Ni Putu Risnia Indira Dewi

English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University


Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial dan sebagai makhluk sosial mereka memerlukan kegiatan sosial untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Namun dalam berkomunikasi, manusia terkadang melakukan tindakan yang mengancam harga diri seseorang, oleh karena itu diperlukan strategi kesopansantunan untuk mengganti rugi tindakan mengancam harga diri tersebut. Budaya dan jenis kelamin yang berbeda juga berpengaruh terhadap cara seseorang mempertahankan harga diri, terutama untuk kaum perempuan.Dengan adanya modernisasi dan mudahnya akses informasi melalui media, perilaku kesopansantunan seseorang akan mengalami perubahan dimana perempuan akan condong menggunakan bald-on-record atau positive politeness strategy. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori strategi kesopansantunan oleh Brown and Levinson (1978) untuk mengklasifikasikan tipe strategi kesopansantunan. Sumber data diambil dari film berbahasa Inggris, Bridget Jones’s Diary,dan film berbahasa Indonesia, Brownies. Makalah ini akan membandingkan penggunaan strategi kesopansantunan pada karakter perempuan dalam film Bridget Jones’s Diary dan Brownies untuk melihat sejauh mana persamaan dan perbedaannya. Hasil dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa karakter perempuan dalam film Bridget Jones’s Diary lebih sering menggunakan strategi positive politeness sedangkan karakter perempuan dalam film Brownies lebih sering menggunakan strategi bald-on-record dalam berkomunikasi.

Kata Kunci: strategi kesopansantunan, studi komparatif, karakter perempuan, film

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Human is social creatures and as a social creature they tend to perform social behavior to connect with others. In performing proper social behavior people will need to converge with some prerequisite so that the communication achieves maximal efficiency. Grice’s Maxims is usually used as the principle and guideline in achieving

maximal efficient communication in every talk exchange. However, people tend notto precede those Maxims and it is resulting in the action of doing FTA;hence, people use politeness strategies to afford certain payoffs or advantages for doing the FTA(Brown and Levinson, 1987).

The significant factor that contributes in the ever changing perception of politeness is the culture and gender. Different cultures will result in different desire to maintain face and the fear of losing it. In the case of gender, women are always expected to look and act in a certain way because of the traditional idea from society viewing them as secondary role in society relative to that of the male. In the traditionalidea of society, it is socially acceptable for a man to be forward in uttering an opinion and direct his assertiveness to control the actions of others. However, withthe modernization andconvenient access of information through mass media, polite behavior in women will be affected in which they will likely use more bald-on-record strategy or positive politeness in communicative event.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

  • 1.    What kinds of politeness strategies aremostly usedby female characters in the conversation between the characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary?

  • 2.    What kinds of politeness strategies aremostly used byfemale charactersin the conversation between the characters in Brownies?

  • 3.    What are the differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by the female characters inBridget Jones’s Diary and those in Brownies?

  • 3. Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To find out the politeness strategies thatmostly usedby female charactersin the conversation between the characters inBridget Jones’s Diaries.

  • 2.    To find out the politeness strategies thatmostly usedby female charactersin the conversationbetween the charactersinBrownies.

  • 3.    To analyzethe differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by the female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and those in Brownies.

  • 4.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

A documentation method with the technique of note taking was used in this research. Documentation method means that the data were taken from the writing material (movie script) while taking note technique was used to match the politeness strategies which were found in the movie. The process of collecting data was done by downloading the movie on movie site http://thepiratebay. sx/ and finding the movie scripts on the http://www.script-o-rama.com.

  • 5.    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data of this study were compared quantitatively and analyzed qualitatively. Quantitative research is method of analyzing data used to explain phenomena by collecting numerical data analyzed using mathematically based method; it is related to the percentage of the categories in politeness strategies. Paton (2002:2) stated that qualitative research is characterized by its aims which relate to the understanding of some aspect of social life and its methods in general, rather than number, as data for analysis.It is generally aim to understand the experiences and attitudes of the object and its community. The qualitative method is used in order to

give a clear description that was related to theories and perspective such as politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978).

  • 6.    Result and Discussion

This section provides the analysis of differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by the female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies. The data were compared quantitatively and analyzed qualitatively to find the differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by the female characters. Politeness theories used inthis study were drawnfromthe Politeness theory proposed by BrownandLevinson(1987).According to Brown and Levinson, politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearers' face. Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and maintain that self-esteem in public or in private situations.They identify four politeness strategies which deal with face- threat: Bald-on-Record, Negative Politeness, Positive Politeness and Off-Record.

The quantity of the politeness strategies used by female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and female characters in Brownies are different as shown in the table below:

Types of Politeness Strategies

Bridget Jones’s



Bald on Record



Positive Politeness



Negative Politeness



Off Record






  • 3.1.    The Differences

  • a.    The Female Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary mostly used Positive Politeness Strategy while The Female Characters in Brownies mostly used Bald On Record Strategy.

The Bald On Record technique is usually used when the speaker wants the hearer to understand their intent and do it in the most, direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way while positive politeness is oriented towards the positive face of H, the positive self-image that he claims for himself.

It is indicated that the female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary tend to want to ‘come closer’ to the addressee in which positive politeness strategy is used as a kind of social accelerator. Both Sell and Watts stated that in 18th century, conceptualizations of politeness in Britain is equated with “breeding” and “manners” which mean that they rarely use bald on record because it will make the addressee losing face, hence it still affected the female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary in using politeness strategy.

In the case of Brownies, the female characters used bald on record technique because they want to achieve maximally efficient communication more than they want to satisfy addressee face. Female characters in Brownies have been exposed to globalization in which the characters felt superior and tend to being outspoken or assertive, thus makes them use bald on record the most where no redress is necessary.

  • b.    The Female Characters in Browniesdo notperformed anyOff Record Strategy while The Female Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary performedOff Record Strategy.

