p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 29 No.1

Politeness in Using Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns in Medan

  • 1Surya Ningsih Tanjung, 2Mayasari

Abstract--This research aims to explain and reveal Politeness in Using Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns by trying to find out of the types, the way and the reason of used mandailingnese personal subject pronouns mostly by people in Medan around Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur. The theory of this research used Leech (2014) Brown&Levinson (1987) theory. This research took 25 respondent and conducted quantitatively. The data was collected by using questionnaire that distributed to different people. The finding of this research shows that Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns are mostly used by people live at Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur. The First Personal Subject Pronouns Au/Ku with 89 times chosen (51%), Second Personal Subject Pronouns Ho/Hamu/Amu with 118 times chosen (67%), Third Personal Subject Pronouns Ia/Halai with 115 times chosen (65%). The reason why people live at Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur use Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns are determine by gender, situation, age and familiarity. The reason of people using Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns were making no distance/gap, adapting the situation, knowing the rules of communication and learning from family also the findings of this research revealed that four parameters of politeness influenced chosen of pronouns, and the use of the pronouns of Mandailing People itself influenced the level of politeness.

Keywords: Socio-Pragmatics; Politeness;, Mandailingnese; Personal Subject Pronouns

Abstrak--Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mengungkap kesantunan dalam penggunaan kata ganti orang bahasa mandailing dengan mencoba mengetahui jenis, cara dan alasan penggunaan kata ganti orang bahasa mandailing sebagian besar oleh masyarakat di Medan sekitar Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur. Teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Leech (2014) Brown&Levinson (1987). Penelitian ini mengambil 25 responden dan dilakukan secara kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada orang yang berbeda. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kata Ganti Orang bahasa Mandailing banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat yang tinggal di Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur. Kata Ganti Orang Pertama Au/Ku dengan 89 kali dipilih (51%), Kata Ganti Orang Kedua Ho/Hamu/Amu dengan 118 kali dipilih (67%), Kata Ganti Orang Ketiga Ia/Halai dengan 115 kali dipilih (65%). Alasan masyarakat yang tinggal di Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur menggunakan Kata Ganti Orang Bahasa Mandailing ditentukan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, situasi, usia dan keakraban. Alasan orang menggunakan Kata Ganti Orang Bahasa Mandailing adalah tidak membuat jarak/gap, menyesuaikan diri dengan situasi, mengetahui aturan komunikasi dan belajar dari keluarga serta temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa empat parameter kesantunan mempengaruhi pemilihan kata ganti, dan penggunaan Kata ganti orang Bahasa Mandailing sendiri mempengaruhi tingkat kesantunan.

Kata Kunci: Sosio Pragmatik; Kesopanan; Bahasa Mandailing; Kata Ganti Orang

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  • 1.    Introduction

Language is a tool of communication. Based on Lyons’s view, Hakim (2018) language are the principal systems of communication used by particular groups of human beings within the particular society of which they are members. Especially Lyons points out that, language is the best communicative system of human beings by particular social groups. Simply put, in order to study a language you must understand about the field which is called pragmatics.

Pragmatics derives from the word "pragma" in Greek which means "action". Accroding to Koizumi (2001:4) quoted by Puspitaningrum (2017:1), “Pragmatics is a field of linguistics that studies the meaning produced by utterances and the situation in which utterances occurs and its function, which is related to the relationship between the speaker and the interlocutor”. Based on Levinson's view, Zamzani, (2007: 20) concluded that pragmatic studies are related to linguistics which intersect with syntax and semantics. Pragmatics limits its study to the use of language that is not separated from its context.

Mandailingnese is a part of batak tribe. According to Tuuk as a Dutch anthropologist, group them into six part tribes, such as Simalungunese, Pakpaknese, Karonese, Angkola, Toba, and also Mandailingnese. This six sub-part tribes of Batak have different language whether in phonology (pronunciation), morphology (structure) and semantics (language meaning) and mandailing is one of the tribes that are mostly found in North Sumatra Province. This tribe has its own blood ties, social system, lineage, language, script, arts, customs and own habits which are different from Batak and Malay. Using Mandailing language in daily communication is a symbol of Identity Mandailing tribe.

