Ni Wayan Ekawati, Antecedent Online Marketing Success Bali …

P-ISSN: 1978-2853

E-ISSN: 2302-8890



Vol. 16 No. 1, Februari (2022), 151-163


Antecedent Online Marketing Success Bali SMES New Normal Covid-19 Era

Ni Wayan Ekawati 1), Gede Bayu Rahanatha2), Ni Ketut Seminari3) Ni Wayan Sitiari4)

1,2,3 Universitas Udayana 4 Universitas Warmadewa email: [email protected]



New normal Covid-19 situation, causing a change of human behavior which tends to limit physical contact. Marketing strategy by utilizing social media is quite effective to apply. Social media seems to be a particular engagement in life. The study aims to explain the effect of social media marketing engagement, e–WOM, and online purchases on online marketing success and explain the role of e-WOM engagement and online purchasing as a mediating relationship between social media marketing engagement on online marketing success. The study is conducted on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bali that utilizes social media in promoting their products, using a sample of 210 respondents. The results of the analysis are expected to be used as consideration by producers and marketers, to be able to compete in the new normal era of Covid-19. For the government, expected to be an input in policymaking that encourages the pace of Bali's economic growth in the new normal era of Covid-19. The development of the model that becomes the output of this research is a research model related to the development of research variables. There has been no research that has developed a relationship model of social media marketing engagement, e-WOM engagement, online purchases on online marketing success for SMEs in Bali who have implemented marketing by utilizing social media technology. Thus, it is essential to explore the role of technology in developing SMEs in Bali, and it is necessary to conduct more specific research on the relevant variables in implementing a sustainable SMEs marketing strategy.

Keyword: Social media e-WOM, online purchases and online marketing success

Anteseden Kesuksesan Pemasaran Online UMKM Bali di Era New

Normal Covid-19


Situasi new normal Covid-19, menimbulkan perubahan perilaku manusia yang cenderung membatasi sentuhan fisik. Strategi pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan media sosial cukup efektif digunakan. Media sosial seolah-olah menjadi keterikatan tertentu dalam kehidupan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan pengaruh keterikatan pemasaran media sosial, e–WOM dan pembelian online terhadap sukses pemasaran online, dan menjelaskan peran keterikatan e-WOM dan pembelian online sebagai mediasi hubungan antara keterikatan pemasaran media social terhadap sukses pemasaran online. Penelitian dilakukan pada Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) di Bali yang memanfaatkan media sosial dalam memasarkan produknya, menggunakan sampel 210 responden. Hasil analisis diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan oleh produsen maupun pemasar, untuk mampu menghadapi persaingan pada era new normal Covid-19. Bagi pemerintah diharapkan menjadi masukan dalam pengambilan kebijakan yang mendorong lajunya pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali pada era new normal Covid-19. Pengembangan model yang menjadi luaran pada penelitian ini adalah model penelitian yang terkait dengan pengembangan 151

variabel penelitian. Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang mengembangkan model hubungan keterikatan pemasaran media sosial, keterikatan e-WOM, pembelian online, terhadap sukses pemasaran online pada UKM di Bali yang sudah menerapkan pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi media social. Sehingga, penting menelusuri peran teknologi dalam mengembangkan UKM di Bali, perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih spesifik terhadap variable yang relevan, dalam melaksanakan strategi pemasaran UKM yang berkelanjutan.

Keywords: Media sosial, e-WOM, pembelian online dan sukses pemasaran online.


Online media is currently the choice of many people in meeting their needs. Online media in communicating will have an impact on increasing engagement with internet use. Thus, it also impacts marketing activities that use the internet (Hossinpour et al., 2014). In recent years, the use of the internet has become a lifestyle for the community, especially teenagers (Al-Badi et al., 2016). Internet users in Indonesia use social networks or social media to socialize with friends and family, find new friends, market goods and services, and find work (Ekawati, 2012). Especially in the current new normal situation of covid 19, there has been a change in human behavior in the post-pandemic, and there is a tendency to limit physical contact (Griffith, 2020).

The development of social media marketing during the new normal covid 19 has a great opportunity in carrying out marketing activities. Around 97 percent of businesspeople participate in social media marketing to promote their products and services (Stelzner, 2019). Social media contributes positively to marketing performance, and digital marketing applications can increase the competition among existing SMEs (Nuseir, 2018). Globally, more than 50 percent of social media users follow top brands on social media (Van Belleghem, S. et al., 2011) and 29 percent follow trends and seek product reviews and information, and 20 percent of them comment on the hottest and latest topics or to give opinions about a product or service (Gallup, 2014). The interactions that occur have the opportunity to achieve success in online marketing.

