ISSN: 0854-9613

Vol. 23. No. 44

The Translation Shifts Applied To The Translated Text I Belog Lost Something

Dewik Yuwandani

e-mail: [email protected]

Master Study of Linguistics, Udayana University

I Made Suastra

e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Master Study of Linguistics, Udayana University

Fransiscus I Made Brata e-mail: [email protected] Master Study of Linguistics, Udayana University

Abstract—The objective of this study was to discover the shift occurring in the text analysis in the level of word and phrase. The analysis was limited to the shift in the level of noun or the noun phrase utilized in the Source Language which is translated into the Target Language.The data were collected from the Balinese story I BelogKelangan as the source text and its English translation I Belog Lost Something as the target text compiled by I Gusti Made Sutjaja (2010).The data were elaborated on the analysis by Qualitative method and presented in the form of words and sentences based on the application of shift theory Vinay-Darlbenet (in Venuti, 2000). The result of this study showed that there were two types of shift applied to the text. They are grammatical structure shift called Transposition and point of view shift known as Modulation. There were two types of shift grammatical structure; Unit Shift and Category Shift. The data were merely showing the low to high units of translation such as from word into phrase and from the phrase into clause. Meanwhile, the category shift the only occurred in different word class from noun to verb. The shifts in point of view resulted in Lexical Dense where the implicit lexical was transferred explicitly, in contrast the explicit item was transferred implicitly referred to Lexical Loose. In addition, there was also the stress on the role of character. Shift cannot be avoided in translation because it involves two different languages which are different in linguistically and culturally. This research was expected to have contributions for future study on translation shift in Balinese text.

Keywords—translation shift, transposition, modulation, noun/noun phrase

Abstrak—Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pergesearn yang terjadi pada tataran kata atau frasa dalam analisis teks. Analisis dibatasi pada pergeseran kata kerja atau phrasa kata kerja yang digunakan dalam Bahasa Sumber dan Bahasa Target. Data dari penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari sumber data berupa teks bahasa Bali berjudul I Belog Kelangan sebagai teks sumber dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa InggrisI Belog Lost Something sebagai teks target yang dikompilasi oleh I Gusti Made Sutjaja (2010). Data yang ditemukan dianalisis dan disajikan secara Kualitatif sesuai dengan teori pergeseran oleh Vinay-Darlbenet (Venuti, 2000) dan beberapa perkembangannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua jenis pergeseran terjemahan yang ditemukan yaitu Transposisi dan Modulasi. Transposisi terjadi pada pergeseran dalam tataran struktur tatabahasa yaitu, Unit Shift dan Category Shift. Data Unit Shift yang

ditemukana dalah from low to high units yaitu dari kata ke frasa dan dari frasa ke klausa. Kemudian, Category Shift ditunjukkan oleh perubahan pada kelas kata yaitu dari kata benda menjadi kata kerja. Selain itu, pergeseran juga terjadi berdasarkan perbedaan sudut pandang yang menghasilkan Lexical Dense yaitu makna kata implicit berubah menjadi makna kata eksplisit sedangkan pergeseran makna dari eksplisit menjadi makna implicit disebut Lexical Loose. Disampingitu, dalam penelitian ini jugad itemukan data Stressing the character’s role. Pergeseran tidak dapat dihindarkan terjadi dalam terjemahan karena berkaitan dengan perbedaan bahasa yang mengacu pada perbedaan system linguistic dan budaya. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk penelitian selanjutanya berkaitan dengan pergeseran dalam penerjemahan.

