p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 30 No.2

Cohesion and Coherence Analysis of Solo Baru Billboards

Arini Hidayah1, Budi Purnomo 2, Nunun Tri Widarwati3

  • 1 ,2 Surakarta University, Indonesia


  • 3    Veteran Bangun Nusantara University, Indonesia

e-mail: 1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]

Abstract —This study uses a discourse analysis approach on Solo Baru billboards. The purpose of this study was to describe the microstructural analysis of Solo Baru billboards. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection in this study was carried out using the method of listening and documentation. The research data was taken from billboards in Solo Baru. The results of this study indicate the existence of cohesion and coherence tools in the discourse of Solo Baru billboards. The types of cohesion found were references (5 data), ellipsis (24 data), repetition (7 data), hyponymy (3 data), and collocation (6 data). The type of coherence found there is a relationship between the meaning of addition (6 data), cause (5 data), effect (5 data), and the relationship between requirements and presuppositions (4 data), and time (2 data).

Keywords— discourse analysis, cohesion, and coherence

Abstrak— Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana pada baliho Solo Baru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan analisis mikrostruktural pada baliho Solo Baru. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simak dan dokumentasi. Data penelitian ini diambil dari baliho di Solo Baru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya piranti kohesi dan koherensi dalam wacana baliho Solo Baru. Tipe kohesi yang ditemukan ada referensi (5 data), elipsis (24 data), repetisi (7 data), hiponimi (3 data), dan kolokasi (6 data). Tipe koherensi yang ditemukan ada hubungan makna penambahan (6 data), sebab (5 data), akibat (5 data), dan hubungan persyaratan dan pengandaian (4 data), dan waktu (2 data).

Kata Kunci— analisis wacana, kohesi, dan koherensi

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  • 1.    Introduction

Language has played important role in human life as the mean of communication. It is needed by all people in interacting to others within society (Sunariasih & Soetama, 2023). The function of language as a medium of communication has forms and purposes. One form and purpose of communication is advertising. Advertising according to Morissan (2010) "any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an organization" (any form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea paid for by one known sponsor). Language involvement in advertising is something that cannot be denied. Advertising aims to convey a message about a product in various media, both electronic media and print media addressed to the public. Human is a social creature who needs to connect and to communicate each other to deliver their idea, express their feelingsand opinions, and share their thought (Adnyani, Maharani, Savitri, 2023).

This study used data in the form of advertisements on billboards in Solo Baru region, especially on billboards with commercial advertisements along with Solo Baru. Billboards are one of the advertising media that is easy to see, read, have a stable nature, and can be read many times by the public. This research was studied using discourse analysis. Unity in advertising is an important discourse to be researched because advertising involves understanding readers or consumers in understanding the content of the message and the purpose of the advertisement. Researchers chose discourse analysis as a study in this study because it is to express the meaning of language, understand discourse, and express the purpose and purpose in discourse as its function is as a means of communication that is unity. Linguists generally argue that discourse in terms of units of language is complete, but in other respects there are differences. The difference lies in discourse as the highest grammatical element realized in the form of a complete essay with a

complete mandate and with coherence and high cohesion (Djajasudarma, 1994).

This study uses a microstructural approach. Microstructural can be studied through elements supporting discourse (Djajasudarma, 1994). A microstructural approach is an approach that focuses on the cohesion and coherence of discourse through various aspects, namely grammatical and lexical aspects.

Djajasudarma (1994) argues that discourse is the most complete unit of language; The grammatical hierarchy is the highest or largest grammatical unit. According to KBBI (2014) discourse is the most complete unit of language that is realized in the form of essays or whole reports such as novels, books, articles, speeches, or sermons.

According to KBBI (2014), advertising is: 1. News orders to encourage, persuade the public to be interested in the goods and services offered, 2. Notification to the public about goods or services sold, installed in mass media (such as newspapers and magazines) or in public places. Advertising according to Wright (in Sarwiji, 2008) is a communication that has a very important power as a marketing tool that helps sell goods providing services and ideas or ideas through certain channels in the form of persuasive information. According to KBBI (2014) , billboards are oversized in size to attract the public's attention (usually with large pictures in crowded places).