Marketing success is expected to increase sales, income, image, and increase consumer loyalty. There is a positive and significant relationship between online marketing activities on organizational performance, especially in increasing profits (Hossinpour et al., 2014). Research findings also state that online marketing activities affect the level of consumer loyalty to a brand (Haghighi et al., 2009). More than 50 percent of social media users are more familiar with well-known brands marketed through social media (Van Belleghem, S. et al., 2011) and 29 percent of them can follow trends to seek product reviews and information. Furthermore, the other 20 percent only comment on the hottest and newest topics or give their opinion about a product or service (Gallup, 2014). This condition leads people to have an engagement with e-WOM.

Online marketing activities are efficient for small businesses or SMEs (Bengtsson et al., 2007). Furthermore, the researchers are interested in conducting an initial survey to observe the trends that occur in SMEs in Bali in marketing their products. The survey results provide clues that some SMEs think that marketing using online media has not had a maximum impact on product or company performance. In addition, there are also SMEs who are not familiar with online marketing at all. The results of the initial survey show a

significant gap phenomenon to explore further. This situation requires further attention to the growing use of online marketing in the SMEs sector.

Online media is currently the choice of many people in meeting their needs. Online media in communicating will have an impact on increasing engagement with internet use. Thus, it also impacts marketing activities that use the internet (Hossinpour et al., 2014). In recent years, the use of the internet has become a lifestyle for the community, especially teenagers (Al-Badi et al., 2016). Internet users in Indonesia use social networks or social media to socialize with friends and family, find new friends, market goods and services, and find work (Ekawati, 2012). Especially in the current new normal situation of covid 19, there has been a change in human behavior in the post-pandemic, and there is a tendency to limit physical contact (Griffith, 2020).

The development of social media marketing during the new normal covid 19 has a great opportunity in carrying out marketing activities. Around 97 percent of businesspeople participate in social media marketing to promote their products and services (Stelzner, 2019). Social media contributes positively to marketing performance, and digital marketing applications can increase the competition among existing SMEs (Nuseir, 2018). Globally, more than 50 percent of social media users follow top brands on social media (Van Belleghem, S. et al., 2011) and 29 percent follow trends and seek product reviews and information, and 20 percent of them comment on the hottest and latest topics or to give opinions about a product or service (Gallup, 2014). The interactions that occur have the opportunity to achieve success in online marketing.

Marketing success is expected to increase sales, income, image, and increase consumer loyalty. There is a positive and significant relationship between online marketing activities on organizational performance, especially in increasing profits (Hossinpour et al., 2014). Research findings also state that online marketing activities affect the level of consumer loyalty to a brand (Haghighi et al., 2009). More than 50 percent of social media users are more familiar with well-known brands marketed through social media (Van Belleghem, S. et al., 2011)] and 29 percent of them can follow trends to seek product reviews and information. Furthermore, the other 20 percent only comment on the hottest and newest topics or give their opinion about a product or service (Gallup, 2014). This condition leads people to have an engagement with e-WOM.

Online marketing activities are efficient for small businesses or SMEs (Bengtsson et al., 2007). Furthermore, the researchers are interested in conducting an initial survey to observe the trends that occur in SMEs in Bali in marketing their products. The survey results provide clues that some SMEs think that marketing using online media has not had a maximum impact on product or company performance. In addition, there are also SMEs who are not familiar with online marketing at all. The results of the initial survey show a significant gap phenomenon to explore further. This situation requires further attention to the growing use of online marketing in the SMEs sector.

Attitude is one of the essential factors that explain individual behavior in various circumstances. Thus, attitude can be defined as a learned disposition to respond consistently to the good or bad of manners concerning a given object or behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1975). The emphasis is that salient beliefs determine a person's attitude about behavior, their attitudes can change by influencing their core beliefs. Previous researchers used reason Action Theory to see the relationship between social media marketing, e-WOM, and purchase intention (Reichelt et al., 2014).

