a badger, and yellow and black are its colours. Hufflepuff corresponds roughly to the element of earth, and it is for that reason that the Dormitory colours were chosen: yellow represented wheat, while black was emblematic of soil. The Hufflepuff point’s hourglass contains yellow diamonds.
Members of this dormitory are characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom. Its dormitory colours are blue and bronze, and its symbol is an eagle. Ravenclaw roughly corresponds with the element of air; the Dormitory colours blue and bronze were chosen to represent the sky and eagle feathers respectively, both having much to do with air.
Slytherin corresponds roughly with the element of water with serpents being commonly associated with the sea and lochs in western European mythology as well as serpents being physically fluid and flexible animals. The colours also correspond with waters around lakes and lochs often being green, and silver being often associated with grey rain water.
The logo of Gryffindor consists of a lion as the emblematic animal and its colours are red and yellow. The particular characteristics of Gryffindor students that correlated with their logo are courage, chivalry, and determination.
The logo of Hufflepuff consists of a badger as the emblematic animal and its colours are yellow and black. The particular characteristics of Hufflepuff students that correlated with their logo are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial.
The logo of Ravenclaw consists of an eagle as the emblematic animal and its colours are blue and bronze. The particular characteristics of Ravenclaw students that correlated with their logo are characterized by their wit, learning, and wisdom. They tend to be academically motivated and talented students.
The logo of Slytherin consists of a snake as the emblematic animal and its colours are green and silver. The particular characteristics of Slytherin students that correlated with their logo are known to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented.
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