ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 19.1 Mei 2017:102-109

Types and Functions of Code Switching in Zalea’s “Crash Into You”

Putu IntanTeresna Sari1*, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini2 ,I Komang Sumaryana


[123]English Department, Faculty of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]


3[[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


Artikel ini berjudul "Jenis dan Fungsi Alih Kode Dalam Novel Zalea " Crash Into You" yang mana dalam penelitian ini membahas fenomena alih kode. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui jenis alih kode, fungsi dan alasan alih kode dalam novel Crash Into You oleh Alia Zalea. Data akan disajikan dan dijelaskan berdasarkan kerangka teoritis. Data diambil dari novel, yang ditulis oleh Alia Zalea. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode dokumentasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan membaca secara intensif seluruh cerita dalam novel.

Penelitian ini menerapkan teori yang diusulkan oleh Poplack (dalam Romaine 1995) untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis alih kode, dan teori yang diusulkan oleh Appel dan Muysken (1987) untuk menggambarkan fungsi alih kode. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga jenis alih kode yang ditemukan, tetapi dari ketiga jenis alih kode, alih kode intra kalimat yang paling sering digunakan dalam novel. Fungsi yang sering terjadi adalah fungsi referensial, fungsi metalinguistik, fungsi direktif dan fungsi phatic.

Kata kunci: Alih Kode, Jenis Alih Kode, Fungsi Alih Kode

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Communication is a very important thing in human life. People communicate with each other using language. In this era, it is common for people to speak more than one language at the same time in daily conversation. This phenomenon has been present in bilingual or multilingual societies where dialects and different varieties of the same languages are used. Grosjean (1982: 1) states that “bilingualism is present in practically every county of the world, in all classes of society, in all age group”.Most bilinguals are engaged in code switching, especially when communicating with another bilinguals.According to Poplack(in Romaine 1995:122-123), there are three types of

code switching, they are Tag switching, Inter-sentential switching and Intra-sentential switching. The phenomenon of code switching does not only happen in daily communication, but also in the written text.Code switching was chosen as the topic of this study since it is interesting to analyze, which is mostly used by teenagers. It is interesting to analyze Indonesian-English code switching in literary work, especially in a novel since foreign language influence can give a new atmosphere in the story to avoid the monotonous language.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

This study is concerned withthe following problems:

  • 1.    What types of code switching found in the novel entitled Crash Into You?

  • 2.    What functions of code switching used in the novel entitled Crash Into You?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

This study covers three major aims of the study, namely the following:

  • 1.    To classify and describe the types of codeswitching found in the novel entitled Crash Into You.

  • 2.    To describe the function of code switching in the novel entitledCrash Into You.

  • 4.    Research Method

The data for this study were taken from the novel entitled Crash Into You by Alia Zalea. The method usedto collect data is the documentation method.The data of this study were analyzed by the qualitative method which means that the data were described in detail based on the relevant theories to the topic of discussion.The results of the analysis were descriptively presented. They were explained one by one based on the theory proposed by Poplack (in Romaine 1995:122-123) regarding the types of code switching and that proposed by Appel and Muysken (1987: 118-120) regarding the functions of code switching.

  • 5.    Findings and Discussions

The findings can be seen from the forms of types andfunctionsof code switching.

  • 5.1.    Analysis of Tag Switching and the Functions

Tag switching involves the insertion of a tag phrase, word or both in one language into an utterance, which is entirely in the other language.According to Poplack (in Romaine 1995:122-123) tag switching may involve an exclamation, a tag or a parenthesis in another language than the rest of the sentence for emphasis.In this analysis, there are some examples of tag switching found in the novel as presented below:

  • a.    SHIT!Sepanjang hidupku aku hanya pernah bercinta satu kali dan tanpa perlindungan, yaitu dengan Jimmy, pacar keduaku. (CIY, page 18)

In this data, the switching occurred in the beginning of the sentence as a tag. The word shit! followed by the exclamation mark clearly shows that the switching in the data above is a kind of tag switching where the features of the data above are appropriate with characteristic of tag switching presented above. Here,the word shit!is classified as tag switching because the data above involves the insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance.This kind of tag serves Referential function because the word shit! is more appropriate and suitable to be inserted into the sentence.

  • b.    What?!Bercanda dia. Itu saja yang dia akan katakan padaku? (CIY, page 182)

The type of code switching used in the sentence above is considered a tag switching because it occurs in the beginning of the utterance. In this case, the use of the English word whatin the beginning of utterance indicates that the speaker wanta to impress and to amplify what he says.The data above can be categorized as Phatic function because there is a change in tone of the conversation. It can be seen from the exclamation mark after the word What. In the novel, Nadia was shocked because Kafka just said good night to her. She wants more than just a good night. Metalinguistic function also occurs in this data because it shows a linguistic skill of the writer.

  • 5.2. Analysis of Inter-sentential Switching and the Functions

Inter-sentential switching is a type of code switching that occurs between sentences. It involves a switch between a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause is in one language or another.The examples taken from the Alia Zalea’s novel entitled Crash Into You are as follows:

  • a.    “Omong-omong ini kayaknya punya kamu deh. Soalnya jelas-jelas ini bukan punyaku. Not my style” (CIY, page 17)

According to Poplack (in Romaine 1995:122-123) inter-switching involves a switch between a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause is in one language or another. The writer switches in the end of the sentence. In the beginning of the Indonesian sentence he switches into English. The phrase not my style can be categorized as inter-sentential switching and occurs in the end of the sentence.Regarding to the function of code switching by Appel and Muysken(1987), the data above can be classified as Metalinguistic function. Metalinguistic function occurs when speakers switch between different codes to impress the other participants to show of linguistic skills. Here the writer tries to insert English word in order to show her linguistic skill and to amplify and emphasize the message.