It is because of female characters in Brownies are tending to be portrayed as assertive and independent women; therefore they tend to be brave in speaking in honesty to others. They also rarely encounter social event where it is required to used negative politeness or off record strategy

whenever they want to impose other’s face. Off record strategy uses indirect language and removes the speaker from the potential to be imposing.In Bridget Jones’s Diary, the female characters often encounter several social events that required them to used negative politeness strategy or off record strategy whenever they want imposing other’s face.

  • 3.2.    The Similarity

  • a. Both Female Characters rarely performed Negative Politeness Strategy

Negative politeness is oriented mainly toward partially satisfying (redressing) H's negative face, his basic want to maintain claims of territory and self-determination. Out of 10 negative politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson, female characters in both movies rarely performed this strategy compared to other strategy. In Bridget Jones’s Diary, the female characters only performed 2 strategies, minimize the imposition and apologize while in Brownies the female characters only performed apologize strategy. As said before, Negative Politeness is used to indicate that S is aware and respects the social distance between S and H. It is oriented towards the H negative face and emphasize avoidance if imposition on the H.

However, they rarely showed the interaction between the female characters with other characters that have more power than them in which they will likely not used Negative Politeness. Both film usually focused on the love life of the main characters where the main characters is portrayed as assertive woman who usually success in their career and it is usually shown the encounters of the main character with their friends where they always used positive politeness or bald on record rather than negative politeness.

  • 7.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis, there are some points that can be concluded. In the British English film Bridget Jones’s Diary,it appears that the most commonly used strategy of politeness is positive politenesswhich constitute the majority of the overall number of different strategies employed inthe film. In the Indonesian film Brownies, the strategies of negative politeness are not as frequently employed as in the British English film. However, there is a clear prove that bald on record constitute the majority of strategies in Brownies

For the differences, Female Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary mostly used Positive Politeness Strategy while Female Characters in Brownies mostly used Bald On Record Strategy. Also, Female Characters in Brownies do not performed any Off Record Strategy while Female Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary performed Off Record Strategy. For the similarity, both Female Characters rarely performed Negative Politeness Strategy

  • 8.    Bibliography

Brown, P. and S. C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness: Some universals in language usage.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Codreanu, Aura and A. Debu. Politeness in Requests: Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultutral Encounters. Journal of Defense Resources Management.Available from:


Downloaded on April 24, 2013.

Janney and Arndt. 1992. Intracultural Tact versus Intercultural Tact. In R. Watts,

  • S.    Ide, and K. Ehlich (Eds). Politeness in Languages Second Edition. Mouton de Gruyter

Watts, Richard., S. Ide, and K. Ehlich. 2005. Politeness in Languages Second

Edition. Walter de Gruyter.

The percentage of politeness strategies used by female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies can be formulated as follows:

Number of Politeness Strategies x 100%

Total Number of Politeness Strategies

In this case, the result of politeness strategies used by female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies can be calculated as follows:

  • 1.    a. Bald on Record in Bridget Jones’s Diary

31 x 100% = 26,95%


The percentage of Bald on Record used in Bridget Jones’s Diary is 26,95% which derived from 31 performances of Bald on Record strategies by the female characters. The mostly used Bald on Record strategy is S’s want to satisfy H’s face is small where S is powerful and doesn’t care about maintaining face.

  • b.    Positive Politeness in Bridget Jones’s Diary

59 x 100% = 51,30%


The percentage of Positive Politeness used in Bridget Jones’s Diary is 51,30% which derived from 59 performances of Positive Politeness strategies by the female characters. It is the most used politeness strategies by female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary which indicate that female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary tend to treat H as a friend so that whenever female characters do the FTA, H will not considered it as an FTA. The mostly used Positive Politeness strategy is Presuppose/raise/assert common ground where S is spending time and effort on being with H as a mark of friendship.

  • c.    Negative Politeness in Bridget Jones’s Diary

10 x 100% = 8,69%


The percentage of Negative Politeness used in Bridget Jones’s Diary is 8,69% which derived from 10 performances of Negative Politeness strategy by the female characters. This number is considered small compared to other politeness strategies which indicated that the female characters rarely used Negative Politeness strategy. The mostly used Negative Politeness strategy is Apologize where S is reluctant to impinge on H’s negative face.

d.Off Record in Bridget Jones’s Diary

15 x 100% = 12,6%


The percentage of Off Record used in Bridget Jones’s Diary is 12,6% which derived from 15 performances of Off Record strategy by the female characters. The mostly used Off Record strategy is Give Hints where S invites H to search for an interpretation of the possible relevance of what S implicitly say.

  • 2.    a. Bald on Record in Brownies

30 x 100% = 51,72%


The percentage of Bald on Record used in Brownies is 51,72% which derived from 30 performances of Bald on Record strategies by the female characters. It is the most used politeness strategies by female characters in Brownies which indicate that female characters in Brownies tend to not redress any FTA that they had imposed to H to achieve maximal efficient communication. The mostly used Bald on Record strategy is Great Urgency or Desperation where both S and H mutually known that maximum efficiency is important, therefore no face redress is necessary.

  • b.    Positive Politeness in Brownies

27 x 100% = 46,55%


The percentage of Positive Politeness used in Brownies is 46,55% which derived from 27 performances of Positive Politeness strategies by the female characters. The mostly used Positive Politeness strategy is Notice, attend to H (his interests, wants, needs, goods) where S take notice of aspects of H’s condition to redress the FTA.

  • c.    Negative Politeness in Brownies

  • 1    x 100% = 1,72%


The percentage of Negative Politeness used in Brownies is 1,72% which derived from 1 performance of Negative Politeness strategy by the female characters. This number is considered small compared to other politeness strategies which indicated that the female characters rarely used Negative Politeness strategy. The mostly used Negative Politeness strategy is the same with Bridget Jones’s Diary where Apologize strategy is used by S to indicate that they are reluctant to impinge on H’s negative face.

