ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 225-231

The Analysis of Conflict in the Movie “LUCY”

Ni Luh Made Eva Lusiana

English Department – Faculty of Arts – Udayana University [[email protected]]


Penelitian ini berjudul The Analysis of Conflict in the Movie “Lucy” oleh Luc Besson. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan jenis konflik yang dihadapi oleh pemeran utama dan sumber dari conflict tersebut dan menganlisis bagaimana cara pemeran utama menyelesaikan konflik tersebut. Data penelitian ini di ambil dari film Lucy. Penelitian ini focus menjelaskan konflik eksternal dan konflik internal. Analisis konflik berdasarkan teori Kenny (1996) yang membagi konflik menjadi dua jenis, diantaranya: eksternal konflik dan internal konflik. Deskripsi dan penyajian karakter dianalisis berdasarkan teori Deetz and Stevenson (1986) yang terdiri dari: sumber konflik dan solusi dari konflik tersebut. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah menunjukan pemeran utama menghadapi dua konflik, diantaranya: eskternal konflik dan internal konflik. sumber konflik dari pemeran utama adalah; perbedaan pendapat, tujuan yang tidak sesuai dan peran yang tidak sesuai. Untuk solusi yang digunakan pemeran utama untuk menyelesaikan konflik tersebut adalah; strategi penghindaraan, strategi kompetisi, dan strategi kreatif integrasi.

Kata kunci: konflik, strategi, resolusi.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Conflict is a struggle between two or more forces that creates a tension that must be resolved (although in some stories, as in real life, it isn't). Conflict is important to literature because it provides the basic materials for the construction of the plot. Without conflict, nothing would happen. In addition, the conflict within a piece may be central to the author's view of life or the point he or she is trying to make.

The conflict with which fiction concerns itself is of many kinds. A story may deal with a conflict within a single man, a conflict between a man, a conflict between a man and society, between man and nature, and so on. Conflict refers to person which deals with life situation. It is only situation that offers a conflict (Kenney 1966:19).

In this study, the discussion of conflict will be more deeply about the conflict in the movie with the reference

movie Lucy written by Luc Besson (2014). The story of this movie is very interesting which could build up the emotion of the spectator. This movie is a science fiction and action. Based on science fiction we can see in the screen when the professor explains about science to students and in the screen Lucy tells about new drugs names CPH4 and Lucy has force to control media electronic, communication with the professor using television. In action, Lucy is arrested with the gangster that sells drugs to another world.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, there are three problems in this study; they are:

  • 1.    What kinds of conflict are faced by the main character?

  • 2.    What is the source of those conflicts?

  • 3.    How does Lucy solve the conflicts?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To identity the kind of conflict faced by the main character of the movie Lucy.

  • 2.    To analyze the source of conflict of the main character.

  • 3.    To analyze the way Lucy solved the conflicts.

  • 4.    Research Method

    4.1    Data source

The data of this study were taken from the movie entitled Lucy written by Luc Besson (2014). This movie is about the young woman named Lucy; she is an American woman living and studying in Taipei, Taiwan, the conflict started when her employer, Mr. Jang, a Korean mob boss and drug lord was offering job to Lucy to deliver a briefcase to Mr. Jang containing a highly valuable synthetic drug called CPH4. After seeing her boyfriend shot and killed, she captured. The data sources were chosen because they could provide much information related to the conflicts, which is very interesting to be analyzed.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected and selected using the documentation method. The process was by watching

and understanding the content of the movie and related them to the topic. It was followed by listening to dialogue and reading the movie script. Afterwards, finding out the statement that belong to the intrinsic study, in this case, the elements of fiction especially about the conflicts which were selected through note taking technique.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed qualitatively based on the theoretical basis for conflicts. All the data collected were classified into certain categories. To determine the data belonging to certain point of analysis, first the data were copied from the movie and then, categorized into internal and external conflicts. The data were analysed based on the conflict theory of literature by William Kenney (1966:5), source of conflict and conflict solution was analyzed using the theory managing interpersonal communication by Deetz & Stevenson (1986).

  • 5.    Analysis

    • 5.1    Types of Conflict found in the movie “Lucy”

  • A.    External Conflict

Conflict between Lucy and Richard

Conflict is between Lucy and Richard, while in the movie the analysis of external conflict of the main character is only covering the conflict between man and man, in this case the main character and her boyfriend Richard. The conflict between Lucy and her boyfriend Richard included interpersonal conflict, because both conflicts caused differing opinion. When Richard asked Lucy to take a briefcase to room Mr. Jang, Lucy refused to do anything for Richard without knowing what he wanted her to deliver. Richard annoyed with Lucy, because she always refused what Richard wanted, very flash Richard slips the handcuff from the briefcase handle around Lucy’s wrists, Richard and left Lucy without any choice. That made Lucy angry with Richard.

The following quotation:

Lucy       :  What the…

Richard! What the hell are you doing?

Richard      : Sorry. I really

need your help.

Lucy        :      Richard!

Richard! Hold on a second! What is this shit?

Take this off of me right now!