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) explains how to process information from persuasive messages. This theory was proposed by Petty, R.E., Cacioppo, J.T. and Goldman, R. in 1984, proposed again by Petty, R. and Cacioppo, J. in 1986 (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). This model, in particular, offers an essential tool for understanding the feasibility of persuasive communication that can influence consumers. ELM states that there are two potential routes, namely the central route and the peripheral route. The central route is for the persuasive function, which describes participation activities in the process of understanding good, wise, and full of concentration. Meanwhile, the peripheral route is characterized by psychological effort and a focus on non-content when processing the message delivered (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Message processing carried out by consumers is caused by consumers' unlimited freedom to publish content, so the quality and credibility of persuasive messages are very important to note (Xu, 2014). Until now, there have been several studies using ELM to understand social media marketing and e-WOM communication (Beneke et al., 2016).

Online marketing is currently the latest development in the world of marketing. Integrated marketing communications using social media marketing can include promotion, advertising, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Businesses that use social media to reach their target consumers can benefit from marketing activities to be more effective, efficient, and cheaper. This causes most marketers worldwide, which 97 percent of them participate in social media marketing (Stelzner, 2019). This marketing method is helpful in collaboratively providing information and fully participatory delivery of information among its users. In addition, it is very effective and efficient in reducing marketing costs.

Intense competition is significant for companies to pay more and pay attention to the word of mouth marketing (Yaman, 2018). The evolution of Web 2.0 that occurs can turn the Web into a social domain where there is a space where consumers produce content and share it with others, and this refers commonly as e-WOM. E-WOM can be fathomed as a message that can be positive or negative about an object by someone, which many people can access via the internet (Yusuf et al., 2018). Viewing online comments is very helpful for consumers because it can make consumers feel more confident in purchasing decisions (Lin et al., 2013). E-WOM and other activities carried out on social networking sites are very effective in influencing consumer decisions and empowering consumer society, which relies on the exchange of information and can help consumers make decisions (Wang et al., 2016).

Buying behavior can be an early personal sign that social media marketing users perform certain behaviors to make a purchase. Consumers with solid online purchases on online shopping sites usually have previous purchase experiences that can help in reducing uncertainty in subsequent purchases (Nawaz & Alajmi, 2020). Some findings suggest that consumers who have no previous shopping experience using social media may make small purchases at first (Seckler, 2012).

The actual expected performance may not match the target, so the company is more likely to implement a new initiative. New initiatives can be a new strategy to achieve the expected product success (Ekawati et al., 2017). Measures of online marketing success can be assessed from four perspectives. First, it is well received by consumers. Second, being able to generate better income than before. Third, the general opinion reveals that the success of new products can be observed from the high and low levels of income and the high and low profits obtained by the organization. Fourth, there are many ways to measure

Figure 1. Research Conceptual Framework

Source: Data Processed (2021)

performance or marketing success, such as sales reaching targets, being able to meet consumer needs, products being able to compete, providing satisfaction to consumers, meeting stakeholder needs, and being able to follow government regulations. However, financial indicators such as product profits and income are still superior to other indicators as the most common thing for product performance (Paladino, 2007).


This study uses a quantitative approach. The research location was carried out in Bali on SMEs that use social media. Considerations for choosing Bali because as an area whose people are pretty affected by information andH1communication technology development, and affected by Covid-19. The number of samples is 210 respondents spread across the entire area of Bali. The following is a research concept framework with seven hypotheses in figure 1.

The variables identified in this study are exogenous variables (X) and endogenous variables (Y) as follows.

Social media marketing engagement (X1) is the user's engagement in seeking information about products and services on information sourced from social media. Social media marketing engagement consists of three dimensions and seven indicators (Selim, 2012) which include: Accessibility (X1.1) is the level of ability or strength of a readily accessible social media. Indicators of accessibility are traceable, meaning that the social media used is easy to find through search engines, efficiency means that the social media can be accessed efficiently, and compatibility means that the social media can work well through various internet browsers. Currency (X1.2) is always trying to make various update facilities available on social media. The indicator of currency is a novelty, meaning that the social media is updated regularly, timeliness means that all information provided by the social media can still be used during the access period. Accuracy and credibility (X1.3) are how factual and reliable the information and material conveyed on social media are. The indicators of accuracy and credibility are tangible, meaning that social media can clearly state the company's description and information about product services and can be verified, making it easier for customers to contact the company via social media.

