Analyzing Teacher’S Instructional and Nonverbal Communication in EFL Classroom

Ranta, Diah Harmawati

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Musamus

[email protected], [email protected]


The objectives of this research were to find out the teacher’s instructional language, kinds of nonverbal communication and effects in EFL Classroom. The objects of the research were the teacher and students of one primary school in Merauke.

The approach employed was qualitative approach. The type of this research applied discourse analysis (DA). Data collection was conducted through observation by recording and interview. Data from observation was used to know the teacher’s instructional Language and kinds of nonverbal communication. Interview was used to know the effects of using the teacher’s instructional Language and nonverbal communication to the students.

The research findings showed that (1) the teacher’s instructional language in the classroom activities covered explanations, asking questions, giving feedback, and giving corrections. In term of explanation, the teacher used English, switched and mixed the Indonesian language. The teacher used display question to know the students understanding related to the material. She used referential question to start the classroom and when she checked the progress of the students’ activity. In giving feedback, mostly same with explanation, the teacher also used English even she switched and mixed her language with Indonesian. The teacher used direct correction and indirect correction in giving correction. Repetition was also found in explanation, asking question, giving feedback and giving correction. (2 that the kind) The findings revealed s of nonverbal communication used by the teacher in the classroom included gesture, body movement and posture, eye contact and facial expression. These nonverbal were applied to explain some unclear verbal communication. (3) The last, the findings showed that there were positive and negative effects of the teacher’s instructional language The positive effects included motivating the students in studying, increasing the students’ vocabulary mastery, making them be more active to speak, giving enthusiasm in studying. Meanwhile, the negative effects revealed the students felt nervous to speak when the teacher looked at them and even she stood beside them. Fundamentally, this research gave great contributions in education, could help student’s confidence and enthusiasm to speak particularly in English learning teaching process.

Keywords: Teacher’s instructional, nonverbal communication, EFL


Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. Generally, communication is the process of sending and receiving messages that enable humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and emotions (Alfatihi, 2006:4). It indicates that communication is important for human being, because without communication everybody can not transfer information to the other.

Communication in the EFL classroom is a complicated phenomenon and vital in classroom activities. Teacher has important roles in the success or failure of the teaching and learning process. Teacher should teach as communicative as possible in order to make the students understand of what is being discussed. In addition, Xiao-yan (2006:6) stated that in English classrooms, teachers’ language is not only the object of the course, but also the medium to achieve the teaching objective. The students without language will not encounter the learning. Teacher uses the language to explain the lesson or gives the instruction, asks and answers questions, gives feedback and information for the students. Moreover, Harmer (2002:128) stated that the students generally respect the teacher who shows their knowledge of the subject. Based on his opinion, of course the teacher should have a lot of knowledge if they want to teach in the class. If the teacher teaches well with the instruction clearly, the student will encourage their achievement and confidence to learn even they will be motivated. Hence, most of all, the classrooms will not work without the existence of the language.

Referring to the importance of language in the classroom, the teachers are concerned here because they need to become a good facilitator and instructor in the classroom. The teachers not only able to use the language in the classroom appropriately, but also must be able to show visual techniques and body language. In fact, the teacher performs verbal and nonverbal Communications. Barry (2011: 2) stated that verbal communications are identified by some component keys such us sound, word, speaking and language. Different from verbal communication, nonverbal communication has often been defined as communication without words. Nonverbal is also called silence of communication in which people use body movement, eye contact, facial expression, posture and gesture (Kusanagi, 2004:383). Verbal and

nonverbal communications are considered potential in school interaction. It means that the teacher and the students in classroom interaction use verbal and nonverbal communication.

Instructional language refers to the spoken or written form of communication, which is intentionally use by teachers for certain purposes. Therefore, students need nonverbal communication to participate in learning process. Barry (2011:2) sates that all of the physical activity and parameters that are involved with communication, including the use of words, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, etc. This is in line with Negi (2009:102), verbal communication is confined to the use of language and on the contrary, nonverbal delivers a message beyond the words. It means that the teachers’ instructional as verbally cannot separated with nonverbal communication that used in the classroom.

Meanwhile, in the process of EFL teaching at SD English is used as instructional language in process of EFL teaching. Class Interaction in English comes together through talk, as result many problems appear in the teaching learning process faced both by teacher and by students, especially in creating communicative and interactional teaching process. The students still have some troubles in expressing themselves. It is indicated by their lack of vocabulary, poor communication, limited grammar, and mostly teacher has difficulties in explaining the material that makes students cannot understand. The main interest in the classroom interaction is to encourage teachers and students to make better use of their language and communication skills. The interactive choices made by teacher have a strong impact on the type of learning which takes place.