Politeness is an important aspect of measuring polite because it is a characteristic of a person's personality. One aspect of measuring language politeness is the usage of personal subject pronouns. Local languages such as mandailing language have personal subject pronouns which

function to avoid misunderstandings due to mis-use of personal subject pronouns that are not in accordance with the etiquette and politeness of the speaker.

The following types of personal subject pronouns here are the most use in conversation and as the depiction of phenomena that occur in daily life of Mandailing people in Medan:

HoKamu’ (You)

MuKamu’ (You)

AmuKalian’ (You)

HamuKalian’ (You)

These Personal Subject Pronouns have different functions, but sometimes they have the same position. For example, Personal Subject Pronouns Ho (you) is use by a speaker when the other person is equal or younger than the speaker, sentence example “Madung mangan ma ho? (Have you eaten already?)”, but Mu (you) also used for the older individual(s) than the speaker and it is more polite, sentence example “Son aha kabarmu? (How are you?)”, Personal Subject Pronouns Amu (you) used by speaker when the group of people is younger, sentence example “Tujia amu margandak? (Where are you dating?)”, meanwhile Hamu (you) is used for the group of people that older than speaker, sentence example “Marga aha do hamu? (What are your surnames?)”.

The mixed use of pronouns in Mandailing and Indonesia language does not affect the politeness level of the speaker if it is addressed to the right speaker, but on the other hand, the speaker is considered not to know the customs and ethics in social life if the use of pronouns is misguided. Researcher believe that to ensure that pronouns are directed to the right interlocutor need several parameters such as Gender, Age, Situation, and familiarity are very influential in this regard. Therefore, researcher want to know whether Mandailing pronouns affect the level of politeness, so researcher are interested in conducting research that focuses on analyzing politeness in the use of mandailing pronouns in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur.

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  • 1.    Politeness

Wardhaugh (2015:256), states in reference to Brown and Levinson's work: "Positive politeness leads to the achievement of solidarity through offers of friendship, the use of compliments, and informal language use: we treat others as allies and friends, never threaten their face, and do not impose on them."

According to the classifications and definitions, politeness is the way a specific expression is used between speakers, it marks the relationship of the first person and the interlocutors, and the connection may bring positive or negative politeness. Politeness is traditionally associated with certain linguistic forms and formulaic expressions, which can vary greatly across cultures and languages. According to Leech (2014:21), politeness serves two functional: the first is social, and the second is essentially psychological. According to Brown and Levinson (1987:79), there are three factors of politeness:

  • 1.    Social distance of the speaker and the hearer are determined by four parameters: gender, age, situation, and familiarity. 2. Asymmetrical relation power between the speaker and hearer (parties).

  • 3.    The imposition absolute ranking in the particular culture, such as imposing act like requests demand more redress in order to reduce the increasing threat level.

  • 2.    Personal Pronouns

Pronouns replace nouns in a sentence and familiar with the personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. Personal pronouns refers to the (first personal pronouns) self, referring to the (second personal pronouns) as the person to be spoken or referring to the (third personal pronouns) as a person in question. Some refer to the one or more than one, among to the pronouns.

  • 3.    Personal Pronouns in Mandailingnese

There are different variants of the politeness level for personal subject pronouns, and this level

determined by definition of each personal subject pronouns.

Table 1 Types of Personal Subject Pronouns in Mandailingnese

First PSP

Second PSP

Third PSP





politen   SL



(He,  PL

ess         (I)


(uY) o   (You)

She,   (They

It)      )




I        Au/



Ia     Halai

(Polite)   Ku









(Neutra Ku


Ho    amu







nye but


yebu  Menye



t       but


III        na



nam  nama


(Rude)   ma



a     person




pers   a




From the table above, it can be seen that singular first personal subject pronouns have three variants – Au, ku (I) and sometimes mention the name of speaker for example ningsih (I). Mention the name of speaker in the middle of conversation to the hearer it belongs to the third level which that is rude or impolite because it’s considered to be arrogant. For the plural first personal subject pronouns there are four variants, they are, nami, ami or hita and ita. Ami and ita belongs to the neutral, this pronouns seldom to use because people think it is shortened of nami, and hita sometimes still used.

