ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.2 Agustus 2016: 279-284
Putu Eka Desyantari1*, Frans I Made Brata2, I Gusti Ngurah Parthama3 [123]English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[e-mail: [email protected]] 2[e-mail: [email protected]]
3[email:[email protected]]
Penelitian ini berjudul The Meaning of Technical Terms Used in Movie Script Ratatouille. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk megidentifikasi jenis-jenis istilah dan menganalisis fungsi dan maknanya. Data diambil dari sebuah naskah film yang berjudul Ratatouille. Ini adalah sebuah film animasi dari amerika yang diproduksi oleh Pixar Animation Studios dan dirilis oleh Walt Disney Pictures pada tahun 2007. Dalam naskah film ini ditemukan tujuh jenis-jenis istilah, yaitu: personalia di dapur, alat-alat dapur, seragam, bahan makanan, masakan, menu, dan restaurant. Data ini disajikan secara deskriptif dan dianalisis secara quantitative berdasarkan teori makna yang diusulkan oleh Lyons (1995) dan teori mengenai fungsi bahasa yang diusulkan oleh Halliday (1973). Hasil darianalisis menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada lima fungsi bahasa dan empat makna dari istilah-istilah yang ada.
Kata Kunci: Istilah, fungsi, makna
Technical term is a word or phrase that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise. In this case, the technical terms can be found in movie script. The movie was chosen with consideration that Ratatouille is the movie which contains technical terms. The technical terms are often used during the conversations in the kitchen. Each term may have different function and meaning. For example: the word station means a place where people can stop the bus. Meanwhile, in the kitchen the word station means the area where a certain type of food is prepared. Not all people can understand the exact meaning, only those who are involved in kitchen might understand the meaning.
1. What kinds of technical terms were found in the movie script Ratatouille?
2. What function and meaning of the technical terms were found in the movie script
The aims of this study are to categorize the kinds of technical terms found in the movie script Ratatouille and analyzed the function and meaning of each term.
The data of this study were collected from the movie script Ratatouille. Ratatouille is animated American film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2007.
The deductive method was used to collect the data which start from the general to the specific. The data were collected by watching the movie and reading the movie script. After that, the terms which appeared were noted down in the form of a list and then the list was transcribed.
After completing the data, they were analyzed. Thequalitative method was used to find out the answer to the problem and the data were analyzed descriptively. Descriptive means the analysis starts from the data to theory. First of all, the data were transcribed by noting down the technical terms, then, the transcription of the technical terms was analyzed using the theory of meaning proposed by Lyons (1996).
There are seven kinds of technical terms found in this study, they are: personnel in the kitchen, kitchen utensil/equipment, uniform, groceries, cuisine, menu, and restaurant. The kinds of technical terms were analyzed based on their function and meaning.
There are some types of meaning used to analyze the terms found in this present study. They are lexical meaning, denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and implicit
meaning. There are also some kinds of function used to analyze the terms, that is: instrumental function, regulatory function, interactional function, personal function, heuristic function, imaginative function and representational function. The function of each term was analyzed based on the dialogue of the characters.
1. Apron
Apron is a protective piece of clothing that covers the front of the body which wears by some workers for hygienic reasons and also to protect the body from injury. The term apron has lexical meaning because everyone knows its meaning. According to the dialogue in the movie script, the term apron belongs to the interactional function because there is an interaction between the characters in the movie.
2. Cheese
Cheese is a food derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms. It comprises proteins and fat from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. The term cheese has lexical meaning because cheese is a familiar word; everyone knows its meaning. Based on the dialogue in the movie script, the term cheese belongs to the interactional function. The dialogue shows that the character ‘Remy’ is talking to the other character about cheese.
1. Chef de partie
This term is actually derived from French. It means a chef in charge of a particular area of the production in a restaurant. Chef de partie is responsible for running a specific section of the kitchen. Chef de partie has denotative meaning which is derived from another language (France). This term also belongs to the representational function. Based on the dialogue, the language is used to describe about something or another person.
2. Commis
Commis is a basic chef in larger kitchens who works under a chef de partie to learn the stations or range’s responsibilities and operation. The term commis has denotative meaning which is derived from another language (French). Based on the dialogue in the movie script, the term commis belongs to the heuristic function because the language which is used in the dialogue shows that one of the characters is learning about something.
1. Garbage boy
Garbage boy is a male person who picks up the trash. In the kitchen, the garbage boy is responsible for keeping the kitchen clean every day. According to Hornby (2010) garbage is ‘waste food and paper that you throw away’. Meanwhile, boy is ‘a male child or a young male person’. Actually, not all of the people know the meaning of garbage boy. The term garbage boy could be interpreted as a boy who likes garbage.Based on the dialogue in the movie script, the term garbage boy belongs to the instrumental function. The language which is used in the dialogue makes someone do or agree with what he/she says.
2. Order
The term order means any request for food or drink by a person or a group of persons in a restaurant. The word order connotes a sense of human agency (that is, an investor's instruction to a broker or dealer to buy or sell an item in a specified manner.Therefore, the term order has connotative meaning. Based on the dialogue, the term order belongs to the interactional meaning because the language which is used by Linguini shows that there is an interaction between Linguini and other persons.
1. Pile up
Pile upis usually used in restaurant term when there are many orders in restaurant, however, yet none can be resolved. For example: orders pile up and food doesn’t go”. The sentence shows that the speaker wants the food to be finished quickly. Therefore, this term is categorized as having an implicit meaning. Based on the dialogue, the term pile up also belongs to the regulatory function. It is shown by the language used by the character Colette that said something to the character Linguini and affected Linguini through the language used by Colette.
2. Little chef
Actually chef means a person who is responsible for cooking in the kitchen of Restaurant/Hotel. However, in this study the term little chef was found. It is an expression used by one of the characters in the movie to call a rat that can cook. In reality, it is impossible that a rat can cook. Based on that explanation, it can be concluded that little chef is a chef whose body is small. Therefore, this term is categorized as implicit meaning in addition to or a part from the thing explicitly named or described with a word. This term also belongs to the interactional function. This function refers to the use of the language, which is used to interact between speakers in communication.
It can be concluded that there are twenty seven technical terms found in the movie script Ratatouille. Those terms are categorized into seven kinds of technical terms. There are also seven types of function; however, in this study only five functions were found from those seven functions. The meanings of technical terms are categorized into four, they are: lexical meaning, denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and implicit meaning.
7. Bibliography
Halliday, M.A.K, and Ruqaiya Hasan. 1985. Language, Context, and Text: Aspect of Language in a Social Semiotic Perspective. Melbourne: Deakin University Press.
Hornby, A.S. 2010. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press.
Lyons, John. 1995. Linguistic Semantics and Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Spears, Richard A ph.d. 2000. NTC’s Compact English Dictionary. Chicago: NTC Publishing Group.
Sudiara, BagusPutu. 1995. Kitchen Theory. PusatPendidikandanPelatihanPariwisata (PPLP) DhyanaPura, Badung.
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