  • 3.3.1.    Bald On Record

Table 2. The Number of Types of Bald on Record Strategies used by Female

Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies

Type of Bald On Record Strategy

Bridget Jones’s



Great urgency or desperation



Metaphorical Urgency



Cases of Channel Noise



Task –oriented



S’s want to satisfy H’s face is small



Sympathetic advice or warnings






From the table we can see the differences of bald on record strategy used by the female characters. While the most used bald on record strategies in Bridget

Jones’s Diary is S’s want to satisfy H’s face is small strategy, Great urgency or desperation strategy is the most used bald on record strategies in Brownies. It is because the female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary are portrayed as high esteem women where they would not fear of retaliation or non-cooperation from H. They tend to use this strategy whenever they want to tease H. In Brownies, the female characters tend to used great urgency or desperation because in the films the female characters is always shown yelling to H if they think H does not want to hear what they said or to emphasize what they said. It is because female is physically small and tend to raise their tone to make emphasize of their statement so that they can be dominant in the conversation. This strategy is usually used whenever the female characters is arguing or giving warning to others. Below are the examples of great urgency or desperation strategy as compared to each film:

  • 3.3.2.    Positive Politeness

Table 3. The Number of Types of Positive Politeness Strategies used by Female

Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies

Type of Positive

Politeness Strategy


Jones’s Diary


Notice, attend to H (his interests, wants, needs, goods)



Exaggerate (interest, approval, sympathy with H)



Use in-group identity markers



Avoid disagreement



Presuppose/raise/assert common ground






Offer, promise



Be Optimistic



Include both S and H in the activity



Give (or ask for) reasons



Give gifts to H (goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation)






From the table we can see the differences of bald on record strategy used by the female characters. The female characters in Bridget Jones’s diary often perform Presuppose/raise/assert common ground while Notice, attend to H (his interests, wants, needs, goods) is the most used positive politeness strategy in Brownies. It is because female characters in Bridget Jones Diary tend to perform small talk whenever they meet with other characters and in the films they always seen to attend several kind of social event such as engagement party, wedding, dinner and tea party. This kind of event is traditional in British, therefore whenever female characters meet with other they are usually making small talk as an act of friendship. In Brownies, the female characters are portrayed as caring women, therefore whenever they meet with

their friends they will likely to notice their thing or their condition by complementing or asking their condition as an act of politeness.

  • 3.3.3.    Negative Politeness

Table 4. The Number of Types of Negative Politeness Strategies used by Female

Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies

Type of Negative

Politeness Strategy

Bridget Jones’s



Minimize the imposition









From the table we can see the differences and similarity of bald on record strategy used by the female characters. Out of 10 negative politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson, female characters in both movies rarely performed this strategy compared to other strategy. In Bridget Jones’s Diary, the female characters only performed 2 strategies, minimize the imposition and apologize while in Brownies the female characters only performed apologize strategy. As said before, Negative Politeness is used to indicate that S is aware and respects the social distance between S and H. It is oriented towards the H negative face and emphasize avoidance if imposition on the H.

However, they rarely showed the interaction between the female characters with other characters that have more power than them in which they will likely not used Negative Politeness. Both film usually focused on the love life of the main characters where the main characters is portrayed as assertive woman who usually success in their career and it is usually shown the encounters of the main character with their friends where they always used positive politeness or bald on record rather than negative politeness.

  • 3.3.4.    Off-Record

Table 5. The Number of Types of Off Record Strategies used by Female

Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies

Type of Off Record Strategy

Bridget Jones’s



Give Hints



Be Ambiguous



Be Vague






From the table we can see that the female characters in Bridget Jones’s diary tend to perform off record strategy than female characters in Brownies. The female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary is frequently used Give Hints strategy while female characters in Brownies does not performed any strategy of off record strategies. It is because of female characters in Brownies are tending to be portrayed

as assertive and independent women; therefore they tend to be brave in speaking in honesty to others. They also rarely encounter social event where it is required to used negative politeness or off record strategy whenever they want to impose other’s face. In Bridget Jones’s Diary, the female characters often encounter several social events that required them to used negative politeness strategy or off record strategy whenever they want imposing other’s face.

  • 1.2. Problems of the Study

According to the background above, there are three problemsrelated and discussed in this study. The problems are formulated into:

  • 1.    What kinds of politeness strategies arefemale characters mostly usedin the conversation between the characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary?

  • 2.    What kinds of politeness strategies arefemale charactersmostly used in the conversation between the characters in Brownies?

  • 3.    What are the differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by the female characters between Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies?

  • 1.3. Aims of Study

The followings are the aims that related to this study based on the problems formulated above. They are:

  • 1.    To find outthe politenessstrategies thatfemale charactersmostly usedin the conversation between the characters inBridget Jones’s Diaries.

  • 2.    To find outthe politenessstrategies thatfemale charactersmostly usedin the conversationbetween the charactersinBrownies.

  • 3.    To analyzethe differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by the female characters between Bridget Jones’s Diary and Brownies.

  • 1.4.Scope of Discussion

The discussions of this study were limited in order to focus the writing and to avoid a broad discussion, as follows:

  • 1.    This study focused in finding out and analyzing the types of politeness strategies and the findings were classified and analyzed by using theory of politeness strategy proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) in order to know types of politeness strategies within conversation from the data obtained.

  • 2.    The politeness strategiesthat were analyzed such as: Bald-on-Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness and Off-Record.

  • 3.    The conversation which chosen to analyze were the conversation that belong to types of politeness strategies between the main female characters, Bridget (Bridget Jones’s Diary) and Amel (Brownies) with other character (male and female character)as well as politeness strategies which foundedbetween supporting female characters, mostly Una, Bridgets’ mother, Perpetua, Natasha (Bridget Jones’s Diary) and

Didi, Amels’ mother, Kiki(Brownies) with other characters (male and female) in the movie.

  • 4.    This study compares both ofpoliteness strategies shown by female characters quantitatively and explained qualitatively in order to find out their differences and similarities.

