Translation of Phrasal Verbs into Indonesian
I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika, I Gusti Vina Widiadnya Putri, Ni Wayan Suastini
Stiba Saraswati Denpasar
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
This study has two aims, those are to analyze: (1) the classification of phrasal verbs found in a short story and the classification of their translations in Indonesian done by some English teachers from some primary schools in Denpasar, and (2) how the meaning of phrasal verbs in SL help to determine their equivalents in TL. The classification and the meaning of phrasal verbs are proposed by McArthur and Atkins (1975). Based on the analysis there were three categories of 34 phrasal verbs found in the data source, those are: intransitive verbs, transitive separable verbs, and transitive fused verbs. The results found that most of the phrasal verbs are included into transitive separable verbs and from the three categories of phrasal verbs; they were translated mostly into transitive verbs. Meanwhile, the meanings of phrasal verbs in SL determine the suitable equivalents for the phrasal verbs in TL since there were variants equivalents given in the translations.
Keywords: Phrasal verbs, Translation, Words meaning
Multi words expression, and especially phrasal verbs, can assess the level of English language proficiency. But it can be difficult to both understand and remember for the non-English speaker. Phrasal verbs are used by all native English speakers with great frequency because the verbs are colloquial. They are used casually, in everyday speech, or in order to express vivid, emotional and frequently slangy points, to conjure up special metaphoric relationships and jokes and to label actions in such daily activity. Phrasal verbs are the combinations of simple monosyllabic verbs (put, take, get, etc) and members of a set of particles (on, up, out, etc) (McArthur and Atkins, 1975). There is no universal definition of phrasal verbs , but some linguists qualify phrasal verbs as a combination of a verb and a preposition or an adverbial particle whereas other only consider a phrasal verb as a verb followed by an adverbial particle (Darwin and Gray, (1999); Sawyer, (2000) in Riquel (2014)). The combination is nowadays called phrasal because, on paper, it represents the appearance of a two – word phrase rather in a single item. Although it looks like a phrase, it functions in many respects like a single word, although under certain conditions other items (direct object, adverbs) can come between verbs and particle (McArthur and Atkins, 1975:iii). Since phrasal verbs derive from verbs and their particles that followed, the classification of phrasal verbs also can be classified into verbs classification: intransitive and transitive verb. Transitive verbs are next divided into separable and fused verbs. (pg. v)
The meaning of phrasal verbs, typically, is not obvious from the meanings of the individual words themselves. But some of them may emphasize the meaning of the verb that builds them. This is important to understand, since translation is also about analyzing the meanings of words as state by Larson (1998) in Hatim and Munday (2004) ‘a process which begins with the ST, analyses this text into semantic structure, and then restructures this semantic structure into appropriate receptor language forms in order to create an equivalent receptor language text’. Moreover, Nida (1969) mentioned that the meaning of a word or phrase from source language which is translated into the target language is very important to be analyzed in order to have the message which is delivered clearly understood.
Translation focuses in the process of translating and the product of translation as stated by Shuttleworth and Cowie (1997) in Hatim and Munday (2004:3) for the definition of translation. Catford (1965) suggested the theory that can be used to analyze the product of translation is the equivalence theory, which is divided into two parts: textual equivalent and formal correspondence.
The product of translation that discussed here was the translation of phrasal verbs into Indonesian from some primary English teachers. The analysis of classification of phrasal verbs found in the source text with the classification of their translations and the meanings of phrasal verbs to determine their equivalents, which used the theory proposed by McArthur and Atkins (1975), are the main discussions of this study.
The data were taken from the translations made by some primary schools English teacher who translated a short story entitle moles taken from internet ( that contained 34 phrasal verbs which then can be categorized in three categories: intransitive verbs, transitive separable verbs, and transitive fused verbs. There are two reasons why the translations of phrasal verbs from these teachers were used. Firstly, these teachers, which come from some private primary schools, are frequently used translating technique in teaching vocabularies to their students. This means that they can produce the product of translation, particularly for the translation of phrasal verbs. Secondly phrasal verbs have different meanings from the verbs that form them. Therefore, there must be variants of equivalents for the phrasal verbs found in the source text into target language.
