Conflicts Faced By The Main Protagonist In Movie Captain America Civil War
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
2017: Vol 19.1 Mei 2017: 149-156
Conflicts Faced By The Main Protagonist In Movie Captain America Civil War
I Made Adi Purnawan1*, I Wayan Resen2, I G.A.G Sosiowati3 [123]English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]
*Corresponding author
Jurnal ini berjudul “Conflicts Faced by The Main Protagonist in Movie Captain America Civil War”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi konflik dari karakter protagonis utama dan bagaimanacara mengatasi konflik tersebut. Data dari penelitian ini diambil dari movie yang berjudul Captain America Civil War. Metode untul mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan metode untuk mengalisis data menggunakan metode qualitative.
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori konflik dari Reaske (1966) untuk mengidentifikasi konflik, teori penyelesaian konflik dari Thomas dan Kilmann (1970). Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian, karakter protagonist utama menghadapai konflik internal, relational dan external. Karakter protagonis utama menyelesaikan konfliknya dengan gaya compromising dan accommodating
Kata kunci: konflik, protagonis, karakter.
Literature is a good tool to express the feeling or ideas of people about something. We could express our mind about life that we have never seen or imagined before with literary work. Literature can be divided into two kinds, fiction and nonfiction. There are some kinds of fiction such as novel and movie. A good movie is produced by how well an author or a director can combine the intrinsic and extrinsic element of the movie. The intrinsic elements consist of theme, character, setting, plot, point of view, etc (Kenney, 1966) and the extrinsic elements are the background of work.
The reason why the topic is chosen to be analysed in this paper is that characters have important function during the development of plot, who acted as the subjects who
faced the problems and the conflicts which contributes to developing the plot of the story. The conflicts can be categorized into three kinds such as: internal conflict, relational conflict and external conflict (Reaske, 1966). Analyzing the conflicts faced by the character in a novel or in a drama is an interesting thing to do. That is why this paper is intended to analyze the conflict faced by the character in a movie in order to reveal some interesting values related to the main protagonist character’s life, which could be useful for our life in society.
There are two problems discussed in this study:
a. What kinds of conflicts are faced by the main protagonist character in Captain America: Civil War?
b. How does the main protagonist character solve the conflicts in Captain America: Civil War?
a. To analyse the kinds of conflicts faced by the main protagonist character in Captain America: Civil War.
b. To analyse how the main protagonist character solved the conflicts in Captain America: Civil War.
There are three points in research method such as data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing the data, and method and thenique of presenting result of analysis.
The main data of this study were taken from the movie entitled Captain America Civil War written and directed by Anthony and Joe Russo (2016). The data were focused on the main protagonist character in this movie that experienced the conflicts. The main data were the conversations experienced by the characters in the movie.
4.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data
The method used in collecting data was the documentation method. Documentation method is the way to take data by watching or reading the source and making the list of collected data.
In analyzing the data, the qualitative method was used. Firstly, watching the movie Captain America Civil War. Secondly, classifying every conflict experienced by the main protagonist characters in the movie using the theory of conflicts by Reaske (1966). Finally, analyzing the conflict solved in the end of the story using the theory from Thomas and Kilmann (1970).
5 Conflict in Movie Captain America Civil War
- Internal Conflict (Steve vs Himself)
Tony Stark became guilty about what he did before. This conflict occurred when he finished his September Foundation Grant workshop; he met Human Resources of State Department. She told Tony that what he did to that young people was good, and the rest of the conversation made him feel guilty. The internal conflict faced by Tony could be analyzed and presented as follows.
Tony finished his September Foundation Grant workshop, he walked to the elevator and unintentionally met Human Resources of State Department. H.R.: “That was nice, what you did for those young people.” TONY: “Ah, they deserve it. Plus, it helps ease my conscience.”
H.R.: “They say there’s a correlation between generosity and guilt. But if you’ve got the money, break as many eggs as you like. Right?”
Tony presses the elevator bottom.
TONY: “Are you going up?”
H.R.: “I’m right where I want to be.”
She put her hand into the pouch, and Tony grabs her hand.