Based on the explanation above the researcher was interested to build up the research under the problem to analyze instructional language and nonverbal communication that teacher used while teaching student in the classroom


The design of the research was qualitative descriptive design. It based on Sugiyono (2010:30), he stated qualitative research is descriptive; it means that collected data is in the form of words rather than number. By using this design, data was collected, analyzed and interpreted by researcher. The data is presented to see the teacher’s instructional language, kinds of Nonverbal communication in EFL classroom and the effects to the students.

The technique of data analysis was conducted in answering the research questions. In this research, there were two kinds of data that the researcher provided. The datas were from observation and interview.

  • a)    Data from Observation selected the data which was related to this research. When the data was already selected by the researcher, the next technique was coding the data based on the categories teacher’s instructional language and kinds of nonverbal communication that teacher used in the classroom. After that, the researcher made a transcript of the spoken data that related to the teacher’s instructional language and displayed the data of nonverbal action then labeled and analyzed them.

  • b)    Data from interview. Researcher interviewed the students in order to get the data or information about the effects of using instructional language and nonverbal communication to the students.


Referring to the problems stated before, the findings are divided into three parts: teacher’s instructional language, kinds of nonverbal communication and the effects of teacher’s instructional language and nonverbal communication to the students.


From observations has done by researcher, there are four areas of teacher’s instructional language that researcher found and analyzed in three times total recordings. It based on Nunan (1995:189), he stated that teacher talk is divided in to some areas dealing with explanation, questions, feedback and correction.

In observation, it was found that there were some ways the teacher used in explaining the lesson. In the classroom activities, the teacher used English, and then she switched and mixed the language with Indonesian in explaining the lesson. In other different situations, the teacher repeated the language that she used for the students


One form of teacher’s instructional language or teacher talk found in the classroom is giving explanation. Explanation is a component of teacher talk in which teacher introduces a new concept or

information for students. The major function of teacher talk is to provide explanation where teacher is the only source of information (Nunan, 1989:27).

In observation, it was found that there were some ways the teacher used in explaining the lesson. In the classroom activities, the teacher used English, and then she switched and mixed the language with Indonesian in explaining the lesson.

Extract 1

T       : Anselmus, what is the title of this reading?

S      : Working at home

T       : working at home,

T       : yes, now for the next time I will read this reading and then you just listen, you must listen, so

you know, how to pronounce everyone, now listen carefully… listen carefully

T       : working at home, feed, sweep, dish, call up, telephone

From all the extracts the teacher was explaining the lesson in English. It can be seen from the extract whether the teacher asked the students a question or gave the explanation. At the time, she repeated her talk in order to make students pay attention with her explanation. It is proved by reading the transcript :“ya, now for the next time I will read this reading and then you just listen, you must listen, so you know, how to pronounce every them, now, listen carefully… listen carefully, working at home, feed, sweep, dish, call up, telephone”.

The Language that teacher used in giving explanation in the classroom varies depend on the situation. The researcher found that the way the teacher talks.

In the research view, in providing explanation, a teacher is the only source of the information being delivered and the teachers’ right is the only validation of information. The teacher in observation, it was found that there were some ways the teacher used in explaining the lesson in the classroom activities. In the some occasions, the teacher used English and then switched and mixed the language with Indonesian in explaining the lesson.

In other different situations, the teacher repeated the language that she used for the students. Cakrawati (2011:16) states that repetition is not only served to clarify what is said, but also to amplify or emphasize a message.

Cook (2008:182) states that the teachers can balance the use of language within each lesson and switch languages at certain key points, such as during important concepts, where the students are getting distracted, during visions or when students are praised and told off. In this case, switching may be used as an effective teaching strategy for second language learning. Hoffman as cited in Cakrawarti (2011:12) states that there are a number of reasons for bilingual or multilingual person to switch or mix their language, one of them was repetition used for clarification which was mostly found in the teaching and learning process. It means that the teacher in mixing and switching the language in the classroom is to make the students more understandable about the material given.


Basically, it was found in this part. The teacher used two types of questions in asking questions. They were display and referential questions. Each of these types discussed separately in the following parts.

  •    Display question

Display questions are questions that teachers ask to elicit/know the understanding of student upon the lesson. Display questions refer to ones that teachers know the answer and which are designed to elicit or display particular structures. Teachers use display questions not because they are interested in the answer but because they want to get their learners to display their knowledge of the language.