The data were collected through the observation method and supported by the note – taking technique. First, the phrasal verbs found in the source text and their equivalents in target language were classified into their categories. Second, the data that have been noted-down were listed and analyzed the suitable equivalents based on the meaning of the phrasal verbs in SL. However, not all the data were analyzed here. To analyze the data, a descriptive qualitative method was used.
According to McArthur and Atkins (1975) phrasal verbs are usually combination of simple, monosyllabic verbs and members of a set particles. They are called so because the combination presents the appearance of a two-word phrase rather than a single item. A phrasal verb also consists of adverb that modifies or changes the meaning (
Since all verbs are initially classified into intransitive and transitive verbs, these categories are also applied for phrasal verbs (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: v). Intransitive means that the verbs do not need object, meanwhile transitive verbs need object. In Indonesian language, there are also these categories of verbs with the same characteristics: depend on having an object or not (Chulsum and Novia, 2006: 711).The position of the object in a transitive verb is then separated into two more categories: separable verbs and fused verbs (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: v).
Separable phrasal verb means that the object can be inserted between the verb and its particle or placed after the phrasal verbs, meanwhile in the fused verb; an object cannot be inserted between the verb and its particle, but must be placed after them.
Data 1
SL: Every time she drops in, he goes to great length to avoid talking to her
TL: a. Setiap kali dia mampir, Ronnie selalu menghindarinya.
b. Setiap dia berkunjung, anakku Ronnie selalu menjauh…….,
c. Setiap kali dia masuk, dia berusaha keras untuk tidak berbicara dengannya.
In this sentence, there is no object followed the phrasal verb, therefore the words drops in is included into category of intransitive verbs, since it does not require an object (McArthur and Atkins, 1975).The equivalents are also categorized as intransitive verb because they are not followed by objects after the verbs. The meaning of words drops in above is visit casually (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: 42) which then the closest equivalents from words given above are mampir and berkunjung, because these also have the sense of meaning visit casually.
Data 2:
SL: She’s got to call round her mother’s house to…..
TL: a. dia sudah menelepon ibunya….,
b. Dia mendapat panggilan dari ibunya,
c. Dia mendapat telepon dari ibunya
This phrasal verb is also included into intransitive verb because it is followed not by an object, but an adverb her mother’ house. Meanwhile the translations are divided into two word classes: a. menelpon is the verb which included into transitive verbs and are followed by words ibunya which is consider as objects, b. panggilan, and c. telepon are categorized as noun or they can be said as the objects of their verbs: mendapat. The meaning of this phrasal verb is visit casually (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: 20), but none of the equivalents above have the same meaning as in SL. Therefore, those are not the suitable equivalents for call round. It should be mampir or berkunjung as mentioned in data 1.
Data 1
SL: If our client receives that bill, he’s going to call off the Zebra deal.
TL: a. Jika klien kita menerima tagihan itu, dia akan membatalkan perjanjian yang sudah disepakati,
b. Jika klien kita menerima tagihan, dia akan memanggil pengacara.
Transitive Separable verbs mean those which, under certain conditions, may have an item inserted between the verb and particle (McArthur and Atkins, 2004: v). Therefore, the words call off is categorized as transitive separable verb because the object, in this case Zebra Deal, can be inserted between the verb call and particle off or can be put after the phrasal verb. Meanwhile the equivalents are membatalkan which included in transitive verb since it followed by object perjanjian, and memanggil is included as transitive verbs as well because it is also followed by object: pengacara. This phrasal verb has meanings: abandon or cancel (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: 20). Then the suitable equivalent from words in TL above is membatalkan because it has the same meaning as in SL.
Data 2:
SL: It seems that someone has been making up story that our company is in financial trouble and handing it out to the Press
TL: a. ……….dan menyerahkannya kepada pers, b....…….dan menyampaikannya kepada pers, c. ………dan memberikannya kepada pers
Handing it out is a transitive separable where the object can be put after the phrasal verb or inserted between the verb and its particle (McArthur and Atkins, 1975:68). In this sentence, the object is it, and placed between the verb and its particle. The equivalents given are also as transitive verbs because followed by object –nya, which refers, the same as in SL, to the story that has been made up. The phrasal verb handing out has a function as figurative informal word with the meaning: offer or dispense (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: 68). In this sentence, offer is the perfect meaning. Then all words in TL above are close equivalents for this phrasal verb.