Microstructureally, the analysis of discourse focuses on textual cohesion, namely revealing the sequence of sentences that can form a discourse to be coherent (Tarwiyah in Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 1.    Cohesion

Cohesion is the relationship between sentences in a discourse, both in grammatical strata and in certain lexical strata (Gutwinsky in Tarigan, 2009). James says that a text or discourse is really cohesive when there is a conformity of language to context. In other words, the mismatch of the form of language with the texture and also with the

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context will result in a text that is not cohesive (James in Tarigan, 2009). According to Halliday and Hasan (in Arifin & Rani, 2000) the element of cohesion consists of two types, namely grammatical and lexical elements. Grammatical relationships can be classified based on the form of language used. Grammatical relationships are distinguished into references, conjunction substitutions, and ellipsis. Lexical relationships are created using lexical forms such as reiteration and collocation. Reiteration itself consists of repitisi, synonyms, antonyms, and hyponyms.

Based on the theoretical studies above, the understanding of cohesion referred to in this paper is that the relationship between sentences that form a discourse becomes solid. The types of cohesion tools include the following:

  • a.    Grammatical Cohesion

  • 1)    Reference

Reference is one type of grammatical cohesion in the form of a certain lingual unit that refers to another lingual unit (or a reference) that precedes or follows it (Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 2)    Substitution

Substitution is a lexicogrammatical relationship, that is, the relationship exists at the level of grammar and vocabulary with the means of translation in the form of words, phrases, or clauses whose meaning is different from the element of substitution. This is different from references that are semantic relationships. Substitutions have references after being linked to the elements they refer to (Arifin & Rani, 2000).

  • 3)    Ellipsis

Ellipsis is one type of grammatical cohesion in the form of removal or phasing of certain lingual units mentioned earlier. The missing element can be a word, phrase, clause, or sentence (Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 4)    Conjunction

In forming discourse, especially written text, conjunction is needed. Conjunction serves to string together or binds several propositions in discourse so that the transfer of ideas in discourse feels soft (Arifin & Rani, 2000).

  • b.    Lexical cohesion

Lexical cohesion is the relationship between elements in discourse in a semantis. To produce a solid discourse the speaker or author can take it by choosing words that are in accordance with the content of the disaster in question (Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 1)    Repetition

In KBBI (2014) explained repetition is a repetition, exercise, style of language that uses keywords contained at the beginning of a sentence to achieve a certain effect in the delivery of repetitive meanings. Repetition is the repetition of lingual units (sounds, syllables, words or parts of sentences) that are considered important to exert pressure in an appropriate context (Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 2)    Synonym

Sumarlam (2003) defines synonyms as another name for the same thing or thing. Synonyms establish a commensurate relationship of meaning between a particular lingual unit and another lingual unit in discourse.

  • 3)    Antonymy

Antonymy can be interpreted as another name for something else or a lingual unit whose meaning is opposite or in opposition to other lingual units. Antonymy is also called the opposition of meaning (Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 4)    Hyponym

Hyponym is a unit of language (words, phrases, sentences) whose meaning is considered part of another meaning. Elements or lingual units that include several elements or units of the monoponymous lingual are called hypernyms or subordinates (Sumarlam, 2003).

  • 5)    Colocation

Colocation or sanding words is a certain association in using a selection of words that tend to be used side by side (Sumarlam, 2003). According to KBBI (2014) collocation is a fixed association between words and other words in the same environment.

  • 2.    Coherence

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Kridalaksana (in Tarigan, 2009) mentions that there are 15 meaning relationships established in a text, namely: (1) identification relationships, (2) specific generic relationships, (3) relationships such as, (4) cause-and-effect relationships, (5) reason-effect relationships, (6) means-result relationships, (7) means-goal relationships, (8) background-conclusion relationships, (9) results-failure relationships, (10) outcome-condition relationships, (11) comparative relationships, (12) paraphrastic relationships, (13) amplicative relationships, and (14) temporal additive relationships.