Referring to this type of questions, there were some ways that the teacher did in asking questions to the students. Therefore, the teacher asked the question to the students by using English, using Indonesian, switching and mixing the language with Indonesia. Most of the time, the teacher repeated the questions for two to three times for the students. The following extracts reveal the use of this type of questions.

Extract 2


: Iya, now… We have this book. Number five and then open page three, this one… what lesson is here? What lesson? Lesson?

S        : two

T       : Lesson two.

T       : what is the title of this reading? What is the title?

S       : …

T       : Anselmus, what is the title of this reading?

S      : Working at home

T      : working at home,

In the extract above, the teacher used display question to the students and to check the students’ attention about the material. When she asked to the students, she totally used English but she repeated till two or three times. For example, it can be found, when the teacher asked to the students “Iya, now… We have this book. Number five, and then open page three, this one… what lesson is here? What lesson? Lesson?”. After the students answered her, she continued her question by repeating until three times, it can be seen “what is the title of this reading? What is the title?”

  •    Referential question

Referential question is question that the people ask because they do not know the answer and can gain a lot of subjective information. In the classroom, this can mean the questions that the teachers ask to the students. Lei (2009:75) states that referential questions are genuine questions for which the teacher does not know the answers and therefore has a genuine communicative purpose. Referential questions can involve students in more expressing opinions and exchange information.

The way the teacher asked this type of questions is the same as in display questions. The teacher used English, needed to switch the questions into Indonesian, and used Indonesian. The teacher also needed to repeat the questions to the students. Besides that, the teacher even mixed her language in giving question. It can be seen in the extracts below.

Extract 3

T      : How are you today? How are you today?

S       : 1 am fine, how about you?

S        : I’m fine too

T       : Now, we will learn the title about... we will learn about present

S        : Present perfect

T       : Have you ever listened about present perfect? Anybody knows?

S       : No. yes

T      : Nobody knows?

S        : No.

The extract 3 above showed that the teacher used referential question and she used English when she gave questions for the students. She even needed to repeat her questions twice. The examples can be seen when she asked “How are you today? How are you today?”, and she said “Have you ever listened about present perfect? Anybody knows?” The last, she repeats again the question “Nobody knows?” The function of this question is used to start the class or the material.

In the three observations by recording, the researcher found that there were two types of question that teacher used in asking question in the classroom. They were display question and referential question. The teacher used referential questions mostly in her teaching.

In order to teach well, Display questions refer to ones that teachers know the answer. Xiao-yan (2008:93) states that the teachers tend to ask more display questions, which serves to facilitate the recall of information and check the understanding of knowledge rather than to generate students’ ideas and classroom communication.

The second type that teacher used in asking question was referential question. When she started the classroom and when she checked the progress of the students’ activity. In order to make students understand, the teacher needed to use English, switched her language into Indonesia.

On the contrary, Xiao-yan (2008:93) states that referential questions refer to the questions that teacher do not know the answers and it can gain a lot of subjective information. In observations, the way

the teacher used language mostly same with in referential question. She not only switched and mixed her language but also the teacher needed to use Indonesian.

Referring to the explanation above, theoretically, it is stated that one of the influence factors in creating classroom interaction is the type of the questions which are asked by the teacher. The two common types are display and referential questions. Based on many studies, referential questions are made for more interaction and meaningful negotiation. Lei (2009:75) states that referential questions are genuine questions for which the teacher does not know the answers and therefore has a genuine communicative purpose. This is in contrast to display their understanding of the knowledge. Referential serves to facilitate the recall of information and check the understanding of knowledge rather than to generate students’ ideas and classroom communication. It is supported by Xiao-yan (2008:93), he says that the goal of questioning is to check if the students understand what they have been taught, and to enhance students’ involvement and to promote students’ creative thinking in classroom interaction.

As stated above that the situation in the classroom is really different from the real situation. Outside the classroom, normally people ask questions to seek for the answer that they do not know. The conversation usually runs that way. However, in the classroom, a teacher must focus on the effect of teacher questions on learners’ productions of the target language and on the learner response.

Xiao-yan (2008:93) states that questioning plays an important role in teacher talk which is considered to have a potential effect on learners’ comprehension, and which has been hypothesized to be important for the Second Language Acquisition (SLA). The teacher will mostly ask questions which they have known the answer in order to see how far the students have understood the lesson that they have thought.


The form of teachers’ instructional language or teacher talk found in the classroom is giving feedback. Feedback is the way the teacher gives a comment to the students’ answer or gives complement for correct answer by saying ‘Good’, ‘Yes’, ‘Alright’ saying ‘yes, an excellent answer’. Expanding or modifying a student’s answer: the teacher can provide more information. Repeating; the teacher can repeat the same answer. Criticizing; the teacher can criticize a student’s response.

