ISSN: 2302-920X

E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud

Vol 14.2 Pebruari 2016: 80-86




Putu Purnia Savitri

email: [email protected]

English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University


Penelitian ini fokus pada terjemahan kata depan di, ke, dan untuk di dalam novel Fisherman Daughther. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi makna preposisi di, ke, dan untuk dan untuk menganalisis fungsi kata depan di, ke, dan untuk. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah: apa makna dari kata depan di, ke, dan untuk, ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dan apa fungsi dari kata depan di, ke dan untuk, ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Data ini diambil dengan cara membaca, mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan kata depan di, ke, dan untuk, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan deskriptif data setelah dikatagorikan berdasarkan makna dan fungsi dari kata depan tersebut.

Teori utama tata bahasa dan terjemahan diambil dari buku A Comprehensive Grammar oleh Quirk dan Arti Terjemahan Berdasarkan Larson. Data ini diambil dari dua novel, Fisherman Daughter dalam novel bahasa inggris dan Putri Nelayan dalam novel bahasa Indonesia.

Setelah menganalisis data, para ahli menunjukkan bahwa kata depan di, ke, dan untuk memiliki beberapa makna dan fungsi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kata depan di memiliki banyak makna diantaranya: di, dalam, ke, dengan, di dalam, datang, masuk, dan tidak memiliki arti terjemahan. Kata depan ke memiliki banyak makna diantaranya ke, untuk, kepada, menuju, di, sampai, dengan, dan tidak memiliki arti terjemahan. Kata depan untuk memiliki makna diantaranya untuk, selama, karena, bagi, demi, atas, terhadap dan tidak memiliki arti terjemahan. Kata depan di, ke, dan untuk memiliki fungsi sebagai penanda waktu, sebagai penanda tempat, sebagai penanda sebab akibat, sebagai penanda posisi, sebagai penanda penerima, dan sebagai penanda tujuan.

Kata Kunci :Terjemahan dan Kata Depan

  • 1.    Background

Translation is a process of transferring meaning from one language to another language. In fact translation is not easy thing. The meaning is the source language has to

be held in the target language and the form can be adopted The novel entitled Fisherman Daughter into Indonesian are chosen as the data to be analysed, because those novel serve preposition in, to, and for and these preposition are often found in a sentence. It is very interesting to use those novels as the data source to be analyzed. The reason why preposition in, to, and for were choose, because these prepositions are often found in a sentence, but there are some mistake in using these preposition, these preposition were choose to be analyzed, to have a better understanding about their function and their use in a sentence because these prepositions have many meanings.

  • 2.    Problems of the study

The problems that will be discussed are as follows :

  • 1.    What are the functions of the english prepositions “in, to and for” in the novel The Fisherman Daughter by Arleen Into Indonesian ?

  • 2.    What are the meanings of the english preposition “in, to and for” in the novel The Fisherman Daughter by Arleen into Indonesian ?

  • 3.    Aims of Study

Every research and paper should have aims in order to be acceptable. Based on problems above, the aims of this study are as follows, first to analyze the functions of english prepositions in, to and for into Indonesian and second to identify the meanings of english preposition in, to and for into Indonesian.

  • 4.    Research Method

Research method is a scientific procedure to collect and classify the data as well as the analysis and description of the data. The method that is used in this writing is qualitative method. Qualitative method as the research procedure which produce descriptive data. The qualitative research is a field of inquiry that crosscuts disciplines and subject matters.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

This chapter describes the meaning of English preposition in, to and for into indonesian from English Novel “Fisherman Daughter” as the source language and “Putri Nelayan” as the target language. From the analysis it is found that English

preposition “in, to, and for” has the meaning such as : di, dalam, ke, sambil, dengan, merasa, untuk, terhadap, sampai, menuju, kepada, karena, demi, bisa. There are some features that need to be compared between source language and target language, such as grammatical function, meaning and other elements. It is used to find out the translation at any level within the target language.

The Functions and Meanings of English Preposition In.

English preposition in have equivalent with di, dalam, ke, dengan, di dalam, datang, masuk, and sometimes zero translation.

