Made Devi Pebiyanti Sridana

English Department Faculty of Letters and Cultures

Udayana University


Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang digunakan oleh manusia normal untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain untuk menyampaikan tujuan ketika mereka bertemu. Ada lima komponen utama dalam linguistik mikro yaitu, fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, semantik,dan pragmatik. Dalam waktu yang cukup lama, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Yule (1996: 6) bahwa studi bahasa sangat dikuasai oleh kecenderungan untuk menjelaskan bahasa berdasarkan sistem formalnya, yaitu dengan menurunkan sistem yang terdapat dalam matematika dan logika, dan mengabaikan unsur pengguna bahasa. Pragmatik sebagai tataran linguistik mikro terbaru yang merupakan satu-satunya tataran yang turut memperhitungkan manusia sebagai pengguna bahasa. Eat, Pray, Love dipilih sebagai data utama dalam penulisan skripsi ini karena terdapat beberapa jenis deixis dalam novel ini yang harus dikaji lebih mendalam. Ada tiga buku yang dijadikan satu dalam novel ini. Buku pertama adalah tentang perjalanan Gilbert di Italia. Buku kedua adalah tentang perjalanan dia di India dan buku ketiga adalah tentang perjalanan terakhirnya di Indonesia. Semua cerita dalam ketiga buku tersebut merupakan cerita tentang kehidupan pribadinya yang berkaitan dengan perceraian dengan suaminya. Dan, di samping itu, novel ini juga sangat menarik karena menceritakan tentang kisah cinta penulis bersama seorang pria Bali Ketut Liyer.

KATA KUNCI : Pragmatics, Deixis, References. .

  • 1.    Background of the study

Language is a means of the communication used by normal human beings to communicate one to another to convey a purpose when they meet There are five main components of micro linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantic and pragmatics; however pragmatics was more emphasized on the utterance of the context situation. According to Yule (1996:6) that for a long period in the study, there has been a very strong interest in formal system of analysis, often derived from mathematic and logic.

the Eat, Pray, Love were chosen to be the main data in writing this under graduate thesis because they were assumed that there were many types of deixis in this novel that must be analyzed. There are three books united to be one in this book. The first book is about Gilbert’s traveling in Italy. The second book is about her travelling in India and the third book is about her last travelling in Indonesia. All of the stories in those books were related to her personal life related to her difficult divorce. And, in addition, this novel is also very interesting because it also tells about the writer’s story in Bali, especially the love story of the writer with a Balinese man called Ketut Liyer.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study above two problems are formulated as follow :

  • 1.    What kinds of deixis were found in Eat, Pray, Love ?

  • 2.    What did each type of deixis refer to in Eat, Pray, Love ?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

In writing a scientific paper it must have an aim and an expected result that must be achieved therefore the aims of writing this under graduate thesis are as follows :

  • 1.    To find out what kinds of deixis were found in the novel Eat Pray Love

  • 2.    To find out what types of each deixis refered to in Eat, Pray, Love

  • 4.    Research Method

    4.1    Data Source

The sources of the data in this study were taken from a novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love (2006) which consists of three novels and united to be one novel. This novel was written by Elizabeth Gilbert which was firstly published in the United States of America. This novel was chosen to be the data source because Gilbert narrated and expressed many things related to her own life what she had experienced in her real life through her traveling to Italy, India and Indonesia in this novel.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, documentation method was applied. The techniques applied in collecting the data, was firstly, reading the novel carefully in order to find out the sentences related to the kinds of deixis and their references. The next step, was their all of the deixis found were underlined and written down based on their types and categories.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

In analyzing data, the qualitative descriptive method was applied. The data that had been collected were identified and classified in accordance with their types, based on the kinds of deixis and their references found in each sentence then they were presented descriptively.

  • 5.    Deixis and Their References

  • 5.1.1    Deixis and Their References in the novel Eat, Pray, Love

  • 5.1.2    Person Deixis

The distinction just described involves person deixis, with the speaker (‘I’) and the addressee (‘you’) mentioned. The simplicity of these forms disguises the complexity of their use. To learn this deictic expression, we have to discover that each person in a conversation shifts from being (‘I’) to being ‘(you’) constantly.

