ISSN: 2302-920X

E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud

Vol 14.2 Pebruari 2016: 50-57


Made Wulan Mega Pratiwi email: [email protected]

English Department Faculty of Letters and Culture Udayana University


Makalah ini berjudul "Analisis Psikologis Dimensi Utama dan Karakter sekunder di The Film So Undercover". Karya sastra dianalisis berdasarkan dimensi psikologis karakter utama dan sekunder. Ada dua tujuan dari tulisan ini, pertama adalah analisis dimensi psikologis karakter utama dan sekunder. Kedua, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk analisis konflikkarakter utama.Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari film "So Undercover" yang ditulis oleh Tom Vaughan (2011) yang diterbitkan di Inggris. Film ini telah terjual lebih dari dua belas juta kopi di seluruh dunia diterbitkan di Maret 2012. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis film tersebut teori psikologi dan teori konflik. Teori pertama adalah tentang dimensi psikologis diusulkan oleh Karl S. Bernhardt (1953; 3), termasuk nafsu makan, mau, emosi, perasaan dan sikap, dan motif sosial. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi konflik yang ditulis oleh Gail dan Myers (1992; 268), sedangkan teori oleh Kenney (1966; 19) diterapkan untuk menemukan konflik internal dan eksternal.Analisis penelitian ini menyajikan motivasi manusia. Dia mengalami konflik internal ketika ia diberitahu untuk menjadi FBI. Dia juga mengalami konflik eksternal berupa masalah dengan Shasa dan Armon.

Kata kunci:film, dimensipsikologis, identifikasikonflik

  • 1.    Background

Film consists of some important elements, those elements are used by the film makers to develop stories and their themes. Those elements are plot, setting, character, conflict, symbol, and point of view. In order to produce a good quality movie, all those elements should be developed harmoniously. One of the most important parts to build a good story is character.

Character is one of the most important aspects which expresses the author’s thought to the readers of the story. According to Reaske (1966:40) characters are fictitious creation, and thus, the writer may judge with regard to their ability in the art of

characterisation that must be presented through dialogues, particularly about their central emotion such as love and hate.

Analyzing the character in movie are quite different from the novel. In novels, we often come to know characters best not through what they say, but through what they are thinking or what is said about them in the narration. A narrator mediates the meaning of what we read through his or her point of view: a coming-of-age story reads much differently if we hear about what happens from the point of view of the person growing up than if we learn about it from that person’s mother, sister, or teacher. But in film, the narrator largely disappears. Sometimes a narrator’s perspective is kept through the use of a voice-over, but generally the director, cast, and crew must rely on the other tools of film to reproduce what was felt, thought, and described on the page.

The writing analyses psychological dimension of the main character and secondary character in one of the famous literary works of Tom Vaughan “So Undercover” the movie is chosen because the story in this movie is not flat, conflicts and romance within the movie makes it interesting. It is a very interesting film about philosophy private investigator named Molly and Armon. The story of this man and girl is said to be a story to make you believe in God. This writing also analyses about the external and internal conflicts of the main character.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Focusing on the psychological dimension of the mainand secondary characters, some problems thatarise in studying the film “So Undercover are as follows :

  • a.    How does the writer describe the main character and secondary character in term of psychological dimension?

  • b.    What external and internal conflict occurr in Molly’s life as the main character?

  • 3.    Aims of the study

The aims of this study are related to the problems of this study as formulated above, stated as the following:

  • a.    To describe the psychological dimension that contributes to the creation of the character Molly and Armon.

  • b.    To find out the external and internal conflicts occuring in Molly’s life as the main character.

  • 4.    Research Method

The data in this study were taken from a film So Undercover that is written by Tom Vaughan (2011) which was published in England. The film has sold more than twelve million copies worldwide since it was published in March 2012. The method and technique used in collecting data was identifying, classifying the data which was related to the psychological dimension specifically the human motivation of the main and secondary character in the film So Undercover, and finding out the external and internal conflicts of the main character. The data in this study were analyzed qualitatively. The theories used to analyze the problem is the theory of psychology proposed by Karl S. Bernhardt, the theory of dimension of character by Kenny (1966:27) and theory of character by Kenny (1966) as supporting theories.

  • 5.    Analysis

The Analysis of Psychological Dimension of the Main and Secondary Characters

Human motivation can be defined as a reason why a human wants to achieve something. According to Bernhardt (1953:46) there are some factors that lead to human motivation such as:

  • a.    Appetities are motives or directing influences that initiate and sustain activity and also direct that activating until the activity finally ends in a satisfaction of the felt need. Appetites are cyclic or rhythmic in their action.

  • b.    Wants are modified through experience and present a changing pattern in the development of the person from infancy to adulthood to old age.

  • c.    Emotions are any feeling which can indicate emotional experience direct to activity. When someone is in critical or emerging situation, they will be angry and fight or may be affraid and ran away and do nothing on the situation.

