Digital Forensic Analysis Of Michat Application On Android As Digital Proof In Handling Online Prostitution Cases
p-ISSN: 2301-5373
e-ISSN: 2654-5101
Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana
Volume 9 No. 3, February 2021
Digital Forensic Analysis of Michat Applications on Android as Digital Proof in Handling Online Prostitution
Kadek Dwi Oka Mahendraa1, I Komang Ari Mogia2
aInformatics Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematic, Udayana University Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia
Smartphone technology and the Internet are very popular lately, especially with various features, one of which is social media applications. But behind all that, social media such as MiChat are very vulnerable to becoming a crime facility, one of which is Online Prostitution. They use the "chat with the closest user" feature by uploading a status that can be connected to the surrounding area within a certain distance radius and after connecting the perpetrators and their potential customers will mutually negotiate and transact until they finally have a meeting. In order to eliminate digital evidence in the form of transaction conversations in the message, usually the perpetrator will delete the history of the message which results in the loss of data that can be used as evidence and the perpetrator can avoid legal traps, which ultimately online prostitution will be increasingly prevalent. To follow up on the Online Prostitution activity, it is necessary to do mobile forensics to find evidence which is then useful to be given to the authorities. This study uses the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method.
Keywords: Smartphone, MiChat, Prostitution Online, Mobile Forensic, NIJ.
The development of the world technology this time is very fast. One form of technology whose development can be directly applied in everyday life is a Mobile phone (smartphone). Today's Mobile phones have many features and various applications, one of the most frequently used applications is the Instant Messaging (IM) application [1]. With instant messaging it is possible to send messages to each other quickly through an internet network intermediary. Based on research conducted by Simon Kemp and the team at Kepios with the support of partners, namely the We Are Social and Hootsuite organization entitled "Essential Digital Data For Every Country In The World" The total active social media users in Indonesia are 160 million or 59% of the total population in Indonesia, and around 99% percentage of active social media users who access through cell phones [2].
Figure 1. Number of active social media users in Indonesia as of January 2020
One of the instant messaging in Indonesia is MiChat. MiChat is one of the free messaging apps available on smartphones and was in the Top 5 “Free Chat Apps” on the Google Play Store Indonesia as of October 2018. MiChat offers chat features like “Nearby People”, “Chat Trends” and “Moments” for the chat experience more interactive [3].
Figure 2. MiChat Social Media Application Logo
However, the features available on MiChat are often used to carry out criminal purposes by irresponsible individuals such as Online Prostitution. People who abuse this application usually post a status of opening Prostitution services and display prices for these business services. One of the cases of Prostitution that occurred in Indonesia was the raid on seven Online Prostitution pimps together with a number of women who were suspected of being commercial sex workers in Surabaya by using the MiChat messaging application service to peddle themselves [4]. They use the "chat with the closest user" feature by uploading a status that can be connected to the surrounding area within a certain distance radius and after connecting the pimps and potential customers will mutually negotiate and transact in the application.
Figure 3. How Online Prostitution promote themselves on the MiChat application
However, in order to eliminate digital evidence in the form of transaction conversations in the message, usually the perpetrator will delete the history of the message which results in the loss of data that can be used as evidence and the perpetrator can avoid legal traps that eventually online prostitution is increasingly rampant. Therefore, digital forensic analysis is needed to obtain data and collect valuable deleted information on the smartphone of the prostitution in the form of a history of conversations and contacts to be used as evidence. For this reason, it is hoped that the research carried out can solve problems and reduce online prostitution activities in the MiChat application. In mobile forensics using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method and by using the MOBILedit Forensic Express software and SysTools SQLite Viewer. MOBILedit Forensic Express is a tool that investigators use to check mobile devices. This software is good enough to get phone system information and other information such as contact lists and messages [5]. Meanwhile, SysTools SQLite Viewer is a software used to view database files compatible with SQLite.
The previous studies related to this research include:
1. Research entitled “Identifikasi Bukti Digital SKYPE di Smartphone Android dengan Metode National Institute of Justice (NIJ)” conducted by Muhammad Rizki Setyawan, Anton Yudhana, Abdul Fadlil from Ahmad Dahlan University, in 2019. They acquired one of the instant messenger applications on Android, namely SKYPE for handling cybercrime cases using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method with the help of software Mobiledit Forensics [6].
2. Research entitled “Acquisition of LINE Digital Social Media Evidence Using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Method” conducted by Gede Pawitradi and I Ketut Gede Suhartana from Udayana University, in 2019. They acquired one of the LINE social media applications on Android for handling cyberbullying cases using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method with the help of Mobiledit Forensic software and DB Browser for SQLite [7].
3. Research entitled “Akuisisi Bukti Digital Pada Instagram Messenger Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode National Institute of Justice (NIJ)” conducted by Imam Riadi, Anton Yudhana, Muhammad Caesar Febriyansah Putra from Ahmad Dahlan University, in 2018. They analyzed the data on the perpetrator's smartphone which became digital evidence of crimes indicated by cyberbullying using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method and with the help of OXYGEN Forensic software [8].
