p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 29 No.2

The Positive Politeness Strategies Found In Ferdinand Movie 2017

Firza Fadila Sahry1, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini 2, I Komang Sumaryana Putra3 Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali

Correspondence email: [[email protected]], [[email protected]], [[email protected]]

Abstract--This study aimed to identify and analyse the positive politeness strategies based on Brown and Levinson(1987) politeness theory and the positive politeness according to positive politeness strategies theory by Brown and Levinson (1987:103-129) in the Ferdinand movie. This study used the descriptive-qualitative method to analyse the data and the documentation method applied to collect the data. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there were 21 data found in Ferdinand movie with strategy 3 Intensify Interest To H (1 data), strategy 4 Use In-Group Identify Markers (6 data), strategy 5 Seek Agreement (2 data), strategy 6 Avoid Disagreement (1 data), strategy 10 offer, promise (1 data), strategy 12 (1 data), strategy 12 Include Both S and H in The Activity (1 data), strategy 13 Give (Or Ask for) Reasons (2 data) and strategy 15 Give Gifts to H (Goods, Sympathy, Understanding, Cooperation) (3 data)

Key word: Politeness, Positive Politeness, Positive Politeness Strategies

Abstrak--Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis strategi kesantunan positif berdasarkan teori kesantunan Brown dan Levinson (1987) dan kesantunan positif menurut teori strategi kesantunan positif oleh Brown dan Levinson (1987:103-129) dalam film Ferdinand. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif untuk menganalisis data dan metode dokumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 21 data yang ditemukan dalam film Ferdinand dengan strategi 3 Intensify Interest To H (1 data), strategi 4 Gunakan In-Group Identification Markers (6 data), strategi 5 Seek Agreement (2 data), strategi 6 Hindari Ketidaksepakatan (1 data), strategi 10 penawaran, janji (1 data), strategi 12 (1 data), strategi 12 Sertakan S dan H dalam Kegiatan (1 data), strategi 13 Beri ( Atau Meminta) Alasan (2 data) dan strategi 15 Memberi Hadiah kepada H (Barang, Simpati, Pengertian, Kerjasama) (3 data)

Kata kunci: Kesantunan, Kesantunan Positif, Strategi Kesantunan Positif

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Communication becomes the most important thing in human life to share ideas and wants through the word. It can be done by written language with the main participants called the speaker and the hearer. In interaction, a language is a tool for communicating between people. People generally learn the language to communicate, and their goal is to be able to express their feelings to others through language. It is important to know how the way communicated nicely to other people. People need to consider the purpose of their speech before they express it. So that is how the others can understand the message of the conversation. Besides that, in interaction or communication, we need to consider politeness. The goal of politeness is to get good relation with other, being polite can also make more respecting each other.

Politeness is best expressed as the practical application of good manners of the etiquette, and also one is a way of showing appreciation from one person to another. It is not easy to learn because it involves the understanding of utterance and the socio-cultural values of the community. Politeness may be defined as a language that makes people easier for each other to communicate by means of applying strategies in such a way in order to accomplish the goal of the communication. In communication, the speaker has a message to be conveyed to the hearer. Meanwhile, a conversation always involves a speaker and a hearer or an addressee who take a vital part in the conversation. The massage of conversation should be delivered from the speaker to the listener. The goal of politeness is to make all parties relaxed and comfortable with one another. These culturally defined standards, at times, maybe manipulated to inflict shame on the designed party. Many linguists are concerned with linguistics, particularly Politeness, Brown and Levinson (1987).

This study does not concern with all of that politeness; however, pointedly concerned with positive politeness. Positive politeness is intended to avoid offending by highlighting friendliness. It serves to construct and maintain the positive face of the hearer. It is most obviously created through

compliments, which show appreciation. Positive politeness is also used to eliminate the distance between the speaker (S) and the hearer (H). According to Brown and Levinson (1987:103-129), there are fifteen different strategies of positive politeness strategies: Notice, attend to H (his interest, wants, needs, goods), Exaggerate (interest, approval, sympathy with H), Intensify interest to H, Use in-group identify markers, Seek Agreement, Avoid disagreement, Presuppose /raise /assert common ground, Joke, Assert or presuppose S’s. It consists of fifteen different strategies that are usually found in the utterance conversation. Moreover, positive politeness is easy to find in daily conversation because it is used by the participants who have close relations between friends and family.

