ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 178-184

The Meaning of Verbal and Visual Aspect with Reference to “Superheroes” Video Clip By The Script

I Kadek Haryadi Suryanatha1*, Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati2 12English Department Faculty Of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] *

Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini berjudul The meaning of Verbal and Visual Aspect With Reference To “Superheroes” Video Clip by The Script. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi jenis-jenis visual yang ditemukan dalam music video dari The Script serta menjelaskan makna secara verbal yang terdapat di dalam lagu tersebut. Sumber data diambil dari satu lagu yang populerkan oleh pop band asal Irlandia, The Script. Lagu tersebut adalah Superheroes. Teori-teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diadopsi dari teori visual dan verbal yang dikemukakan oleh John Dyer (1993) dan teori meaning dari Leech (1974). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode laporan kualitatif . Diawali dengan menonton video music secara hati-hati, kemudian mencatat data yang berhubungan, sedangkan untuk aspek verbal diteliti dengan menganalisa setiap stanza dari lirik tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 19 komponen dari aspek visual. Sedangkan untuk aspek verbal menggunakan tekstual analisis. Sedangkan makna yang digunakan untuk mengetahui arti dari setiap stanza terdapat dua macam dari tujuh macam makna berdasarkan teori.

Kata Kunci: Musik Video, Visual, Verbal, Arti, Komunikasi.

  • 1.    Background of study

Music video clip is the most commonly used tool for delivering the message of songs to viewers.In analyzing a video clip, there are two aspects of sign which are needed to figure out the message of the video clip. The visual aspect, which has been the most important element in communicating the meaning of the video clip and the verbal aspect has

something to deal with text and words. In the video clip, there must be a meaning behind the song, and the verbal aspect could be analyzed through the lyric of the song. In order to interpreting the lyric of the song to the video clip, therefore, the audio visual is also needed to support the content of the video clip.

Visual aspects are divided into several kinds, According to Dyer

(1993). There are: Appearance, Manner, Activity, Props, Setting and Analyzing photographs or image. Verbal aspects are divided into two kinds, there are: textual analysis and non-textual analysis.

A language or simply a word contains many hidden meanings behind of it. Each word that we speak, hear and listen sometimes can very different from what we understand literally.According to Leech (1974) meaning a word is complex. Leech divided meaning into seven types. There are: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning.

The Script is an Irish pop rock band. Established in 2001 in Dublin, IrelandThe script already release four albums to date which are, The Script (2008), Science & Faith (2010), #3 (2012), and No Sound without Silence (2014). The single “Super Heroes” was included in the latest album “No sound without silence”. The “Superheroes” video clip this very interesting to analyzed in order to get the concept and the massage of this video for everyone who watch it.

This research focused on the meaning of visual and verbal aspect of The Script video clip.

  • 2.    Problem of Study

From the background of the study, in analyzing the song lyrics the research problems can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What steps of visual aspect used in the “Superheroes” video clip by The Script?

  • 2.    What is the meaning of the lyrics based on the verbal aspects in the video clip?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problem of study, the aims of study are:

  • 1.    To classify the steps of visual aspect used in “Superheroes” video clip by the script.

  • 2.    To analyze and describe the meaning of lyrics based on the verbal aspect in the video clip.

  • 4.    Research Method

In this research, the data of this study were taken from the Script’s music video entitled “Superheroes” and the lyrics of the song. This video clip

was taken from the album entitled “No Sound Without Silence”. The music video entitled “Superheroes” was chosen as the data source because the music video consists of a deep story which is closed to our reality which is represented in their lyrics, connected with the music videos, verbally and visually.

The data in this study are collected by using method of documentation. The collecting of music video in The Script will be done with following steps. First, downloaded The Script music video “Superheroes” from Next Step was watching the video repeatedly, carefully, and intensively until the content was understood, and then collect the articles from internet telling about The Script biography were collected, in order to get more detailed information relevant to the topic that increases the understanding of the elements of the data step would be browsing the lyrics from the internet, in order to understand the meaning of the song. The last, the important points found in those music video were noted down.The data were analyzed based on the theory of visual and verbal proposed by John Dyer

  • (1993)    and theory of meaning by Leech (1974).All the data are classified based on the kinds of the visual and verbal aspects. The analyses are continued by analysing the meaning of each stanza.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

This part deals with the result and discussion of the analysis of visual and verbal communication aspects from the script video clip

  • 5.1.    Kinds       of       Visual

Communication Aspects

  • 1.    Appearance

  • a.    Age

The identification of the age in “Superheroes” music video was based on the character represented by the actor. The man could be classified into a mature around 3035 years old and the child could be classified into kid around 5-10 years old.

  • b.    Gender

In “Superheroes” Video clip, the overall classification of gender including all of supporting characters could be divided into two which were male and female.

  • c.    Nationality and race

Based on the appearance of the actors probably the actors was an African.

  • d.    Hair

In this video clip, “Superheroes” the actor has a normal characteristic just like a normal African male that can be found in the city. He has bald hair while the supporting character has a dyed hair.