In observation, it was found that there were some ways the teacher used in giving feedback to the students in the classroom activities. In the some occasions, the teacher not only used English but also she mixed and switched the language with Indonesian in giving feedback. In other different situations, the teacher repeated the language that she used for the students. The following extracts reflect them one by one. It reveals with extracts below:

Extract 4

T       : Now, she told my brother to sweep the flower, is that right?

S       : yes right mom

T      : Clap hand for him

T       : It’s false, it is right.. Number three, who? Rico? and Ingrid first. Lady is first

S       : answer on the white board

T       : The question. Is that right?

S        : Your sister,

T       : iyah, clap hand for her….. that’s right

From the extract above, the teacher gave feedback to the students about her answer. In this case, the teacher totally used English in her giving feedback. Before the teacher gave praising to the students, she asked the students first”Now she told my brother to sweep the flower, is that right” and the students said. It can be seen from the extract whether the teacher said “yes right mom”. Then she gave feedback to the one of her students who answered right by saying “Clap hand for, for him.” She kept used English in the next feedback, it can be seen when she said again “iyah, clap hand for her….. that’s right.”

The language that teacher used in giving feedback in the classroom varies depending on the situation. The teacher gave feedback mostly used to give comments about the students’ task. During the interaction, the researcher found the way the teacher gave feedback. She used English she switched it into Indonesian and the last she needed to mix it.

The ways the teacher gives feedback to the students are important to make the teaching and learning process in the classroom run well. The students really need feedback to help the students to see

whether what they have done is right or wrong. This is a duty of the teacher to keep doing it in the classroom.

In the research view, feedback is related to the error correction provided by the teacher. Providing feedback to learners on their performance is another important aspect of teaching. Xiao-hui (2010:46) states that in teacher talk, feedback is used by the teacher to make error correction on a student’s spoken language, including a response either to the content of what a student has produced or to the form of an utterance. Related to Lei (2009:75), he states that the teacher asks a question and the students give the answer then the teacher provides his/her comments on the answer as feedback.


This part deals with teacher’s instructional language in giving correction. This part is divided into two: direct correction and indirect correction. They would be exposed one by one in the following section.

  •    Direct correction

Richard and Schmidt (2002:185) stated that direct correction is a correction when the teacher gave the correct answer for the students. Based on the analysis of the transcripts was found by researcher in the observations. The way the teacher gave correction directly can be seen in some occasions, she used English in her correction. She mixed and switched with Indonesian and she repeated the direct correction.

Extract 5

T      : You can write down. The right one…

S       : (write the answer on the whiteboard)

T      : almaida… before almaida write down

T       : See number one, I think, it is not complete here, what is not complete here?

S       : …

T       :The, the question, the question mark

S       : question mark

T      : Write down your answer here

From the extract above, the teacher gave direct correction about the students’ task. It can be found where the teacher used English when she gave correction. She corrected the student’s task by asking “what is not complete here’. She asked to her students because they did not put the question tag in his question and the student could not answer her. Direct correction by teacher can be seen when she said “The, the question, the question mark”, in this case, the teacher also repeated her correction till twice.

  •    Indirect correction

Indirect correction is a type of correction where the teacher only points out the problem and asks the learners themselves to correct if possible (Richard and Schmidt, 2002:185). Based on the analysis of the scripts, the researcher found out that the teacher used English, switched mixed and used Indonesian in her instructional language. It is not different from direct correction explained previously.

Extract 6

T       : Rico, second paragraph until finish

S       : (rico read the paragraph)

T       : Iyeee, now.. anybody can find which one is wrong spell? yang mana yang salah


[yes, now.. anybody can find which one is wrong spell, which one is wrong in spelling?]

S       : fid, fed mom

T       : iya, Tadi rico bilang have you fid, disitu harusnya have you fed bukan fid,, have you fed…

[Iya, Rico said ‘have you fid, it has to use fed not fid,, have you fed…]

From the extract above, the teacher used indirect correction. The teacher switched her language when the teacher asked to the students about the incorrect spelling. It can be seen “Iyeee, now.. anybody

can find which one is wrong spell? yang mana yang salah penyebutannya?” and one of the students answer and corrected it by saying “fid, fed mom”. The teacher just gave complement about the student’s correction. She mixed her language when she commented the student’s answer “iya, Tadi rico bilang have you fid, disitu harusnya have you fed bukan fid,, have you fed”.

