Jurnal berjudul The Analysis of Syntactic Structures in The Relative Clause With Reference To Steinbeck’s The Pearl difokuskan pada analisis Klausa Relatif, terutama dalam pola, struktur, dan jenis klausa relatif. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi pola-pola, struktur, dan jenis klausa relatif yang ditemukan dalam novel berjudul The Pearl oleh Steinbeck pada tahun 1947. Analisis ini berdasarkan pada teori Generative Transformation oleh Chomsky dalam bukunya Syntactic Structure (1971) dan didukung oleh Radford dalam bukunya Transformational Syntax: A Student Guide to Chomsky’s Extended Theory (1988). Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga pola yang menonjol dari klausa relatif dan struktur klausa relatif adalah klausa tertanam yang dimodifikasi kata benda dalam frasa kata benda. Hal ini dapat tertanam subjek atau objek. Klausa relatif ditandai dengan kata ganti relatif atau kata kerja relatif. Ada tiga jenis klausa relatif yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, seperti: restrictive, nonrestrictive, dan free. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis klausa relatif utama yang ditemukan dalam data. Mereka adalah klausa relatif restrictive, nonrestrictive, dan free yang diperkenalkan oleh kata ganti relatif who, whom, whose, which, or that, dan dengan kata kerja bantu relatif, seperti when, where, or why. Dalam hal fungsi mereka, tergantung pada jenis mereka dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek dan objek yang menyediakan informasi dari kata benda sebelumnya sebagai anteseden atau memberikan informasi tambahan dari kata benda sebelumnya.
Kata kunci:
Struktur Sintaksis, Klausa Relatif, Generative Transformation
Based on the structure, there are four levels in a language, they are; phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic (Yule, 1998). This study was focused on the analysis of syntax in relation to the relative clause. Syntax is basically the structure of sentences. The relative clause is the topic of discussion in this study because it can be found in many aspects of language either in written or oral communication. Besides, some English learners are still confused about the
structure of the relative clause. According to the explanation above, the writer was interested in analyzing syntactic structure of relative clause found in the novel entitled “The Pearl” by Steinbeck because the novel has more completed data in language used, especially in Relative clause.
According to the background above, there are some related problems that can be discussed. The problems are formulated as follows:
1. What is the formula or the pattern of the relative clause found in the novel “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck?
2. How is the structure of relative clause formulated in the novel “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck?
3. What kinds of the relative clauses found in the novel “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck?
Every scientific study should have obvious purposes. Related to the problems about type and structure of relative clauses, the aims of this study are formulated as follows:
1. To identify the formula or the pattern of the relative clause found in the novel “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck.
2. To analyze the structure of relative clause formulated in the novel entitled “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck.
3. To classify the types of relative clauses found in the novel entitled “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck.
Research method consists of data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data. Data source were taken from the sentences found in the novel entitled “The Pearl” by Steinbeck which published in 1947. The data were collected by applying the documentation research method and analyzed qualitatively and reconstructively according to the
main theory of Generative Transformation by Chomsky (1971) in his book entitled Syntactic Structure.
5. The Analysis of Syntactic Structures in the Relative Clause with Reference to “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck
Patterns of Relative Clause
There are three patterns of relative clause that had been found in the novel The Pearl by Steinbeck (1947). Those patterns were based on Chomsky’s theory (1971) and supported by Murphy’s opinion (1985). Here are the patterns:
For examples:
His eyes went to the place where he had swept out the track (Steinbeck, 1947: 42)
Relative Clause |
: Where he had swept out the track |
Relative Adverb |
: where was used to replace the word the place in the second clause |
Subject Verb |
: he : had swept |
For examples:
Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat (Steinbeck, 1947: 2)
Relative Clause |
: That caught the throat |
Relative Adverb |
: that was used to replace the word an aching chord in the second clause |
Subject |
: an aching chord |
Verb |
: caught |
For examples:
The sun was quarter high when they were ready (Steinbeck, 1947: 24)
Relative Clause
Clause 1
Relative Adverb
: When they were ready
: The sun (NP) was quarter high (VP)
: when was used to replace the word quarter high in
the second clause
Clause 2 : They (NP) were ready at a quarter high sun (VP)
Structures of Relative Clause
For example:
The best and happiest pearl buyer was he [who bought for the lowest prices] (Steinbeck, 1947: 23)
The example above is composed by two clauses; those are the main clause as the core of the clause and a relative clause. The relative clause was the word who bought for the lowest prices which gives the explanation to the core of the clause The best and happiest pearl buyer was he, because in this clause should be more clear which he should be mentioned. We can see the tree diagram of the example.