  • 1.5. Research Methods

Research method is the procedure used in writing scientific paper, which includes the method of determination of the source data, the process of collecting data, and how the data analyzed, resulting to the finding of the research(Dawson, 2002). The section on the method of study covers three point of discussion, they are:

  • 1.5.1.    Data Source

The data sources were British English film Bridget Jones’s Diary and Indonesian film, Brownies. Bridget Jones's Diary is a British romantic comedy filmreleased in 2001 and based on Helen Fielding's novel of the same name which is a reinterpretation of Austen's Pride and Prejudiceand directed by Sharon Maguire. The adaptation stars Renée Zellweger as Bridget, Hugh Grant as the caddish Daniel Cleaver and Colin Firth as Bridget's true love, Mark Darcy.

Brownies is an Indonesian romantic film which is released in 2005. It is written and directed by Hanung Bramantyo and produced by Indonesian

production house, SinemArt. The film stars MarcellaZalianty as Mel, BucekDepp as AreandLunaMaya.

The movieswere downloaded on movie site http://thepiratebay.sx/ on Saturday, April 13th, 2013 at 10:29 p.m while the movie script wastaken from the movie script websitehttp://www.script-o-rama.com. The movies were used to describe the gestureof the characters and to understand how their expressions were and how the character was respond or interact to each other. It was practical for supporting the analysis.

The reason for choosing these movies was because the storyline of these movies was similar, where the main character had been failed in their love life and triedto find a new love eventhough they had to surpass some terrible experience. Another reason was because both are filmsfor girls and it was expected to had various kind of conversation between female characters and also this kind of genre tend to portrayed the female characters as assertive and independent girl.

  • 1.5.2. Method and Technique of Collecting Data

Method and technique of collecting data explained the process of collecting data that wasused for the research. A documentation method with the technique of note taking was used in this research. Documentation method meant the data were taken from the writing material (movie script) while taking note technique is used

to match the politeness strategies which were found in the movie. The process of collecting data wasdone by downloading the movie on movie site http://thepiratebay.sx/ and finding the movie scripts on the http://www.script-o-rama.com. After the process of downloading the film and movie script was done, the films were played on the laptop using VLC media player. The data was categorized by selecting conversation between female characters and the other characters (male and female) in the movie and taking note for conversation.The female character’s utterances then categorized and analyzed to find its elements that refer to politeness strategies based on the theory from Brown and Levinson (1978).

  • 1.5.3. Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data of this study were compared quantitatively and analyzed qualitatively.Quantitative research is method of analyzing data that used for explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based method; it is related to the percentage of the categories in politeness strategies. Paton (2002:2) stated that qualitative research is characterized by its aims which relate to understanding some aspect of social life and its methods in general, rather than number, as data for analysis.It is generally aim to understand the experiences and attitudes of the object and its community.

The qualitative method is used in order to give a clear description that was related to theories and perspective such as politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978). The data was categorized by selecting conversation between female characters and the other characters (male and female) in the movie and taking note for conversation.The female character’s utterances were categorized and analyzed to find its elements that refer to politeness strategies based on the theory fromBrown and Levinson (1978). While categorizing the data, the politeness strategies that used by female characters were counted to find out the most used politeness strategies in each film. Last, the politeness strategies data collected from Bridget Jones’s diarywere compared with the politeness strategies data collected fromBrownies in order to find the differences and similarities of British and Indonesian Politeness.



  • 2.1. Literature Review

There are several theses that discuss about politeness strategies and women language in general like “The Analysis of Positive and Negative Politeness Strategies in Friends TV Series Script” by Luhur (2009), “Women Language in the movie Pride and Prejudice”by Yuliantari (2010) and “Politeness Strategies used by women found in a movie Pretty Woman”by Elice (2010), which both focuses on type of politeness strategies. Besides that, there are also thesis from Géraldine Bengsch (2010) about “ The Influence of Culture on the Perception of Politeness” which emphasized the importance of culture in politeness. Eventhough there are so many theses about politeness and women language, this literary review will only review three theses in detail from Ogiermann (2009), Mahyuni (2008) and Sinkeviciut (2010) which are relevant to this study and briefly review the theses from Luhur (2009), Yuliantari (2010), and Elice (2010)

Ogiermann (2009), in her thesis entitled “Politeness and In-Directness across Cultures: A Comparison of English, German, Polish and Russian Requests” stated that the culture-specific meanings and politeness functions conventionally associated with certain expressions and grammatical constructions in a given language become apparent through comparison with other languages. She also concluded that culture-specific preferences show that cultures differ in the extent to which they assign importance to negative face while at the same time, showing that emphasis on positive vs. negative face needs is a matter of degree rather than a clear-cut distinction. This conclusion confirms the validity of the distinction between positive and negative politeness cultures suggested by Brown and Levinson (1987) in which the theory of politeness based on.

The politeness theory by Brown and Levinson is widely accepted and utilized as the basis for research by the researchers in the field of not only sociolinguistics but of psychology, business, and so on and because of that, this study also used Brown and Levinson theory as the theoretical base. The strength of her study is the various of language that she compared. Itis not just compared two different languages but four different languages. In analyzing the Politeness across cultures, we need to study two kinds of language from opposite cluster. The scope of the study is limited on the comparison of politeness and indirectness of requests across English, German, Polish and Russian which are from the same cluster (western). The difference between her study and this study is this

studyfocused on analyzing politeness strategies across culture between British English (western) and Indonesian (eastern) which is from different cluster and it is not just focused on the requests but the overall of the conversation that occurs on the female characters.

The study of cultural differences had been conduct by many researchers due to the need of understanding in cultural differences to avoiding miscommunication in initiating a conversation between two different countries. One of the researchers is Mahyuni (2008), where in her thesis entitled “The Socio-Cultural Significance of Valuing Linguistic Politeness: Theoretical Frameworks” which studied about English and Indonesian, found that Indonesian politeness has been tackled according to different terms, such as speech level and linguistic etiquette. Her theory of etiquette is proposed by Geertz (1960) in which etiquette represent both the cultural norms and language use as distinct from an emphasis given only to the utterance. The strength of her thesis is she explains in detail the politeness that Indonesian and English have and it makes the reader of her thesis knows the differences between the two countries. This study and her study analyze the same object of politeness, which is between British English and Indonesian but her study use different theory proposed by Geertz where she used different terms to refer the issue: speech style, speech level and etiquette. While this study use Brown and Levinson theory which also have different scope of study and it makes the result of the study will be different too.

