p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 29 No.2

The Translation Procedures Found in English Novel Entitled Looking for Alaska into Indonesian

Ni Luh Anik Setiadewi1, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih2, I Wayan Mulyawan3 1Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali

Email korespondensi: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract--This study focuses on two aspects: (1) the translation procedures are found in English into Indonesian novel entitled Looking for Alaska; and (2) the most dominant translation procedure found in the novels entitled Looking for Alaska. The data were taken from a novel entitled Looking for Alaska and its Indonesian translation with the same title. The data collection was done by documentation method, reading and taking notes. The data were analysed by descriptive and qualitative methods. The data analysis was presented by using the informal method to describe and explain the types and translation procedures. The results suggested that (1) borrowing procedure found in the novel is 31 data, calque procedure with 10 data, literal translation procedure with 8 data, transposition procedure with 4 data, equivalence with 6 data, adaptation with 1 data; (2) the most dominant procedure used by the translator was borrowing procedure.

Keywords: Translation, Procedures, Novel

Abstrak--Penelitian ini berfokus pada dua aspek, yaitu: (1) Prosedur penerjemahan yang ditemukan pada novel Looking For Alaska Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia; dan (2) Prosedur penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan pada novel Looking For Alaska. Data bersumber pada novel terjemahan yang berjudul Looking For Alaska, dari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sumber ke Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa target dengan judul yang sama. Teknik pengumpulan data dibuat dengan metode dokumentasi, dengan membaca dan membuat catatan. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif dan qualitatif. Hasil analisis data dipresentasikan dengan menggunakan metode informal untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tipe dan prosedur penerjemahan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa (1) Prosedur peminjaman yang ditemukan pada novel adalah 31 data, prosedur calque 10 data, penerjemahan harfiah 8 data, transposisi 4 data, equivalent 6 data, adaptasi 1 data; (2) Prosedur penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah prosedur peminjaman.

Kata Kunci: Penerjemahan, Prosedur, Novel

Vol. 29 No.2

  • 1.    Introduction

In communication, people use language as the prime tool to understand each other. According to Wibowo (2001:3), language is a system of symbols that are meaningful and articulate sound (generated by the said tool) that are arbitrary and conventional, which is used to communicate by a group of human beings to give birth to feelings and thoughts. There are many languages in this world, and English has been agreed as an international language to communicate with everyone across the world easily. Every language has its own culture, the same as English and Indonesian. It could affect the use of a language. In order to avoid ambiguity between languages, translation is required. It is a medium to send messages between each language effectively.

The translation is considered a process of transferring meaning or messages similar to the intended source language (SL) to the target language (TL). In translation, deep knowledge and understanding between the languages are the most important for a translator to deliver the messages accurately. According to Catford (1965), “translation is an operation performed on language: a process of replacing text in one language to another.” In other words, translation replaces textual material in one language with its equivalent textual material in another language.”

A translator is often faces difficulty in finding the meaning in order to translate a text/utterance. The translation results had to meet the equivalency to prevent misunderstanding. In delivering the translation, several procedures are used by the translator. Based on Newmark (1988), “translation procedures are used for sentences and smaller language units.” This study used the seven translation procedures proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995). The procedures are divided into two: direct or literal translation, consisting of borrowing, calque and literal translation; and oblique translation, which consists of transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. The note-taking method is used to know the most dominant procedure of translation found in the novel,

Looking for Alaska is a novel by John Green published in 2005 and translated by Barokah Ruziati and Sekar Wulandari in 2014. It has been received some awards, such as from Michael L. Printz Award, Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist, A 2005 Teens ’Top Ten Selection, An ALA Best Book for Young Adults Top 10, An ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Readers, A Booklist Editors ’Choice, etc. It is

interesting to analyse because the novels contain many related data to this study.

  • 2.    Method and Theory

The data source in this study was taken from the novel entitled Looking for Alaska by John Green and its translation with the same title. It tells about death, guilt, independence, the meaning of life and founding out yourself. John Green wrote this novel, and this novel also has a translation with the same title by Sekar Wulandari. The documentation method was used in collecting the data. It was done by reading and taking notes. This study used an informal method to describe and explain the types and translation procedures used in presenting analysis data. It was using words, which means finding the data and can be described by verbal description or explanation by words.