The fourth part of the research discussion is related to the teacher’s instructional language in giving correction. According to Hattie and Timperly (2007:91), correction is a type of feedback. It is called feedback about the task. The finding showed that the teacher used two kinds of correction during the teaching and learning process.

Based on the analysis of the extracts, the researcher found the way the teacher gave correction directly. It can be seen in some occasions, she used English in her correction, she mixed her language with Indonesian.

According to Richard and Schmidt (2002:185), direct correction is a correction where the teacher supplies the correct form for the students. The teacher tried to make her students more active, even she wanted to see the students’ understanding. By this statement, the researcher concluded that the teacher needed to use direct correction in order to help students to clarify their understanding of meaning of the language.

For indirect correction, based on the analysis of the scripts, it is not different from direct correction explained previously. Indirect correction was used where the teacher points out the problem and asks the learner to correct it if possible. Indirect correction is a type of correction where the teacher only points out the problem and asks the learners themselves to correct if possible (Richard and Schmidt, 2002:185).

In the research view, Brown (2001:291) states that it is a vital part of the teacher’s role to point out students’ mistakes and to provide correction. Correction helps the students to clarify their understanding of meaning and construction of the language. Teachers need to see when the right time to give direct and indirect correction for their students. Giving indirect correction will be a huge assistance for the students to train them practicing their thinking skill to solve the problem related to the materials given the classroom. On the other hand, direct correction was given to the students in the classroom to solve the problems that the teachers gave.

In the conclusion, the result of this research showed a difference from the similar research which explored the phenomenon of a teacher talk in giving explanation, asking questions, giving feedback and giving correction. The differences found only in the way the phenomenon were seen. As in Puasa’s (2010), it was found that the teacher used both Indonesian and English in explaining the lesson in the classroom. In this research, it was found that the teacher used code mixing and code switching when the teacher explained the lesson, asked questions, gave feedback and correction. All of them were used by teacher to make the students more understandable what she said. It was also found that the types of the teacher’s questions were display and referential questions. They used in order to check the students’ understanding and progress of the students’ activity in the classroom.

All of the previous researches indicated the importance of teacher talk in classroom. As in this research, a good teacher needs to plan everything before getting into the classroom, including what she/he should say in delivering the lesson for the students. Allami (2012:2265) states that understanding an interaction in an EFL classroom helps EFL teachers to improve teaching and learning. The teacher must plan the delivery of instructions beforehand, thinking not only of the words to be used but also the gestures and aids to the demonstrate meaning. The researcher concluded that all the ways the teacher talk aimed to achieve the goal of the teaching and learning process in the classroom or the teacher wanted to make students understand what she said.


This part explains about the result of nonverbal communication used by teacher in classroom activities. From all of the observation by recording, the research found that the teacher used nonverbal communication in the teaching EFL classroom activities such as gesture, body movement and posture, facial expression as well as eye contact for many processes. According to Butt and Iqbal (2011:11), nonverbal communication includes gesture, body movement and posture, eye contact, and facial expression. They indicated that mostly used by teacher in the classroom interaction.

The research found on the findings that the teacher not only used instructional language but also teacher’s nonverbal communication on the observations by recordings. In the three videos, the teacher applied and performed many of nonverbal communication on the classroom teaching activities. The researcher found that the teacher in this research applied gesture, body movement and posture, facial expression and eye contact and also touched, physical appearance and all of them included in nonverbal

communication. From observations by recording that researcher has done, there are four kinds that researcher analyzed which can be found in the classroom. They are:

  • 3.2.1    GESTURE

The activity in the classroom was the teacher gave greeting to the students. The teacher tried to asking information with excerpt “how are you today?” the teacher’s gesture illustrated by rising her two hands and then she opened two her palms. This gesture is used to emphasize her oral message and the function of this gesture referred to regulation where the teacher encouraged the learners to speak up.

In addition, the teacher used her gesture with excerpt “what is the title of this reading?” The teacher’s gesture is illustrated by standing in front of the students and her left hand handled the book and her right hand handled the marker while her forefinger pointed the title of the reading to the students and then she said “what is the title of this reading?” This gesture applied to inform the students that the material of that day was related with the title of the reading and also to emphasize the teacher’s verbal massage.

Teacher performed gesture for all the unclear verbal massage. In the three observations the teacher used gesture for some reason. The function of regulation is that it is mostly used by teacher. Regulation was used to encourage learners to speak up or participate in the task and was also a good teaching strategy when making corrections and giving feedback to the learner.

The next function is input. It provided more input to the speech when it is explaining vocabulary. The next functions were management and instruction, they are used for classroom control such us giving directions, controlling students’ behaviors and interactions. They were often perceived as enjoyable by students since these activities lead them to involve in the activity and lower anxiety in the learning situation (Kusanagi, 2004:384).