Data 1
SL: She wants you to look after the kids tonight
TL: a. Dia ingin anda menjaga anak – anak malam ini,
b. Dia ingin anda untuk mengurus anak – anak malam ini,
c. Dia ingin anda menengok anak – anak malam ini
Look after in the sentence above is a transitive fused verb, because the object is only able to put after the phrasal verbs. The translations given are also included in transitive verb with their objects: anak – anak. The meaning of phrasal verb above is take care of or be temporarily responsible for (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: 83). So, the suitable equivalents are menjaga and mengurus, instead of menengok.
Data 2
SL: I look forward to seeing you at the usual place, Mr. Green
TL: a. Saya berharap bisa bertemu dengan anda di tempat biasa, Mr. Green,
b. Saya menunggu bertemu dengan anda di tempat biasanya, Mr. Green, c. Saya akan menemui anda di tempat biasa, Mr. Green
The phrasal verb above is a transitive fused verb as well. It cannot be inserted by the object in between the words. The object must be after the words. The translations are categorized as intransitive verbs for berharap bisa bertemu and menunggu bertemu. But it differs for the last translation menemui anda, it is a transitive verb words with the object anda. Its meaning in SL is anticipate eagerly (McArthur and Atkins, 1975: 83). Therefore the suitable equivalent is berharap bisa menemuimu.
From the analysis that have been done, it can be concluded that there were three categories of 34 phrasal verbs found in the text source, those are (1) intransitive verbs, which need no objects that follow, (2) transitive separable verbs, which the object can be placed between or after the verbs and (3) transitive fused verb, with the object that must be placed after the verbs. The equivalents for these phrasal verbs were mostly translated into transitive verbs which require objects in the usage. There were many variants equivalents given in the translations. Many words which have the same sense of meaning were chosen to be the equivalents for the phrasal verbs found in the text source. But the suitable equivalents obviously can be determined from the meanings that the phrasal verbs in source language have. Those help to give the closest equivalents in the target language.
Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press Chulsum, Umi&Novia Windy. 2006. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Surabaya: Kashiko Hatim, Basil &Munday, Jeremy. 2004. Translation. An Advanced Resource Book. London: Routledge. McArthur, Tom & Atkins, Beryl. 1975. Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs and their Idioms.
Singapore: Pan Pasific.
Nida, E.A dan C. Taber. 1969. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: Brill.
Riquel, Emilie. 2014. Phrasal Verbs: Usage and Acquisition. (Journal of Philology).
No |
Phrasal Verbs in SL |
Categories |
Meanings |
Equivalents in TL |
Categories |
1 |
Hung up |
Intransitive |
end a phone call / put down a telephone receiver |
menutuptelepon, meletakkantelepon, mengakhiritelepon |
transitive |
2. |
Turned to his secretary |
Fused transitive |
ask for help |
berbalik, berpaling, menuju,memberikanke |
intransitive |
3. |
Come up with a new idea |
fused transitive |
produce |
datangdengan ide baru, mengemukakan ide baru, munculdengan ide baru, membuatmenemukan, menghasilkan |
transitive |
4. |
Get through to your wife |
intransitive |
make contact with someone |
menghubungiistrianda, menyelesaikantugas, mengaturmelaluiistribapak, mendapatpesan, meneruskanistrimu |
transitive |
5. |
Look after the kids |
fused transitive |
take care of; be temporarily responsible for |
menjagaanak – anak, mengurusanak – anak, menengokanak – anak |
transitive |
6. |
Call round her mother’s house |
intransitive |
visit casually |
menelpon ibunya, panggilan, telepon |
transitive, noun |
7. |
To check up on the arrangement |
fused transitive |
