




Skripsi dengan judul ‘Directive and Expressive Illocutionary Acts With Special Reference to Romantic Comedy Movie American Pie 5’ bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tipe-tipe dari directive dan expressive illocutionary acts yang muncul dalam film tersebut dan menjelaskan context of situation dari sebuah ungkapan.

Data dari penelitian ini diambil dari dialog film ‘American Pie 5; The Naked Mile’. American Pie 5 merupakan film comedy romantis yg dikeluarkan oleh Universal Pictures dan disutradarai oleh Joe Nussbaum. Film ini dipilih karena di dalam dialog film tersebut mengandung banyak illocutionary acts yang mencakup directive dan expressive illocutionary acts. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara menulis, mencatat dan mengklasifikasikan percakapan tersebut berdasarkan jenis directive dan expressive illocutionary acts.

Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah teori Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts oleh Searle (1979) serta teori pendukung yaitu teori Ethnography of Communication oleh Hymes (1974). Dalam menganalisis terdapat delapan data yang digunakan untuk mengetahui directive dan expressive illocutionary acts. Context of situation pada data tersebut juga penting untuk menemukan makna ungkapan karena mempengaruhi pembicara dalam mengucapkan ungkapan tersebut yang menarik untuk dianalisis.

Berdasarkan analisis dan pemaparan ditemukan bahwa tedapat tiga tipe directive acts yaitu ordering, inviting dan advise, lima tipe expressive acts yaitu blaming, apologizing, praising, congratulating dan thanking oleh Searle (1979) yang ditemukan dalam dialog film ‘American Pie 5’ dan dipengaruhi oleh context of situation.

Kata Kunci: illocutionary acts, directive acts, expressive acts

  • 1.    Background of the Study

In social life, people always communicate with each other using language as a tool of communication. In communication, language has an important role because it explains what the speaker wants the listener to do. The purpose of communication itself is informative which means an appeal to the mind that is accomplished through language. While people communicate, they use utterances to express what they have in their mind toward the listener. Utterance

produced by the speaker does not only function to explain the speakers mind toward the listener but also to show the relationship between them. When we want to know people’s relationship through their utterance, we can see it from speech act. There are three categorizations of speech acts, there are locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. Illocutionary acts ( performing the acts in saying something ) and it used by the characters along the conversation

American Pie 5 is American romantic comedy film released by Universal Pictures and directed by Joe Nussbaum. This movie is the fifth spin-off to the American Pie film series and begins a story that continues and concludes with the next series of American Pie. The star cast includes John White, Jessy Schram, Ross Thomas, Steve Talley, Winkler and Jake Siegel. The title of this movie is American Pie 5 “The Naked Mile”.

  • 2.    Problems

  • 1.    What types of directive and expressive acts are found in the romantic comedy movie “American Pie 5”?

  • 2.    How does the context of situation support the appearance of directive and expressive acts in the romantic comedy movie “American Pie 5”?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To find out the types of directive and expressive illocutionary acts in the romantic comedy movie genre “American Pie 5”.

  • 2.    To explain the context of situation which supports the appearance of the directive and expressive acts that occur in the dialogue/conversation in the romantic comedy movie “American Pie 5”.

  • 4.    Research Method

Research method is a very important procedure for the validity of the research. There is combination of primary and secondary research method used in this study. Based on primary research, qualitative method is used in it. It needs to be combined with the secondary research which uses both library research and literature review since this study includes any research done for a school or university course, usually in the form of a term paper and also it is done based on the literature.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data source contains the data used in this study to support the validity of the study. The data used in this study were taken from the dialogue (utterances) among the characters in the romantic comedy movie genre. The movie is “American Pie 5” movie trailer. American Pie 5 movie series was taken as the data source because the dialogues in that movie consist of many directive and expressive illocutionary acts that are necessary for this study. The conversation in that movie represent our daily life conversation like indirect illocutionary acts which cause various actions from the hearer as the feedback of the speaker utterance.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method used in this study is documentation method. The data were taken from the movie using note-taking technique. Practically, three steps of technique of collecting data were applied on the study. They are:

  • 1.    First, the movie was watched entirely in the windows media player on the computer several times to find out the targeted data from the utterances.

  • 2.    Second, the script of the movie was downloaded from the search engine internet.

  • 3.    Third, the transcription of the dialogues that emerged as the object of the study was selected and classified into directive and expressive illocutionary acts.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

Method and technique of analyzing data explains how the data were analyzed using the adopted technique. After collecting data, the next process in this study was analyzing data. The data were analyzed by applying qualitative method. There were three steps or process to analyze the data as follows:

  • 1.    Classifying the utterances which belong directive and expressive illocutionary acts.

  • 2.    Choosing and noting down the utterances that indicate the types of directive and expressive illocutionary acts.

  • 3.    The classified data were analyzed based on the theory classification of directive and expressive illocutionary acts proposed by Searle (1979) and the context of situation of the utterance from the theory context of situation proposed by Hymes (1974) was analyzed.