4. Research entitled “Analysis Mobile Forensics on Twitter Application using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Method” conducted by Hijrah Nurhairani and Imam Riadi from Ahmad Dahlan University, In 2019. They analyzed smartphone data to search for evidence of crimes that occurred on social media Twitter using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method and with the help of DB Browser for SQLite software, SQLiteManager and Root Explorer applications [9].
5. Research entitled “Analisis Forensik Aplikasi Dropbox pada Android menggunakan Metode NIJ pada Kasus Penyembunyian Berkas” conducted by Saleh Khalifah Saad, Rusydi Umar and Abdul Fadlil from Ahmad Dahlan University, in 2020. They analyzed data on the Dropbox application to deal with crime with smartphone media evidence using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Method with the help of the USB Connector Application, Oxygen Forensics, Mobile edit Forensic [10].
In this study, it refers to the investigative process used by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method which serves to explain the stages of the research being carried out so that it is used as a reference for solving problems. This method recommends a basic stage in the Forensic process, namely preparation, collection, examination, analysis and reporting. The stages of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method are described as follows:
Figure 4. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method
In the flow chart above, it is explained that the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Method has five basic stages in the Forensic process which begins with preparation which is the process of preparing equipment to be used to perform the tasks required in the investigation. Then collection is the process of searching for documents, collecting or making copies of physical objects containing electronic evidence. Then examination wherein the process of making the electronic evidence visible and documenting the content and system, data reduction is done to identify the evidence. After that, the analysis is where the process is the evidence for the examination stage in order to determine the significance and probability value. And the last one is reporting which in this process makes examination records of all cases [11].
In this study using examples of cases of Online Prostitution. In an example of a simulated case where the perpetrator or pimp was raided by police disguised as a customer, evidence was obtained from the perpetrator in the form of a smartphone with the Vivo 1606 Y53 brand, which contained the MiChat application as a means of promoting self-promotion and transactions. In the MiChat application, the perpetrator has an account with an ID, namely "Lisa". As a follow-up, the authorities confiscated the smartphone of the prostitute for further investigation. In investigations, Investigators use the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method which has five basic stages in Forensics, namely preparation, collection, examination, analysis and reporting.
3.1 Preparation
In this preparation process, the task is to prepare all the tools used as evidence and the tools used during the investigation process. The tools and evidence used can be seen in the table below.
Table 1. Tools and evidence
No. |
Information |
Tools and Evidence |
Specification |
1. |
Hardware |
Laptop |
ASUS A456UR Intel Core i5-7200U, Windows 10 64-bit |
2. |
Hardware |
Smartphone |
Vivo 1606 Y53 Marshmallow 6.0.1 |
Funtouch OS 3.0, already in the root condition | |||
3. |
Software |
Mobiledit Forensic Express |
Program Version (64-bit) |
4. |
Software |
SysTools SQLite Viewer |
Program Version 3.0 |
3.2 Collection
In this process, investigators collect physical data and documentation, and collect data on the suspect's Smartphone.

Figure 5. Smartphone evidence
The image above is a documentation of physical evidence from a communication device in the form of a smartphone with the Vivo 1606 Y53 brand used by the perpetrators to transact Online Prostitution. The smartphone uses the Android Operating System version 6.0.1 or it can be called Android Marshmallow which has MiChat social media installed, and is in root condition. Furthermore, investigators will retrieve data on the smartphone by cloning, this aims to avoid changing data or deleting data which will later become digital evidence.
3.3 Examination
In this process, the investigator checks the data on the smartphone. With the help of the Mobiledit Forensic Express tool that is already installed on the laptop, if it is connected to the perpetrator's smartphone, Mobiledit will display the IMEI and IMSI number information from the smartphone, as shown below.
Forrr5l- i wj
Veniorc 7iOΛ7S7S (64-bi>
Select a phone or data and press Next
] vivo 1606 ^
vivo 1606
IMEl 863974030354775
IMSI - 510093015158380
Disconnect phone
Remove Connertor
Phone data preview
Browse phone
Bv Import data ■ &) Hackphone
θ Bluetooth connection

Figure 6. Display the IMEI and IMSI number information from the smartphone
In the examination process, various types of data were obtained from the perpetrator's smartphone, and of course MiChat social media can also be read, as shown below.
Figure 7. MiChat Application data retrieval on a smartphone using the Mobiledit Forensics Express
Then extract data from the MiChat application and obtain various files which will be stored in the laptop storage. Like the picture below.