The wrong way in using Politeness strategies may cause communication failure when the interlocutors use politeness strategies which are appropriate in his/her native culture but inappropriate in the other interlocutors’ native culture and due to that reason, Sinkeviciut (2010), in her thesis entitled “A Comparative Analysis of Politeness in First Encounter Conversations in British English Film and Peninsular Spanish Film” which discussed about the comparison of politeness in the first encounter conversations of British English Film and Peninsular Spanish Film where her position is the native speaker of the Peninsular Spanish language.

Her study and this study share several similarities, first, the study use Brown and Levinson theory. Her thesis’s strength is she found that that bald on record techniques of Brown and Levinson (1987) has beenemployed to the same extent as negative politeness strategies after analyzing the use of politeness strategies in both film. But due to the limited scope of the study, a thorough analysis of the combinations has been impossible to carry out. The differences between her study and this study is that this scope of study is not limited and it is possible to thoroughly carry out the analysis of combinations because this study will analyze the whole conversation between the characters in which the characters indicated using a politeness strategies. The data source used in this study is British English movies and Indonesian movies, not Peninsular Spanish film. This study also will

conclude the differences and similarities between English and Indonesian


Another thesis of politeness is thesis from Luhur (2009) entitled “The Analysis of Positive and Negative Politeness Strategies in Friends TV Series Script”. Luhur analyzes and discusses about what kind of politeness strategies that are mostly used in on the conversation between characters in the script. The similarities of his study and this study is he proposed Brown and Levinson (1987) theory in their book entitled Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage and the result of his study show that positive politeness is the most used politeness strategies in the Script. While this study used the same theory, the object of this study is different. This study will analyze and discussed about the differences and similarities of politeness strategies used by female characters between British English and Indonesian.

Another paper used as literary review for this study is a paper discussed about Politeness strategies used by women by Elice (2010) entitled “Politeness Strategies used by women found in a movie Pretty Woman”. This paper discussed about the applied of the four types of politeness strategies based on theory proposed by Brown and Levinson and their correlation with women features. The similarities of her study and this study is both are analyze the same topic, politeness strategies used by women, but this study will compare the differences

and similarities of politeness strategies and what is the mostly used politeness strategies between British English and Indonesian.

Beside those theses, an article entitled “Politeness in Requests: Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultural Encounters” written by Aura and Alina (2011) in Journal of Defense Resources Management also used as comparison in conducting this study. In their study, Aura and Alina discussed about the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests where they provide an example of the socio linguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters of Romanian, British and Hebrew. They found out that Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. However, they also point out that Romanian are more likely encounter conventional indirect politeness strategies compared to Hebrew and English.

Those theses and journal are the comparison of this study. They have different point of view in analyzing the topic which still concern on Politeness strategies, but they use different theory and in the end their study also concluded different results of study. With their differences in seeing the use of Politeness strategies across culture, this study try to compiled the good point of each study and make a new study about politeness in which concern on the politeness strategies across cultures in western (British English) and eastern (Indonesian) which has many cultural differences. This study use Brown and Levinson theory and because this

theory is mainly used in general occasion and the data source is British English film and Indonesian film which linked with the main concern of this study. The data source also covered all the conversation that occurred between the characters in the film.

  • 2.2.    Concepts

In order to support this study, there are several concepts that will be used in relation to the comparative study, politeness strategies and female characters. The conceptsof this study are based on several ideas proposed by experts in the field of politeness strategies, comparative study and femalecharacters concept.

  • 2.2.1. Comparative Study

Ragin (1987:6) points out that comparative study is study that concerned with ‘macrosocial units’, a term he uses to refer to countries, nations and other larger political entities. It is set out to examine particular issues or phenomena in two or more countries with the intention of comparing one phenomenonto another phenomenon in different socio-cultural settings using the same research instruments (Hantrais:1996).

In comparative studies, countries selection or grouping into simpler categories is usually needed to simplify the complexity that arises from contextual

description. The classifications are developed by researcher to group phenomena such as countries into “distinct categories with identifiable and shared characteristics” (Landman, 2008: 5-6).The design of comparative study is the objects are cases which are similar in some respects but they differ in some respects. These differences become the focus of examination. The purpose of the comparative study is to served as a tool for developing classifications of social phenomena and for defining whether the differences and shared phenomena can be explained by the same causes.

  • 2.2.2. Politeness Strategies

Politeness is the ideal union between the character of an individual and his external actions. Politeness Principle is closely related to Theory of Faceand was further developed by Brown and Levinson (1987) as well as Leech (1983).

Politeness according to Brown and Levinson (1978) is categorizong some verbal strategies according to the S’s intention of achieving good communication. Leech (1983), in dealing with politeness, proposes a maxim that we should minimise the expression of beliefs which are unfavourable to a hearer and at the same time maximise those that favour him/her. According to him, this maxim is relevant for dealing with impositives (speech acts that impose on the listener or addressee).

Refusals can be said to be impositives in the sense that when refusals are expressed, the hearer has no option than to accept them as they are. According to Leech, tact and generosity are the two principles that go with impositives. The tact principle survives on the maximisation of the cost to the hearer, while the generosity principle maximises the benefit onto the speaker himself. He further says that the generosity maxim is less powerful in politeness strategies than the tact maxim. Leech further states that politeness focuses more on the addressee than on the addresser. Speakers tend to take negative politeness much more carefully than positive politeness.

  • 2.2.3. Female Characters

According to Harahap (2007:23), character is the aggregate of traits and features that form thenature of some person or animal.The audience can learn about the characterization of the character by observing their own words and action, from what other characters said about them and the way others act towards them. Therefore, female character is a character that has feminine traits in them and portrayed by female in a literary work. The representation of stereotyped female characters often reflects patriarchy or mostly the female characters are overpowered by male characters (Hall, (1997)). In addition to that, Cameron (1990) also refers that women are often explicitly prevented from speaking due to social taboos and restrictions or by custom and practice.

