VOL. 23 NO. 1 • PEBRUARI 2023

Strategi Perpustakaan terhadap Peningkatan Minat Baca dan Budaya Baca

Siswa di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo

Clarissa Salsabila Ifany Sari, Zainal Arifin  1

Analisis Etnografi dalam Tradisi Kenduri Sko Masyarakat Adat Tarutung Kerinci Jambi

Priazki Hajri  7

Diplomasi Budaya Indonesia melalui Tari Kecak Bali

Adhistira Azka Kencana  11

Kajian Literatur: Kebudayaan dan Kearifan Lokal Suku Badui dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

Anisatul Khanifah, Sugeng Harianto  15

Manusia yang Beradab Menurut Tri Kaya Parisudha

Felix Mahendra  20

Variation of Karonese Language in Tanah Karo

Jenheri Rejeki Tarigan, Siti Aisyah Ginting, Rahmad Husein  31

Kebudayaan Indis: Hasil Akulturasi Budaya antara Jawa dengan Kolonial Belanda

Wahyu Agil Permana, Andini Shira Putri, Rinaldo Adi Pratama  35

Pelestarian Nilai Kearifan Lokal Melalui Kesenian Reog Kendang di Tulungagung

Bina Andari Nurmaning, Nik Haryanti  42

Sejarah dan Profil Wisatawan Jepang

Ida Bagus Ketut Astina  49

Figurative Language Used in Bible Old Testament

Felisita Ronsmin, Ni Putu Cahyani Putri Utami  56

Pengaruh Adanya Gojek Terhadap Pengemudinya di Kota Denpasar pada

Tahun 2015-2020

Samuel Calvin Situmorang, Fransiska Dewi Setiowati Sunaryo,

Anak Agung Inten Asmiriati  62

Pedoman Penulisan Naskah dalam Jurnal Pustaka



P-ISSN: 2528-7508 E-ISSN: 2528-7516

VOL. 23 NO. 1 • PEBRUARI 2023

Susunan Redaktur PUSTAKA :

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PUSTAKA VOL. 23, NO.1 • 31 – 34

p-ISSN: 2528-7508

e-ISSN: 2528-7516

Terakreditasi Sinta-5, SK No: 105/E/KPT/2022

Variation of Karonese Language in Tanah Karo

Jenheri Rejeki Tarigan, Siti Aisyah Ginting, Rahmad Husein

Universitas Mandiri Bina Prestasi, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


This study aims to know the Variation of Karonese Language in Tanah Karo. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. This study were done at some places in Tanah Karo. There were at Tigapanah, Tiganderket and Tigabinanga. There were 6 people taken as subject (informant) in this study. The data was collected by giving Swadesh (Phoneme and Lexical) and also by interviewed the native speaker of Karonese. The result of the study dominantly same, but there are some words are different in Phoneme based on three palces in Tanah Karo, such us: they say satu, in Tigapanah /sada/, Tiganderket /sada/ and Tigabinanga /sadæ/ and also result of the lexical are also domintaly same but there are some words are different such us; in Tigapanah people say “benar” they say “tuhu”, in Tiganderket people say “benar” they say “ tuhu” and in Tigabinanga people say “benar” they say “payo”. So, based on the swadesh (Phoneme and Lexical) and interview, this study accumulate to increase the understanding of variation of Karonese language and for present to the readers about variation of Karonese language and it caused by (1) Regional Dialect and (2) Arena or Geography.