  • a.    First Person Deixis

  • 1.    I wish Giovanni would kiss me. (P. 7 – line 1)

  • 2.    Giovanni is my Tandem Exchange Partner. (P. 7 – line 26)

  • 3.    We meet a few evenings a week. (P.7 – line 28)

  • 4.    By then, we mutually anticipated. (P. 11 – line 16)

  • 5.    In desperate love, we always invent the characters of our partners (P.22-line 30)

Seen from the example of datum (1) above that the word I was person deixis.The word I and me were included the singular pronouns of the first person deictic element that refered to Elizabeth Gilbert. Elizabeth Gilbert was a professional American woman in mid-thirties who had just come through a failed

marriage and a devastating, interminable divorce, followed immediately by a passionate love affair that ended in sickening heartbreak.

  • b.    Second Person Deixis

  • 6.    It all begins when the object of your adoration bestows upon you heady, hallucinogenic dose of something you never even dared to admit that you wanted. (P. 25-lines 10-13)

  • 7.    “You look beautiful today, signorina.” (P. 88, line 25)

Seen From 2 data of deixis above,you was part of second person of subject pronoun. And the word you in the data above was a deictic reference which refered to a person identified as addressee, which was observable in the conversation. Besides referring to the addressee, you here could also be used as a reference to a speaker.

  • c.    Third Person Deixis

  • 8.    “He never dreamed I would actually leave him and I never in my wildest imagination thought he would make it so difficult for me to go. ( P. 20, lines 27 – 28 ).

  • 9.    I read it to Iva, and she nodded her approval. (P. 42 – line 20)

  • 10.    Someday she was a man, but at least she was probably as lesbian. (P. 96, lines 25 -26)

  • 11.    He turns his mostly toothless smile upon me with the force of a compassionate fire house, and this was so reassuring; ”I had remembered correctly, he was extraordinary”. (P. 292, lines 5 -7)

Seen from the examples of the data (8) above that, the personal pronoun of subject he above refered to the narrator’s husband, David .The word he here was categorized as the third person deixis. The word he was also used by considering the gender of addressees, especially for male.

Based on the previous text, it could be identified that the referent of he here was Ketut Liyer known as medicine man who was visited by Elizabeth two years before. And, the possessive reference his was related to toothless smile of Ketut Liyer.

  • d.    Plural Third Person Deixis

  • 12.    Like most Italian guys in their twenties, he still lives with his mother.(P. 7 – line 5)

  • 13.    They have a baby who enjoys eating grapes.(P. 47, line 7)

  • 14.    They are wearing their finest silk saris and gold bracelets, and each woman has a brightly jeweled ‘bindi’ in her forehead, like a dim echo of the starlight above us. (P.171, line 1 – 3)

Seen from the (3) data above, that the word their could be categorized as possessive pronoun of the third person. And however the word of they here was a subject pronoun which was considered as subject pronoun. The word they here was related directly to the third person mentioned in Eat, Pray Love.

Seen from the example of datum (13) here could be understood that the word they here refered to a group of people or things, which was considered not to the speaker and the addressee. Those people who were explained in previous discourse, (lines 3-6)

  • 5.1.3    Time Deixis

Time deixis concerned itself with the various times involved in and refered to in a speech event. There are two kinds of time deixis.Those types of deixis could be seen as below:

  • a.    calendrical deixis

  • b.    and non-calendrical deixis.

  • 5.1.4    Place Deixis

Place deixis concerned to the encoding of spatial locations relative to the location of the participants in the speech event, and the analysis to novel as follows:

  • 25.    When the medieval Crusaders drove east for the holy wars, they witnessed worshippers praying with these Japa malas, admired the technique, and brought the idea home to Europe as rosary. (P.1, lines 11 - 14)

Seen from example (25-29) above there were place deixis found. There were : East, There, Here. The Place deixis concerned to the encoding of spatial locations relative to the location of the participants in the speech event. Place

deixis showed the readers the place where something or an event occurred because without knowing the places where an event happened would not give the readers complete information.

Seen from the datum on the example (27) above, the word there contained an adverb of place which was used for demonstrating such place relatively distant to the speaker. Based on the sentences above, the word there was used to demonstrate a place called Ashram in India.

Seen from the example on the datum (28) on the sentence above, the writer used place deictic marker in the form locative adverb here. It might represent such area where the speaker was present, which was catephorically related to some places in Bali. Therefore, here refered to Bali.

