


Skripsi ini membahas tentang persamaan dan perbedaan secara visual maupun verbal pada dua buah iklan restoran yang terdapat di majalah Now Bali edisi Oktober 2010. Dari sinilah sumber data yang terkumpul kemudian di analisa dan dikaji berdasarkan teori dari Berge, Arthur Asa(1984) yang berjudul Sign in Contemporary Culture, Dyer, Gillian (1999) yang berjudul Advertising as Communication, Leech, G. (1974) yang berjudul semantic: The Study of Meaning. Leech, G. (1966) yang berjudul English in Advertising: A Linguistic Study Of Advertising in Great Britain. Lyon, John. (1978) yang berjudul Semantic Volume 1, danWandia, I Ketut, DRS. M. A.M. App. Ling. 1977. Discourse of Advertising : Indonesia – English .

Dari analisa dalam skripsi ini menemukan beberapa persamaan dan perbedaan secara visual maupun verbal yang setiap iklan tersebut mempunyai satu tujuan sebagai alat atau cara untuk menarik perhatian pembaca dan ada keinginan untuk mencoba restoran tersebut. Di ke-2 iklan ini masing-masing menggunakan gambar dan gaya bahasa agar para pembaca berminat datang ke restoran ini.

Kata kunci: iklan, restoran, visual, verbal, majalah

1)Background of the Study

In order to introduce their products to the public, the producer will use an advertisement to introduce their goods and services. There are many kinds of goods, services, restaurants, hotels, airline transportations, travel agents and many others. To sell and inform their products and services to all customer levels, they will use media or public communication by making an advertisement in the televisions, radios, news papers and some magazines. The printed advertisement is one of media that is often used by the seller because it influences thought, feeling, and lifestyle of the people in society in general.

Some verbal and visual signs in the advertisement can make the people well informed

and have good memories in a product itself. It is necessary to choose and select the right a

visual and verbal signs to for introduce the products to the public. Advertising is direct toward a mass audience with the aim of promoting sale of commercial products or services. It informs the kind, type and characteristics of the product and also offers the facilities of the public services in order to persuade the customers and create desire or need of them. By reading and seeing the advertisement, customers are persuaded to buy products and services. Printed advertisement in magazine is one of the advertisements using visual mediums. It consists of verbal and visual sign that can lead us to discover the meaning or message that it brings.

In relation to those phenomena, I was interested in doing further study on interpreting the massage from verbal and visual sign on the advertisement at Now Bali Magazine by comparing two different advertisements from the products produced by different companies. This study attempts to investigate the similarities and differences of those advertisements. This magazine was published in October 2010 by Phoenix Communication Jakarta.

  • 2)    Problems of the Study

From the back ground above, it can be discussed and formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What kind of signs that exist in two different advertisements?

  • 2.    What are the meanings and functions of the signs in the two different advertisements?

  • 3.    What are the similarities and differences of the signs in the two different advertisements?

  • 3)    Aims of the Study

In general, the aims study of this proposal is to apply the knowledge of Discourse Analysis that has been gained during the class attendance and also to investigate verbal and visual signs from two different advertisements at Now Bali Magazine. The following terms proposed as the aims of study are:

  • 1.    To describe signs which exist in the two different advertisements?

  • 2.    To investigate the meanings and functions of the sign in the two different advertisements. To recognize the similarities and differences of signs shared by two different advertisements

  • 4)    Research Method

Research is an important factor in making a scientific writing or the way to find something that we do not know before. This paper is considered scientific since it follows scientific procedure of doing research. The procedure refers not only to how the technique of data were collected, but also the method used to collect the data. The research method used in collecting data was library research.

  • 4.1 Data Source

The data were collected from two different English printed advertisements; they are Kayuputi Restaurant and CasCades Restaurant, which are found in Now Bali Magazine edition October, 2010. From those advertisements the visual and verbal signs were utilized as the primary data of this study.

The data were collected from two different English printed advertisements those are Kayuputi Restaurant and CasCades Restaurant, which were found in Now Bali Magazine edition October, 2010. From those advertisements the visual and verbal signs were utilized as the

primary data of this study.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected by finding two different English printed advertisements in the same kind of product advertised by two companies in Now Bali Magazine. Then the visual and verbal signs were searched for identified, classified, and written. Then, all data were analyzed to find the similarities and differences from those advertisements.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The whole of data were collected quantitatively analyzed based on the theory of signs, meanings, and functions. First, the data which were collected use compared and described in the advertisements. Second, by describing the sign the meanings and the functions were toward. And the last, the whole aspects were compared to find the similarities and differences of the sign shared by two different advertisements. The data were descriptively presented in order to give a clear and complete explanation that can make the reader understand every detail of the study under concern.

  • 5)    The Analysis of Two Printed Advertisements at Now Bali Magazine Based on Verbal and Visual Signs.

    • 5.1    Advertisement 1

Advertisement 1 is “ Kayuputi Restaurant”.

  • 5.2    Verbal signs

The verbal signs of the advertisement are in the form of texts (phrases and sentences) which are written in English. The numerous verbal signs within the advertisement are analyzed in term of their meaning and functions. In this study the text in the advertisement is

written in Italic.

Adv. 1


  • 5.3    Visual Signs

The visual sign of the advertisement is in form of pictures, occupied about 60 percent of space of the advertisement. The visual signs consist of a set table. It is taken on day light and refers to the restaurant opening hours for lunch and dinner.

  • 5.4    Advertisement 2

Advertisement 2 is the Cascades Restaurant advertisement.

  • 5.5 The Verbal Sign

The verbal sign of the advertisement are written in English, taking the form of texts (phrases and sentences) the numerous verbal sign within the advertisement are analyzed in term of their meaning and function. In this study, the texts in the advertisement are written in normal text and in italic.