TONY: “Okay. Hey. Sorry, it’s an occupational hazard.”
H.R.: “I work for the State Department. Human Resources. I know it’s boring, but it enabled me to raise a son. I’m very proud of what he grew up to be.”
She is put her san’s photograph on Tony’s chest.
H.R.: “His name was Charlie Spencer. You murdered him. In Sokovia. Not that that matters in the least to you. You think you fight for us? You just fight for yourself. Who’s going to avenge my son, Stark? He’s dead, and I blame you.” (00:17:22)
The conversation above shows that H.R made a statement to Tony, and it gave something powerful to Tony. Tony was confused how to handle it and he started to feel guilty from H.R’s statement. To resolve his conflict or his problem with his guilty feeling, he made a good decision by searching information and assigned the Sokovia Accords to reduce the victims of the next mission. This could be seen in the conversation below:
He is put his phone in the table, and showing a light screen with a picture.
TONY: “Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. He’s a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor-level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sound fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where. Sokovia. He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. We won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass. There’s no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, if we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.” (00:29:21)
The resolutions of the internal conflicts in Captain America: Civil War movie were mostly done through accommodating, because the main protagonist character who had the internal conflicts with himself, tried to find something that he need to resolved the problem and made a peace. When he had the accommodating strategies, Tony had to know and be ready with the consequences that would come with his decision.
- Relational Conflict (Tony vs Ross)
In this case, Tony and Ross were on the same side, in U.S Department, so this can be categorized into a relational conflict. After the accident that was caused by Zemo through Bucky, Secretary Ross came to Tony and Natasha to tell them about his plan to arrest Steve, Sam, and Bucky. It could be seen in the conversation bellow.
Tony and Natasha was in control room after have a fought with Bucky, Ross come to talk with them.
ROSS: “I don’t suppose you have any idea where they are?”
TONY: “We will. GSG 9’s got the borders covered. Recon’s flying 24/7.
They’ll get a hit. We’ll handle it.”
ROSS: “You don’t get it, Stark. It’s not yours to handle. It’s clear you can’t be objective. I’m putting Special Ops on this.”
NATASHA: “What happens when the shooting starts? What, do you kill Steve Rogers?”
ROSS: “If we’re provoked. Barnes would’ve been eliminated in Romania if it wasn’t for Rogers. There are dead people who would be alive now. Feel free to check my math.”
TONY: “All due respect, you’re not gonna solve this with boys and bullets, Ross. You gotta lets us bring them in.”
ROSS: “How would that end any differently than last time?”
TONY: “Because this time, I won’t be wearing loafers and silk shirt. 72 hours, guaranteed.”
ROSS: “36 hours. Barnes. Rogers. Wilson.”
TONY: “Thank you, sir.” (01:15:08)
From the conversation above, it can be seen that Ross was disappointed to Tony. Ross told them about his plan. With his power as a U.S. Secretary, Ross could do anything to get Steve and the others, and Natasha was worried about Ross’s plan. Tony resuested Ross not to do that, so he wanted to handle the problem. On this case, Tony successfully resolved his problem with Rose. In resolving this problem, the strategy used can be categorized as compromising style because Tony tried to give something to Ross in a certain deadline and made him satisfied.
- External Conflict (Tony vs Steve and Bucky)
In the middle of the conversation with Zemo at Hydra’s basecamp, Zemo was shown a video that contained Tony’s parents who got a crashed and killed by Bucky. The rest of the conversation and situation change to show the revenge from Tony. This can be seen as in the following.
TONY: “Did you know?”
STEVE: “I didn’t know it was him.”
TONY: “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?”
STEVE: “Yes.”
Tony punch Steve and Steve is tossed aside, Bucky try to shoot Tony but Tony shoot him back with beam. The fight is unavoidable, Steve help Bucky who cannot fight against Tony. Tony shoot his handcuffs to Steve, and fight Bucky again. Tony try to shoot Bucky with his rocket in close way, but Bucky successfully dodge it. The rocket destroying the energy supply, while Steve broke the handcuffs by his shield. Tony struck down by ruins.