  • b.    “I don’t know. Aku mesti tanya sama teman-temanku. Kalau nggak salah mereka mau coba makanan khas Bali” (CIY, page 37)“Hei semua. Are you all having fun?tanya Karin. (CIY, page 228)

The data above contain inter-sentential code switching because the data combines two clauses. The switch can be seen in the beginning of the sentence. First the English clause “I don’t know” is followed by the Indonesian clause “Aku mesti tanya sama teman-temanku. Kalau nggak salah mereka mau coba makanan khas Bali”.The data above serves Metalinguistic function because by switching the code, it means that the writer wants to comment directly to the topic being discussed.

  • c.    “Hei semua. Are you all having fun?tanya Karin. (CIY, page 228)

This code switching in the data above is classified as inter-sentential switching, becausethe code switching occurs between utterance started by the Indonesian utterance “hei semua” and is followed by the English utterance“Are

you all having fun?”. By seeing the data, the function of code switching can be categorized as Directivefunction because it is used to involve the hearer directly. On the other hand, the other function of code switching that occurs in the data above is Metalinguistic function. It means that the writer wants to show the linguistic skill in using English.

  • 5.3.    Analysis of Intra-sentential Switching and the Functions

Intra-sentential switching involves switch within clause, phrase or sentence boundary including word boundary. Intra-sentential switching involves arguably, the greatest syntactic risk and may be avoided but the most influent bilingual. This kind of switching occurs in the middle of a sentence. The intra-sentential switching used in the novel Crash Into You are as follows:

  • a.    “Aku selalu mikir kamu pasti ada sisi liarnya, tapi aku ga nyangka anak emasnya sekolah kita ternyata suka clubbing dan minum,” (CIY, page 14)

The type of code switching in the data above refers to the intra-sentential switching because the code switching occurs in the middle of the sentence.The English word clubbingis added after the Indonesian phrase “Aku selalu mikir kamu pasti ada sisi liarnya, tapi aku ga nyangka anak emasnya sekolah kita ternyata suka” and switches back to the base language “dan minum”.Regarding to the function of code switching the data above can be categorized as Referential function because it is more suitable and appropriate based on the context. In Indonesian, the term clubbing has to be explained with a quite long explanation because there is no shortcut to that word and if the Indonesian word is used, it cannot really fit with the meaning and the context.

  • b.    “Kamu nggak pernah ngebosenin danstylekutu buku kamu itu malah bikin aku selalu penasaran sama kamu,” (CIY, page 14)

The sentence above is categorized as intra-sentential code switching because the switching occurs in the sentence boundary. It involves one word switching “style”. In that sentence the first utterance is in Indonesian, followed by English switching and then switch back to Indonesian utterance.Based on the function of code switching, the data above serves Metainguistic function.The code switching used in the data is aimed to impress the readers to show off her

linguistic skill. Another function that occurs in the data is Referential function. The occurrence of the switching in the data above is that the word chosen in the English is better well known and frequently used to convey such a meaning rather than its counterpart in Indonesian.

  • c.    Aku sedang sibukbrowsinginternet untuk mencari tau tentang bermacam-macam penyakit jantung ketika tiba-tiba suara Josh Groban terlantun. (CIY, page 65)

According to the data above, the writer switched from the language Indonesian into English, where the switch itself appeared within the middle of the sentence, so it is called intra-sentential switching.In this utterance, the writer inserts the English word browsing because there is no appropriate word in Indonesian vocabulary and it is difficult to look for the meaning. In this case, the data above can be categorized as Referential functionbecause there is lack knowledge of one language or lack facility in that language on a certain subject.

  • d.    “Nad, hari ini kita mesti kasih evaluasi performawebsiteklien kita ke Bos. Lo ingat kan soal yang satu ini?” (CIY, page 186)

From the data, the speaker is switching her language into English, which occurs within the sentence boundary. The insertion of English word into the speaker’s utterance occurred because the word website is more properly used in the sentence.This data has Referential function because if we see the sentence, the English word website can be translated into “situs web” but the writer tends to use English because it more appropriate and suitable inserted into the sentence. Another function is Metalinguistic function. Metalinguistic function means showing the people’s ability in speaking the language, in this case English language.

  • 6.    Conclusion

There are some points that can be proposed as the conclusion of this paper. The finding leads us to several conclusions:

The writer of “Crash Into You” used all the types of code switching, they are tag switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. Tag switching involves the insertion of a tag phrase, word or both in one language into an utterance,

which is entirely in the other language. From the obtained data, the switch is placed in the beginning of the sentence. Inter-sentential switching involves a switch between a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause is in one language or another. From the data, the switch can be at the beginning and at the end of the sentence. The last is intra-sentential switching, it involves switch within clause, phrase or sentence boundary including word boundary. From the data, it can be found in the middle of the sentence.

For the functions of code switching, there are four functions that occurred in the novel. They are: Referential function, Directive function, Phatic function, and Metalinguistic function. Referential function occurs when there is lack knowledge of one language or lack facility in that language on a certain subject. Directive functioninvolves the hearer directly. Phatic function is the function that indicates a change in tone of the conversation. And the last is Metalinguistic functionwhich refers to giving of comment directly or indirectly on the language involved.

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