As female character is part of character, it can be divided into main characters and peripheral characters based on the character existence in the story. Main characters are the characters that seems dominated and emphasized in the story. They also always appear in almost each event and have connection with another character. Peripheral characters usually appear in short potion of the story and their existences are limited. They usually related to the main character and held important role in creating a good story.

  • 2.3. Theoretical Framework

Politeness theories used inthis study were drawnfrom Politeness theory by BrownandLevinson(1987).According to Brown and Levinson, politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearers' face. Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and maintaining that self-esteem in public or in private situations.They identify four politeness strategies which deal with face- threat: Bald-on-Record, Negative Politeness, Positive Politeness and Off-Record.

Bald-On-Record strategy usually provides no effort to minimize threats to the hearer‟s face: It does not normally recognise the addressee‟s want of respect. Negative Politeness strategy, which addresses Negative Face, concerns the assumption that the speaker is somehow imposing on the hearer although he

acknowledges the hearer‟s want of face. Positive Politeness strategy recognizes the hearer‟s desire, interest, want and need to be respected. It therefore addresses positive face concerns, often by showing prosocial concerns for the other’s face. Off-Record strategy employs an indirect way of making a demand. It seeks to recognise and respect the hearer’s face: It shows little or no threat to the addressee’s want of respect and dignity.

  • 2.3.1. Politeness Strategies

There are four types of politeness strategies described by Brown and Levinson that sum up human politeness behavior: Bald On Record, Negative Politeness, Positive Politeness, and Off-Record-indirect strategy.Bald On-Recordis a strategy which provides no effort to minimize threats to your teachers' face.Positive Politeness strategy confirms that the relationship is friendly and expresses group reciprocity. Negative Politeness strategy is similar to Positive Politeness in that you recognize that they want to be respected however you also assume that you are in some way imposing on them. Off-Record indirect strategy is to take some of the pressure off of you.

  •    Bald On Record

Bald on record technique is used when S wants FTA to be as effective as possible and S’s desire is to attend to neither of H’s faces. There are two cases when bald on record technique is used. The first one called cases of nonminimization of the face threat includes occasions when face is irrelevant, thus no face redress is necessary doing FTA is in H’s interest or S is superior in power to H. The other case comprises welcomings, farewells and offers (Brown & Levinson 1987: 95-100). As Brown and Levinson mention, direct imperatives are clear cases of bald on record strategy.

This bald on Record contains of:

  • 1.    Case of Channel Noise

This strategy occurs when communication difficulties exert pressure to speak with maximum efficiency

Example: Come home right now!(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 102)

  • 2.    Task oriented/paradigmatic form of instruction

Where the focus of interaction is task-oriented, face redress may be felt to irrelevant

Example: Lend me a hand here(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 102)

  • 3.    S’s want to satisfy H’s face is small

It is used if there are power differences between S and H, and S’s power is greater than H, S does not have to redress the expression in order to satisfy H’s face.

Example: Bring me wine, Jeeves.(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 102)

  • 4.    Sympathetic advice or warnings

In doing FTA, S conveys that he or she does care about H (and therefore about H’s positive face), so that no redress is requires. Sympathethic advice or warning may be baldly on record

Example: Careful! He’s a dangerous man.(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 103)

  • 5.    Permission that H has requested

Granting permission for something that H has requested may likewise be baldly on record.

Example: Yes, you may go.(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 103)

  • 6.    Cases of FTA-oriented bald-on-record usage.

This strategy nicely illustrates the way in which respect for face involves mutual orientation, so that each participant attempts to foresee what the other participant is attempting to foresee.

Example: Welcoming, farewell, offer. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 104)

  • Positive Politeness

Positive politeness is oriented toward the positive face of H, the positive selfimage that he claims for himself. Positive politeness is approach based; it 'anoints' the face of the addressee by indicating that in some respects, S wants H's wants (e.g. by treating him as a member of an in group, a friend, a person whose wants and personality traits are known and liked). The potential face threat of an act is minimized in this case by the assurance that in general S wants at: least some of H's wants; for example, that S considers H to be in important respects 'the same' as he, with in-group rights and duties and expectations of reciprocity, or by theimplication that S likes H so that the FT A doesn't mean a negative evaluation in general of H's face.

According to Brown and Levinson, positive politeness contains of 15 strategies, they are:

  • 1.    Notice, attend to H (his interest, wants, needs, goods)

This strategy, suggest that S should take notice of aspect of H’s condition (noticeable, changes, remarkable possessions, anything which looks as though H would want to notice and approve of it).

Example: What a beautiful vase this is! Where did it come from?

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 108)

  • 2.    Exaggerate (interest, approval, sympathy with H)

Brown and Levinson suggest that this strategies often done with exaggerated intonation, stress, and other aspects of prosodic, as well as with intensifying modifiers.

Example: What a fantastic garden you have!(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 109)

  • 3.    Intensify interest to H

This strategy shows another way for S to communicate to H that he shares some of his wants to intensify the interest of his own (S’s) contributions to the conversation by “making a good story”

Example: There were a million people in the Co-op tonight!

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 112)

  • 4.    Use in- group identify markers

It includes in- group usage of address forms of language or dialect, of jargon or slang and of contraction and ellipis as the part of this strategy.

Example: Come here, mate(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 113)

  • 5.    Seek Agreement

Brown and Levinson said that the raising of “save topics” allow S to stress his agreement with H and therefore to satisfy H’s desire to be right, or to be corroborated in his opinions. It can be done by repeating part or all of what the preceding S has said in a conversation.

Example: A: John went to London this weekend!

B: To London!(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 118)

  • 6.    Avoid disagreement

Brown and Levinson explain that this strategy is the desire to agree or appear to agree with H leads to mechanisms for pretending to agree.