Keywords: Variation, phoneme, lexical


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Variasi Bahasa Karo di Tanah Karo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di beberapa tempat di Tanah Karo. Ada di Tigapanah, Tiganderket dan di Tigabinanga. Terdapat 6 orang yang diambil sebagi subjek (informan) dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan Swadesh (fonem dan leksikal) dan juga mewancara penutur asli bahasa Karo. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahswa variasi bahasa Karo pada fonem berdasarkan hasil adalah sama tetapi ada beberapa kata yang berbeda dalam fonem berdasarkan tiga tempatdi Tanah Karo, mereka mengatakan satu, di Tigapanah [sada], di Tiganderket [sada] dan di tigabinanga [sadæ] dan juga hasil untuk leksikal juga domina sama tetapi ada beberapa kata-kata yang berbeda; di Tigapanah orang mengatakan “benar” mereka mengatakan “tuhu”, di Tiganderket orang mengatakan “benar” mereka mengatakan “tuhu” dan di Tigabinanga orang mengatakan “benar” mereka mengatakan “payo”. Jadi, berdasarkan Swadesh (fonem dan leksikal) dan wawancara, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang variasi bahasa Karo dan untuk para pembaca tentang variasi bahasa Karo, dan ini disebutkan oleh (1) Dialek Daerah (2) Arena atau Geografi.

Kata Kunci: Variasi, fonem, leksikal


Language is a cultural identity. Language and identity are inextricably links each other and in order to save identity. Language user must attempt to save their language. Clark (1997) says language is one thing that differentiate human from other creatures. Language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communication ideas, it means that language does not come by feeling. Language cannot be separated with society. Without society there can be no languages, vice versa without language there can be no society. It seems that everything related to human life in the society involves language because through

language the interaction among tribes, ethnic groups and religions can happen. This study looks at the phenomenon of ethnic language variation among Karonese people in linguistic are of lexical and phoneme. The culture of Karonese people in highland of Karo, North Sumatera is located approximately 78 km from Medan, the capital of North Sumatera province cannot separated from the language that is used every day in daily life called as Karo language, because basically language is part of culture. Human beings always use language to make an interaction among them. Robert (2008) cites “Language means the system of speech by which human being communicate with one another”. Indonesia has language which known as

Bahasa Indonesia. Besides that, Indonesia has many local languages such as Javanese, Sundanese, Bataknese, Karonese, etc. The Karonese is local language which is used by Karo people to communicate among them. Jufrizal (1999) defines dialect as regional varieties of language that may different from other varieties of the language in features of its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In addition, Wardaugh (2007) explains that dialect sometime is only if there is a strong tradition of writing in local variety. its means that dialect is the language that is used by people who still have strict tradition strictly in a regional.

Robert, (2007) there are some variation of language, they are morpheme, grammar, syntax, phoneme, lexical and phonology. But in this study it is limited only Lexical and phonemes. Besides that, this study also limited on the dialect of Karonese language, they are five different dialect, they are namely dialects of Julu, TeruhDeleng, Singalor Lau, Jahe and Liang Melas. Julu dialect is used in Kabanjahe sub-district, SimpangEmpat, Tigapanah, Berastagi and surrounding. TeruhDeleng dialect is used in KutaBuluh subdistrict and partially in Payung sub-district Singalor Lau dialect is used in Juhar, Tigabinanga, Singgamanik, Laubaleng and Perbesi. Jahe dialect (Hilir) is used in KaroJahe (Deliserdang-Medan and partially in Langkat (Hulu). Liang Melas dialect is used in Lau Melas sub-district, but in this study focused with three part of dialect they are; 1. Julu (Tigapanah), 2.Teruh Deleng (Tiganderket), 3.Singalor Lau (Tigabinanga), because the three part of dialect located in Tanah Karo


This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design, Bogdan and Biklen (1992) state that qualitative design refers to the researcher’s plan of how to proceed. How they proceed is based on theoretical assumptions (that meaning and process are crucial in understanding human behavior, that descriptive data are what is important to collect, and that analysis is best done inductively). The qualitative research design was presented the description based on the data in form of word rather than number and the researcher described why the phenomena happens.

The object of this research was the variation of the lexical and phonemes of Karonese language in Tanah Karo who produced by the

subject (informant) of Karonese. The subjects are the Karonese People and called as informant

The informants of this study was chosen the following criteria, they are : 1) He/she has good knowledge, 2) Karo people, 3) live in Karo land, 4) Age above fourty, 5) able and fluent in Karo Language, 6) health as physical and spiritual, 7) educational background minimal from senior high school.