investigate, test |
memeriksarencana, jadwal, pengaturan, perlengkapan; mengecekrencana; pemeriksaaan |
transitive, noun |
8. |
put this one off |
separable transitive |
postpone, dismay, discourage |
menundaini/-nya; membiarkan yang satuini, mengabaikannya |
transitive |
9. |
Get along with her |
intransitive |
manage, move or go, be on good terms |
cocokdengannya, akrabdengannya, berkumpuldengannya, |
adjective transitive |
10. |
ran over his dog |
separable transitive |
knock down usually with car, play usually fully |
menabrak, melindas, melewati, menggilas, melarikan, menyalip, tertabrak |
intransitive passive transitive |
11. |
Drops in |
intransitive |
visit casually |
mampir, berkunjung, masuk |
intransitive |
12. |
Turn out |
intransitive |
end, transpire |
not translated, kembali, beralih, menjadibaik |
intransitive |
13. |
to look over |
separable transitive |
memeriksanya, melihatnya, mencarinya, tunjukkankesaya, diperiksa, periksa, lihat |
transitive intransitive transitive | |
14. |
Pointing out |
separable transitive |
show, mention |
menunjukkan, not translated |
transitive |
15. |
Call off the Zebra Deals |
separable transitive |
abandon, cancel, prevent from |
membatalkan, memanggilpengacara |
transitive |
attaching | |||||
16. |
Hurried out the room |
intransitive |
move quickly |
bergegaskeluar, segerakeluar, buru – burumeninggalkan, keluarruangan |
intransitive |
17. |
Backing down from the Saturn venture |
intransitive |
descend backwards, give away, yield |
mundurdari; mendukung Saturn venture, dilindungi Saturn venture |
intransitive, transitive, passive transitive |
18. |
Look into it |
Fused transitive |
investigate |
melihat, menginvestigasi, mengecek, mencaritahu, menelusuri |
transitive |
19. |
Take this one up |
Separable transitive |
develop an interest in |
menangani, menangkap, mengurus, mengerjakan, mengambilsatu |
transitive |
20. |
Making up stories |
separable transitive |
arrange, form, compile |
membuatcerita, mengarangcerita, menyusuncerita |
transitive |
21. |
Handing it out |
separable transitive |
give out by hand, offer, dispense |
menyerahkannya, menyampaikannya, memberikannya |
transitive verb |
22. |
Drive all our clients away |
transitive separable |
force to leave a place |
mengusir, membuat, mendorong |
transitive |
23. |
End up on the street |
intransitive |
come to an end, finished by |
berakhir di jalanan, berujung, terhentiberhenti |
intransitive |
24. |
Work out |
separable transitive |
find by performing, the proper action |
mencaritahumenyelidiki, membuatrencana |
transitive |
25 |
look forward to seeing you |
fused transitive |
anticipate eagerly |
berharap bisa bertemu anda, menunggu bertemu, akan menemui anda |
transitive |
26. |
burst into |
fused transitive |
suddenly break into |
masukkeruangan, membukadengantiba – tiba, bergegasmasuk |
intransitive |
27. |
Getting at |
fused transitive |
suggest, hint, imply |
dapatkan, katakan, tujuan |
intransitive noun |
28. |
was turned away from the manager’s job |
separable transitive |
refuse, reject, reduce in quantity of force |
dipindahkan, berpalingdari, menjauhdari, menolakdari |
passive transitive |
29. |
Give up real work |
separable transitive |
surrender, abandon, stop |
melepaskanpekerjaan, berhentidari, menyerahdari |
transitive |
30. |
wound up selling |
separable transitive |
bring to an end |
akhirnyamenjual, mencoba, |
adverb, intransitive |
31. |
until you Came along |
intransitive |
attend |
datang, mengikuti, ikutserta |
intransitive, transitive |
32 |
Wrapped up |
intransitive |
finalize |
terselesaikan, teratasi, yang terbungkus, selesaidenganbaik, yang ada |
passive, intransitive |
33 |
broken down |
intransitive |
stop functioning |
rusak, mogok |
adjective, intransitive |
34 |
Playing up |
intransitive |
cause trouble |
bermasalah, main – main, membuatkhawatir |
transitive |
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