Types And Meaning Of Idiom In The Song Album Of John Legend And Coldplay
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.3 September 2016: 260 - 265
Types And Meaning Of Idiom In The Song Album Of John Legend And Coldplay
Putu Rara Enika Sarash1*, I Gst. Ayu Gede Sosiowati2, I Made Winaya3 123English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Studi ini berjudul “Types and Meaning of Idiom in the Song Albums of John Legend and Coldplay”. Studi ini fokus membahas jenis idiom dan arti dari idiom yang ada dalam lirik lagu tersebut.
Data yang digunakan dalam studi ini berupa lagu yang diambil dari album John Legend yang berjudul “Love in the Future” yang dirilis pada than 2011 dan album dari Coldplay yang berjudul “Parachutes, Head Full of Dreams dan X&Y”. Data dalam studi ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pencatatan.
Studi ini menggunakan Teori Palmer untuk menganalisa jenis idiom yang terdapat di setiap lirik lagu. Berdasarkan teori Palmer, ada tiga jenis idiom yang terdapat dalam lirik lirik lagu dalam album ini. Dan untuk menganalisa arti yang terkandung dalam idiom tersebut, studi ini menggunakan teori Leech; teori ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat tujuh jenis meaning. Arti dari idiom itu sendiri memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat dengan pesan yang terkandung.
Berdasarkan atas hasil analisis terdapat tiga jenis idiom yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu.
Kata kunci: idiom, jenis idiom, arti dari idiom
The English language is an important language since it becomes an international language. There are many ways to express feeling through language such as writing a novel or poetry, or people can write a song. As one of the media to express feelings, song seems interesting to be analyzed. The language of the song is built in a specific way; therefore, it becomes an ordinary language. It is interesting and usually written in beautiful and nice words to attract us and hold our attention.
As one of the media to express feelings, song seems interesting to be analyzed. An idiom is a number of words which are joined together, which means something different from the meaning of separate words that make them up. What makes idiom interesting is that the meaning of idiom cannot be predicted from the meaning of word by word. Sometimes idiom takes many different structures. They can be very short, or rather long. That is why people find it hard to understand its meaning.
In analyzing the song lyrics, there are two problems which can be formulated as follows:
a) What types of idioms are found in the song lyrics of John Legend and Coldplay?
b) What are the meanings of the idioms found in the song lyrics of John Legend
and Coldplay?
3. Aims of the study
The aims of the study are:
a) To find the types of idioms in the song lyrics of John Legend and Coldplay.
b) To describe the meaning of idioms found in the song lyrics of John Legend and Coldplay.
A method is a procedure applied in a research in accordance with the approach used. The methodology that is used to do this research is concerned with data source, and method and technique of collecting data. This research uses qualitative data.
This part deals with the result and the discussion of the data. The data analysis is divided into two parts; types of idiom and analysis of meaning.
a) Types of Idiom
1. Phrasal verb is a very common type of idiom in English which includes
the meaning of adverb/particle. What is usually called a phrasal verb is the combination of a verb and adverb (Palmer, 1976).
- I wanna run to the light
The idiom run to can be considered a phrasal verb. It consists of two words formed by the verb ‘run’ and the adverb ‘to’.
- Light it up, tell me more, explore
The idiom light it up is considered a phrasal verb where the verb ‘light’ and the adverb ‘up’ are separated by the direct object ‘it’.
2. Prepositional Verb. According to Palmer (1976: 99), a prepositional verb is the sequence of verb and preposition.
- Stop standing in line, cause you’re all mine
The idiom standing in is a prepositional verb where the verb ‘stand’ is followed by the preposition ‘in’ and the adverb ‘line’.
- So, we can set the mood right off
The idiom right off is a prepositional verb in which the verb ‘right’ is followed by the preposition ‘off’.
3. Partial idiom is if one of the words has its usual meaning and the other has meaning that is peculiar to a particular sequence (Palmer, 1976:99).
- Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts
The expression showing hearts is a partial idiom since the word ‘showing’ in this term has usual meaning while the word ‘hearts’ has the meaning that is peculiar to a particular sequence of idiom.
- Before my head explodes
The idiomatic expression head explodes is considered a partial idiom. It also seems hard to decide which word has the usual meaning and which has the meaning that has is peculiar to a particular sequence.
b) Meaning of Idiom.
Connotative meaning is the communicative value which an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above purely conceptual content.
To a large extent, the notion of ‘reference’ overlaps with the conceptual meaning
- Light it up, tell me more, explore
In verse 2 Who Do We Think We Are song there is the phrasal verb light it up. The verb ‘light’ means the energy from something which shines, the adverb ‘up’ means to or in a higher place or position, condition, degree etc. The meaning ‘light it up’ related to the song lyric is to make it more hilarious; crowded. Therefore, the phrasal verb ‘light it up’ can be categorized as connotative meaning, since the meaning does not have its literal meaning.
- So we can set the mood right off
The expression right off is considered a prepositional verb. It consists of the verb ‘right’ which means to return something to the normal; vertical position and the preposition ‘off’ means down or away from a place or at a distance in space or time. Related to the lyric, we can set the mood ‘right off’, which in this case means immediately or quickly. The idiom ‘right off’ can be considered having connotative meaning since it uses the word which its meaning is above its literal meaning.
a) Stylistic meaning is that a piece language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. We ‘decode’ the stylistic meaning of a text through our recognition of different dimensions and levels of usage within the same language.
- I wanna run to the light
The idiom run to is a phrasal verb, the meaning of ‘run’ as a verb is to move using legs or going faster than, and the adverb ‘to’ means in or into a close position. The idiom runs to means searching for or looking for something better. This idiom is related to getting better of life and go away from the sadness or worst thing. This phrasal verb ‘run to’ has the connotative
and stylistic meaning since its meaning is not literal and the usage of this idiom is about the social circumstance.
- I’m covered in you
The phrasal verb covered in consists of the verb ‘covered’ which has the meaning to place or something over or in front of something in order to hide or protect it and the adverb ‘in’ means to a position in or inside something. This idiom clearly tells that someone is falling in love and feels so covered with love. This idiom emphasizes style in the sentence and makes this idiom categorized as having the stylistic meaning, according to Leech types of meaning. It also considered having connotative meaning, since its meaning does not have its literal meaning.
Based on the types of idioms, from the 15 songs of John Legend and Coldplay albums, 27 idioms were collected; they are 15 phrasal verbs, 5 prepositional verbs and 7 partial idioms. After passing the whole analysis, the song lyrics of John Legend and Coldplay contain three types of idioms, in which the phrasal verb and the partial idiom are the types of idioms with the most frequent occurrences, while the prepositional verb, as the type of idioms, occur for the least. The three types of idioms are presented as the data for finding out the meaning of idioms.
The meaning of idioms in the song lyrics of John Legend and Coldplay can be classified into connotative meaning and stylistic meaning, and the connotative meaning is the most frequent occurrences and the least is stylistic meaning. By viewing the types and meaning of idioms in the song lyrics of John Legend and Coldplay, people can easily understand the idioms.
Leech, Geoffrey, 1974. Semantic. Great Britain: hazel Watson & Viney Ltd.
Palmer, F.R. 1976. Semantics: a New Outline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schweigert, Wendy A. 2005. Psycholinguistic Research by Springer Netherlands
Publisher.Journal Press.
Seidl, Jennifer and Mc Mordie.1980.English Idiom and How to use them. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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