Studies have shown that teachers performed of gesture in their talk directed to L2 learners in order to convey meaning of verbal message. For example, when she said, “I will read this book and you must listen”. The teacher showed that the teacher held and opened the book with her right hand and she raised her left hand closely in her ear. It illustrated that the teacher gave information to the students that she wanted to read the paragraph and the students must listen to her. She used it to complete her verbal massage “I will read this book and you must listen”. The teacher also used it to emphasize, complementing and warning the students during the activities at the classroom. Neu in Kusanagi (2004:385) states that the teachers perform gesture in their talk, which directed to L2 learners in order to convey meaning and that these gestures reinforce their speech by adding redundancy to the verbal message.

Gestures are used by teacher. The first video observation was the same with the second and the third video. Hence, the researcher concludes that the gesture for the same verbal word applied in the classroom activities. It is be a part of teacher habitual in communication.


Teacher’s body movement and posture can be seen when teacher moved from her table and came to the students closely. She invited the students with her left hand to read the first paragraph, while her right hand handled the book and marker and she said, “Dedi, Read the first paragraph, read the first paragraph”. It included emblem category.

Moreover, the teacher walked to the back row and went to the front row. It was done to reach students’ attention by saying “ok, now see the activity in the chapter two”. She illustrated it by clapping her hands so the students could listen to what she was saying. It included in regulator.

Body movement and posture were performed by the teacher on the three videos mostly the same. Those body movement and posture were used to express emblems and to substitute the word or phrase.

Body movement and posture performed by the teacher. They get good response from the students because they could understand each body movement and posture that was performed. It can be seen in the second video observation, the teacher showed her body movement and posture. The teacher came and stood behind the students and her two hands were put on the student’s table. She asked the students with excerpt “ask him, can you play,, play apa?”. Body movement and posture were applied to hear the student’s question for his friend. It was because she didn’t listen what the student’s question for her friends was. It illustrated to emphasize her oral massage “ask him, can you play, play apa?” It made students more interested to speak and felt if the teacher gives attention to the students. Miller (1998:80) states that body postures and movements are frequently indicators of self-confidence, energy, fatigue or status. Posture refers to the body orientation, arm position, and body openness of interlocutors that can

indicate their degree of attention or involvement, their status, and their intimacy. In the classroom, students are keen to receive body messages of enthusiasm and boredom about the subject matter being taught. It can make them confidence or frustration from the unconscious behavior of the teacher.

Research concluded above, body movement and posture that performed by teacher at the classroom activities occur consciously. It repeated in all videos observation. Body movement and posture was being a teacher habitual in expressing her verbal word and the way to show her emotions. This body movement and posture were not dominant used by teacher in the classroom if the teacher comparing with another kinds of nonverbal communication.

  • 3.2.3    EYE CONTACT

It can be revealed when the teacher was communicating with a student, she made the eye contact. She looked at the student’s eyes when she was trying to communicate with her by saying Alifka, what number? Number? The function of this eye contact was seeking information.

In another action, it can be played when the teacher made the eye contact to the student who wanted to answer the question. However, it emphasized that the student should write the question first before answering. It can be seen when the teacher said “Write the question and then answer”. Eye contact was used to invite and control interaction.

Eye contact was used by teacher to seek information, to invite students and control the classroom, to show attention and interest and to respond the students during the learning process. It can be seen from the findings that the teacher in the classroom activities. Eye contact applied eye contact for some purposes especially mostly used to seek information and to invite the students. Alfatihi (2006:8) states that an effective way the teacher can seeking information from the student is eye contact, especially if it is combined with eyebrow movements. It showed on the three videos observation. It supported by Naeem et al (2011:44), eye contact is a very important nonverbal teaching technique which not only enhanced students’ attention in the classroom but also helped the teacher in the attainment of desired students’ results. It indicated that nonverbal play an important role in the teaching process.

The teacher applied eye contact for purpose only for a few of the students, so another student unmotivated and not active during the teaching learning process. It can be concluded that the teacher used eye contact consciously based on the function of each eye contact.


Facial expression usually uses to express emotions. The expressions tell the attitude of the communicator. In the research findings, the teacher invited to the students to write the question and answered on the whiteboard. Her face was happy because the students answered question correctly. Before acting like that, the teacher asked the student by saying “is it right?” Then the student said “yes”. Facial expression illustrated was showed by giving cheerful smile to the students. It was done to show to the students that the teacher was happy because they answered the question correctly.

