Journal of A Sustainable Global South, p-ISSN: 2579-6062

The Influence of Emergency Programs on Self Efficacy and Helping Motivation of Adolescents in Tourism Villages

I Made Suindrayasa1, Meril Valentine Manangkot2

Nursing Study Program

Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali

[email protected]

Nursing Study Program

Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali

Abstract Bali tourism industry must be supported by various aspects, especially health aspect. Tourist villages in Bali are developing. Emergency conditions such as traffic accidents and disasters are situations that can happen anywhere, to anyone, and at any time. Good preparation, prevention, and handling of emergency conditions will provide a sense of security for visiting tourists and tourism service actors in tourist villages. Tourism villages have never provided information about preparation, prevention, and handling when an emergency occurs. When emergency situation occurs, the community only waits or immediately takes the victim to health services. Teenagers are expected to be bystanders in their environment. This study aims to determine the effect of an emergency program on increasing self-confidence (self-efficacy) and motivation to help someone in an emergency. An emergency program is a program that consists of material and emergency concepts that can be applied to community settings. This study used a quantitative method using a pre-experimental research design. The sample in this study were people in tourist villages who were willing to become respondents, namely 85. The results of this study showed that there was an influence of emergency programs on self-efficacy (p-value = 0,007) and motivation to help (p-value = 0,001) in adolescents in tourist villages. From the results of this study, it is hoped that the emergency program will become one of the intervention recommendations in an effort to increase self-efficacy and motivation to help people in emergency situations.

Index Terms— emergency program, self-efficacy, tourism village, youth.

  • I.    Introduction

Tourism or tourism is a trip made for recreation or vacation and also the preparations made for this activity. Many countries rely heavily on the tourism industry as a source of taxes and revenue for companies selling services to tourists1. Bali is one of the most famous tourism destinations in Indonesia. The economy that runs in Bali has the greatest impact from the tourism sector. This makes the Balinese people aware of maintaining and advancing the tourism industry sector in order to support their survival. At the local government level, innovations have begun to emerge so that there will be an increase in the tourism industry sector with the existence of tourist villages. A tourist village is a program made by a village that aims to attract tourist visits so as to increase and improve the welfare of the community2.

The tourism industry must be supported by various aspects, especially health. Emergency conditions are situations that can happen anywhere, to anyone, and at any time3. Good preparation, prevention and handling of

emergency conditions will provide a sense of security for visiting tourists and tourism service actors in tourist villages. Community participation is very important to be involved in terms of preparation, prevention, and handling of emergency conditions. Teenagers are part of a society that has a very unique character. Adolescents who are in this stage of development have ideal body size, strength, psychology, reproductive abilities, and are easy to motivate and learn fast4. Teenagers are expected to be bystanders in their environment. Providing emergency programs to adolescents is a program that is very effective as an increase in behavior change in society. An emergency program is a program that consists of material and emergency concepts that can be applied to community settings. The materials and concepts are about first aid in accidents, basic life support, and disaster management. The emergency program is given for three months. Every week a face-to-face meeting is held to provide material about the sub-material in the emergency program. Participants are required to create an online group (whatsapp) with an emergency trainer. Every day the emergency trainer sends to the group materials, concepts,

videos, pictures, and motivational words. This emergency program aims to increase knowledge, self-confidence (selfefficacy) and motivation to help someone in an emergency.

Self-efficacy is one's own perception of how well oneself can function in certain situations. Self-efficacy relates to self-confidence in having the ability to perform the expected action. Self-efficacy is self-assessment of the ability to perform actions well or badly, rightly or wrongly, can or can't do what is required5. Motivation is a driving factor or encouragement that can trigger a sense of enthusiasm and is also able to change human or individual behavior to lead to better things for himself. Motivation to help is a psychological factor that is non-intellectual. Its distinctive role is in terms of growing passion, feeling happy and enthusiastic to help others6. Many individuals who do not develop in the desire to help because of a lack of motivation that can encourage the spirit of helping. Motivation to help is a psychic driving force from within a person to be able to carry out helping activities and add skills. Motivation to help is a process that encourages giving help and persistence of behavior.