  • 5.    Analysis of Directive and Expressive Illocutionary Acts

There were several acts which indicate directive and expressive illocutionary acts. Those are three utterances which indicate directive acts; those are ordering, inviting and advising. There are five utterances which indicate expressive acts found and analyzed in this study; those are blaming, thanking, praising, apologizing, congratulating.

The types of directive and expressive illocutionary acts were analyzed and then followed by the analysis of the context of situation in each type of directive and expressive illocutionary acts found in the movie screenplay.

  • 5.1    Directive Illocutionary Acts

The illocutionary point indicates in the fact that the speaker attempt to get the hearer to do something. The denoting verbs in this members are “ask”, “order”, “command”, “request”, “beg”, “pled”, “pray”, “entreat”, “invite”, “permit”, and “advise”.

  • 5.1.1    Ordering

According to Oxford Dictionary (2005), ordering is instruction for somebody to do something or something that somebody is told to do by somebody in authority. Ordering can be found in data 1 which took place in school. This dialogues happened in the afternoon after the school time when Erik, Ryan and Cooze walking together at stairs after the school time. They had a close relationship because they were a best friends and schoolmates. Ryan started the conversation and they were talking about the naked mile party that would be held in Michigan University, that made them curious to see. And Ryan ask Erik to go there with him and Cooze, but Erik was not sure that he could go there. While Ryan still asked him to join the party by tell lies to his parents and Erik did what the speaker wanted to him.

Erik : Porn, cumshot, dead grandmother, grounded forever?

Ryan : Don't worry.

Just tell your parents that, you know, you're thinking about going to school there. (D1.U1)

Erik : - I don't know, man.

Ryan : - Oh, please.

The scene of the dialogues was unpleasant situation for Erik because he was not sure that his mother would allow him to go to Michigan University.

The utterance (D1.U1) uttered by Ryan in bold type can be considered an act of ordering that belongs to the directive illocutionary act. This is because the point of directive act

by Searle (1979) shows in the fact that they are attempted by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. In the dialogues, Ryan used declarative form in communication when he uttered, “Don't worry. Just tell your parents that, you know, you're thinking about going to school there”. Thus, it can be seen that Ryan did the act of ordering because Ryan ordered Erik to tell his intention to continue his study in that University. Utterance (D1.U1) uttered by Ryan has the structure of ordering:

As mentioned in plate one, the speaker proposed to the hearer to tell lies to his parents that he was thinking about going to school in that University by uttering “Just tell your parents that, you know, you're thinking about going to school there”, meaning the speaker ordered the hearer reflected from his desire to make the hearer to do something, that is, telling lies to his parents to make the hearer join to the naked mile party. Hence, it can be concluded that Ryan’s utterance refers to the act of ordering.

It also can be clarified based on the speech act conditions of directive, they are:

  • a.    Preparatory condition: H is able to perform A

Ryan is the speaker and Erik as the hearer in plate 1. The act of ordering (D1.U1) which was showed by Ryan is ordering Erik to do something. We can see it from the context of situation and Erik’s facial expression, Erik looked so enthusiastic when Ryan asked him to join in naked mile by telling lies to his parents. The hearer was able to do the act that the speaker needed it because he had a strong reason when he told lies to his parents making him allow to go to Michigan University.

  • b.    Sincerity condition: S wants H to do A

Ryan utters, “Don't worry. Just tell your parents that, you know, you're thinking about going to school there”, it means that he proposed Erik to tell lies to his parents

and make a reason that made Erik allowed to go to Michigan University. When he uttered “I don't know, man “ it means that he was not sure that his mother would allow him to go to Michigan University but Ryan forced Erik to join with him. We can see it when Ryan spoke in a incite and begging tone and manner by utters “oh please” that means he beg to Erik to lie to his parents.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the data analysis and discussion about romantic comedy movie “American Pie 5”, there are some conclusions that can be drawn.

  • 1.    Several types of directive and expressive illocutionary acts were found in the movie dialogues. The types of directive illocutionary act found are; ordering, inviting and advising framed by declarative form. While the types of expressive illocutionary acts found are: blaming, apologizing, praising, congratulating, thanking framed by declarative form.

  • 2.    The context of situation is very related to the speech act conditions, it influences the appearance of those acts because it influences the speaker to utter directive and expressive acts using SPEAKING theory. Besides, speech acts conditions was really usefull to analyze the meaning of the utterance because it also explains the condition and situation surrounding the participants so directive and expressive illocutionary acts can be found. The speech acts conditions which support the appearance of directive acts are; propositional content condition, preparatory condition, sincerity condition, and essential condition. The speech acts conditions which support the appearance of expressive illocutionary acts are propositional content condition and sincerity condition.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Hornby, A. S. 2005. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Hymes, Dell. 1974. Foundations of Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania

Searle, John R. 1979. Expression and Meaning. London: Cambridge University Press.