Example: A: Can you hear me?

B: Barely. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 119)

  • 7.    Presuppose/raise/assert common ground

Brown and Levinson pointed out gossip, small talk is the value of S’s spending time and effort on being with H, as a mark of a friendship or interest in him, gives rise to the strategy of redressing a FTA by taking for a while about unrelated topics

Example: I had a really hard time learning to drive, didn’t I.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 124)

  • 8.    Joke

Stated by Brown and Levinson that joke is stressing shared background knowledge and values.

Example: OK if I tackle those cookie now?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 129)

  • 9.    Assert or presuppose S’s knowledge of and concern for H’s wants.

This strategy is done by implying knowledge of H’s wants and willingness to fit one’s own wants (S) with them by using negative question. It is one way in indicating that S and H are cooperators, and thus potentially to put pressure on H to cooperate with S.

Example: I know you can’t bear parties, but this one will really be good – do come!(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 130)

  • 10.    Offer, promise

S may claim that (within a certain sphere of relevance) whatever H wants, S wants for him and will help to obtain in order to redress the potential treat of

some FTAs.

Example: I’ll drop by sometimes next week. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 130)

  • 11.    Be optimistic

Brown and Levinson stated that this strategy works by minimizing the size of the face threat – impying that it’s nothing to ask (or offer, etc) or that the cooperation between S and H means that such small things can be taken for granted

Example: I’ve come to borrow a cup of flour. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 131)

  • 12.    Include both S and H in the activity

It is using an inclusive “we” form, when S really means “you” or “me”.

Example: Give us a break. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 132)

  • 13.    Give (or ask for) reasons

Another strategy where S gives reasons as to why he wants what he wants.

Example: Why don’t we go to the seashore?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 133)

  • 14.    Assume or assert reciprocity

Asserting reciprocal right between S and H in order to declare the cooperation between S and H and therefore to soften the FTA by negating the debt aspect and the face-threatening aspect of utterance act such as criticism and complaint.

Example: I did X for you last week, so you do Y for me this week.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 134)

  • 15.    Give gifts to H (Goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation).

S may satisfy H’s positive face wants by giving gifts, including human relation wants such as the wants to be liked, admired, cared about, understood, listened to and so on.

Example: You are pretty

  •    Negative Politeness

Negative politeness, on the other hand, is oriented mainly toward partially satisfying (redressing) H's negative face, his basic want to maintain claims of territory and self-determination. Negative politeness is essentially avoidancebased, and realizations of negative-politeness strategies consist in assurances that

the speaker recognizes and respects the addressee'snegative-face wants and will not (or will only minimally) interfere with the addressee's freedom of action. Hence negative politeness is characterized by self-effacement, formality and restraint, with attention to very restricted aspects of H's self-image, centering on his want to be unimpeded. Face-threatening acts are redressed with apologies for interfering or transgressing, with linguistic and non-linguistic deference. With hedges on the illocutionary force of the act, with impersonalizing mechanisms (such as passives) that distance Sand H from the act, and with other softening mechanisms that give the addressee an 'out', a face-saving line of escape, permitting him to feel that his response is not coerced.

  • 1.    Be conventionally indirect

There are two tension that S faced in this strategy, the desire to give H an ‘out’ by being indirect and the desire to go on record. In order to solve this problem, the use of phrases and sentences that have contextually ambiguous meanings which are different from their literal meaning is very helpful. The S wants to communicate his desire to be indirect even though in fact the utterance goes on record also claimed by Brown and Levinson.

Example: Can you please pass the salt?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 138)

  • 2.    Hedge

Brown and Levinson state it consists of the way of make minimal assumption (the want not to pressume H about his wants, interest and worthy of his attention) and this is the primary and fundamental method of disarmning routine interactional treats.

Example: Won’t you open the door?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 150)

  • 3.    Be pessimistic

It gives redress to H’s negative face by indirectly expressing doubt that the conditions, for the appropriatness of S’s utterance act obtain

Example: Will you tie this lace?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 178)

  • 4.    Minimize the imposition

Used to defusing FTA by minimize the imposition which mean the imposition is indicated not great and leaving distance and power as weighty factors. By doing this strategy, indirectly it will pays H deference.

Example: I just dropped by for a minute(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 182)

  • 5.    Give deference

It satisfies H’s want to be treated as supervisor by giving him deference

Example: Would you care for a sandwich?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 187)

  • 6.    Apologize

This strategy can indicate S’s reluctance to impinge on H’s negative face and thereby partially redress that impingement by apologizing

Example: I know this is a bore, but…(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 193)

  • 7.    Impersonalize S and H

One way of indicating that S does not want to impinge on H is to phrase the FTA as if the agent were other than S. It deals with the avoidance of “I” and “You” as claimed by Brown and Levinson

Example: Take that out!(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 196)

  • 8.    State the FTA as a general rule

Used to dissociating S and H from the particular imposition in the FTA, and hence a way of communicating that S does not want to impinge but is merely forced to by circumstances is to state the FTA as an instance of some general social rule, regulation, or obligation.

Example: We don’t sit on tables, we sat on chairs, Johnny.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 212)

  • 9.    Nominalize

Used to make sentence more “formal”

Example: It is regrettable that we cannot…(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 213)

  • 10.    Go on record as not incurring a debt, or as not indebting H

By referring explicitly to the difficulty of H’s complying, S implicitly puts himself in debt to H for causing him the difficulty.

Example: I could easily do it for you.(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 215)

  •    Off-Record (Indirect)

The final politeness strategy outlined by Brown and Levinson is the indirect strategy; this strategy uses indirect language and removes the speaker from the potential to be imposing. For example, a speaker using the indirect strategy might merely say “wow, it’s getting cold in here” insinuating that it would be nice if the listener would get up and turn up the thermostat without directly asking the listener to do so.

Off Record strategy consists of 15 strategies, they are:

  • 1.    Give hints

If S says something that is not explicitly relevant, he invites H to search for an interpretation of the possible relevance.

