Skripsi ini berjudul Adverb of Place in 6 Balinese Folktales. Fungsi dari adverb of place di susunan kalimat adalah untuk mengekspresikan dimana suatu kejadian telah terjadi. Permasalahan yang muncul di skripsi ini adalah the form of adverb of place, the position of adverb of place, dan the function of adverb of place. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis form, position, dan function of adverb of place pada kalimat yang ditemukan di Balinese Folktale (2005) yang ditulis oleh Prof. I Gusti Made Sutjaja. M.A, Ph.D. Balinese Folktale dipilih menjadi sumber data karena kalimatnya berisi banyak jenis adverb khususnya adverb of place.
Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode dokumentasi perpustakaan. Konsep yang mengacu pada topik ini adalah concept of syntax, concept of adverb, dan concept of adverb of place. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis form of adverb of place adalah teori dari Huddlestone (1984), teori dari Swan (1995) digunakan untuk menganalisis the position of adverb of place, dan teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis the function of adverb of place adalah teori dari Quirk (1985).
Hasil dari skripsi ini adalah ada 20 data adverb of place dari Balinese Folktale. Tipe dari form of adverb of place adalah derivational dan non derivational form. Tiga posisi dari adverb of place yaitu, initial position, mid position, dan end position. Klasifikasi dari function of adverb of place adalah adverb as adverbial (adjuct, disjunct, dan conjunct), adverb as modifier, modifier of adjective, modifier of adverb, modifier of prepositional phrase, modifier of noun phrase, adverb as complement of preposition.
Kata kunci : adverb of place, form, position, function.
Adverb as one of the crucial elements of English language and also takes an important role in sentence structure. That constitutes a word class or part of speech. Sentence in English is built by many words. This study is concerned with adverb of place. The function of adverb of place in the sentence structure is to express where an action has happened.
1. What are forms of adverb of places found in Balinese folktale?
2. What are the positions of adverb of places found in the Balinese folktale?
3. What are functions of adverb of places found in the Balinese folktale?
1. To describe the form of adverb of places found in the Balinese folktale.
2. To describe the position of adverbs in sentence structure.
3. To analyze function of adverbs in sentence structure
Methodology of doing research also means the application of the systematic steps. These steps have a very important role in determining the success and validity of the research result. Two steps were conducted in this research method, technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing data.
The data source of this study were taken from the English translation of Balinese folktale written by Prof. I Gusti Made Sutjaja, M.A., Ph., D. entitled Balinese tale = [Satua Bali], this book was chosen because this data was appropriate with this study, which contains the Balinese folktales and their good translation as well as many example data of adverb of place. The data were taken from the sentences, because the sentences are simple and easy to be analyzed.
Several steps are used to collect the data, as follows:
1. First, intensive reading was done by reading the data source carefully.
2. Second, note taking was done by noting down the words which have relationship with the topic.
3. Third, the adverb of place were identified and classified based on form, position, and function.
4. Fourth, the relevant data were quoted.
The data, which were collected, were descriptively analyzed to show how they are actually used. There are several steps in analyzing the data. Those are as follows:
1. The first step done in analyzing the data was checking and examining the collected data in order to know whether the data supported the analysis or not.
2. The second was classifying the data based on the problems discussed.
3. The third step was analyzing the function of adverb of place.
4. All the relevant data which had been collected were identified, classified then finally the data were analyzed based on the theory. The first problem was the theory of Huddlestone (1984) to describe the form of adverb of place. The second problem was the theory of Swan (1995) to describe about the position of adverb of place. The last problem was the theory of Quirk (1985) to describe the function of adverb of place in the sentence.
This study is focused on adverb of place because this chapter includes the analysis of form of adverb of place, the position of adverb of place, and the function of adverb of place. All data were taken from the folktale, which is entitled “Balinese Folktale”. This folktale is written by Prof. I Gusti Made Sutjaja. M.A, Ph. D (2005). The data were analyzed based on the theory proposed by Huddlestone (1984). It describes about the form of adverb of place, they are: Derivational form and Non-Derivational form. The second theory proposed by Swan (1995). It describes about the position of adverb of place, such as: initial position of adverb of place, mid position of adverb of place, and end position of adverb of place. The third theory proposed by Quirk et, al (1985). It describes about the function of adverb of place.
She collected firewood in the jungle. It was said that she found a little child. As the child’s skin was fair and the face was round, she was called Bulan Kuning(Yellow Moon) (Sutjaja, 2005:52).
The word in the data 10 “She collected firewood in the jungle”, it belongs to non derivational form in which the adverb consists of one word that can not be separated and is not derived from another word class.
In the sentence 10 “She collected firewood in the jungle” the position of adverb in is in the mid-position, because it is put after the verb “collected”. The word in as adverb of place means where I Belog collects
the firewood.
The bold word in the sentence “She collected firewood in the jungle” is an adverb of place, which modifies the underlined word “the jungle” as noun phrase. It describes where the firewood was collected.
In the jungle Bulan Kuning was separated from her mother. She was very frightened. Unknowingly she was caught by a female giant, Sang Raksasa. Bulan Kuning trembled as she was very scared. Although the catcher was a giant, Bulan Kuning was very much loved by her. (Sutjaja, 2005:53)
In data 11 “In the jungle Bulan Kuning was separated from her mother” the word in belongs to the non derivational form because its only consists of one word that is not derived from another word class.
In data 11 “In the jungle Bulan Kuning was separated from her mother” the bold word in is an adverb of place and it goes in the beginning of the sentence or before the subject “Bulan Kuning”. It is used to indicate place. And it is not the main focus of the message, that is, why the adverb of place in is put in the initial position.
The bold word in the sentence “In the jungle Bulan Kuning was separated from her mother” is an adverb of place, which modifies the underlined word “the jungle” as noun phrase. It describes the place “the jungle” Bulan
Kuning separates from her mother.
The analysis form of adverb of place, there are 4 data for derivational form and 16 data for non derivational form. Most adverbs of place are non derivational form. The data of adverb of place in the story Balinese Folktale belong to this form because they have single word. The data are called pure forms because they cannot be formed again.
For the position of adverb of place, there were 4 data found for initial position, 10 data for mid position, and 6 data for end position. Adverb of place appeared in all positions in the sentences; they can appeare in front, middle, and the end of sentences. Front position, adverb of place occurring at the front position, means appear before the subject of sentences. Middle position, this term is used for those adverbs which are normally before the main verb. End position of adverb of place is for those adverbials which are normally placed following the adjective or adverb.
The last analysis is about the function of adverb of place, there are 6 data for complement of preposition, 4 data for modifier of noun phrase, 5 data for adjunct, 3 data for disjunct, and 2 data for conjunct. Most adverbs of place are formed as complement of preposition. This function is mostly filled by adverb of place. For example: at and from, these words can occur with other preposition.
Huddlestone, R. 1984. Introduction to the Grammar of English.London: Cambridge University.
Quirk, 1985. A University Grammar of the English Languange. London : Longman Group Limited.
Swan, M. 1995. Practical English Usage. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
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