Based on the above theory, it can be concluded that the relationship of meaning is a relationship of the meaning of addition, opposition, cause, effect, and relationship of the meaning of accountability.

  • a.    The relationship of addition meaning The relationship of addition meaning is a relationship that reveals that there are additions to the information that has been conveyed before. Additional means of liaison such as "and", "also", "again", "anyway", and so on.

  • b.    The relationship of the opposite meaning

The relationship of the opposite meaning is a relationship that reveals that the information mentioned is a contradiction to the information mentioned earlier. Conflict relationships are usually indicated by markers such as "but", "on the contrary", and so on.

  • c.    The causal relationship

The causal relationship is a relationship that reveals that information on one proposition is the cause of a particular condition in another proposition. This relationship is indicated by markers such as "because", "caused by", and so on.

  • d.    The meaning relationship of consequence

The meaning relationship of consequence is a relationship that reveals that the information on one proposition is a result of a particular condition in another proposition. This relationship is

indicated by markers such as then", "so", and so on.

  • e.    The relationship of meaning of accountability

The relationship of meaning of accountability is a relationship that reveals that the information in one speech is the time of the occurrence of events mentioned in the other speech. The relationship of the meaning of accountability can be indicated by the existence of means of relations that arewaktwanya such as "first", "then", "finally", and so on.

  • f.    The relationship of the meaning of requirements and presuppositions

The relationship of the meaning of requirements and presuppositions is a relationship that reveals that the conditions in one clause are conditions or actions in the other clause. The relationship between the meaning of desire and supposition can be indicated by hyphens.

  • 2.    Research Methods

The source of data in this study is a sentence contained in commercial advertisements on billboards in the Solo Baru region that contain their own meaning as a attractor of public interest. The data source in the study was obtained from billboards on the side of the streets of Solo Baru. The data in this study is ad text in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, or paragraphs supported by visual images such as colors, illustrations, and logos. Data is where the research object resides (Kesuma, 2007).

Data collection in this study was carried out using listening methods and documentation. Data collection in this study uses the see method, which is data collection carried out by listening to the use of language (Sudaryanto, 1993 & Creswell in Wardhana, Suastra, and Malini (2023). The see method has an advanced technique in the form of a note-taking technique. Researchers get data done by recording the use of language that contains documentation on billboards. In this documentation

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method, researchers photographed posters and billboards on the streets of Solo Baru.

In analyzing data used match methods and distributional methods. The match method is a method of language analysis whose determining tool is outside, detached, and not part of the language in question, while the distributional method is a method of language analysis with a determining tool derived from the language itself (Sudaryanto, 1993).

The decisive tool in the framework of the distributional method, always in the form of parts or elements of the language of the object of the research suggestion itself, such as words (words disavow, preposition, adverbial), syntactic functions (subjects, objects, predicates), clauses, silabi words, tone titi, and others (Sudaryanto, 1993). Further techniques in this research are the mark reading technique and the dressing technique, The mark reading technique is a data analysis technique by "reading markup" in a construction (Kesuma, 2007).

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

Microstructural analysis of commercial advertising discourse on billboards in the Solo Baru area found that there were 10 advertisements, including advertisements for Teh Botol Sosro, Lotte Wholesale, Indosat, Empat Warna, Belazo, Keprabon Chicken, Larizo, Biznet, Semen Tiga Roda, Telkomsel, and identified the type of cohesion device and The coherence used are: 1) cohesion in the form of references, ellipsis, conjunctions, repetitions, hyponymy, and collocations, and 2) coherence in the form of additional meaning relationships, temporal meaning relationships, causal meaning relationships, conditional relationships, and presuppositions.

In order to facilitate the description of the research results, the following two tables are presented that contain the tools of cohesion and coherence found in the advertising discourse on the

billboards for Teh Botol Sosro, Lotte Wholesale, Indosat, Empat Warna, Belazo, Keprabon Chicken, Larizo, Biznet, Semen Tiga Roda, Telkomsel.