a) . Tree diagram of deep structure
The best and happiest pearl buyer was he [who he bought for the lowest prices] (Steinbeck, 1947: 23)
S NP VP Δ ∕X∖ The best and V NP S’ happiest I I ∕∖ pearl buyer was pro conj S” he who NP VP pro V PP ι ; r he bought P for |
NP Δ the lowest prices |

The structure of the sentence above could be:
S ÷ NP - VP
VP1 ÷ V - NP2 -S’
NP2 ÷ Pro
S’ ÷ Conj-S’’
S’’ ÷ NP3 - VP2
NP3 ÷ Pro
VP2 ÷ V - PP
PP ÷ P - NP
The tree diagram above can be adopted to provide free relative clause in which the antecedent vanished (headless). It refers to the antecedent that was vanished on the surface structure. We can see the tree diagram of surface structure.
b) . Tree diagram of surface structure
The best and happiest pearl buyer was he [who bought for the lowest prices] (Steinbeck, 1947: 23)
S NP VP Δ The best and V NP happiest pearl buyer was pro c he w |
S’ onj S” ho NP VP he V PP ; ; ∕∖ 0 bought P NP I Δ for the lowest prices |

The structure of the sentence above could be:
S ÷ NP - VP
VP1 ÷ V - NP2 -S’
NP2 ÷ Pro
S’ ÷ Conj-S’’
S’’ ÷ NP3 - VP2
NP3 ÷ 0
VP2 ÷ V - PP
PP ÷ P - NP
Commonly, a relative clause is an embedded clause that is, added in a free clause or a sentence. The purpose of relative clause itself is to change the noun phrase. Mostly, the Noun Phrase position is an antecedent of relative clause as a subject and object.
Types of Relative Clause
This analysis adopted three types of relative clause, in accordance with the Radford’s theory (1988) such as; Restrictive, Nonrestrictive, and Free.
This type was the prominent one used in novel The Pearl by Steinbeck in 1947. For examples:
a. The best and happiest pearl buyer was he [who bought for the lowest prices] (Steinbeck, 1947: 23)
b. A country [where there was little game] managed to live (Steinbeck, 1947: 42)
The feature of nonrestrictive is not restricted to the reference of a noun phrase but provides the extra information of the major of a noun phrase. For examples:
1. The little tree frogs, [that lived near the stream] twittered like birds (Steinbeck, 1947: 48)
2. The birds, [which spent the day in the brushland] came at night to the little pools (Steinbeck, 1947: 45)
3. He lighted a candle and came to them, [where they crouched in a corner] (Steinbeck, 1947: 36)
The last type of relative clause used in this research is free; it refers to the primary of the noun phrase which is vanished (headless), mainly in a surface structure (Radford, 1981: 358).
For examples;
1. They would find it where Kino and Juana had rested (Steinbeck, 1947: 43)
2. His hand strayed limply to the place where the pearl was hidden under his clothes (Steinbeck, 1947: 43)
A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun phrase, generally a noun. It starts with a relative pronoun, such as [who, whom, whose, which, or that] or a relative adverb, such as [when, where, or why].
The patterns of the relative clause could be:
a) Relative Clause = Relative Pronoun or adverb + subject + verb
b) Relative Clause = Relative Pronoun as a Subject + verb
c) Clause + Relative Pronoun + Clause = Relative Clause
Based on the structure, a relative clause is embedded clause that is added to a free clause or a sentence. It can be embedded in the subject or the object.
For examples:
1. The relative clause is embedded the subject. For example:
A country [where there was little game] managed to live (Steinbeck, 1947: 42)
2. The relative clause is embedded the object. For example:
The best and happiest pearl buyer was he [who bought for the lowest prices] (Steinbeck, 1947: 23)
Most of the relative clauses used in the novel entitled “The Pearl” by Steinbeck are headless clause, especially in second clause. The purpose of relative clause itself is to change the noun phrase. Mostly, the Noun Phrase position is an antecedent of relative clause as a subject and object.
There are three types of relative clause found in the novel entitled “The Pearl” by Steinbeck in 1947, such as; Restrictive, Nonrestrictive, and Free.
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