The first study to be reviewed is by Fadly in 2013 entitled Analysis of Translation Procedures in Hachiko Subtitles. The study was focused on the types of translation procedures used in Hachiko’s film subtitles and how these procedures were applied in translating the English language into the Indonesian language. The similarities between the study and this study are analysing the translation procedures using Vinay and Dalbernet (1995). The differences between Fadly’s study and this study are the data source. The previous study used a film subtitle; meanwhile, this study uses a novel, which means the study was focused between utterance and text; and in the previous study, the theories of Catford, Newmark and Vinay were used, meanwhile in this study, the theory from Vinay and Dalbernet was used.

The second is from Pramono in 2014 entitled Analysis of Translation Procedures from English to Indonesian in the novel entitled The Negotiator. The study was focused on the procedures for translating a novel The Negotiator from English to Indonesian. The similarities between Pramono’s study and this study are the data source from novels and discussed translation procedures. The differences between the previous study and this study are that the study was analysing the translation principles, whereas this study only focused on translation procedures; and theory from Newmark was used in the study, while in this study, theory from Vinay and Dalbernet was used.

Translation procedure is a method used by translators when formulating equations to transfer elements of meaning from the source language to the target language. According to Vinay and Dalbernet in 1995,

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seven translation procedures are divided into direct or literal translation, consisting of borrowing, calque and literal translation, and oblique translation, which consists of transposition, modulation equivalence, and adaptation.

Direct or Literal Translation

  •    Borrowing

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:85) claimed that borrowing is the simplest of all translation procedures. The source language is directly transferred to the target language in the borrowing procedure.

  •    Calque

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:85) said that a calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an expression from another but then translates each of its elements literally.

  •    Literal Translation

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:86) said that literal, or word for word, translation is the direct transfer of an SL text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text in which translators’ task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL.

Oblique Translation


Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:88) defined transposition as a procedure that involves replacing one-word class with another without changing the meaning of the message or the sense.

  •    Modulation

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:89) stated that modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. This change can be justified although a literal, or even transposed, translation results in a grammatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. Two types of modulation, namely free or optional, are generally adopted for nonlinguistic reasons.

  •    Equivalence

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:90) used this term when the same situation can be rendered by two texts using completely different stylistic and structural methods.

  •    Adaptation

Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:91) defined adaptation as a procedure that creates a new

situation to indicate a situational equivalence. Moreover, it involves changing the cultural reference when a situation in the source culture does not exist in the target culture.

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

  • 1.    Direct Translation or Literal Translation

Datum 1.

SL: My Mother      TL: Mom

SL: I left my family and Florida and the rest of my minor life to go to boarding school in Alabama, my mother insisted on throwing me a going-away party. (Green, 2005: 6)

TL : Seminggu sebelum aku meninggalkan keluargaku dan Florida serta sisa masa remajaku untuk pergi ke sekolah asrama di Alabama, Mom berkeras mengadakan pesta perpisahan untukku. (Ruziati et. al., 2014: 9)

Analysis: The SL text ‘My Mother’ was translated into ‘Mom’ in TL. The word or expression was taken from the source language. It is directly transferred to the target language, called pure borrowing, to conform to the rules of grammar and pronunciation caused by the TL’s cultural aspect, language, and custom. The source language and target language text have the same meaning, and it is a common word that refers to the female parents of a child.

Datum 2.

SL: Artichoke         TL: Artichoke

SL: She cooked a small mountain of artichoke dip (Green, 2005: 6)

TL : Ia memasak segunung kecil saus artichoke. (Ruziati et. al., 2014: 9)

Analysis: The SL text ‘artichoke’ was translated into ‘artichoke’ in TL. The word or expression was taken from the source language. It is directly transferred to the target language, called pure borrowing, to conform to the rules of grammar and pronunciation caused by cultural aspect, language, and custom. The source language and target language text has the same meaning. It is a common word which refers to a European plant resembling a thistle, cultivated for its large flower heads, which cannot be described in the target language, and Indonesia ‘artichoke’ is ‘tumbuhan yang bunganya dimakan sebagai sayur’. The translator used borrowing procedure due it is the name of a vegetable that cannot be translated.