Richard      : I don’t have the

key. Mr. Jang has it all you have to do is go

into the hotel and ask for him at the reception desk. He’ll come down with the key and you’ll be free to go.

  • B.    Internal Conflict

Internal conflict is also sometimes called psychological conflict. Internal conflicts could happen between one idea and another idea or the conflicts of in one’s own mind. Internal conflict exists within him or herself. Personal conflict is the struggle that takes place in the character’s mind. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. For example, in Lucy, the story (as the main character) about her life became changed because the

drug (CPH4) was broken in her body. Lucy thought that she would be died, but she had a super power, it was super brainpower. Lucy felt everything like the space, the air, the vibrations, etc.

The following quotation:

Lucy      : I feel the space... the

air... the vibrations...the people... I feel the

rotation of the earth... the heat leaving my body... the blood running in my veins... I feel my brain... and I can travel to deepest part of my memory...

  • 1.    Source of Conflict found in the movie “Lucy”

A. Source of External Conflict Source of Conflict between Lucy and Richard is Different Opinions

The conflict here is the conflict man and man; in this case Lucy and   Richard. This conflict

damaged the relationship between them; Richard asked Lucy to deliver the briefcase to Mr. Jang; Lucy refused to do anything for Richard without knowing what they wanted her to deliver. The source of their conflict was differing opinion. The following quotation:

Richard : Lucy, it’s easy as pie. In, out, all done and dusted.

Lucy : So, why don’t you do it yourself?

Richard : For fun, that’s all! The last thing the guy is expecting is a total 10

turning up to deliver his case. It will blow his mind. C’mon!

B. Source of Internal Conflict

Sources of Internal Conflict is Incompatible Roles

The source of this conflict is incompatible roles; this conflict arises whenever individual roles in the interaction cannot be played because each requires a complementary role that the other is not playing. Richard asked Lucy to deliver the briefcase to Mr. Jang but Lucy refused to do anything for Richard without knowing what Richard wanted Lucy to deliver. Actually, Lucy did not care about what Richard said and she took another sip coffee, and turned her face to the sun.

The following quotation:

Lucy : What’s in it?

Richard : Sweetheart! Don’t get paranoid on me! It’s fifty feet! I’m right here!

You trust me, don’t you?

Lucy     : I gotta go

Richard : Hey, Lucy, Lucy! What are you doing?

  • 2.    Resolution of Conflict found in the movie “Lucy”

A. Resolution of External


Resolution of Conflict between Lucy and Richard is Avoidance The resolution of external conflict between Lucy and Richard is avoidance, when Lucy was angry with Richard, because Richard slipped the handcuff from the briefcase handles around her wrists and Richard counted out five hundred dollars and wedged the bills in her cleavage.

The following quotation:

Richard : It’s worth five hundred bucks, at least! And the money upfront! Buy yourself a real Stetson with it.

B. Resolution of Internal Conflict Resolution of Internal Conflict is Creative Integration

The resolution of in this conflict is creative integration attempts to break the conflict context by demonstrating that the way a conflict is being

perceived is not the only possible way to see it. One has a choice to see the conflict in another context rather than to examine it within the present one, actually subverts the conflict discussion. It debilitates individual and relationship problem solving by incapacity decision making and it can expand the complexity of the issues, leaving them more difficulties to address in the future, because she really does not have a choice, she thinks this is her responsibility. Although she knows that it is dangerous for her life after she discusses it with Professor Norman and his college.

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

In this study Lucy faced two types of conflict; there are external and internal conflicts. In external conflict, Lucy faced three external conflicts; they are the conflict between herself and her boyfriend, Richard, the conflict between herself and the gangster, Mr. Jang, and the conflict between herself and Professor Norman. The source of external conflict of Lucy and her boyfriend, Richard was the different opinion. This was interpersonal conflict and from the situation of conflict, this

was an approach avoidance conflict because in managing her conflict with Richard she used avoidance strategy. She deals with the conflict; before she finished the conflict Richard passed away as he was shot by the gangster.

The conflict between Lucy and Mr. Jang was incompatible goals. This was interpersonal conflict and from the situation of conflict, this was an approach competition conflict, because in managing her conflict with Mr. Jang she used a competition strategy. She did not deal with this conflict, she wanted to stay alive, but she was already dependent with the drugs, if she did not consume the drugs, her body would not have lost, but this conflict finished, because Mr. Jang passed away by the police and Lucy was lost.

The conflict between Lucy and Professor Norman was differing opinions. This was interpersonal conflict and from the situation of conflict, this was an approach avoidance conflict, because in managing her conflict between Professor Norman she used the avoidance strategy. In this conflict Professor Norman could not believe Lucy, but after Lucy explained what happened her life was changing

and she needed an answer to this case. Professor Norman just wanted Lucy to bequeath this science to the development of science, Lucy dealt with it, after she analyzed the research.

The source of Lucy internal conflict was incompatible roles between two roles. The internal conflict of Lucy is categorized as a personal conflict and this personal conflict is also included in the approach-approach conflict. The creative integration was used to manage the conflict.


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