  • e.    Body and Size

The man or the main character of this video clip has big body, around 175-180 cm and the supporting character is a little girl who had a size like normal girl like, it is around 110 – 120cm.

  • f.    Looks

The main character was just a hard working father who can secretly hide his facial expression when she met her daughter. Meanwhile the supporting character, looked had a sad expression when her father not around.

  • 2.    Manner

  • a.    Expression

The expression of the main character of this video clip was

occasionally changed. The main character put his exhausted face when he go to work. And he covered his exhausted when he met her daughter.

  • b.    Eye Contact

The eye contact between the main actor and the supporting character happened at beginning and nearly end of the video clip.

  • c.    Pose

The pose that occurred in the video clip was concluded as an active pose. Because they were showed doing an active motion even not in one scene.

  • d.    Clothes

They were using a formal and also casual clothes depended on the setting of the video clip. The formal clothes such like grey suit wear by the main character when he pretend to go to office. As for the little girl the clothes she wear is a casual clothes; contained a grey sweater with white shirt inside the sweater.

  • 3.    Activity

  • a.    Touch

At the near end of the video clip, there was a scene when the father

who already back from his work and hugs her daughter on the bridge.

  • b.    Body movements

It began from both characters woke up and the father goes to work. The father showed how he walk from his house to work place. Next when he work as a scavenger where he separate garbage. While the supporting character play with her friend when his father goes to work although she was not invited. Then showed the girl play with swings alone. When sun goes down she met his father and hugged her.

  • c.    Position of Communication

The positional communication in this video clip refers to the relationship between the main character and supporting character as a father and a daughter.

  • 4.    Props

There were many props that used in this video clip. Beside the instrument of the band, properties that used in this video clip were the house tools, such as sofa, bed, lamp and other properties such as bag, doll, pickup car, garbage car, garbage, flare and swing.

  • 5.    Setting

The setting of “Superheroes” music video was filmed entirely in suburb place located in South Africa. At first the setting was a mini stage located in a middle of suburb in one city in South Africa. The band was performed in the stage. Then the next setting was at the actor house. Afterwards the setting was at one street which the story was at the actor wanted to go to work. Then it is showed there was a bus top and the actor goes to his workplace. Next the setting was in a place where a garbage dumped, as the place was a place for the actor worked. As the story goes, the setting was at a park where it shown the daughter play alone.

  • 6.    The Analyzing of Photographs and Images

  • a.    Focus and depth of vision

Focus and depth vision of this video clips was on the activity of the main character based on the setting he moves one place to another place. It appeared for the subject outside of the room.

  • b.    Close up

Mostly, in this video used medium shot and also the close up shoot.

  • c.    Lightning and Color

The video clip where filmed in various time, so the lighting used in this video clip were used in evening and night scene.

Before the both scene there are used a sunshine as a nature lighting. And in the night scene of this video used flares to making the video clip more dramatically.

  • d.    Cropping

In the video clip “Super Heroes” were not using a cropping, it used a natural movement.

  • e.    Camera Angle

The position of camera angle in this video clip used two angles; medium and long angles.

  • f.    The Special Effect or Montage

This video were using natural movement and scene, because of it, there was no special effect which used in this video clip.

  • 5.2.    The Verbal Representation Used in “Superheroes” Video Clip.

The verbal representation for “Superheroes” song was textual analysis. The interpreter or the analyst discovered the meaning of the song without asked the writer or the song itself. It was important to know the message of the song.For the verbal presentation in this “Super Heroes” video clip was done by textual analysis.The meaning of “Super Heroes” song was about hero. For this music and video clip the hero is the father. It is shown that the “father” work secretly as a businessman to made his daughter happy, although his original job was not as a business man.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that The Script video clip under the title “Super Heroes” used six main     categories     of     visual

communication with total 19 elements used for this video clip. For the verbal presentation in this “Super Heroes” video clip was done by textual analysis.The meaning of “Super Heroes” song was about “the unsung

hero” who fight his pain everyday made the main character did his job well.This song video clip following a story of a poor father and daughter with their struggle for dignity and future.And the message of the song is about change the pain that everyone got in their life into a power to make someone or yourself happy. This song talked about the struggle of a man who keep fighting for his and his beloved one happiness. It is pictured well in the video clip where it shown what the real father is should be doing their job. Through all the pain to make his daughter happy is what the video clip literally showed. As a normal being when someone had been fighting for it all the rest of their life. Everyone must be had a one time that they are going to be struggling, while that’s happen do it right. Because everything in this life is not gained instantly, but from a hard work. True heroes don’t glide to an easy victory. True heroes are the ones who know .what pain feels like. That makes everyone strong and understanding.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Dyer, Gillian. 1993. Advertising as Communication. London: Methuen &Co.Ltd

Leech, Geoffrey. 1974. Semantics. Great Britain :Hazell Watson and Viney Ltd. music. Available from: b/music

  • - The Script Superheroes Lyric. 2014. Available from : ipt/superheroes.html