  • 1.    Cohesion





Teh W Sosra

Lotte Qrosjr


TflWfli y∖araιa

5 el ⅛SQ

⅛a∞. Keprabon



Semen Tfea. Roda
























































Table 1: Cohesion of advertising discourse on billboards in the Solo Baru area.

Cohesion of advertising discourse on billboards in the Solo Baru area is as follows:

  • a.    Reference

Reference is one type of grammatical cohesion in the form of a particular lingual unit that refers to another lingual unit (or a reference) that precedes or follows it. There are 6 types of references found, namely 1/Ref/Sosro, 2/Ref/Sosro, 3/Ref/Keprabon, 4/Ref/Keprabon, and 5/Ref/Biznet. In Sosro's ad “Apapun makanannya, minumnya the Botol Sosro”, the ad shows the suffix –nya on the food (1/ref/sosro) and the suffix – nya the drink (2/Ref/Sosro) refers to other people outside the text.

  • b.    Elipsis

Ellipsis is one type of grammatical cohesion in the form of the omission or omission of certain lingual units that have been mentioned previously. There are 24 types of ellipsis found, namely        1/Elip/Sosro,        2/Elip/Indosat,

3/Elip/Indosat, 4/Elip/Indosat, 5/Elip/Indosat, 6/Elip/Indosat, 7/Elip/Indosat, 8 /Elip/Indosat, 9/Elip/Four Colors, 10/Elip/Four Colors, 11/Elip/Belazo, 12/Elip/Keprabon, 13/Elip/Bika, 14/Elip/Bika, 15/Elip/Bika, 16 /Elip/Biznet, 17/Elip/Semen, 18/Elip/Semen, 19/Elip/Cement, 20/Elip/Semen, 21/Elip/Semen, 22/Elip/Telkomsel, 23/Elip/Telkomsel, and 24/ Ellip/Telkomsel. In Sosro's advertisement “Apapun makanannya, minumnya the Botol Sosro”, there is one word that is omitted, namely the word "dan" (1/Elip/Sosro) between the word’s food and drink.

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  • c.    Repetition

Repetition is the repetition of lingual units (sounds, syllables, words or parts of sentences) that are considered important to give stress in an appropriate context. There were 7 types of repetitions, namely 1/Rep/Lotte, 2/Rep/Indosat, 3/Rep/Belazo, 4/Rep/Keprabon, 5/Rep/Biznet, 6/Rep/Biznet, and 7/Rep/Telkomsel. In the Lotte Wholesale ad, “Lotte Grosir. Andalan usaha kita-kita”, there is one word that is repeated 2 times, namely "kita" (1/Rep/Lotte).

  • d.    Hiponymy

Hyponymy is a language unit (word, phrase, sentence) whose meaning is considered to be part of another meaning. There are 3 types of hyponymy found, namely 1/Hip/Indosat, 2/Hip/Four Colors, and 3/Hip/Keprabon. In the ad “Rajai Internet. Unlimited. You Tube. Chat. Sosmed. Gak habis-habis. 24 jam 30 hari”, the words “unlimited, you tube, chat, social media” are hyponyms from the internet (1/Hip/Indosat).

  • e.    Collocation

Collocations or word pairings are certain associations in using word choices that tend to be used side by side. There were 6 types of collocations found, namely 1/Kol/Sosro, 2/Kol/Lotte, 3/Col/Indosat, 4/Col/Four Colors, 5/Col/Keprabon, and 6/Col/Semen. In Sosro's advertisement “Apapun makanannya, minumnya the Botol Sosro”, the words food and drink are interconnected and are included in the domain of primary human needs.