E-WOM engagement (X2) consists of three dimensions with eight indicators (Goyette et al., 2010), namely Intensity (X2.1) is the number of opinions written by consumers on a social media site. The intensity indicator is the frequency of accessing information from social networking sites, meaning the time it takes users to access social media in a day. The frequency of interaction with users of social networking sites, meaning the time it takes to interact with fellow social media users, the number of reviews written by users of social networking sites means the number of reviews written by social media users in a given time. Valence of Opinion (X2.2) is consumer opinion, either positive or negative about products, services, and brands. Valence of Opinion has two properties, namely negative and positive. Indicators of the valence of opinion include positive comments from social media users, meaning what social media users will submit comments, negative comments from social media users, meaning what comments will be submitted by social media users, recommendations from social media users, meaning that users will recommend their experiences using social media. Content (X2.3) is the information content of social media sites related to products and services. Indicators of content include information on product and service variations, meaning that social media can present an exciting variety of products and services, information on product and service quality, meaning that social media can present in detail the quality of products and services offered, and information on prices offered means that social media is capable of providing detailed prices to users.

Online purchases (X3) are product purchases through social media used by consumers due to the fulfillment of needs. The indicators for purchasing decisions, according to (Smith & Aaker, 2008) are buying stability is a strong belief from the hearts of consumers to buy online, considerations in buying are considerations made by consumers in buying online from various alternatives, suitability of attributes with wants and needs is the interest of consumers to buy online because of a need that has to be fulfilled.

The endogenous variable (endogenous variable) is online marketing success (Y) achieved in online marketing. Indicators for measuring the success of online marketing, according to (Paladino, 2007), are sales reaching the target. It means achieving sales targets through online marketing. Increasing profits is a significant increase in profits using online marketing. Being able to meet consumer needs is through online marketing that can meet consumer needs relatively faster.


Discriminant validity testing is based on the cross-loading value. If the cross-loading value of each indicator of the variable in question is more than the cross-loading of other variables, then the indicator is valid. The recommended cross-loading value is more than 0.6 for each variable. The following are the results of the cross-loading analysis as presented in Table 1.

Composite reliability is used to test the value of reliability between the indicators of the constructs that make it up. Table 2 shows the composite reliability value of the four variables used in this study, which are reliable with values above 0.60.

R-square (R2) shows the strength and weakness of the influence caused by exogenous variables on endogenous variables and, at the same time, shows the strengths and weaknesses of a research model. This model includes the criteria of a robust model. It means that the variables of social media engagement, e-WOM engagement, and online purchasing variables 156

can explain the online marketing success variable by 71,20 percent. Variations outside the model explain the remaining 28,80 percent.

Tabel 1. Cross Loading Calculation Results


Social Media Marketing Engagement

e-WOM           Online            Online

Engagement        Purchases          Marketing


X1.1.1           0,793

X1.1.2           0,774

X1.1.3           0,748

X1.2.1           0,862

X1.2.2           0,755

X1.3.1           0,823

X1.3.2           0,759

X2.1.1           0,606

X2.1.2           0,663

X2.1.3           0,512

X2.2.1           0,674

X2.2.2           0,486

X2.2.3           0,575

X2.3.1           0,596

X2.3.2           0,575

X2.3.3           0,621

X3.1            0.742

X3.2            0.687

X3.3            0.723

Y1             0.647

Y2             0.648

Y3             0.668

0,719               0,689               0,667

0,646               0,701               0,719

0,615               0,624               0,577

0,706               0,749               0,620

0,589               0,701               0,612

0,699               0,689               0,602

0,615               0,616               0,610

0,727               0,579               0,524

0,602               0,561               0,489

0,629               0,473               0,412

0,778               0,690               0,622

0,639               0,505               0,451

0,767               0,573               0,576

0,796               0,607               0,482

0,619               0,589               0,536

0,792               0,653               0,592

0.623               0,776               0.654

0.711               0,849               0.683

0.707               0,864               0.720

0.645               0.670               0.837

0.533               0.678               0.779

0.635               0.686               0.844

Source: Data processed, 2021

Table 2. Composite Reliability

Research Variables

Construct Reliability

Social Media Marketing Engagement (X1)              0.920

e-WOM Engagement (X2)                          0.900

Online Purchases (X3)                                  0.870

Online Marketing Success (Y)                          0.861

Source: Data processed, 2021

Table 3. R-Square Value (R2)

Endogenous Variable

R-square             R-square adjusted

Online Marketing Success (Y)