In contrast, facial expression can be seen when the teacher was angry while explaining to the students. However, the students still did not give the answer. Her expression was showed by raising her eyebrows and opening her mouth by asking the students loudly “why you say has your brother?” This expression was used by the teacher to emphasize that her questions needed answering.

From the findings, the researcher found that the teacher performed facial expression to express her feeling through facial expression. The teacher used facial expression for some reasons, such as when she was smile, when she wanted a speaking. For example in the first video, the teacher was happy. It was because the students answered the question correctly. Before acting like that, the teacher asked the student by saying “is it right?” Then the student said “yes”. Facial expression illustrated was showed by giving cheerful smile to the students. It was done to show to the students that the teacher was happy because they answer the question correctly. It indicated a desire to close the channels of communication. In the teaching area, Naeem Butt and Iqbal (2011:12) state that teachers can make effective use of facial expressions during the teaching-learning process not only to make the concept clearer to the students, but also to create interest in teaching.



The interview was done to find teacher to the students, which the researcher cannot be gained through observation, uses the depth information about the effects of teacher’s instructional language and

nonverbal communication. Interview was also guided by theoretical foundation, which is relevance to the study.

Researcher      : kalau dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris, apa bahasa pembelajaran guru anda atau bahasa

apa yang dia gunakan dalam kelas ?

[in English lesson, what is the instructional language that your teacher used in the classroom?]

Student :       pake bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia

[she uses English and Indonesian]

Researcher      : Apakah anda mengerti dengan bahasa pembelajarannya?

[do you understand with your teacher’s instructional language?]

Student         : yah mengerti kak, karena dia pake bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia tapi banyakan


[yes I understand it because she uses English and Indonesian but English is more]

Researcher     : Bagaimana cara guru kamu membuat kamu mengerti dengan bahasanya?

[how does your teacher makes you understand with her language?]

Student :       bahasa inggriski dulu baru naartikan bahasa indonesia. terus kami cari di kamus juga

[she uses English first, and then she uses Indonesia, we find also in the dictionary]

Researcher      : Apa yang kamu dapat dari bahasa gurumu?

[what do you get from tour teacher’s instructional language?]

Student         : hemm banyak. Karena guruku banyakan inggrisnya jd itu saya tahu cara ngomongnya

kah dia selalu naulang itu bahasa inggrisnya terus nabawami ke bahasa Indonesia. Saya suka

[I get much because my teacher uses English more. So I know how to pronounce because she repeats her language, and then she switches it into Indonesian. I like it

Based on the transcript above, it revealed that the student can understand the meaning of English and enjoyed in studying when the teacher uses English. It occurs because the teacher switched it with Indonesian. When the researcher asked the student about did you understand with your teacher instructional language? and student said “yah mengerti kak, karena dia pake bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia tapi banyakan Inggrisnya”. This statement indicated that the teacher switched her language with Indonesian. It can be seen when the student said “Bahasa inggris dulu baru artikan bahasa indonesia. terus kami cari di kamus juga”. The last the researcher asked what do you get from you teacher’s instructional language?, the student enjoyed in studying. It can be seen when she said “hemm banyak. Karena guruku banyakan inggrisnya jd itu saya tahu cara ngomongnya kah dia selalu naulang itu bahasa inggrisnya terus nabawami ke bahasa Indonesian. Saya suka kak.”

By those statements above, the researcher concluded that all the actions of teacher’s nonverbal communication were used to complete verbal massage in order to make students understand. It means that the teacher and the students in classroom interaction use verbal and nonverbal communication. They indicated that those of communications could help teachers and students to make good interaction in the class.

On the other hand, This research showed not only the phenomena of teacher talk in giving explanation, asking questions, giving feedback, correction and teacher’s nonverbal communication, but also the arguments about the effect the teacher’s instructional language and nonverbal communication from the students were also given for each phenomenon as the supporting data.

The data from interview can answer this problem statement about the effects of teacher’s instructional language and nonverbal communication. Data presentation of teacher’s instructional language from the interview reported that researcher found; the teacher’s instructional language had positive effects to the students, they influenced by the teacher talks. It can be seen when the teacher was explaining in English, she mixed and switched her language. The students had different responses about that. However, mostly the students were motivated in studying. Some of them said that they understand when the teacher was speaking using that language. Others said that it could increase their vocabulary mastery and know how to pronounce it.

Moreover, teacher talks helps the students be more involved in process of learning. It can be seen when the student asked the teacher to repeat what she had explained. According to Cakrawati (2011:16), a repetition is not only served to clarify what is said, but also to amplify or emphasize a message.