  • 2.    Coherence





    Teh ‰tαl




    I⅛ ^sw⅝







    Tifii Roda




    Meaning Addition










































    Relaucnshin Meaning Terms and Conditions














    Meaning of












Table 2. Coherence of advertising discourse on billboards in the Solo Baru area

Cohesion of advertising discourse on billboards in the Solo Baru area is as follows:

  • a.    Relationship Meaning Addition

Relationship Meaning Addition is a relationship that reveals that there are additions to previously submitted information. There are 6 types of relationship meaning addition, namely 1/Additions/Keprabon,     2/Additions/Keprabon,

3/Additions/Keprabon, 4/Additions to Keprabon, 5/Additions of Larizo, and 6/Additions/Semen. In the Keprabon Chicken ad “Ayam Keprabon. Jagonya ayam goreng kremes dan ayam geprek. Makan kenyang. Nasi dan ayam dan lalapan dan pilih level pedas hanya Rp 12.000 ! Sensasi

pedasnya bikin ketagihan”, the word “dan” after the word “kremes” (1/Additions/Keprabon), rice (2/Additions/Keprabon), chicken (3/Additions /Keprabon), and fresh vegetables (4/Additions/ Keprabon) indicate the addition information.

  • b.    Causal Relationship

Causal relationship is a relationship that reveals that information in one proposition is the cause of a certain condition in another proposition. There are 5 types of causal relationships, namely 1/cause/Lotte, 2/cause/Belazo, 3/cause/Keprabon, 4/cause/cement, and 5/cause/Telkomsel. On the Lotte Wholesale ad “Lotte Grosir. Andalan usaha kita-kita”, the word “grosir” signifies a causal relationship. The word “grosir” resulted in the emergence of the result, namely the word “andalan usaha kita-kita”.

  • c.    Relationship Meaning Effect

The meaning effect relationship is a relationship that reveals that the information in one proposition is the result caused by a certain condition in the other proposition. There are 5 types       of      meaning       relationships,

namely.1/Consequences/Lotte,1/Consequences/Bel azo,3/Consequences/Keprabon,4/Consequences/Se men, and 5/Consequences/Telkomsel. In the Lotte Wholesale advertisement, the word “andalan

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usaha kita-kita” is a relationship of meaning as a result of the cause of the word “grosir”.

  • d.    Relationship Meaning Terms and


The relationship between the meaning of the terms and the presupposition is a relationship that reveals that the condition in one clause is a condition for the occurrence of conditions or actions in the other clause. There are 4 types of relationship meaning requirements and assumptions, namely 1/PP/Sosro, 2/PP/Four Colors, 3/PP/Biznet, and 4/PP/Semen. In Sosro's advertisement, "Apapun makanannya, minumnya the Botol Sosro", the word "apapun" indicates a relationship between the meaning of requirements and assumptions. The first clause is a statement that states the conditions or presuppositions for the occurrence of events in the second clause.

  • e.    Relationship Meaning of Time

The time meaning relationship is a relationship that reveals that the information in one utterance is the time of occurrence of the events mentioned in the other utterance. There are 2 types of temporal meaning relationship, namely 1/Time/Indosat and 2/Time/Semen. In Indosat advertisement “Rajai Internet. Unlimited. You Tube. chat. social media. It's not over. 24 jam 30 hari ", the word "unlimited, you tube, chat, social media", the word "24 jam 30 hari " shows the relationship meaning of time.

  • 4.    Conclution

From the results and discussion above, it can be seen that the most common type of cohesion found is ellipsis with a total of 24 data. While the least used type of cohesion is hyponymy with 3 data. The language used in advertising discourse, especially on billboards, must be short, fluent, dense, and interesting. So, it takes a lot of ellipsis to build effective, short, and economical sentences. Ellipsis can also arouse the reader's thinking about things that are not expressed in the text, so that it can make the advertising language more interesting. The advertising discourse on billboards does not use long text because it is a solid and clear

language. This makes the type of hyponymy found less (3 data) found in billboard advertisements.

Coherence tools used vary, so it can show that the discourse is a coherent discourse. The most widely used coherence tool to form a coherent discourse is the meaning relationship of 6 data. Meanwhile, the least used coherence tool is the relationship of the meaning of time as much as 2 data.

Most of the additional meaning relationships were found because billboard advertisements wrote short, concise, and clear words. The words in billboard advertisements do not require many words so that readers can quickly understand and catch the intent of the advertisement. The relationship of the meaning of time is little used in billboard advertisements because readers are not stuck in time in advertisements to be interested in buying advertising products.

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