  • 5.6    Visual Sign

The visual signs of this second advertisement are in form of picture, which occupies about 90 percent of space of the advertisement. The visual signs consist of four pictures. The picture of table set for romantic dinner, picture of premium table set up, picture of the beverages in the bar, and picture of table set for romantic lunch.

  • 5.7    The Similarities of Verbal Sign

Both the advertisements have similar texts indicating the use of color fonts in the texts (phrases and sentences), the text that indicate the series of the product are located under the logo of product and give the address to the product advertised. Generally, conceptual meaning is used to make the audiences easier to catch the meaning of the advertisement. The other meanings like affective and connotative are also used to attract the audience’s attention and convince them to come and enjoy the product advertised. The following are the similarities text shared by the two advertisements:

  • 1.    The sentence phrases in the headline and body copy is similar in term of giving the information about the quality of the product (food & beverage).

  • 2.    Both advertisements also give the address where the interested audience can get the information about the product advertised. KawasanPariwisata Nusa Dua Lot S6 Nusa Dua, Bali 80361. Indonesia, StRegis.com/Bali (62) (361) 8478 111 (advertisement 1), +62 (361) 972 111 / www.cascadesbali.com / [email protected], Viceroy Bali, Jl. Lanyahan, Br. Nagi, Ubud (advertisement 2).

  • 5.8    The Similarities of Visual Sign

The visual signs in both advertisements are shown by the pictures, which also support

the text. By looking at the pictures, especially the service that appropriate with content of

the texts such feeling and attitude towards the product advertised to the audience to visit it can be simulated. Both advertisements share some similarities in term of their visual signs. They are as follows:

  • 1.    Both advertisements use the service of place as a subject (table set) as their prominent visual signs to convey their message.

  • 2.    The logo of the both advertisements are placed on the top of page above the headline of the advertisements and used text to support the logo. It is important side to make the reader easier to remember the product also to differ it from others.

  • 5.9    The Differences of Verbal Sign

From the verbal sign, the differences of the texts between the two advertisements can be described as follows:

  • 1.    The sentence and phrases in the headline and body copy is different in term of size, font, and color of background.

  • 2.    In advertisement 1 there use many texts in the body copy. The product and service was explained detail by the advertiser whereas in advertisement 2, the advertiser used the simple explanation but contains all information about CasCades Restaurant.

  • 3.    The logo in advertisement 2 is simpler than the logo in advertisement 1. The advertiser used an alphabet as the logo in advertisement 2; however, the logo in advertisement 1 uses more complete letter and a lot improvisation.

  • 5.10    The Differences of Visual Sign

The following are differences of the picture found in the two different advertisements.

  • 1.    Advertisement 1 gives the picture of the situation on their place by showing the table

set of the advertisement 1. Meanwhile the second advertisement gives the picture of

table set completed with the food and beverage, the view around the restaurant, the swimming pool, gazebo, and bar.

  • 2.    The logo of the product in the two advertisements is different in regard to size and color. The logo in advertisement 1 is smaller than advertisement 2. The color of advertisement 1 is yellow and advertisement 2 is red. According to size and color; the logo of advertisement 1 is more easing taught by the eyes of the audience than the logo in advertisement 2.

  • 3.    The color of background in advertisement 2 is more than the color of background in advertisement 1 because advertisement 2 places more pictures of table set, view, and the gazebo, but advertisement 1 uses black background and one table set with white background.

Based on the analysis and discussion above, it is found that from visual sign (pictures) and verbal sign (written text in the form of phrases and sentences), advertiser 2 seems more attractive, the picture and texts have a good relation to the product advertised, more efficient according to the text only in three sentences.

  • 6)    Conclusion

There are some points that can emerge from the previous analysis and discussion. The points can be presented as the conclusion of this study. They are as follows:

Advertisement as a part of our lives, influences our thoughts, feeling and lifestyle. It is composed by verbal and visual signs, which can lead us to discover the message that I brought. Verbal signs are conveyed by the pictures.

In term of verbal signs, the texts in the advertisements are generally in their conceptual meaning, since the audience can understand it more easily. The text is to sign up

or get further information is the example of it. Connotative and affective are also found in the

text. They are aimed to attract attention and arouse the audience’s interested to visit the product advertised. The picture of visual signs in the advertisements is printed in the form impressive and attractive picture. They hopefully can create such feeling or attitudes toward the products advertised to the audience (convince and arouse the audience’s interest to visit the product advertised). Setting or background is also put in the advertisements to support the message that the advertisements want to convey.

Considering the similarities of signs by the two advertisements, it is found that the verbal signs, that is, the texts in the form of phrases or sentences, such as the use of the color fonts in the texts (phrases and sentences), the text that indicate the series of the company to inform the audience about the product advertised. The address of the product advertisement is presented in both advertisements. In term of visual signs, both advertisements have logo of product. Meanwhile, with regard to the differences of verbal sign, advertisement 1 gives more complete or detail and has a good coherent or relation to the product advertisement. A visual sign, which is picture advertisement 2 seems simpler and represents all aspects of product advertised.

  • 7)    Bibliography

Berge, Arthur Asa. 1984. Sign in Contemporary Culture. New York: Longman.

Dyer, Gillian. 1993. Advertising as Communication. London and New York: Rutledge.

Hornby, a.s. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press Leech, G. 1974. Semantic: The Study of Meaning. Harmond - Sworth Middlesex.

Leech, G. 1966. English in Advertising: A Linguistic Study Of Advertising in Great Britain.

London: Longman.

Lyon, John. 1978. Semantic Volume 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wandia, I Ketut, DRS. M. A.M. App. Ling. 1977.Discourse of Advertising : Indonesia – English

Print ads. Master Dissertation. Sydney: Macquire University.