In terms of singular second personal subject pronouns, there are three variants that separated into three parts, consider polite are mu and mi, Neutral there is ho and call the name of others speaker who older or younger than us considered to

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be rude and impolite. For the plural second personal subject pronouns, there are four variants hamunu, munu, hamu, amu and mention one by one interlocutor’s or the hearer name for example Roslina, Diana as (You) this is considered rude and impolite because it impressed that the speaker had just found out who are the name of the other person and also show the unfamiliarity.

In terms of singular third personal subject pronouns, there are two variants they are Ia considered polite and neutral and also si+hearer’s name considered rude and impolite because it indicates that the speaker forget or do not know who the other person's name is. For the plural third personal subject pronouns have four variants they are halaki which considered polite, alaki and hale considered neutral and alaktai considered rude and impolite because the meaning is 'that people' and it seems like speaker do not know who a bunch of people there around her/him or maybe do not like them.

  • 2.    Research Methods

This research is based on descriptive quantitatively. Descriptive research is a study which are concern with describing the characteristics of particular individual, specific predictions, with narration of facts and situation. According to Hardani, dkk (2020) quantitative research emphasizes analysis on numerical data (numbers) which is then analyzed by appropriate statistical methods. Quantitative research has the direction and focus of its research is to build theory from existing data or facts and that is presented and presented in the form of a percentage and then interpreted into quantitative sentences. Data was collected by using questionaire papers that consists of 21 questions about mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns, that spread for 25 respondents in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur. Respondents chose the right answer among the four choices, namely a, b, c and d by circling it.

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

    • 3.1    Result.

Researcher showed the results of the research, and the goals of the research was 1. To Reveal and Explain What Types of Personal Subject Pronouns Mostly used by People in Medan, 2. To Explain How People in Medan used Mandilingnese Personal Subject Pronouns to show the Level of Politeness and the last 3. To Reveal and explain the Reason Why Mandailingnese in Medan need to used Personal Subject Pronouns in daily life.

From the answers of 25 respondents who were analyzed on 21 questions. The following table will show the use of mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns which is divided into 3 parts, First Personal Subject Pronouns is about 1-7 questions, Second Personal Subject Pronouns is about 8-14 questions, and Third Personal Subject Pronouns is about 15-21 questions.

Table 2 The Answers of Question number 1-7 by Participants




Used by


a. Au/

a. 17 person


b. 4 person



c. 2 person




d. 2 person



c. Ami/





Sebut Nama Sendiri


a. 17 person


b. 4 person

2.Similar Gender



c. 2 person





d. 2 person

c. Ami/

Vol. 29 No.1









  • a.    12 person

  • b.    8 person

  • c.    3 person






  • a.    4 person

  • b.    11 person

  • c.    8 person





c. Ami/ Ita


d. 2 person



3.Official Situation

Hita/ Hami

c. Ami/

d. 2 person



Sebut Nama Sendiri.









  • a.    18 person

  • b.    1 person

  • c.    3 person

Situatio n






  • a.    10 person

  • b.    1 person

  • c.    14 person

Famili   7. Siblings/

Arity     Parents



c. Ami/



d. 3 person



4.Unofficia l Situation

Hita/ Hami

c. Ami/

d. - person



Sebut Nama Sendiri.



Sebut Nama Sendiri.



