Clinical Behavior in Sanur, Denpasar-Bali Application of the Homey Concept to Building Structuring and Interior Design
Journal of a Sustainable Global South, Vol. 2 No. 1, February 2018
Clinical Behavior in Sanur, Denpasar-Bali Application of the Homey Concept to Building Structuring and Interior Design
Putu Ayu Indah Gita Cahyani1, Ni Ketut Ayu Siwalatri2, I Gusti Agung Bagus Suryada3
Bachelor Degree of Architecture Study Program Faculty of Engineering-Udayana University Jimbaran [email protected]
Architecture Study Program
Faculty of Engineering-Udayana University
Architecture Study Program
Faculty of Engineering-Udayana University
Giving birth is something that must be experience or the nature of woman. In addition to joy the newest family member, giving birth could bring some negative impact and even take the mother’s life so that raises fear to carry out the labor process. Gentle birth is known as a natural birth that preparing mother's mental to undergo labor, which is focuses on the relaxation, comfortable, safety and privacy in the delivery. Planning a maternity clinic facility with natural living theme that has a home atmosphere is suitable to decrease stress level and feel calm. Sanur strategic area is a potential location to support activities related to relaxation and an activity without any interferences, Sanur is also a great place to attract foreign tourist to the facility. Mother will never be separated from her child, so the purpose of maternity clinic facility is to accom- modate all integrated facilities including health facilities and physical treatments for mother and child from age of 0-5 years (toddlers) aimed at supporting the birthing process itself.
Index Terms— clinic, mother, toddler, natural, birth, architecture.
The design of maternity clinics is due to the high number of pregnant women in Denpasar by the number 16,855 people out of 71,720 people on the island of Bali. (Bali Provincial Government Health Service 2016). Therefore, with the large number of pregnant women in the city of Denpasar, the idea is needed to continue to deliver normally than Caesarean delivery, because most Caesarean births are found in Denpasar City amounted to 4,195 cases from 12,860 cases in the Province of Bali. (Hospital Information System at Bali Provincial Health Service 2015). Caesarean delivery is made aware of the fear of labor pain so that the
gentle birth method will help a mother feel comfortable and safe when giving birth both in terms of physical and physiological.
The design method begins with the determination of ideas in accordance with the design topic then the data is collected either from print media or existing electronic media, looking for local regulations or regulations that are relevant to the topic of the discussion or conducting a study of similar facilities by observing and interviewing the speakers Then the data is analyzed according to data obtained from the field both quantitative data and qualitative data. Determine the design specifications and architectural programming both the space or site program in accordance with the design topic accompanied by the determination of design criteria in accordance with the object to be designed. Furthermore, in the final project stage the design topic is made systematically
so as to bring up working drawings and building visualizations.
II. Result and Analisys
A. Theme of Design
The theme used in the design of a maternity clinic is natural living which aims to provide a sense of comfort and safety for pregnant women and toddlers to move by considering harmony with the surrounding environment while still giving a clean impression on the clinic[1]. The application of themes to the design was developed through the concept of homey with the following mapping (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. Theme (source: Cahyani:2017)
The concept is applied based on the following points namely prioritizing friendliness, privacy of the building or space, use of furniture with soft material and avoiding corners, use of natural and soft colors, use of environmentally friendly materials and anti-slip and the presence of open space that functions as a park to reduce the level of civitas stress.
B. Concept
The concept of homey in building masses in the maternity clinic aims to give a nuance of the house with orientation to the building, namely the presence of parks as the main focus or the liaison between building masses with one another like the arrangement of building masses in a Balinese house (Figure 2).
Fig. 2. Concept
The appearance of the building with a homey concept to avoid a formal impression on the building of the maternity
clinic is the rhythm of the proportions of the building by
combining the 1st floor building with the 2nd floor building
so as to give a dynamic impression. (Figure 3).
The homey concept also emphasizes the use of building
Fig. 2. Perspective (source: Cahyani:2017)
materials that give the impression of friendliness (welcome) as well as being open which is applied by maximizing the use of high and wide glass material so as to give the impression of an open and non-curbing building. The combination of colors is also important from this homey concept, which is by combining soft colors such as brown, green, blue or other natural colors that can give a relaxed impression on the building.
C. Interior Design
The concept of homey in the design of space in focusing the comfort and privacy of pregnant women or toddlers in using space is by using elements of space with soft colors accompanied by floral motifs on the walls, the shape of furniture that avoids corners and building materials used are not slippery so it is safe for pregnant women or toddlers who visit this maternity clinic. In public spaces, the concept of homey is focused on the use of furniture, the combination of soft colors and the presence of voids in buildings to avoid the impression of pressure (Figure 4).
Fig. 4. Interior Concept
The concept of homey in the delivery room in this clinic focuses on privacy or intimacy of the civitas in the use of space, namely a delivery room used for one person so that the civitas labor will feel comfortable. The delivery room is designed for the comfort of the civitas do natural childbirth by lying in bed or can also by squatting which certainly requires adequate free space in the delivery room accompanied by her husband or family so that moral support can be felt by the civitas as labor in labor House.
The homey concept in class 1 delivery rooms is focused on efficient space arrangement in the room 10.5m2 with the feel of natural space with the use of vinyl wood texture material accompanied by the addition of stickers for the aesthetics of the wall gives the impression of being relaxed without coercion. (Figure 5).
Fig. 5. the concept of birthing space
The concept of VIP delivery room is designed with a double bed so that in the process of giving birth to pregnant women can be accompanied by their families. The advantage of this VIP delivery room is that there is sufficient space between the bed and the zinc so that pregnant women can warm up before delivery in that area ( Figure 6).
Fig. 6. the concept of birthing space for VIP
III. Conclusion
The Maternity Clinic is a health facility that helps deliver normally with the gentle birth method located in the tourism accommodation area in Bali, which is the strategic area of Sanur. This clinic facility focuses on the continuity of activities of pregnant women from early pregnancy to postpartum care so that supporting facilities are provided for toddler care and relaxation. The design of the building focuses on the outer space as the main focus to create a natural impression in the building, in addition to the design of the space in using the homey concept to give the impression of being at home as well as privacy and security so that it will diminish the feelings of fear or anxiety that will be experienced by pregnant women during through childbirth process. Suggestions given in the design of maternity clinics with continuous activities that is making space with an easily accessible layout for pregnant women and also prioritizing a sense of comfort when in a room so
that the stress level felt by the civitas does not increase.
[1] Sarah J. Buckley, “Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering ”, One Moon Press 2005.
Discussion and feedback