Kata kuncipergeseran dalam penerjemahan, transposisi, modulasi, kata kerja/frasa kata kerja


Translation is, nowadays, a worldwide activity being conducted by everyone who endorses the competences to master more than one language. It is always identical with the use of two or more languages to transform the message from the source language to the target language done by the translator. Munday (2001:5) stated that the process of translation between two different written languages involves the translator changing an original written text (the source of the text or ST) in the original verbal language (the source language or SL) into a written text (the target text or TT) in a different verbal language (the target language or TL). In addition, a translator must also possess some skills cluster that will help to transfer the message carried by the SL to the TL, such as cultural understanding, information technology, making decision, communication, language and literacy, and project management (Samuelsson-Brown, 2004: 2)

Furthermore, the crucial step in translation process is meaning. The meaning of a given word or set of words is best understood as the contribution that word or phrase can make to the meaning or function of the whole sentence or linguistic utterance where that word or phrase occurs (Zaky, 2000). Hence, meaninghas taken an essential control in order to maintain the equivalence of the SL and the TL.Kenney (in

Baker, 1998: 77) coined that equivalence is as the relationship between a source text (ST) and a target text (TT) that allows the TT to be considered as a translation of the ST in the first place. Equivalence relationships are also said to hold between parts of STs and parts of TTs. In addition, Bell (1991:6) emphasized that in translating different language equivalent can occur in different degree like in context, semantic, grammar, lexis, word-for-word, etc. hence, the success of translation product is put on whether the messages are conveyed to the intended readers.

With regard to the translation study that examined the application involving two languages, the challenging phenomenon is found on aBalinese text when it is translated into English. The challenge comes up on translation when transmitting the words of the source text to the equivalent on the target language by considering two different cultural backgroundswithout missing any sensesof meaning. Nida (1964: 156) provoked that “since no two languages are identical, either in the meanings given to corresponding symbols or in the ways which such symbols are arrange in phrase and sentences, it stands to reason that there can be no absolute correspondence between languages”. Larson(1998: 179)also added that a translator has to consider not only the two languages but also the two cultures. By applying the translation techniques or strategies, it can be known the transference ways of the SL and the TL and how the equivalence is

drawn from the SL and the TL. It is, however, some linguists used different terms to refer the way of transference. Molina &Albir (2002: 507) criticized the terms into procedures are some stages take to do something to achieve specific goals. Techniques describe the result obtained and canbe used to classify different types of translation solutions. Strategies are related to themechanisms used by translators throughout the whole translation process to finda solution to the problems they find.

One particular strategy that is going to be analyzed on this research iscalled as Shifts which considering the translation could happen under the ideas of different languages and cultures. The small linguistic changes that occur between ST and TT are known as translation Shifts (Hatim&Munday, 2004: 26).On the other hand some observers Al-Zoubi& Al-Hassnawi (2001) stated that “shift should be redefined positively as the consequence of the translator's effort to establish translation equivalence (TE) between two different language systems”. It means that shift is occurred by the responsibility of translator’s role in transferring the TL.

Nevertheless, Catford (1965: 73)actually proposed this origin term and stated that “by shifts we mean departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL”. Since there is a broad differentiation of the linguistic systems and cultural background between Balinese and English, it is unavoidable that shifts could occur on the translation of both languages. With regard to this research, it is inevitably shifts occurred on the level of word or phrase, therefore the analysis is more focused on the shifts of noun or noun phrase as the unit analysis.

Based on the background there is a research question carried out, this is What type of shifts are occurred on the SL and the TL found in the story of I BelogKelangan and its version in English. Regarding to the question which is needed to be solved, this research is aimed to explain and to describe the types ofshifts occur in the level of noun or noun phrase in the SL and the TL.


The data source used as the main object of this research was taken from the text entitled I BelogKelanganand its translated version in English into I Belog Lost Something which was compiled and translated by I Gusti Made Sutjaja in the book PupulanSatua Bali (2010). Thus, the Balinese language is as the Source Language (SL) meanwhile English is as the Target Language (TL). This text is chosen because the story is one of the most compelling stories, which contains many nouns or noun phrases, besides it is also a sender of moral values to the readers. This research was focused on the text analysis using Qualitative study.

According to Bungin (2007: 161), qualitative research concentrates only on the social phenomenon that involves the meaning, behind the data, information, and process of that social phenomenon by a non-numerical analysis. In other word, the data are only elaborated through words and sentences by applying the theory of Shifts by Vinay-Darlbenet (in Venuti, 2000). There were some stages done in collecting the data on this research until the analysis of the data. Those are observing the data, taking the notes, short-listing the data, and lastly analyzing the data.