  • 5.1.5    Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis concerned to the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discourse in which the utterance (which includes the text referring expression) is located, and the analysis to the novel as follows:

  • 30.    These fact alone make him an unlike romantic partner for me, given that I am a professional American woman in my mid-thirties, who just come through a failed marriage and a devastating, interminable divorce, followed immediately by a passionate love affair that ended in sickening heartbreak.(P. 7, lines 5 – 10)

  • 31.    I kept waiting to want to have a baby, but it didn’t happen. And I know what it feels like to want something, believe me.”(P. 11, lines 25 – 30)

  • 32.    Now, this was a first for me. And since this is the first time I have introduced that loaded word – GOD - into my book, and since this is a word which will appear many time again throughout these. (P. 15, lines 1 – 3)

Seen from the example (30-34) of discourse deixis above, it could be showed that discourse deixis concerned to the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discourse in which the utterance which included the text referring expression located, and the analysis to the Eat, Pray, Love.

If seen from the example (30) on the sentence above, it could be

showed that the reference these that related to some facts. It showed that these refered to the same referent as some prior terms.

“Oh, but there are so many reasons why this would be a terrible idea. To begin with, Giovanni is ten years younger than I am, and like most Italian guys in their twenties, he still lives with his mother.” (P.7, lines 2 – 5)

Based on the previous text quoted above could be seen that the reference these was used as reference of some statements known as reasons of Elizabeth for considering Giovanni. Therefore, it was called as discourse-deictic, which was used for referring the prior statement made by the sentence, not to the sentence, in this case, the reasons made by Elizabeth she herself.

Based on the text above, it could be identified that the word this related to the statement in situation that the time of the word God was used in this writing by the writer, therefore, this could be categorized as discourse-deictic.

For the word this , it was tied anaphorically to the word GOD, in which the explanation was mentioned after the word this itself. It was clearly to be anaphoric deictic that ultimately rests on the previous deictic notion.

Seen the example (34) the data above the word that did not seem to be anaphoric, however it mostly seemed to be discourse could be seen as deictic in which that was used for referring the statement, not to the sentence of previous text known as such divine contract that had to be fulfilled by Elizabeth on his devotion in Ashram.

  • 5.1.6    Social Deixis

Social deixis concern the encoding of social distinctions that are relative to participant-roles, particularly aspects of the social relationship holding between speaker and addressee or speaker and some referent, and the analysisis to the novel as follows :

  • 35.    I had a teacher once ask that question during a particularly challenging Yoga class, back in New York. (P. 159, lines 21 – 22)

  • 36.    In the West, we’ve mainly come to know Yoga through its now-famous pretzel-like exercises for the body. (P. 160, lines 13 – 14)

  • 37.    One of my first roommates at the Ashram was a middle aged African-American devout Baptist and meditation instructor from South Caroline (P. 165, lines 26 – 28)

  • 38.    My Guru always says that only one thing will happen when you cometo the Ashram – that you will discover who you really are. (P. 170, lines 15 -17)

Based on the text above, it could be identified that the word Ashram was used to encoded the social identities of place of participant, in which this community had special role and extraordinary ways for living in the society by applying the philosophical values of religion, in this case, Hindu.

Seen from the example (39) the data on the sentence above, they could be found that the word residence was categorized as ‘polite’ pronoun of the place for living. Therefore, the sentence above could be identified as the sentence with social-seictic element, in this case polite expression which was possessed to the honorable person,Guru.

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

According to the analysis in the previous chapter, in the novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love by Gilbert could be found the deixis elements, which were divided into several types of deixis marked by deictic.

The types of deixis in the novel, which was proven by some representatives’ samples, included: Person Deixis, Time Deixis, Place Deixis, and Discourse Deixis. And Social Deixis. In the person deixis, the encoding of the role of participants are generally indicated by pronouns establishing relation by anaphoric or cathaporic ways, such as: I, He, She, They, We, and You. For the time deixis, the novel used reference for encoding time such as: last, next, today, yesterday, tomorrow, now, and then. For the place deixis, this novel mostly used locative place adverbs such as: here and there, and also a kind of demonstrative place deictic such as: East. This novel also has discourse deixis elements such as: It, this/these, and that/those. For the social deixis, this novel used some term for econding the social relationship status, such as: Guru, Yoga, Ashram, West and residence.


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