0.712                 0.708

Source: Data processed, 2021

Q-square predictive relevance (Q2) is a measure of how well the observations made give results to the research model. Q2 is based on the coefficient of determination of all dependent variables. The general equation for Q-square is: Q2 = 1 - (1 - R12)(1 - R22)(1 - R32). The magnitude of the Q-square values found in this study are:

Q2 = 1 - (1- R12)

= 1 – ( 1 – 0.712)

= 1 – (0,288)

= 1 – 0,288

= 0,712

So, the evaluation of the structural model proves that the Q2 value is 0,712 or close to 1. Thus, the results of this test provide evidence that the structural model can be classified as good. In other words, it can be interpreted that 99 percent of the information contained in the data can be explained by the model, while the remaining less than one percent is explained by errors and other variables that are not included in the model.

Statistical testing of direct and indirect effects between the variables of this study can be seen in the results of statistical tests of the relationship between variables presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Statistical Test of Intervariable Effect


Direct Influence

Origi nal Sampl e (O)





Statisti      Value






(|O/ST ERR|)

Social Media Marketing Engagement






-> online marketing success

Social Media Marketing Engagement






-> e-WOM engagement

e-WOM  engagement  ->  online






marketing success

Social Media Marketing Engagement






-> pembelian online

Online purchases -> online marketing







Indirect Influence

PMS  Engagement  ->  EWOM






Engagement -> P O success

PMS   Engagement   ->   Online

Purchases -> P O success






Total Influence

PMS Engagement -> P O success






Social Media Marketing Engagement






-> online marketing success

Social Media Marketing Engagement






-> e-WOM engagement

e-WOM  engagement  ->  online






marketing success

Social Media Marketing Engagement






-> Online purchases

Online purchases -> online marketing







VAP Test

VAP:   Indirect   Influence/   total


influence = 0,059/0,798

VAP:   Indirect   influence/   total

influence = 0,442/0,798


Source: Data processed, 2021

The influence between variables proved not entirely to have a significant effect. There is no significant effect between e-WOM engagement to online marketing success with a t-statistic value of 0,925, more diminutive than 1,96, and a p-value of 0,355 greater than 0,05. The role of e-WOM engagement as a mediator of the relationship between social media marketing engagement and online marketing success is shown by the VAF value of 0,074. The mediation value of 7 percent is in the range of less than 20 percent. It means that the variable is not classified as a mediating variable. The role of the online purchasing variable as a mediator of the relationship between social media marketing engagement and online marketing success is indicated by the VAF value of 0,554. The mediation value of 55 percent is in the range of 20 percent to 80 percent. It means that the variable is classified as a partial mediation variable. In conclusion, the results in this study indicate that online purchases can partially mediate the effect of social media marketing engagement on online marketing success.

The analysis results found that social media marketing engagement had a positive and significant effect on online marketing success. It means that the stronger the public or consumer engagement to marketing using social media, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, the greater the success of online marketing achieved by SMEs producers in Bali. The public's engagement to SMEs products that use social media marketing is mainly because all required information related to products can be traced quickly and efficiently. Moreover, dealing with the post-covid-19 situation will greatly help producers or marketers achieve the success of online marketing that has been implemented. Online marketing success can be achieved, at least through consumer engagement to marketing using social media, which can meet all the needs of people who are still not free to do activities outside the home. So, this is an essential concern for SMEs in Bali.

The analysis results show that social media marketing engagement has a positive and significant effect on e-WOM engagement. It means that the stronger the public or consumer's engagement to marketing SMEs products using social media, the stronger their engagement to e-WOM before deciding to make a purchase. The public or consumers consider that they have marketing engagement to SMEs that use social media for marketing their products because social media can present products and all product information clearly stated on social media, especially in this post-covid situation where there are still restrictions on activities outside the home. Marketing by utilizing social media at SMES Bali is very capable of providing all product information needed by the community and consumers. The main concern is information related to product prices. The product's price is still a compassionate thing compared to other similar products, especially in dealing with the post-covid-19 situation. The experience experienced by using social media can exchange information through e-WOM. Consumers process information and evaluate products, so that positive and negative e-WOM can be formed and can influence the perceptions of potential consumers.