Instead of being used in daily conservation in real-life, politeness strategies, especially positive politeness, also can be found in the film. A film contains characters, dialogue, and settings that reflect real life. This study is the positive politeness strategies found in Ferdinand movie (2017). The movie is chosen because finding out the application of this strategy in the film’s dialogue is fascinating. In addition, the film also provides many data required in this study.

  • 2. Material and Method

This study used a qualitative descriptive method, which explained the types of positive politeness strategies used in those data based on Brown and Levinson (1987). This method was used to classify and describe the character in choosing positive politeness, especially on the types of positive politeness strategies of Ferdinand (2017) movie and the factors of using those strategies by observing each character’s social background, their relationship with each other. The primary data of this research were obtained from the movie entitled “Ferdinand”, directed and written by Carlos Saldanha in 2017. The secondary data of this research were obtained from the English movie script by Robert L. Baird.

This research used the documentation method by watching the movie and reading the

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subtitle script in collecting the data. There were three steps used in collecting the data. The first process of collecting the data was downloading the movie and the script on the internet. Second, the movie’s script was read and compared to the types of conversation among the main characters in the movie to examine positive politeness. Third, listen to a conversation in the film among the characters to note the polite expressions and factors in the influence of positive politeness.

This research used the descriptive-qualitative method to analyse data focused on the positive politeness in the “Ferdinand” movie. The data were analysed through Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness theory. The first step was to analyse and determine what types of positive politeness strategies are used in those data based on Brown and Levinson (1987) theory of politeness. The last step was to search and analyse the factors of using those strategies by observing each character’s social background, their relationship with each other, and the context of the situation when they used positive politeness strategies and drawing conclusions based on the result.

  • 3.    Theoretical Basis

The first thesis is an Undergraduate thesis entitled “Politeness Strategies Used by the Main Characters in The Movie the Great Gatsby”, written by Trimandata (2016), analysed gender stereotypes and politeness strategies, especially in the types of politeness strategies. Like the previous undergraduate thesis, he also used Brown and Levinson (1987) theory of politeness. He focused on three points: type of politeness strategies, gender stereotypes, and factor influence the use of politeness strategies analysed in the descriptive qualitative method. He explains the characters social background and describes the situation each time the characters use politeness strategies.

The second thesis is written by Lola Tandyar S (2009) entitled “The Analysis of Politeness in Language Function in Elizabeth Golden Age Movie”. She explains the principle of positive politeness in her analysis. The method of collecting

data that she used is the qualitative method, descriptive observation method, and library research. The theory used in her study is based on Holmes (1992) and Wardhaugh (1986). The difference is that the data source is the main focus of analysing data. The weakness of her study is only focused on the fact that the interactants are only interested in saving their positive and negative face during an interaction.

Elice (2010) wrote a thesis entitled “Politeness Strategies used by Women Found in a Movie “Pretty Woman. She discussed the application of the four types of politeness strategies based on a theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978), and women were chosen as the speaker who, in their utterances, showed the functions of women’s linguistic features analysed based on the theory from Lakoff (1975). Her study focuses on the politeness strategy applied by women in “pretty woman”. It was analysed by using the script, it could be in words, phrases or sentences, which used the theory of politeness proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978) and the theory of women’s linguistic features proposed by Lakoff (1975). In their book on page 175, Brown and Levinson mention three important realisations of the strategy Be Pessimistic: The Use of The Negative, The Use of The Subjunctive, and The Use of RemotePossibility Markers.

The Use of Positive Politeness Strategies

The S applied positive politeness to give an impression that the S wants the H’s want or at least that S wants H’s face to be satisfied. It makes the H not take it seriously when the S does an FTA.