Credible deals with the data and finding the research and use the triangulation of source to find the data by interviewed the Karonese adult in the phoneme and lexical. Transferable of this research taken from the observation sheet and questionnaire, here the researcher was helped by the answer of the native speaker in Karonese and helped researcher to answer the causes of variation of Karonese language.

In analyzing the data of this study, the researcher applied Miles ,Huberman and Saldana (2014)Three main components of qualitative data analysis; data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification were applied

Figure 1 Components of Data Analysis : Interactive Model From Miles Huberman&Saldana (2014)


The analysis involves three concurrent flows of activity namely: data display, data reduction and conclusion drawing.

In this research, the data was the variation of Karonese language which taken from swadesh. The data was choosen based on phonemes and lexicals. It deals with the topic which is emphasized on variation of Karonese language in Tanah Karo.

Tabel 1 Phoneme

N o

Phone me

Tigapan ah

Tiganderk Tigabinan










/bombang /bombang/ /



Beberap a

/pigapiga /






































Tabel 2 Lexical

N o

Lexical Tigapana Tiganderk

Tigabinan ga
























Bengka Bǝngkak k

























Diri (ber)




After rewrite the selected data of swadesh (phoneme and Lexical) in three parts of places. It is can be seen the variation of Karonese language in Tanah Karo.

The result of this study shows that phoneme and lexical have good power in influence the variation of Karonese Language. The researcher found that in phoneme and lexical there are some words are different and some words are same, or in other word says that phoneme and lexical are dominantly same.

Based on data analysis it was found out there are some important findings to be presented by researcher as the following:

  • 1.    In phoneme the three places in Tanah Karo are dominantly same although some of them are different. It is also happened in lexical, in three places in Tanah Karo the lexical are

dominantly same although some of them are different.

  • 2.    The causes of Variation Karonese language in Tanah Karo are caused by regional dialect and arena or geography

Fasold (1990) states that Language variation is the study of those features of language that differ systematically as compare different groups of speaker or the same speaker in different situation.The research findings showed that in phoneme the three places in Tanah Karo are dominantly same although some of them are different. It is also happened in lexical; in three places in Tanah Karo the lexical are dominantly same although some of them are different. It caused by the regional dialect and arena or geography.

This finding is different from the research of Pasaribu (2013) who found out that the lexicon and its spelling of Batak Toba language has different dialect. This finding found out that the phoneme and the lexical in variation of Karonese language are dominantly same, even some of them are different.

This finding is in line with Sembiring (2010) who found out that the phonological aspects consist of nineteen and lexical twenty four in Karo Singalor Lau, Karo Julu and Karo Jahe. This finding found out that the phoneme and lexical in variation Karonese language are dominantly same, even some of them are different, and it caused by the regional dialect and arena or geography.

The finding is also different from Daulay (2016) who found the variation of Mandailing language in Mandailing, that there are file dialects,

The vowel phoneme of Mandailing found that there are seven phonemes i,a,e,u,o,ɔ dan ɛ are distributed at the beginning, middle, and the end of word.

The reason why do the speaker use the phoneme. and lexical in variation of Karonese language, to know what are the variation of Karonese language by using phoneme and lexical and to know why some of the variation are different in the three places


This study was concerned on variation of Karonese language in Tanah Karo, based on the analysis the conclusion were stated as:

  • 1.    There are two types of variation of language that used in variation of Karonese language,

there are Phoneme and lexical. Phoneme and lexical were used in the three places in Tanah Karo, they are Tigapanah, Tiganderket and Tigabinanga. Phoneme from the three places in Tanah Karo are dominantly same although some of them are different. It is also happened with lexical, in three places in Tanah Karo the lexical are dominantly same although some of them are different. So, phoneme and lexical are very influenced the variation of Karonese language in Tanah Karo.

  • 2.    Regional dialect and Arena or Geography are the causes of Variation of Karonese language. Regional dialect of the variation of language for every places are different but the meaning are same from the other places. Arena or Geography is the most dominant causes of the variation of Karonese language in Tanah Karo. So, The causes of Variation Karonese language in Tanah Karo are caused by regional dialect and arena or geography


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