I Kadek Yudi Adi Saputra

English Department-Non Regular Program, Faculty of Letter and Culture,

Udayana University



Makalah ini berjudul The Analysis of Preposition in the Novel “The Perks of Being A Wallflower”. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa fungsi sintaksis dari kata depan at, in, on, from, dan for serta makna dari kata depan at, in, on, from, dan for.

Semua data merupakan kutipan kalimat-kalimat dari novel The Perks of Being A Wallflower yang digolongkan berdasarkan jenis-jenis kata depan yang ditentukan serta dikembangkan menurut teori yang diterapkan dalam makalah ini.

Ada dua teori grammar yang diaplikasikan untuk menganalisa data, berdasarkan teori pokok dari Randolph Quirk, et. al. (1985) serta berdasarkan teori dari George Yule (1998) sebagai teori pendukung untuk menganalisa makna kata depan tersebut.

Hasil dari analisa makalah ini yaitu ditemukannya fungsi sintaksis dari frase kata depan yang diawali at, in, on, from, dan for sebagai kata tambahan (adjunct, disjunct, and conjunct), tapi hampir semua frase kata depan sebagai adjunct yang menentukan place adjunct, time adjunct, source adjunct, dan target adjunct. Beberapa frase kata depan juga sebagai pengubah frase benda dan pelengkap. Berdasarkan makna, kata depan at, in, on, from, dan for menunjukkan tempat, waktu, sebab-akibat, dan lokasi dalam kiasan/metafora. Kata depan yang menunjukkan tempat dapat menentukan point in space with no dimensions, line or surface with one or two dimensions, dan area or volume with two or three dimensions. Serta kata depan yang menunjukkan waktu dapat menentukan point of time dan period of time.

Kata Kunci: Kata depan, fungsi sintaksis, dan makna.

  • 1.    Background of Study

In Indonesia, English has been taught since junior high school even from elementary school up to universities. One of the problems in learning English is about how discriminates situating of prepositions. Prepositions are quite short and significant looking, but they have very important functions. Preposition is one of the language devices that build up a sentence. In English this component is called a connective word or function word, and also part of speech. Preposition expresses a relation between two entities, one being that represented by the prepositional complement (Quirk, et. al, 1985). The prepositions are normally placed before noun or pronouns, but the position itself could change depend on their functions.

Prepositions are classified into two. They are simple prepositions and complex prepositions. Simple prepositions are prepositions, which consist of one word such as: at, in, on, for, from, to, etc. And complex prepositions consisting of more than one word such as: aboard, about, because of, against, behind below, etc.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the problems discussed in this paper are formulated as follows:

  • 1)    What are the syntactic functions of prepositions at, in, on, from, for found in the novel?

  • 2)    What are the meanings of prepositions at, in, on, from, for found in the novel?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1)    To analyze the syntactic functions of prepositions at, in, on, from, for found in the novel.

  • 2)    To analyze the meanings of prepositions at, in, on, from, for found in the novel.

  • 4.     Analysis and Result

    • 4.1    Prepositions at is denoting place

It can be proved by the explanation in example as follows:

  • a) My brother is busy being a football player at Penn State. (Chbosky, 2012:8)

Prepositional phrase which appears in sentence (a) is at Penn State. Prepositional phrase at Penn State is constructed by preposition at and adverb of place Penn State which has a function as position adjunct, which can be evoked as a response to a where question: “Where was Charlie’s brother being a football player?” and the answer is Penn State. In sentence (a), prepositional phrase at Penn State is denoting place especially positive position because it determines the position where Charlie’s brother was being a football player, and at Penn State as adverbial of place. Preposition at is used because the noun Penn State is viewed as a place which has no dimension and it shows a mere point of location.

  • 4.2    Prepositions in is denoting time

It can be proved by the explanation in example as follows:

  • b) In middle school, Susan was very fun to be around. (Chbosky, 2012:6)

The prepositional phrase in sentence (b) is in middle school. Prepositional phase in middle school is constructed by preposition in and adverb of noun middle school. The function of prepositional phrase in middle school as adjunct of time because it describes the period of time when Susan was very fun in school around. Prepositional phrase in middle school is denoting of time because it associates with an event. Prepositional phrase in middle school expressed the context situation when Susan began the study process in English class, then she was very fun.

  • 4.3    Preposition on is denoting goal

It can be explained in the example as follows:

  • c)    Now, I get perfect scores on all my tests. (Chbosky, 2012:165)

The prepositional phrase found in sentence (c) is on all my tests. Prepositional phase on all my tests is constructed by preposition on and noun all my tests. The function of prepositional phrase on all my tests serves as post modifier of noun phrase. This prepositional phrase is modifying Charlie (I) as the head of the sentence who has all tests. And this prepositional phrase indicates the meaning of goal. The meaning of prepositional phrase on all my tests in sentence (c) is that she had got perfect scores on all my tests. All my tests are viewed as the noun which has two dimensions as a surface.

  • 4.4 Prepositions from is denoting source

It can be explained in the example as follows:

  • d)    I watched the end of the game when Dave caught a touchdown thrown from Brad. (Chbosky, 2012:32)

The prepositional phrase in sentence (d) is from Brad. Prepositional phase from Brad is constructed by preposition from and noun Brad. The function of the prepositional phrase is as source adjunct, it can be proved by using question like “from whom did a touchdown thrown?” the answer is Brad. Prepositional phrase from Brad is denoting source. The meaning of prepositional phrase in sentence (d) is that the source of a touchdown thrown was coming.

  • 4.5 Preposition for is denoting recipient

It can be proved by the explanation in example as follows:

  • e)    I like eating with my fingers and off napkins, but my sister says that doing so is bad for the environment. (Chbosky, 2012:10)

In sentence (e), preposition for that appears in the prepositional phrase for the environment is constructed by adverb of place the environment. Prepositional phrase for the environment serves as complementation of an adjective because the preceding words of prepositional phrase is a word bad as an adjective, and prepositional phrase for the environment has a function to complete the structure. Prepositional phrase for the environment is denoting recipient. The meaning of sentence (e) is that the environment as the recipient from her bad behavior impact.

  • 5.    CONCLUSION

Based on the classified and analysis of prepositional phrase in the previous chapter, the conclusions can be made as follows:

The syntactic function that prepositions at, in, on, from, and for which appears in prepositional phrases found in the sentences serves as adverbial (adjunct), complementation, and post-modifier in noun phrase. As adjunct, the preposition relates the location or the time of an event or a happening, they are position adjunct, time when adjunct and time duration adjunct, indicating purpose and target adjuncts. As post-modifier, that the prepositional phrase modifies a certain noun is by placing it after the Head noun and has the meaning of “having”.

Prepositions at, in, on, from, and for which appear in prepositional phrases can denote place, time, and cause-purpose. The meaning of each preposition is based on the noun phrase that follows the preposition in forming prepositional phrase. If the prepositional phrase serves as adverbial of place, so the preposition will indicate place. Prepositional phrase serves as adverbial of time, so the preposition will indicate time. Prepositional phrase which means the causepurpose is related to the goal or target of the subject of the sentence. Prepositions that are denoting place can indicate point in space with no dimensions, line or surface with one or two dimensions, and area or volume with two or three dimensions. And prepositions that are denoting time can imply point of time and period of time.



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