STEVE: “Get out of here! (to Bucky)”
Bucky run to exit door, and Tony try to chase him, but he is stop by Steve.
STEVE: “It wasn’t him Tony. HYDRA had control of his mind!”
TONY: “Move!”
STEVE: “It wasn’t him!”
Tony fly to Bucky, Steve stop Tony by grab Tony’s leg and Steve broke Tony’s booster, Tony is stopping Steve by destroy the roof and ruins fall in front of Steve.
FRIDAY: “Left bootjet failing. Flight systems compromised.”
Tony is hardly to chase Bucky.
TONY: “Ah, crap.”
Tony catch Bucky, suddenly Steve come and kick Tony away.
TONY: “He’s not gonna stop. Go. (to Bucky)”
Both of Tony and Steve is fall, Tony try to shoot the exit door, but his targeting system’s knackered.
TONY: “Come on. Come on.”
FRIDAY: “Targeting system’s knackered, boss.”
TONY: “I’m eyeballing it.”
Tony shoot his rocket manually to the exit door, Tony get close to Bucky and they are in fight again.
TONY: “Do you even remember them?”
BUCKY: “I remember all of them.”
All of them fall because Steve suddenly come to them.
STEVE: “This isn’t gonna change what happened.”
TONY: “I don’t care. He killed my mom.”
Tony is fly and punch Steve, they are in fight now. Suddenly Bucky attack Tony from behind, and the fight continue with Tony fight against Steve and Bucky. Tony shoot Steve’s stomach with his beam, and Tony still fight with Bucky. Bucky try to destroy Tony’s energy supply in Tony’s chest by his metal arm, but Tony is successfully to stop him by shoot beam and destroy Bucky’s metal arm. Steve come and Tony shoot his beam from both f his arm to Steve and Steve dodge it by his shield, Tony is fight Steve so hardly.
FRIDAY: “You can’t beat him hand-to-hand.”
TONY: “Analyse his fight pattern.”
FRIDAY: “Scanning. Countermeasures ready.”
TONY: “Let’s kick his ass.”
The situation change, now Tony could easily beat Steve.
STEVE: “He’s my friend.”
TONY: “So was I.”
Tony throw Steve to the window.
TONY: “Stay down. Final warning.”
STEVE: “I could do this all day.”
Tony get disruption from Bucky by grab Tony’s leg, and Steve could throw Tony down and destroy Tony’s energy supply by his shield. Steve help Bucky to stand up.
TONY: “That shield doesn’t belong to you. You don’t deserved it. My father made that shield!”
Steve put down the shield and go with Bucky. (02:01:14)
The big fight between Tony, Steve and Bucky was unavoidable. Tony tried so hard to kill Bucky, but he got disruption from Steve. From those conversations, it was showed that how angry Tony to Bucky and Steve was. Bucky killed his parent, although Bucky was under control of Hydra, and Tony was angry to Steve because he did not tell to Tony that he knew who the murderer was. In this conflict, Tony failed to resolve his problem with Steve and Bucky.
From the analysis and the findings, there are some conclusions that can be drawn from this movie. First, Captain America: Civil War movie has so many conflicts in the story, and focus on the conflicts of the main protagonist character. The main protagonist character had different background or vision from the main antagonist character, so that it made the conflicts unavoidable. Tony Stark as the main protagonist character in Captain America: Civil War movie had chosen to agree with Sokovia Accords. Steve as the main antagonist was the soldier or leader of the Avengers who had chosen to disagree with the accords.
Secondly, Tony Stark as the main protagonist character in Captain America: Civil War movie often faced the conflicts of all types such as internal, relational and external conflicts (Reaske, 1966). Tony Stark mostly faced the relational and external conflicts so that he could face the other character in the movie. Tony Stark could resolve his problems by various styles such as compromising and accommodating (Thomas and Kilmann, 1970).
IMDb. 2016. Captain America: Civil War. Available from:
Kenney, William. 1996. How To Analyze Fiction. USA: Monarch Press
Reaske, Christopher. 1966. How To Analyze Drama. USA: Monarch Press
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). Available from:
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