Preposition in is equivalent to di

English preposition “in” can have the equivalent of the preposition di into Indonesian. It can be seen in the following examples:

  • a. SL:       The room was bright. He was alone. The sharp smell of

medicinal alcohol hung in the air, and somewhere a machine pinged in quiet rhythm with his heart. (Arleen, 2008: 10 )

TL:       Ruangan itu terang. Dia sendirian. Bau tajam alkohol medis

mengapung di udara dan di suatu tempat, sebuah mesin berbunyi pelan seirama jantungnya. (Cecilia, 2009: 22 )

In example a, the source language’s sentence, ”The room was bright. He was alone. The sharp of medical alchohol hung in the air, and somewhere a machine pinged in quiet rhythm with his heart”. The preposition in is followed by noun phrase the air and somewhere. The preposition in into Indonesia has function as a marker of place, it describes that phrase in the air and somewhere. In the target language’s sentence, ”Ruangan itu terang”. Dia sendirian. Bau tajam alkohol medis mengapung di udara dan di suatu tempat, sebuah mesin berbunyi pelan seirama jantungnya”. The preposition di is also followed by noun phrase udara dan suatu tempat. From the case, the translation of preposition in into di is equivalent and they have the same function as a marker of place.

Preposition in is equivalent to dalam

English preposition “in” can have the equivalent of the preposition dalaminto Indonesian. It can be seen in the following examples:

  • a. SL:      In the darkness, Langdon felt the drugs washing through his

systema lmost instantly, dragging his body back down into that deep well from which he had emerged. (Arleen, 2008: 13)

TL:     Dalam Kegelapan, Langdon merasakan obat-obatan itu mengaliri

tubuhnya nyaris seketika, menyeretnya kembali memasuki sumur dalam, tempatnya keluar tadi. (Amidjaja, 2009: 27)

In example a, the source language’s sentence,” In the darkness, Langdon felt the drugs washing through his system almost instantly, dragging his body back down into that deep well from which he had emerged”. Preposition in is followed by noun phrase the darkness. The preposition in indicates a function as position, it describes that phrase in the darkness. In target language, the sentence is translated as “Dalam kegelapan, Langdon merasakan obat obat itu mengaliri tubuhnya nyaris seketika, menyeretnya kembali memasuki sumur dalam tempatnya keluar tadi”. Dalam is also followed by noun phrase kegelapan. Both preposition in and dalam have a same function as a marker of position. Based on that fact, the translation of preposition in into dalam is equivalent.

The Functions and Meanings of English Preposition To

English preposition to have equivalent with ke, untuk, kepada, menuju, di, sampai, dengan and sometimes zero translation.

Preposition to is equivalent to ke

Preposition to can be translated into ke in Indonesian. It can be seen in the following examples:

  • a. SL:       I’d never come close to being a murder victim until after I moved

to his safe little town (Arleen, 2008:16).

TL:      Aku baru terancam menjadi korban pembunuhan setelah pindah

ke kota kecilnya yang aman (Amidjaja, 2009:30).

In example a, in source language sentence, ” I’d never come close to being a murder victim until after I moved to his safe little town”. Preposition to is followed by noun phrase his safe. The function of preposition to in the sentence as a marker of place. It describes that phrase little town. In target language’s sentence, “Aku baru terancam menjadi korban pembunuhan setelah pindah ke kota kecilnya yang aman”. Preposition

to is also followed by noun phrase kota kecilnya. Preposition to translated into ke in Indonesian and has a function as a marker of place. The translation of preposition to into ke is equivalent.