Example: It’s cold in here. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 220)

  • 2.    Give association clues

In a sense, association clues for indirect request are nothing but more remote hints of practical reasoning premises. The specific knowledge extrinsic to H’s desire act is requires to decode them especially

Example: Oh God, I’ve got a headache again.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 220)

  • 3.    Presuppose

If S says something to H with this strategy therefore may implicate a critism

Example: I washed the car again today. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 222)

  • 4.    Understatements

It is a one way of getting impicatures by saying less than is required. Typical ways of constructing understatements are to choose a point on a scalar predicate

Example: That dress is quite nice. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 223)

  • 5.    Overstate

If S says more than necessary, he may do this by the inverse of the understatement principle by choosing a point on a scale which is higher than the actual state of affairs.

Example: There were a million people in the Co-op tonight!

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 224)

  • 6.    Use Tautologies

By uttering a tautology, S encourages H to look for an informative interpretation of the non-informative utterance. It may be an excuse, critics, and a complaint.

Example: War is war. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 225)

  • 7.    Use contradictions

By stating two things that contradict each other, S makes it appear that he cannot be telling the truth. Therefore, he encourages H to look for an interpretation that reconciles the two contradictory propositions

Example: Well, John is here and he isn’t here.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 226)

  • 8.    Be ironic

By saying the opposite of what he means, S can indirectly express his intend meaning

Example: John’s a real genius. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 227)

  • 9.    Use Metaphors

The use of it perhaps usually on record, out there is possibility that exactly which of the connotations of the metaphor S intends may be off record.

Example: Harry’s a real fish. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 227)

  • 10.    Use rhetorical questions

To ask a question with no intention of obtaining an answer is to break sincerity condition on question, namely that S wants H to provide him with the indicated information. Words may be help to force the rhetorical interpretation of question

Example: What can I say?(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 228)

  • 11.    Be ambiguous

Stretching the term ‘ambiguity’ to include the ambiguity between the literal meaning of an utterance and any of its possible implicatures.

Example: John’s a pretty smooth cookie. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 230)

  • 12.    Be vague

S may go off record with an FTA by being vague about which the object of the FTA is, or what the offence is (in criticisms and euphemisms)

Example: Perhaps someone did something naughty.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 231)

  • 13.    Over-generalize

Rule installation may leave the object of the FTA vaguely off record; H then has the choice of deciding whether the general rule applies to him.

Example: The lawn has got to be mown. (Brown & Levinson, 1987: 231)

  • 14.    Displace H

S may use off record as to who the target for his FTA is, or he may pretend to address the FTA to someone whom it wouldn’t threaten, and hope that the real target will see that the FTA is aimed at him

  • 15.    Incomplete, use ellipsis

Elliptical utterances are legitimated by various conversational contexts in answers to questions but they are also warranted in FTAs. By leaving an FTA half undone, S can leave the implicature “hanging in the air”, just as rhetorical question.

Example: Well, I didn’t see you…(Brown & Levinson, 1987: 232)



  • 3.1.    Politeness Strategies on Female Characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary

This section provides the analysis of the politeness strategies used by the female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary in order to find out what type of

politeness strategies that mostly used in British English romance film, Bridget Jones’s Diary. The data was briefly described by the context of situation based on the theory of Brown and Levinson (1978) and the data was chosen from the conversation between the characters in the film.

In the Bridget Jones’s Diaryfilm, it appears that the most commonly used strategy of politeness is positive politenesswhich constitute the majority of the overall number of different strategies employed inthe film with percentage of 51,30%.It appears that the most commonly used strategy of positive politeness is the one of presuppose/raise/assert common ground which mainly small talk or gossiping with the total number of 14 times performance. This strategy is the value of S’s spending time and effort on being with H, as a mark of a friendship or interest in him (Brown & Levinson 1987: 178). The explanation of each strategy that was found in the film will briefly explain in the section bellow.

  • 3.2.    Politeness Strategies on Female Characters in Brownies

This section provides the analysis of the politeness strategies used by the female characters in Brownies in order to analize what type of politeness strategies that mostly used in Indonesian romance film. The data will briefly described based on the theory of Brown and Levinson (1978) and the data chosen from the conversation of the characters directly from the film.

In Brownies, the strategies of off-record is not used by female characters, they frequently employed bald-on-record strategywith the percentage of 51,72%. The use case of great urgency or desperation strategy is the most commonly used bald-on-record strategies with the total number of 10 times performance. The explanation of each strategy that was found in both film will briefly explained in the section bellow.



Based on the analysis, there are some points that can be concluded. They are presented below:

  • 1.    In the British English film Bridget Jones’s Diary,10 strategies of positive politeness have been found.It appears that the most commonly used strategy of

politeness is positive politenesswhich constitute the majority of the overall number of different strategies employed inthe film with percentage of 51,30%.It appears that the most commonly used strategy of negative politeness is the one of

presuppose/raise/assert common ground which mainly small talk or gossiping with the total number of 14 performances.

  • 2.    In the Indonesian film Brownies, the strategies of negative politeness are not as frequently employed as in the British English film. However, there is a clear prove that positive politeness constitute the majority of strategies by the founding of 3bald-on-record strategies. In Brownies, the strategies of bald-on-record strategy are frequently employed as in the Indonesian with the percentage of 51,72%. The use of case of great urgency or desperation is the most commonly used bald-on-record strategies with the total 10 performances.

  • 3.    For the bald on record, the similarities where both of the strategies applied is because the maximum efficiency is important in both situation where both S and H know that maximum efficiency is important and no redress is necessary because it would actually decrease the communicated urgency. For Positive politeness, they both shares similarities in using an address form to claim the common ground with H that is carried by the definition of the group. Both of this strategy is usually appear when the female characters is gossiping or initiating a small talk. For negative politeness, the similarities can be seen when out of 10 negative politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson, female

characters in both movies rarely performed this strategy compared to other strategy. And for Off-Record, female characters in Bridget Jones’s Diary tend to perform Off record strategy while in Brownies they do not used any of off record strategies.


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