Mostly the students can understand what their teacher told because their teacher tried to make them understand and know the meaning by mixing and switching her Language. Some of them said that they could understand but not all, they did not know the meaning when the teacher was speaking using that Language. It was because they have a limited vocabulary. By mixing and switching her language, they will know the words and the meaning of the words. Moreover, the teacher talks help the students to achieve their target language. Lin (2005:17) also supports it, where good teacher talk is an instructional input with modification in the classroom and aims to facilitate learners’ comprehension in the language acquisition process.

Referring to the explanations above, the use of English is a good way to achieve the target language but for some students. They still need her teacher to switch or to mix her language with Indonesian. This is due to the low ability or the limited vocabulary that students have in understanding the language that teacher used. Cook (2008: 182) states that the teachers can balance the use of language within each lesson and switch languages at certain key points, such as during important concepts, where the students are getting distracted, during visions or when students are praised and told off. In this case, switching may be used as an effective teaching strategy for second language learning. In line with Kim (2006:47-49), one of the reasons for the teacher mix the language in the classroom is to clarify the speech for the interlocutor. It means that the teacher in mixing the language in the classroom is to make the students more understandable.

Data presentation from the interview reported that researcher found related to the teacher’s nonverbal communication. The researcher found the positive and negative effect from the interview the students stated that nonverbal communication that teacher used in the classroom made them more active to speak. They feel enthusiasm if the teacher was smiling, even when she teaches while walking around the class. The students are happy and be motivated to study. They can understand the words when the teacher spoke because she described it by using her body or her hands, even her facial expression. On the other hand, some of them feel nervous to speak when the teacher looked at them and even she stood beside them.

By the explanations about, nonverbal communication that teacher applied in the classroom is a good strategy not only to make students more understand the lesson, but also it can make the students more active to speak, they feel enthusiasm, be happy and be motivated to study. Alfatihi (2006:41) supports it, she says that the use of nonverbal communication in the classroom is to give feedback, to motivate learners, and have a good classroom management; these professional qualities can be fostered by the positive use on nonverbal communication. As Kusanagi (2004:384) says that a teacher uses representational nonverbal like gestures as classroom activities, and they are often perceived as enjoyable by students since these activities lead them to greater involvement in the activity and lower anxiety in the learning situation. By this statement, it can help the teachers in presenting more interactive and easy learning process.

Referring to the effects of teacher talk and nonverbal communication; according to Negi (2009:102), verbal communication is confined to the use of language and on the contrary, nonverbal delivers a message beyond the words. By this statement, researcher concludes that the teachers’ instructional as verbally cannot separated with nonverbal communication that used in the classroom. It means that the teacher and the students in classroom interaction used verbal and nonverbal communication. Those kinds of communication can help teachers and students to make good interaction in the class.

From the explanations above, the researcher wish the three problems statements in this research can be answered. The first question is about what the teacher talk in EFL classroom. Based on the data observation that the researcher found, it shows that the teacher talk cover explanation, asking question, giving feedback, and giving correction. The teacher used English even she switched and mixed her language with Indonesian in her talk. Repetition was also found in explanation, asking question, giving feedback and giving correction. The second is about kinds of nonverbal communication used by the teacher in the classroom. They included gesture, body movement and posture, eye contact and facial expression, these nonverbal were applied to explain some unclear verbal communication.

The last, the findings showed that there were positive and negative effects of the teacher’s instructional language and nonverbal communication to the students. The positive effect included

motivating the students in studying, increasing the students’ vocabulary mastery, making them more active to speak, giving enthusiasm in studying.

Meanwhile, the negative effects revealed that the students feel nervous to speak when the teacher looked at them and even she stood beside them.


Based on the research findings and discussions in the previous chapter, the research comes to the conclusions that instructional language used by the teacher in giving explanation varied depending on the situation. The teacher used English but she needed to mix and switch the language into Indonesian, particularly to the students with average ability. In other occasions the teacher even needed to repeat it.

There were two types of asking question that teacher used in the classroom; display question and referential question. Generally the display questions were used to see the students’ understanding related to the material given, and referential questions were used to start the class and to check the progress of the student’s activity or other interaction which not related to the material.

The teacher’s instructional language in giving feedback mostly used to give comment about the student’s answer or about the processing of the task. The teacher used two kinds of correction in the classroom, direct and indirect correction. The direct corrections were used by the teacher to supply the correct answer for the students and indirect corrections were used by the teacher to make the students corrected their task in order to make them check their understanding. The teacher used nonverbal communication; they were gesture, body movement, eye contact and facial expression in the classroom activities.


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