The use of intensify interest to H

Brown and Levinson directed that another feature of this strategy is the usage of directly quoted speech rather than indirect reported speech, as the use of tag questions or expressions that draw H as the participant into the conversation, such as “you know”, ‘see what I mean?’ ‘Isn’t it?’ Furthermore, this strategy can be used to give an idea about the sincerity of S’s good intentions and to increase the interest of the

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conversational contributions by expressing them dramatically. For example:

  • - I come down the stairs, and what do you think I see?

The Use In-Group Identify Markers

Brown and Levinson (1987: 112) include in-group usage of address forms, language or dialect, jargon or slang, and connection and ellipsis as part of this strategy. Example of address forms: come here, honey!

The Factor influence the use of the politeness strategy

The speakers would be skilled in choosing one of the most effective politeness strategies. The Payoffs: a priori considerations Brown and Levinson (1987) associated payoffs with each of strategy as follows:

By going on record, a speaker may potentially get clarity as well as credit for honestly and outspokenness. Another advantage is avoiding the danger of being seen to be a manipulator and being misunderstood. The speaker can have the opportunity to pay back in face whatever he potentially takes away by the FTA.

By going off record speaker can avoid responsibility for the potential face damaging interpretation.

For going on record plus-regressive payoff with positive politeness, a speaker can have opportunity to give face and to satisfied hearer’s positive face, in some respects.

Through on record plus-regressive payoff with negative politeness, a speaker can have the opportunity to give face and satisfy hearer’s negative face, to some degrees.

For going bald on record (non-redress) payoff a speaker can have the efficiency (S can claim that other things are more important than face, or the act is not an FTA at all).

With do not the FTA is simply that S avoids offending H at all with this particular FTA.

The circumstances: Sociological variables

By the “social distance” (D) of speaker and hearer. D is a symmetric social dimension of similarity or difference between S and H. it is based on the frequency of interaction and kinds of face that S and H exchanged.

By the “relative power” (P) of speaker and hearer. P is an asymmetric social dimension of relative power. In general, there are two sources of P, either unauthorised and material control or metaphysical control.

By the “absolute ranking” (R) of imposition in the particular culture. R is defined as the ranking of impositions by the degree to which FTA entails. There are two ranks which contribute to do FTA: the ranking impositions of service and goods (like information and other face payment).


The Types of Use of intensify interest to H strategy in positive politeness

  • Example 1:

Ferdinand’s Father : Well, uh... Look, Ferd, you’re still a kid, you know. When you grow up, your dreams are gonna change. Everything’s gonna change.

Ferdinand           : No way.

Ferdinand’s Father   : Yes way. (LAUGHS)

Yeah. And then you’ll see... you’re gonna get in that ring and you are gonna be the champ.

Ferdinand’s father explained that Ferdinand was a child and that Ferdinand had grown up. Ferdinand’s dream will change. A bull’s dream is to be the winner at the bullfight venue. Ferdinand’s father said that he actually knew about it. Ferdinand’s father utterance above shows that he used a positive politeness strategy that intensifies interest in the hearer (Ferdinand) by making a good story and using an expression ‘you know’ that draw the hearer as a participant into the conversation.

The use in-group identify markers

  • Example 2:

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Nina’s Father : Listen, honey. It’s for his own good.

Nina          : But, Dad. It’s just Ferdinand.

Nina Father’s : But outside this farm, they don’t know him like we do.

The directive conversation (advise) above is spoken by Nina’s father. It has meaning; Nina’s father ordered Nina not to take Ferdinand with her to the flower festival because it is better for Ferdinand to be on the farm. The use of ‘Honey’ in the speech confirms that speakers and opponents have a very close relationship between them. In addition to showing a friendly relationship between them. In addition, to show the group’s identity, this strategy is used by speakers because the speaker wants to reduce the threat to the positive face of an opponent.

  • Example 3:

Lupe         : I think they got a point. We’re

running outta time.

Ferdinand : They wanna stay, I get it. But I’m leaving here tonight. Let’s bust outta here, Lupe.

Conversation in this data, Ferdinand and Lupe use positive politeness Strategy: 4 using ingroup identifying markers. He uses slang in his words to Lupe “wanna” this shows that they have a close relationship. Using this strategy, he wanted to improve Lupe’s face by including him in the group.