The analysis is on the level of noun or noun phrase from the SL which are translated into the TL. The data that had been collected were considered having a shift process on the level of noun or noun phrase on the source text and its translation in the target text.Catford (1965) dividedtwo types of shifts, such as level shifts (between the levels of grammar and lexis) and category shifts (unbounded and rank-bounded). However, Vinay-Darlbenet (in Venuti, 2000) tended to use the term Transposition and Modulation to refer the shifts. These changes occur because involving the different grammatical structuresand different point of view. In this case, the explanation was guided from the classification of the shifts based on the theory by Vinay-

Darlbenet (in Venuti, 2000) with the recent development of shift theory.

Regarding to the noun/noun phrase as the unit analysis, Quirk (1985:  245) it must be

considered the constituents that construct the structure of the noun phrase. The simplest structure of noun phrase only consists of definite article (determiner) and the head (noun). A noun phrase functions as subject, object, and complement of clauses and a complement of prepositional phrase. For instance, that girl is my sister, in this example the noun phrase is shown by that girl in which that functions as determiner and girl functions as the head.


Vinay-Darlbenet (in Venuti, 2000:  88)

defined as “the method called transposition involves replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the message”. It constituted that the occurrence was on the level of the change in grammatical structure, such as: 1. Unit Shift

Unit shift was defined as the shift occurred is at different rank of the SL to the different rank on the TL. Rank which is meant here refers to hierarchical linguistics units of sentences, clause, group of word and morpheme. It was counted by the different numbers of meaning component in translating the SL to the TL. It was classified into two types, such as from the low to high units and from the high to low units.

  • a. From the low to high units

In this case, the data found that there were shifts thatoccurred in terms of changing from the level of word to the level of phrase.

Table 3.1 Unit shift from low to high unit





Suba jani neked jumahne,


menceg   dogen   I   Belog,

at home,


he stayed


just     a




and took


his   net

and ran

hurriedly to the creek and placed his net downstre am at the place they had just crossed. (p.11)

The detail data explanation was shown below: Diagram 3.1 Noun phrase shift from low to high

Sawu(N) ÷               His net (NP)

Noun        His (determiner) + net (noun)

Head               Modifier + Head

On the data (3-1), it could be seen that the word sawurepresented the noun which was meanta triangular net that is pushed along the shore( and the TL was his net represented the phrase particularly noun phrase. As it could be considered that the structure of noun phrase above was composed by determiner his and noun as the head net. It was realized that the TL had more meaning component than the SL but still brought the same meaning.

Table 3.2 Unit shift from low to high unit






He is really



foolish. (p.17)


second data showed that the

same case of

shifting from the low to high meaning component. Nevertheless, the shift was occurred in the level of a phrase intoa clause. The phrase jelemebelog represented as the phrase meanwhile it was translated into a clause He is really foolish without changing any sense of meaning.It was done by the translator in order to give an emphasis to a specific word which was important so that it led to build up the cognitive of the reader to obtain the information

on the text. The following diagram 3.2 showed more detail explanation of the above data.

Diagram 3.2

Noun phrase shift from low to high

Jelemebelog (Phrase)÷ He is really foolish (Clause)

Jeleme (N) + Belog (Adj.)     S V C

Head + Modifier

  • 2. Category Shift

Category shift is realized that the change is occurred in terms of word class.One case could be found in the data (3-3), therefore the explanation was given below.

Table 3.3Category shift from noun to verb







He thought that his


Belog, kadene saja gelah kurenane maan anyud tur jani mara bakatang abaan Nyai Wayane. (p.21)

wife’s vagina had been truly swept away, and now she had already found it. (p.21)

On this data the shift showed by the SL word pepineh represented as noun and its translation on TL into thought was considered to function as verb. This case performed there was a shift occurred from noun to verb. It was classified into an optional category shift which the translator wanted to give variation on his translator to be effected his intended readers.