Starting export... OK
Preparing report data... OK
Processing application descriptions... OK (1 apps, 4 files copied)
Reading files... OK (18 files succeeded, O files failed)
Reading backup file from device... OK (read 281 MB)
Parsing ADB backup... OK (7973 files succeeded, O files failed)
Obtaining Android device properties... OK
Data extraction finished
All 4 archive files were successfully extracted
All 241 documents were successfully extracted
All 1048 image files were successfully extracted
All 15 JSON files were successfully extracted
All 135 sqlite databases were successfully extracted
All 438 XML files were successfully extraded
All 6110 other files were successfully extrarted
ADB backup was successfully processed
All 1 applications were successfully extraded
Creating MOBILedit backup... OK
MOBILedit backup created
Phone can be disconnected now
Preparation for exports... OK
Creating HTML report... OK
HTML report created
Creating PDF report... OK
PDF report created
Figure 8. The results of data retrieval on the perpetrator's Smartphone
Because the perpetrator uses the MiChat social media, further checking is carried out on the files from the MiChat social media in the form of a folder with the name Then the contents in the MiChat folder ( were analyzed. From the analysis results found several files in the form of a database with SQLite format. To find out the contents of the database file, SysTools SQLite Viewer software is needed for further analysis.
3.4 Analysis
Based on the analysis of the contents of the sub folder and the database from the MiChat folder (, it was found that important data that can be used to support the investigation is a database called "5111883462244352social". From the results of investigations using SysTools SQLite Viewer, the database "5111883462244352social" has 22 tables. First, the investigator wants to find out who the contacts were stored in the previous
perpetrator's account. So in the SysTools SQLite Viewer the investigator opens the "tb_contacts" table. In "tb_contacts" there are 9 contacts and it appears that there is a contact with the name "Oka" who is suspected of being one of the Online Prostitution customers with uid "4833452653312000". Can be seen in the image below.
Figure 9. Contents of the tb_contacts table
Then the investigator investigated further by opening the "tb_messages" table to find out traces of the conversation between the Online Prostitution. In the table "tb_messages" there are 11 traces of conversation between the perpetrator and uid "4833452653312000" which is "Oka" one of the Online Prostitution customers. Can be seen in the image below.
dest |
subject |
message |
language |
read |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
ok sekarang kesana |
<Null> |
5111883462244352 |
4833452653312000 |
<Null> |
di hotel XXX daerah YYY |
<Null> |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
lokasi dimana? |
<Null> |
5111883462244352 |
4833452653312000 |
<Null> |
deal, 500 ribu boleh om |
<Null> |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
tidak bisa kurang? 500 ri... |
<Null> |
5111883462244352 |
4833452653312000 |
<Null> |
untuk semalam 1 juta om |
<Null> |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
Mohon untuk tidak me... |
<Null> |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
Anda telah m enam bah k... |
<Null> |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
Di atas adalah salam |
<Null> |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
brpa? |
<Null> | |
4833452653312000 |
5111883462244352 |
<Null> |
ingin menambahkan An... |
<Null> |
Figure 10. The contents of the tb_messages table
In the picture above, there is a conversation between the perpetrator and one of the customers who mutually make an Online Prostitution transaction. Furthermore, the results of the analysis can be used as digital evidence for cases of Online Prostitution by using the MiChat social media application as a forum.
3.5 Reporting
The method used in this investigation is the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method which has 5 basic stages, namely preparation, collection, examination, analysis and reporting. The first thing that was done was to prepare the tools used during the investigation, namely: Laptop, Smartphone, Mobiledit Forensic Express, SysTools SQLite Viewer. The next stage is the collection stage where the investigator collects physical evidence, namely the perpetrator's smartphone and then the data is cloned so that data integrity is maintained, as well as carrying out data collection. The third stage is an examination of the data contained in the perpetrator's smartphone, which will then be carried out in a deeper analysis. In this investigation, the investigator used two different software, namely Mobiledit Forensic Express and SysTools SQLite Viewer. Mobiledit Forensic Express is used when extracting and obtaining data on the perpetrator's smartphone and the MiChat application folder ( is obtained. After a more indepth analysis, an important data that can support the investigation is obtained, namely the "5111883462244352social" database. To open database files, the SysTools SQLite Viewer software is used. From the results of the investigation the database has 22 tables. The investigator first checked the contact table and
found 9 stored contacts. Then the investigator checks the table messages to check the conversations of the perpetrator with Prostitution customers. From message checking, digital evidence was obtained that it was true that the perpetrator had committed Online Prostitution transactions, and later the digital evidence could be presented in court.
The purpose of this study is to help solve the problem of online prostitution on the MiChat social media application by analyzing evidence obtained from online prostitutes by conducting simulations using the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method and research tools in the form of MOBILedit forensic express software and SysTools SQLite Viewer. Which is expected to be used to carry out forensic analysis on the MiChat social media application. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method consists of 5 basic forensic stages, namely preparation, collection, examination, analysis and reporting. In the preparation process, tools for investigation are prepared. Then in the process of collecting and examining with MOBILedit forensic express, important data is obtained that can support the investigation in the form of MiChat data ( Then the data is analyzed further. From the results of the analysis found traces of chat between the perpetrators and their customers. From the traces of the chat, it can be seen that the perpetrator and one of his customers made an online prostitution transaction on the MiChat application. Furthermore, the results of the analysis can be used as digital evidence which the perpetrators can later account for.
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