Preposition to is equivalent to untuk

English preposition “to” is equivalent to “untuk”. It can be seen from the following examples:

  • a. SL:       What facts!?” Langdon demanded, struggling to prop himself

higher, the IV in his arm pinched, and his body felt like it weighed several hundred pounds”(Arleen, 2008:17)

TL:      Fakta apa!?” desak Langdon, sambil berjuang untuk semakin

menegakkan tubuh, infus di lengannya terasa menusuk, dan bobot tubuhnya seakan beberapa ratus kilogram. (Amidjaja, 2009:32)

In example a, from the source language’s sentence, “What facts!?” Langdon demanded, struggling to prop himself higher, The IV in his arm pinched, and his body felt like it weighed several hundred pounds”. Preposition to has a function as marker of goal and target. It can be seen because preposition to followed by noun phrase pop himself higher. In target language, it is translated as “Fakta apa!?” desak Langdon, sambil berjuang untuk semakin menegakkan tubuh, infus di lengannya terasa menusuk, dan bobot tubuhnya seakan beberapa ratus kilogram”. The preposition to in the sentence is translated into untuk. In Indonesian untuk also has a function to express goal and target. The translation of preposition to into untuk is equivalence.

The Functions and Meanings of English Preposition For

English preposition for have equivalent with untuk, selama, karena, bagi, demi, atas, terhadap, and sometimes zero translation.

Preposition for is equivalent to untuk

English preposition for can have the equivalent of the preposition untuk into Indonesian. It can be seen in the following examples.


  • a. SL:       “Okay, Mr Langdon, “ she said, still writing, “a couple of routine

questions for you, what day of the week is it”? (Arleen, 2008:12).

TL:      “Okay, Mr. Langdon,” kata perempuan itu, masih sambil menulis,

“beberapa pertanyaan rutin untuk anda, ini hari apa?” (Amidjaja, 2009:25).

In example a, the use of the preposition for and the preposition untuk in Indonesian has a function as a marker of recipient. In the source language’s sentence, “Okay, Mr Langdon, “ she said, still writing, “a couple of routine questions for you, what day of the week is it”. The preposition for followed by pronoun you. In the target language’s sentence, “Okay, Mr. Langdon,” kata perempuan itu, masih sambil menulis, beberapa pertanyaan rutin untuk anda, ini hari apa ?” the preposition untuk is also followed by pronoun anda. From the case, the translation of preposition for into untuk is equivalent and they have the same function to state recipient.

Preposition for is equivalent to selama

The preposition for could be translated into selama in Indonesian which has a meaning to state duration of time. It can be seen in the following examples:

  • a.    SL:       “I Have to get dressed now. Can you hold yourself together for

two minutes?” (Arleen, 2008:18).

TL:      “Aku harus berpakaian sekarang. Bisakah kamu menahan diri

selama dua menit?” (Amidjaja, 2009:32).

In example a, the use of prepositin for indicates the duration of time. In the source language’s sentence, “I Have to get dressed now. Can you hold yourself together for two minutes?”. Preposition for is followed by noun phrase two minutes. The preposition for that found in the phrase describe the time that Langdon needs to wait Alice, while Alice get dressed. In the target language’s sentence, it is translated as selama dua menit. It indicates by preposition for. In target language, the sentence translated as “Aku harus berpakaian sekarang”. Bisakah kau menahan diri selama dua menit?”. Selama is also followed noun phrase dua menit. Both preposition for and selama have a same function to state duration of time. Based on that fact, the translation of preposition for into selama is equivalent.

  • 6.    Conslusion

After doing the analysis of English preposition “in, to, and for” from novel Fisherman Daughter (2008) by Arleen into novel Putri Nelayan (2009) by Amidjaja, it can be concluded that:

There are some functions of preposition in, to, and for that found in the novel, they are: preposition in has a function as a marker of place, indicates function as position, as a marker of recipient, as a marker of instrument. Preposition to as a marker of place, as a marker of position, as a marker of goal and target, as a marker of recipient. And preposition for has a function to indicates position, as a marker of recipient, as a marker of purpose, as a marker of time, as a marker of cause, as a marker of goal and target.

The meaning of the English prepositions in, to, and for have a number of varieties in the target language (Indonesian). In the target language, preposition in is translated into di, dalam, ke, dengan, di dalam, datang, masuk, and zero tran-slation. Preposition to is translated into ke, untuk, kepada, menuju, di, sampai, dengan, and zero translation. And preposition for is translated into untuk, selama, karena, bagi, demi, atas, terhadap, and sometimes zero translation.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Theory and Practice in Language Studies. Volume 2, Number 4 (2012), 734-740,

April 2012