  • d.    Feeling and Attitude are related in the way that when an experience is evaluated as pleasant, the individual has an attitude of approach to that experience and tends to repeat the activity and vice-versa.

  • e.    Social Motives such as self assertation, self negation, social approval, and social disapproval are very powerful in the directing human activity.


The Analysis of Psychological Dimension of Molly Morris as the Main Character:

(Molly Morris) has a appetite to be good private investigator, she has a want to have money so she could support his father’s financial problem, she has an emotionwhichis a strong feeling of any kind; fears, anger, sad, love, joy, hate, jealously are all emotions, she has a feelings and attitude of curiosity and really

into investigation action that she developed skills like fast asserts ability, critical thinking, and swift analysis, she has a social motive which is tendency to both social motives; self ascertain and self negation.

The Analysis of Psychological Dimension of Armon Ranford as the Secondary Character:

(Armon) he has an appetite to convincingly make the viewer believes that he has appetite to follow the order as a FBI agent, he has a wantto succeed his job to eliminate an evidence of a case between the Georgian Mafia, VorKashalov and a senator, he has an emotion which he did not always show his emotion; even when he talked something serious to Molly, he told it in a flat expression which also made him a good liar, he has a feelings and attitude which is skilled ex-spy agent who did a really good job on disguising and manipulating others, he has a social motives which is tendency to self ascertain.

The Analysis of Internal and External Conflicts in Molly Morris as the Main Character

William Kenney (1966:5) states that there are two types of conflict, thereare:

  • a.    Internal conflict

Interpersonal conflict is a struggle that takes place in the character’s mind. A character must deal with his or her own mixed feeling or emotions.

  • b.    External conflict

An external conflict is shown through actions (fight, argument, and physical struggle), character traits (good and bad characters) – just forces an exteranal conflict.


The Analysis of Internal and External Conflicts in Jay Gatsby as the Main Character:

  • a.    Internal Conflict

The internal conflict of Molly is that she was a strong-willed. She is strong and capable, but she isn't trying to avoid being a girl. She is tough for sure, rides a motorcycle, she is into weapons, but there is never a moment where she is trying to be like the guys around her just to fit in and be taken seriously.

  • b.    External Conflict

The external conflict is faced by Molly were with Sasha and Armon.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis on the previous chapter it can be concluded that the psychological dimension of Molly as the main character and Armon as secondary character could be seen from the human motivation point of view. The main character (Molly) has a appetite to be good private investigator, she has a want to have money so she could support his father’s financial problem, she has an emotionwhichis a strong feeling of any kind; fears, anger, sad, love, joy, hate, jealously are all emotions, she has a feelings and attitude of curiosity and really into investigation action that she developed skills like fast asserts ability, critical thinking, and swift analysis, she has a social motive which is tendency to both social motives; self ascertain and self negation. The secondary character (Armon) he has an appetite to convincingly make the viewer believes that he has appetite to follow the order as a FBI agent, he has a wantto succeed his job to eliminate an evidence of a case between the Georgian Mafia, VorKashalov

and a senator, he has an emotion which he did not always show his emotion; even when he talked something serious to Molly, he told it in a flat expression which also made him a good liar, he has a feelings and attitude which is skilled ex-spy agent who did a really good job on disguising and manipulating others, he has a social motives which is tendency to self ascertain.

The conflicts faced by Molly can be determined into two major elements; internal and external conflicts. Internal conflict of Molly is that she was a strong-willed. She is strong and capable, but she isn't trying to avoid being a girl. She is tough for sure, rides a motorcycle, she is into weapons, but there is never a moment where she is trying to be like the guys around her just to fit in and be taken seriously. Beside her original character, Molly fined it difficult when she went undercover in the sorority house. To her, her age is more of a problem for her than her gender. To her, the girly girls are stupid and easily ignored. That is why Molly encountered a couple of awkward moments while in undercover as Brook. And the external conflict is faced by Molly were with Sasha and Armon. The first conflict with Sasha began when she felt envy about Molly’s reputation among the sisters of sorority that led her to set Molly up as a kleptomaniac. Sasha’s plain went smoothly that every girls in KKZ turned to hate Molly for stealing their stuff and the conflicts between Molly with Armon started when she found out that Armon was the guy behind the mask that attacked Prof. Talloway and her. Molly discovered that Prof. Talloway was the real FBI agent and not Armon. She also discovered that all the undercover scheme was just disguised for Armon to kidnap Alex and get the evidence of the case and made Molly all to blame.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Bernhardt, Karl S. 1953. Practical Psychology. Canada: Mc Graw –Hill Book Inc.

Kenney, William. 1996. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press.

Reaske, Christopher R. 1970. The Guide College Writer’s Guide to the Study ofLiterature.NewYork: Random House.