ISSN: 2302-920X
E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud
Vol 15.3 Juni 2016: 191-196
Putu Indri Lestari email: [email protected]
English Department Faculty of Letters and Culture Udayana University
Penelitian ini berjudul “A Causal Conjunction in Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” dilakukan berdasarkan tujuan menemukan dan menganalisis jenis dan fungsi dari karya Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan latar belakang bahwa konjungsi merupakan bagian integral dari bahasa Inggris dan digunakan dalam komposisi tulisan untuk menjaga tulisan tetap dalam koherensi, sehingga akan mudah untuk dipahami. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk mengkaji Novel Twain Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan,-semua pengumpulan data kemudian dibaca dan ditandai; akhirnya data diidentifikasi, diklasifikasikan, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Analisis ini difokuskan pada jenis dan fungsi dari konjungsi kausal dalam karya Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa jenis konjungsi kausal paling dominan yang digunakan dalam novel terkait The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1988) adalah sebagai berikut: (1) hubungan kausal, (2) hubungan kausal terbalik, dan (3) hubungan kondisional. Temuan berikutnya adalah fungsi hubungannya kausal yang ditemukan dalam diskusi. Berikut ini adalah fungsi dari hubungannya kausal dalam novel ini: untuk menyatakan hubungan sebab, untuk menyatakan hubungan dari tujuan, dan untuk menyatakan hubungan dari kondisi, masing-masing konjungsi kausal diwakili oleh item penghubung yang paling dominan.
Kata kunci: Konjungsi, konjungsi kausal
Conjunctions are an integral part of the English language. If used properly, the conjunctions can improve almost any type of writing. From poetry to prose, conjunctions help create better sentences. The proper use of conjunctions allows for more natural flow and rhythm in writing composition. From poetry to prose, conjunctions help create better sentences. As a type of prose, novel might also use conjunctions in its content, for instance, the famous novel The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer by Mark Twain. Each event in his writing has formed such a unity in coherence that result in a story that is easy to understand. Regarding to the use of conjunction in a writing composition, this study is conducted to reveal the types and functions of conjunctions used in a novel. For the purpose of academic use, a set of principles of cohesion—where conjunctions is as part of the principles—proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) is used as the base of this study.
This study is conducted on the basis of the following problem formulation:
1) What are the types of causal conjunctions used in Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
2) What are the functions of causal conjunction in Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
Based on the problems, there are two goals that are mainly focused as this study is conducted is to investigate the types and function of causal conjunction Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
A method is an important aspect in research and scientific writing. It is the way or process of how a researcher approaches the problems to find the answer through the findings, collection, and analyzing of the data. In this study, the research method involves three points of discussion. They are data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.
The data of this study was taken from one source, which is “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” written by Twain (1988). This novel taken in this study is to be the primary data. The primary data is written data taken from the novel entitled “Adventure of Tom Sawyer. The selection data of the novel is related to the scope discussion. The
novel is chosen because it consists of many causal conjunctions which obtained in the sentences of the story.
The method of collecting data used in this study was documentation. Method of documentation is a particular form of procedure in preserving all the data form observation that was reconstructed from the novel. The techniques used to collect the data were elaborated into three steps: Reading, highlighting, and note taking.
In this study, the data was analyzed based on Halliday and Hasan’s theory of conjunction in their book Cohesion in English. The method that was used in analyzing data was qualitative method. Qualitative refers to the method in which the data was analyzed without any manipulation. The was conducted through the three steps; to classify, choose, and analyze the data based on their types and functions of causal conjunction that were used in the novel
This chapter focuses on the discussion about the of conjunction as a part of cohesive relation study. The is based on the concept of conjunction as a part of the theory of cohesion proposed by Halliday and Hasan in cohesion in English (1976). This discussion is conducted to investigate the types and functions of causal conjunction that are used in the novel entitled The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain.
The following discussion mainly states the types of causal conjunction that are represented by its conjunctive items of the causal conjunction found in the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer:
Generally, the causal relation points out the relation between sentences that express what follows. This is the result or consequence of previous relation. The following discussion includes expressions, such as: so, thus, and therefore.
Reversed Causal Relation consists of two conjunctive items, they are: For and because.
There are two conditional relations that are found in the novel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: If then and under the circumstances
b. The function of causal conjunction in Twain’s Adventure of Tom Sawyer.
1. To state the relationship of cause
Causal conjunction is used to state the relationship of cause between clauses. The following are the conjunctive items in the causal conjunction that are used to state the relationship of cause: Because and for.
Causal conjunction is used to state the relationship of purpose or the reason for which something is done or created or for which exists. The following are the conjunctive items in the causal conjunction that are used to state the relationship of purpose: So that and that.
In stating relationship of condition, the dependent clause provides the conditions under which the information in the independent clause should be considered.
The following are the conjunctive items of causal conjunction used to state the relationship of condition: If, then, and under the circumstance.
The paper entitled “A Causal Conjunction in Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” was conducted based on the goal of finding and analyzing the types and functions of Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The study was carried out based on the background that conjunction is an integral part of English language and it is used in a writing composition to keep the writing in coherence, so it would be easy to be understood.
Qualitative research method was used to study Twain’s novel Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. By employing documentation method as the method of collecting, all data-collection then were read and highlighted; finally the data were identified, classified, and analyzed using the qualitative method. The was focused on the types and function of A causal conjunction in Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The findings showed that most dominant types of causal conjunction used in the related novel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1988) are as follows: (1) causal relation (general), (2) reversed causal relations (general), and (3) conditional relation. The next finding is the function of causal conjunction found in the discussion. The following are the functions of causal conjunction in this novel: to state the relationship of cause, to state the relationship of purpose, and to state the relationship of condition each of causal conjunction is represented by the most dominant conjunctive items.
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Discussion and feedback