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Datum 3.

SL: Jesus Christ Superstar

TL: Jesus Christ Superstar

SL: We did Jesus Christ Superstar. (Green, 2005: 6) TL : Kami mementaskan Jesus Christ Superstar. (Ruziati et. al., 2014: 9)

Analysis: The SL text ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ was translated into ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ in TL. The word or expression was taken from the source language. It directly transferred to the target language, called pure borrowing, to conform to the rule of grammar and pronunciation of the target language caused by cultural aspect, language and custom. The source language and target language text have the same meaning, and it is a common word that refers to the Lord. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word of God, fully human and fully divine, Creator and Savior of the World, and the founder of Christianity. He died on a Roman cross to give his life as an atoning sacrifice for the world’s sins to accomplish human redemption. Meanwhile, a superstar means a high-profile and highly successful performer or athlete. In Indonesian ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ means ‘sebuah opera rock tahun 1970 dengan musik’. The translator used borrowing procedure because it is the name of a special show that usually takes place in the US.

Datum 4.

SL: TV                 TL: TV

SL: They left, and so I sat with my parents and stared at the blank TV and wanted to turn it on but knew I shouldn’t. (Green, 2005: 6)

TL : Mereka pergi, maka aku duduk bersama orang tuaku memandangi TV yang mati dan ingin menyalakannya, tapi tahu sebaiknya tidak. (Ruziati et. al., 2014: 9)

Analysis: The SL text ‘TV’ was translated into ‘TV’ in TL. The word or expression was taken from the source language. It directly transferred to the target language, called pure borrowing, to conform to the rule of grammar and pronunciation of the target language. ‘TV’ stands for television. It is a system for transmitting visual images and sound reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. In Indonesian, ‘TV’ refers to ‘sistem penyiaran gambar yang disertai dengan bunyi (suara) melalui kabel atau melalui angkasa dengan menggunakan alat yang mengubah cahaya (gambar) dan bunyi (suara) menjadi gelombang listrik dan mengubahnya kembali menjadi berkas cahaya yang

dapat dilihat dan bunyi yang dapat didengar’. The translator used the borrowing procedure because it is a machine’ s name that cannot be translated.

Datum 5.

SL: Culver Creek TL: Culver Creek

SL: He had attended Culver Creek, the same boarding school to which I was headed, as had both of his brothers and all of their kids. (Green, 2005: 7)

TL : Ia dulu belajar di Culver Creek, sekolah asrama yang juga menjadi tujuanku, begitu pula kedua saudara laki-lakinya dan semua anak mereka. (Ruziati et. al., 2014: 9) Analysis: The SL text ‘Culver Creek’ was translated into ‘Culver Creek’ in TL. The word or expression was taken from the source language. It directly transferred to the target language, called pure borrowing, to conform to the rule of grammar and pronunciation of the target language. Culver Creek is a boarding school name that cannot be translated in TL.

  • 4.    Conclusion

Translation is considered as a process of transferring meaning or messages that are similar to the intended source language (SL) to the target language (TL). In translation, deep knowledge and understanding between the languages are the most important for a translator to deliver the messages accurately. A translator is often faces difficulty in finding the meaning in order to translate a text/utterance. The translation results had to meet    the    equivalency to    prevent

misunderstanding.    In    delivering the

translation, several procedures are used by the translator. This study used the seven translation procedures proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995). The procedures are divided into direct or literal translation, consisting of borrowing, calque and literal translation, and oblique translation, which consists of transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. The results showed borrowing procedure found in the novel was 31 data, calque procedure with 10 data, literal translation procedure with 8 data,

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transposition procedure with 4 data, equivalence with 56 data, adaptation with 1 data. The most dominant procedure used by the translator was the borrowing procedure.

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