Skripsi yang berjudul “Cohesive Device in the Aljazera News Article Entitled Sunny Rebels Seize More Town in Iraq”bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tipe-tipe cohesive device. Data penelitian ini diambil dariAljazera news artikel. Artikel ini dipilih untuk menjadi sumber data karena artikel ini disusun dalam bahasa inggris dan melalui proses editing yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Teori utama yang digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan cohesive device adalah teori cohesive device yang diusulkan oleh Halliday dan Hassan (1976). Selain teori utama tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan teori Nunan (2009) sebagai teori penguat
Ada tiga jenis cohesive device yang ditemukan di dalam penelitian ini: reference, conjunction, and repetition. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Aljazera news artikel yang berjudul “Sunny Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq” sudah memenuhi syarat sebagai artikel yang bagus melalui proses-proses editing dan drafting sebelum diterbitkan
Kata kunci : cohesive device, news, text.
The communication will be more effective if the people are able to arrange good structures, messages, and able to associate them as unified whole. People use language to communicate with each other, share information, express their feeling, and exchange their ideas and experiences. In addition, the message will be understood more clearly if there is a relation within sentences that bind together to connect the ideas and create meaning.
There are two kinds of text in communication they are, spoken text and written text. Spoken text is used to confirm information such as shopping transaction, gossip, and casual conversation. Written text performs the information direct to writing system. There are three types of writing system based on their functions (Halliday, 1985) they are entertainment, action, and information. Written texts are used for public signs, product labels, bills, menu, ballot papers and computer manual. For entertainment such as comic, fiction
book, poetry and drama. The written text used for giving information is newspaper, magazines and advertisements. While speaking is the spoken utterances and thought that can be done, writing is recorded thought that can be edited and revised; therefore, it is more complex.
Based on the explanation above, I am interested in analyzing the cohesive device in the Aljazera news article as a written text. The website is chosen because they present the readers with various kinds of valuable information which written in English.
What types of cohesive device were implemented in the Aljazera news article entitled “Sunny Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq”?
To find the types of cohesive device were implemented in the Aljazera news article entitled “Sunny Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq”.
The procedure of implementing research has a very crucial role to determine the success of the study. In this study the research method can be divided into three parts:
Data source is the source from which the data are taken. This study used data which were taken from Aljazera news article entitled “Sunni Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq”. The article was downloaded on 20 June 2014. Aljazera news fulfilled with qualification to do a scientific research. The article was chosen, because the article come from well known source and arrange in a proper way that there is a link between sentence and clauses of the text which can be referred to perspective of cohesion. The data are focused in cohesive devices found in the article. The data are in form of phrase. So, the cohesive device used in this study is limited to clause form. It needs to be analyzed deeply in order to find out the cohesive devices that make a proper paragraph.
Documentation is the method usually conducted when the research is held to collect data about things, like notes, transcription, books, newspaper, magazines, etc. this study was conducted by observing closely the data that contain cohesive device in the article. This method is also supported by note taking technique, in which the important data required for this study is noted down.
There are two steps that we use to collect data as follows:
1. The data were collected through reading attentively and accurately with the focus on the cohesive device in the Aljazera news article entitled “Sunni Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq” and at the same time underlined all of the cohesive devices were found in the article.
2. Collect the cohesive device from the data and those were written down by the technique of note taking.
The collected data were analyzed qualitatively using the qualitative method, knowing the characteristic of the data used as the non-numerical data or qualitative data. The analysis was done through qualitative analysis specifically in descriptive qualitative analysis.
Based on Halliday and Hasan (1976), there are two type of cohesion : Grammatical Cohesion Devices, such as : Reference ( Personal Reference, Demonstrative Reference, Comparative Reference), Substitution (Nominal Substitution, Verbal Substitution, Clausal Substitution), Ellipsis (Nominal Ellipsis, Verbal Ellipsis, Clausal Ellipsis), Conjunction (Additive, Adversative, Clausal, Temporal). Lexical Cohesion Devices, such as: Reiteration (Repetition,
Synonymy, Near Synonymy, Super Ordinate, General Word), Collocation (Same Referent, Inclusive, Exclusive, Unrelated)
Sunny Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq
Paragraph 1
Sunni fighters led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have C:ad
expanded their offensive in Iraq, capturing more territory from the government. R:P R:C
ISIL, an al-Qaeda breakaway group active in Syria and Iraq, has taken the towns C:ad
of Qaim, Rawah and Anah in Anbar province. Qaim, located on the border with
Syria, hosts a key crossing between the two countries. Fighters also claim to be in full control of the northern city of Baiji, which hosts Iraq's biggest oil refinery, though the military denies the rebels control the refinery itself. The Associated
Press news agency, citing Iraqi miltary officials, reported that Sunni fighters
captured two border crossings, the Turaibil crossing with Jordan and the al-Walid C:ad
crossing with Syria, on Sunday.
1. Sunni fighters led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have expanded their offensive in Iraq, capturing more territory from the
government. (S.1) (“and” is additive conjunction)
2. Sunni fighters led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have expanded their offensive in Iraq, capturing more territory from the government.(S.1) (“their” refers to sunni fighters as personal reference)
3. Sunni fighters led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have expanded their offensive in Iraq, capturing more territory from the government. (S1) (“more” is comparative reference)
4. The Associated Press news agency, citing Iraqi miltary officials, reported that Sunni fighters captured two border crossings, the Turaibil crossing with Jordan and the al-Walid crossing with Syria, on Sunday. (S.5) (“and” is additive conjunction)
Paragraph 2
The vast Anbar province stretches from the western edges of the capital, Rep
Baghdad, all the way to Jordan and Syria to the northwest. Fighting in the C:ad
Predominantly. Sunni region has disrupted use of the highway linking Baghdad to the Jordanian border, a key artery for goods and passengers. In January, fighters in Anbar overran the city of Fallujah and parts of Ramadi. The latest gains by
ISIL are a further blow to Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq’s Shia prime minister, whose
grasp on his job is coming under increasing pressure as the rebels try to push the R:P R:C
country towards a sectarian showdown.
1. The latest gains by ISIL are a further blow to Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq’s Shia prime minister, whose grasp on his job is coming under increasing
pressure as the rebels try to push the country towards a sectarian showdown. (S.5) ( “his” refers to Nouri al-Maliki as personal reference)
2. The latest gains by ISIL are a further blow to Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq’s Shia prime minister, whose grasp on his job is coming under increasing pressure as the rebels try to push the country towards a sectarian showdown. (S.5) (“as” is comparative reference)
Based on the analysis in the previous chapter it may be concluded that the cohesive devices are need in order to make a proper paragraph. There are some cohesive devices applied in the Aljazera news article entitled “Sunny Rebels Seize more Town in Iraq” they are reference, conjunction, and repetition. The function of cohesive device above is to make the paragraph coherent and cohesive.
Halliday and Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English. London: Longman Grouped
Halliday and Hasan. 1985. Language, context, and text : Aspec of Language in a
Social-semiotic Perspective. Victoria : Deakin University Press.
Murray, Donald. 2009. Writing as a Process. London : Erward Arnold.
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