Vinay-Darlbenet (in Venuti, 2000: 89) state that “modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view”. There are two types of modulation such as Obligatory modulation and Optional modulation which is resulting in Lexical dense and Lexical loose. The data considered to obtain modulation process were explained in the following section.

  • 1.    Lexical Dense

Table 3.4

Lexical density from implicit to explicit items





Pepinehnyane     I

He thought that his


Belog, kadene saja gelah kurenane maan anyud turjani marabakatang abaan Nyai Wayane. (p.21)

wife’s vagina had been truly swept away, and now she had already found it. (p.21)

On the data (3-4), it was showed that the shift occurred by different point of view to see the translation between the SL and the TL. On this case, the SL was drawn by the implicit lexical gelahkurenane inclined to the certain thing which merely expressed to be politer into another lexical expression. On the other hand the SL expression was drawn rather vivid to certain explicit thing on the TL. It meant that something implicit to be translated explicitly. The translator had different point of view to transfer the message from the SL to the TL based on the different culture of both languages. This translation was also done as an obligatory modulation because the SL was translated as it was supposed to be on the TL.

  • 1.    Lexical Loose

Table 3.5

Lexical loose from explicit to implicit items





Nah sube kone teked di bas tengahan tukade laut maulikan batune mara enjekina buinsada belig, lantas maserod batisne Nyai Wayan tursada gigian. I telianyud!


They say now they were almost in the middle of the creek, and the rock she stepped on wobbled being a bit slippery, her foot slipped and she said to herself. My honeypot has washed away (p.9)

This data presented that the translator hada different way to see the word on the SL to be translated into the TL. In this case the translator took his liberty to create the word transference from the SL to the TL without losing the contained meaning through optional modulation. The lexical on the SL was

drawn explicitly to mention one thing clearly meanwhile the translation on the TL was performed in different way instead of using the implicit expression. The TL expression was presented by the analogy of figurative word which the meaning cannot be determined by its denotative meaning. It was, therefore, the shift occurred to join the translation from the explicit meaning into the implicit meaning. Thus, it was done by the translator in order to carry such an effect to the readers on this text so that there was a variation and emotional effect represented to the readers.

  • 2.    Stressing the role of the character

Table 3.6 Stressing role of character





Nah sube kone peteng, epot Nyai Wayan ngelablab jukut, sube kone lebeng jukutne lantas Nyai Wayan mekaukan. (p.12)

They say after that evening, his wife was busy preparing a vegetable dish, when it was ready she called him. (p.13)

The change on the data (3-6) was pictured by the used of one character’s name NyaiWayanwhich was being translated into his wife. The translator, in this case, used the point of view based on the situation and the role of that character at this moment NyaiWayan is I Belog’s wife. The TL showed that there was an emphasis to the character that has additional role which showing possessiveness. Thus, the shift occurred in transforming the SL which was 3rd person singular into the form of possessive adjective where the noun was modified by the determiner on the TL. It was done by the translator in order to give a sense that the addressee has an intimate role to another character on the story. It was, then, led to the emotional of the readers.


In conclusion, there are some points can be summarized in this research. There are six data found relating to the shifts occurred on the level of noun/noun phrase. Since Balinese language and English are different languages which possess different linguistic systems and culture, therefore it causes this study must be conducted. Shifts can be classified into two, such as Transposition and Modulation. As the difference of grammatical structure, it is found that shifts occur in Unit Shift which the data show the translation from low to high units, such as from word to phrase and from phrase to clause. Besides, the change of category is also found, such as from word class noun to verb. With regard to the translation by the change of point of view which is called as Modulation, it is resulted in Lexical Dense where the implicit meaning component to be translated into explicit ones. In contrast, Lexical Loose is found when the explicit component on the SL is changed into implicit on the TL. Besides, the change of point of view also happens when the use of character’s name is shifted into noun phrase using another expression which emphasizing the character’s role.


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