From the preliminary studies that have been conducted in tourist villages, it was found that there had never been any provision of information regarding preparation, prevention, and handling in the event of an emergency. When an emergency situation occurs, the community only waits or immediately takes the victim to health services. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of an emergency program on increasing self-efficacy and motivation of adolescents to help someone in an emergency situation.

  • II.    Method

This research is quantitative research with a research design using a quasi-experimental / pre-experimental method, namely providing treatment or intervention to research subjects7. The research design used was the pretest and posttest group design. The design used to compare the results of self-efficacy and motivation to help before treatment and after the emergency program. To measure self-efficacy using a questionnaire with 20 questions and measuring motivation to help use a questionnaire with 25 questions. The second questionnaire has been tested for validity and reliability. The population in this study are all teenagers in the tourist village. The total population in this study were 271 teenagers. The sample calculation in this study uses 30% of the total population. The calculation results are rounded up to 82 respondents. To prevent respondents from dropping out or resigning in the middle of the study, three respondents were added. The number of samples in this study amounted to 85 respondents.

The samples were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria are respondents who are willing to be respondents and aged 18-24 years. Exclusion criteria were respondents who withdrew while the research was in progress and did not attend one face-to-face meeting. This study uses a sampling technique that is nonprobability sampling. The type of non-probability

sampling technique, namely purposive sampling, is a sample selection method that selects all patients met by researchers who match the inclusion and exclusion criteria within a certain period of time or until the researcher finds the desired number of samples8. Analysis of research data using univariate and bivariate data analysis techniques.

Univariate data analysis uses central tendency to describe the variables of self-efficacy and motivation to help. The normality test was carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test because the number of samples was more than 50. From the normality test it showed that the data were normally distributed, so bivariate data analysis was carried out by paired t-test.

  • III.    Result




    Median (Min-Max)


    Sig. (2tailed)

    The effect of







    programs on adolescent selfefficacy



    75 (50-80)

    The effect of







    programs on motivation to help adolescents



    90 (80-95)

  • IV.    Discussion

Adolescence is an important period that must be passed by every individual in the life span where this period is a period of transition, a period of change, a period of problematic age, and a period of an individual seeking self-identity. The developmental tasks of adolescents are to be able to accept their physical condition, to be able to accept and understand the role of adult sex, to be able to build good relationships with members of different groups, to achieve emotional independence, to achieve economic independence, to develop concepts and intellectual skills that are indispensable for carrying out these roles. as a member of society, understand and internalize adult and parental values, develop socially responsible behavior necessary to enter the adult world, prepare to enter marriage, understand and prepare for various responsibilities of family life9.

Characteristics of adolescents who are in their development have ideal body size, strength, psychology, reproductive abilities, easy to be motivated and fast to learn4. Teenagers are expected to be bystanders in their environment.

Self-efficacy is belief in one's ability to carry out tasks. People who are confident in their abilities tend to succeed, while people who always feel like a failure tend to fail. Individuals who have high self-efficacy will achieve better performance because these individuals have strong motivation, clear goals, stable emotions and the ability to successfully perform activities or behaviors10. Unlike individuals with low self-efficacy who will tend not to try or

prefer cooperation in difficult situations and high levels of task complexity.

Motivation is a driving factor or encouragement that can trigger a sense of enthusiasm and is also able to change human or individual behavior to lead to better things for himself. Motivation to help is a psychological factor that is non-intellectual. Its distinctive role is in terms of growing passion, feeling happy and eager to help others. Many individuals who do not develop in the desire to help because of a lack of motivation that can encourage the spirit of helping. Motivation to help is a psychic driving force from within a person to be able to carry out helping activities and add skills. Motivation to help is a process that encourages giving help and persistence of behavior.

  • V.    Conlusion

Based on the results of research on the effect of emergency programs on self-efficacy and motivation to help adolescents in tourist villages, it can be concluded that there is an influence of emergency programs on self-efficacy and motivation to help adolescents in tourist villages. From the results of this study, it is hoped that the emergency program will become one of the intervention recommendations in an effort to increase self-efficacy and motivation to help people in emergency situations.


The authors thank any parties that support this study, especially to Udayana University. We are also very grateful to all of respondents.


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