Table 3 The Answers of Question number 8-14 by Participants

  • a.    11 person

  • b.    2 person



Subject Pronouns

Used by



5.Someone Older

b. Nami/ Hita/ Hami

c. Ami/ Ita

  • c.    7 person

  • d.    5 person



8.Different Gender

  • a.    Mu/ Mi

  • b.    Hamunu/ Munu

  • c.    Ho/ Hamu/ Amu

  • a.    3 person

  • b.    3 person

  • c.    18 person

  • d.    1 person




Sebut Nama


d. Menyebut Nama Orang Lain

Vol. 29 No.1

a. Mu/ Mi

a. 3 person

Nama Orang Lain

b. Hamunu/

b. 3 person

9.Similar Gender


c. 18 person

a. Mu/ Mi

a. 4 person

c. Ho/ Hamu/ Amu

d. 1 person



b. Hamunu/ Munu

b. 1 person

d. Menyebut


c. Ho/ Hamu/

c. 20 person


Nama Orang Lain



d. – person


a. Mu/ Mi

d. Menyebut

a. 4 person

Nama Orang

b. Hamunu/ Munu

b. 6 person



c. 12 person

c. Ho/ Hamu/




d. 3 person


Table 4 The Answers of Question number 15-21

d. Menyebut

by Participants

Nama Orang





Used by


a. Mu/ Mi

a. 1 person


b. Hamunu/

b. 3 person

a. Ia/ Halai

a. 17 person


c. 19 person

15. Different

b. Alaki

b. 2 person


c. Ho/ Hamu/


c. Hale

c. 2 person


l Situation


d. 3 person




d. Menyebut Nama Orang

d. Si + Nama orang/ Alaktai

d. 4 person


a. Ia/ Halai

a. 17 person

a. Mu/ Mi

a. 5 person

16. Similar

b. Alaki

b. 2 person


b. Hamunu/

b. 1 person


c. Hale

c. 2 person




c. 10 person

d. Si + Nama

d. 4 person

c. Ho/ Hamu/


orang/ Alaktai



d. 9 person


a. Ia/ Halai

a. 21 person

d. Menyebut Nama Orang Lain

17. Official

b. Alaki

b. 2 person



c. Hale

c. - person


a. Mu/ Mi

a. 2 person

d. Si + Nama

d. 2 person

b. Hamunu/

b. 2 person

orang/ Alaktai




c. 21 person



18.Unofficia l Situation

a. Ia/ Halai

a. 11 person



c. Ho/ Hamu/ Amu

d. – person

b. Alaki

b. 13 person

d. Menyebut

c. Hale

c. - person

d. Si + Nama d. 1 person

Vol. 29 No.1

orang/ Alaktai

Diagram of First Personal Subject Pronouns

a. Ia/ Halai

a. 21 person

b. Alaki

b. 3 person

19. Someone



c. Hale

c. - person


d. Si + Nama orang/ Alaktai

d. 1 person

a. Ia/ Halai

a. 15 person

b. Alaki

b. 5 person

20. Someone



c. Hale

c. - person


d. Si + Nama orang/ Alaktai

d. 5 person

a. Ia/ Halai

a. 13 person

21. Siblings/

b. Alaki

b. 3 person



c. Hale

c. 1 person


d. Si + Nama orang/ Alaktai

d. 8 person

1st Question 2nd Question

3rd Question 4th Question

Second Personal Subject Pronouns mostly used in questions number 8-14 with ranges conversation namely gender, situation, age and also familiarity was Pronouns Ho/Hamu/Amu with 118 times chosen or 67%.

Diagram of Second Personal Subject Pronouns

Type of Personal Subject Pronouns Mostly Used

The research reveal three types of Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns mostly used. Type of first Personal Subject Pronouns mostly used in the questions number 1-7 with ranges conversation namely gender, situation, age and also familiarity was Pronouns Au/Ku with 89 times chosen or 51%.


8th Question • 9th Question 10th Question

11th Question , 12th Question

Third Personal Subject Pronouns mostly used in the questions number 15-21 with ranges conversation namely gender, situation, age and familiarity was Pronouns Ia/Halai with 115 times chosen or 65%.

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Diagram of Third Personal Subject Pronouns

, 15th Question , 16th Question • 17th Question 1

The Way Using Personal Subject Pronouns

The research here explain how people in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur used Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns to show the level of politeness based on four parameters. In the First idea of First Personal Subject Pronouns for Gender people preferred to use pronouns Au/Ku, and for the Second Personal Subject Pronouns respondents chose personal peronopuns Ho/Hamu/Amu and for the Third Personal Subject Pronouns respondents chose personal subject pronouns Ia/Halai which all that choices considered polite.