The Avoid disagreement

  • Example 4:

Paco: A dog and a bull can’t be brothers. That would be weird.

Ferdinand: Really? Then why does your tail wag when I call you brother, Brother?

Paco: Hey. Stop that.

Ferdinand interrupted with a joking tone of voice by saying, “Really? Then why does your tail wag when I call you brother, brother?” Avoid disagreement from Paco, Ferdinand used “then” as

a conclusory maker in his utterance and drew a conclusion that seems or agree with him. In this case, Ferdinand wants Paco to be honest with him about his feelings; he thinks that maybe he can help him by suggesting that he is more honest and braver to everyone.

Through this strategy, Paco’s positive face wants can be fulfilled because he feels to be admired and noticed by Ferdinand. Furthermore, their informal language use shows that their relationship is close; that is why they seem comfortable talking about natural law.

The Include both S and H in the activity

  • Example 5:

Una          : Let’s roll!

Cuatro        : No, wait! Hold on! The flower!

(SCREAMS) Please don’t chew on us! My greatest fear is death by chew.

Lupe said the three hedgehogs were thieves with tiny eyes, and Una did not agree with what Lupe said because, for Una, they were survivors; after that, Una asked her friends to run away by saying, “Let’s roll!”. This sentence shows that using Strategy 12, Includes both S and H in the activity. Because Una as a speaker (S), used the word “Let’s” to invite Dos and Cuatro as Hearer (H) to run away by turning their bodies. Then Dos said no, wait because they left the flower-shaped musical toy.

The factors influence the characters

Relative Power

Example 6

Ferdinand: Um... Are you trying to steal my stuff? Una: Oh, no. We’d never do something like that. Cuatro: Nope. Not us.

Dos: You have offended us, sir!

Ferdinand: I’m sorry, little guys. I feel terrible. Ow!

This conversation influenced the use of variable sociological circumstances involving By the relative power (P) factor because the

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hedgehogs felt they had the power to obtain an apology from Ferdinand.

Absolute ranking

Example 7:

Valiente: Then fight. That’ s what bulls do. Ferdinand: You can hit me if you want, but leave the flower alone.

In this conversation, there is coercion to ask for a fight, and Ferdinand refuses Valiante’ s invitation to fight subtly. Then in this conversation, it was seen that Ferdinand was able to satisfy and gave the listener a negative face to a certain level, so it was seen that in absolute rank (R) that Valiante gave coercion to Ferdinand and also Ferdinand gave another choice besides destroying flowers and fighting, namely attacking him without any counterattack from Ferdinand.

Social Distance.

Data 12

Ferdinand’ s Father: Well, uh... Look, Ferd, you’re still a kid, you know. When you grow up, your dreams are gonna change.

Ferdinand: No way.

Ferdinand’ s Father: Yes way.

Factors influencing the use of the strategy of intensifying interest to H is influenced by using D (social distance) causes Ferdinand’ s Father to employ a positive politeness strategy to Ferdinand, who is actually younger than him.

  • 4.    Conclusion

The analysis of positive politeness strategies used in the animation movie Ferdinand (2017) shows various usages of positive politeness strategies by either male or female characters. The movie

contained daily conversation of informal language. This study used the theory of politeness and factors influencing the use of positive politeness strategies, and those are the payoffs: a priori considerations and the circumstances:   sociological

variables by Brown and Levinson’s(1987) in analysing the data of this study There are 15 positive politeness strategies found in the animation movie, they are Intensify interest to H, Use in group identify markers, Seek Agreement, Avoid disagreement, Pressupose/ raise/ assert common ground, Joke, Assert/pressupose S’s knowledge and concern for H’s wants, offer and promise, include both S and H in the activity, Give (or ask for) reasons, give gifts to H (Goods, Sympathy, Understanding, Cooperation).

This research study also found the factors influencing characters in using positive politeness strategies. Two sociological variables: social distance, relative power, and absolute ranking influence the characters in animation movies using various positive politeness strategies.

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