Research findings state that e-WOM engagement to society or consumers does not affect online marketing success. E-WOM formed can be positive and negative. It indicates that e-WOM that arises in SMEs marketing activities on social media cannot help successful online marketing. The public or consumers feel that it is not enough with e-WOM information alone in making decisions to make online purchases, so they have not supported the success of online marketing for SMEs in Bali. One of the successes of online marketing is expected to increase Bali SMEs' income. It should be noted that there are other possible variables to help achieve online marketing success. This finding is partly due to differences in research time and research topics. This research was carried out post-covid-19, and these

inconsistent findings are very rational, given the impact caused by the COVID-19 situation. The COVID-19 situation is very influential in various aspects of human life, including the impact of persuasive efforts.

Social media marketing engagement was found to have a positive and significant effect on online purchasing activities. It means he stronger the public or consumer engagement to marketing using social media for Bali SMEs products, the more consumers or people make online purchases. The online information presented is easy to trace and presents factual information, able to encourage public or consumer trust to be more confident in deciding to make online purchases. The online information that is easy to trace for post-covid-19 conditions is essential for people who still have activity restrictions. This finding indicates that social media marketing implemented by SMEs in Bali is very appropriate to be an alternative to creating online purchases.

The analysis results prove that online purchases have a positive and significant effect on online marketing success. It means the more people or consumers make purchases online and in large quantities, the greater the success of online marketing achieved by producers or marketers. This finding indicates that online purchases that are formed because the public or consumers already have various considerations in buying, the suitability of the attributes of the products needed, and strengthened support for the stability of making purchases can create online marketing success. Successful online marketing of SMEs in Bali can meet the needs and desires, can create sales that reach the target, and ultimately increase profits.

The research findings show that the e-WOM engagement variable does not mediate the effect of social media marketing engagement on online marketing success. It means that their engagement to SMEs product information through e-WOM does not act as a mediating variable. All information in e-WOM, such as opinions from previous consumer experiences and information from social media sites, does not necessarily affect social media marketing engagement to achieve successful online marketing. E-WOM engagement is not strong enough to encourage their engagement to social media to achieve online marketing success. The conclusion is that other variables are essential to be explored further that can act as a good mediator between social media marketing engagement on online marketing success.

Based on the results of the analysis done, it appears that online purchases can act as a mediator of the relationship between social media marketing engagement and the success of new products. Online purchases that are pretty strong are influenced by the existence of product attributes that match their needs and desires, online purchases are the right choice to meet the needs, and there is stability to make online purchases, able to strengthen the engagement of social media marketing from the community or consumers to the success of online marketing of SMEs in Indonesia. Bali. This situation is an excellent opportunity for SMEs to increase efforts to create online purchases, increasing in the post-covid-19 situation. The increase in online purchases can encourage successful online marketing, which begins with a solid engagement to social media marketing. So, it can be concluded that these variables can act as antecedents of online marketing success.


Social media marketing engagement has a positive and significant impact on the success of SMEs online marketing in Bali after COVID-19. It means the more robust the engagement of the community or consumers to online marketing activities carried out by 160

SMEs, SMEs can create successful online marketing. Social media marketing engagement has a positive and significant impact on e-WOM engagement. It means the more robust the engagement of the community or consumers to online marketing activities carried out by SMEs, SMEs can create e-WOM, leading to engagement to e-WOM. The engagement of e-WOM has a positive and insignificant effect on the success of SMEs online marketing in Bali after COVID-19. That is, the stronger the public or consumer engagement with information from e-WOM that is formed, does not affect the creation of successful online marketing. Social media marketing engagement has a positive and significant impact on online purchases of SMEs in Bali after COVID-19. It means the stronger the engagement of the community or consumers to online marketing activities carried out by SMEs, SMEs can create online purchases as expected. Online purchases have a positive and significant impact on the success of SMEs online marketing in Bali after COVID-19. It means the higher the online purchases that occur, the more SMEs can create successful online marketing. E-WOM engagement did not mediate the effect of social marketing media engagement on online marketing success. Meaning that consumer SMEs using e-WOM on social media do not strengthen the relationship between social media marketing engagement and online marketing success. Online purchases mediate positively and significantly the effect of social marketing media engagement on online marketing success. It means that the higher the online purchases that occur, the stronger the influence of social media marketing engagement on online marketing success. Moreover, online purchases have a partial mediating role in this study. It means that there is still a high possibility that other variables have a strong influence as a mediator, which becomes a gap for further research for post-covid-19 in the Bali SMEs sector.


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