In the Second idea of First Personal Subject Pronouns for Situation, such as official situation respondents chose personal subject pronouns Nami/Hita/Hami and unofficial situation respondents chose personal subject pronouns Ami/Ita that is considered polite. In the Second Personal Subject Pronouns for Situation, for official and unofficial situation respondents chose personal subject pronouns Ho/Hamu/Amu and that is still considered polite. In the Third Personal Subject Pronouns for official situation respondents chose personal subject pronouns Ia/Halai and for unofficial situation used Alaki, both considered normal/polite.

In the Third idea of First Personal Subject Pronouns for Age, such as older and younger respondents preferred to use Au/Ku. Second Personal Subject Pronouns for older and younger

respondents chose personal subject pronouns Ho/Hamu/Amu and the Third Personal Subject Pronouns for older and younger respondents used pronouns Ia/Halai.

In the Fourth idea of First Personal Subject Pronouns for Familiarity based on parents/siblings respondents chose personal subject pronouns Au/Ku for Second Personal Subject Pronouns respondents chose Ho/Hamu/Amu and for the Third Personal Subject Pronouns respondents chose Ia/Halai.

The Reason People used Personal Subject Pronouns

This research also explained and revealed the reason of Mandailingnese in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur used personal subject pronouns in daily life. Which, First making no distance or gap between gender female and male, respondents in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur not wants to be limited by gender, age and situation, so as to make them more polite or not when speaking. The used of Pronouns may be not different, but when reviewed in daily practice when speaking the different thing was the tone of voice.

Second, adapting the situation Mandailingnese respondents in Medan, Lingkungan Keluarahan Bantan Timur, consider how influential certain situations in communication include the use of Pronouns. The different used of Pronouns was considered reasonable on the grounds that official situations was considered to be better able to maintain an assessment of speaker’s personality and attitudes, while unofficial situations was considered normal as they often face in daily activities. Third, rules of communication which means people/respondents respect and nurturing the older and younger people. Fourth, learning from family, respondents principal that everything include attitude of politeness starts from home that was communicating with family members this has been proven by the Mandailing

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community in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur.

  • 3.2 . Discussion

In study pragmatics, Politeness has been widely conducted by some researcher. Politeness in society considered as important concept because it can controls people to do something through verbal that is language use or non-verbal that is the action. This research highlighted the usage of Personal Subject Pronouns in Mandailingnese is really affected the level of politeness, and helps people/respondents to communicate with each other through the right way of using it.

From the research results, it can be seen that each type of Personal Subject Pronouns Mandailing has one of the most widely used pronouns, namely: First Personal Subject Pronouns was Au/Ku with 89 times chosen while the lesser chosen by respondent was Pronoun Sebut nama sendiri (mention speaker’ name) with 16 times chosen. Second Personal Subject Pronouns was Ho/Hamu/Amu with 118 times chosen contrary to that Pronoun Menyebut nama orang lain (Mention other’s name) was the lesser chosen with 17 times chosen. Third Personal Subject Pronouns was Ia/Halai with 115 times chosen in another side Pronoun Hale was the lesser chosen by the respondent with total times 5.

People in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur used Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns to show the level of politeness based on four parameters namely: gender, situation, age and familiarity. The reason of respondents in Medan, Lingkungan Keluarahan Bantan Timur using Personal Subject Pronouns are: making no distance/gap, adapting the situation, knowing the rules of communication and learning from family.

The findings above contributes to the study of pragmatics because talk about the respondents' language users in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur and sociolinguistics because they are related to society and language. It can be proven in communicating that politeness is very helpful.

  • 4.    Conclusion

In the application of using Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns, people/respondents in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur mostly used: First Personal Subject Pronouns Au/Ku with 89 times chosen, Second Personal Subject Pronouns Ho/Hamu/Amu with 118 times chosen, Third Personal Subject Pronouns Ia/Halai with 115 times chosen.

The ways of people/respondents in Medan, Lingkungan Kelurahan Bantan Timur using Mandailingnese Personal Subject Pronouns distinguish by Gender (Different and similar gender), Situation (official and unofficial forum), Age (Older and Younger age) and familiarity (Parent/siblings).

The reason of people/respondents used Mandailingnese personal subject pronouns were making no distance/gap, adapting the situation, knowing the rules of communication and learning from family.

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