p-ISSN: 2301-5373

e-ISSN: 2654-5101

Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana

Volume 9 No. 4, May 2021

Acquisition Of Digital Evidence In Online Scam Cases (CyberCrime) On WhatsApp Chat Application Using NIST Method

Gede Agus Surya Atmajaa1, I Komang Ari Mogia2

aInformatics Department, Faculty of Math and Science, Udayana University

Bali, Indonesia 1[email protected] 2[email protected]


Cybercrime usually happen on internet. There are many type of cybercrime such as Cyberbullying, Online Scams, Malware, etc. WhatsApp is a chatting application that is easy to use and many of its users. Because of many users that used WhatsApp chatting application not infrequently many crimes occur there. Especially Online Scams, the perpetrator usually sell something online and make their target use WhatsApp to contact them and their transaction begin there. In this research using NIST steps, those steps are Identification, collect data, analyze data and report the result. This research also focusing on WhatsApp data extraction to obtain evidence from perpetrator Smartphone. The end of the research

Keywords: CyberCrime, WhatsApp, Forensic, Online Scam, NIST

  • 1.    Introduction

The Internet is a place to find all things that user want and need. There is benefit user can get from internet such as search for information, news, communicate with others and shop online. The Internet can be access from computer and smartphone. With smartphone the user can access the internet and make their work easier. According to We Are Social in 2018 the internet users pass more than 4 billion people around the world. Smartphone can be use for communication with social media application such as WhatsApp, LINE, Instagram, Telegram, etc. Although there is so much good things that user get from the internet. The internet can be a tool for evil or bad things such as Cybercrime. Cybercrime is rife on internet these days such as Online Scams, Cyberbullying, Phising, Malware etc. One of the cybercrimes that often occur is Online scam. In Indonesia, Online Scam occupy the top position in 2019. Indonesia Police received 1.617 reports of online scam. Judging from the disadvantages, online scam via website reached 73 billion in this case especially in the case of online shopping and this mode was mostly reported as many as 351 reports [1].

Online Scam usually take place on online shop or an email or short message that the target win prize, the perpetrator pretend sale things and looks convincing so that the victim believes. One of the popular chat applications is WhatsApp Application. WhatsApp Application is easier to use and user-friendly. According to We Are Social WhatsApp reach 1.6 billion users active in 2019. Because of its popularity WhatsApp can be used for Online scam. Usually after the perpetrator get the money they will disappear and can’t be contacted. Therefore to prevent this happening requires caution so as not to get caught up in the perpetrator’s trick. The police will do an investigation, track the perpetrator down and chase the perpetrator. So begin the examination and collecting the evidence from the suspect. One of the things that can be done in solving the digital crime problem is digital forensics.

Digital Forensics is an appropriate step for investigating digital evidence. The main purpose of this research is to extract WhatsApp database to get evidence from perpetrator’s Smartphone. In

this research, the researchers will conduct forensics on WhatsApp application which uses forensics steps from NIST.

  • 1.1.    Literature Review

The previous research related to this research is as follows:

The research conducted by Ayubi Wirara et al (2020) is about “Identifikasi Bukti Digital pada Akuisisi Perangkat Mobile dari Aplikasi Pesan Instan ‘WhatsApp’ ”. The research discusses crimes on the WhatsApp application. In their research they acquisition the digital evidence and they analyzed it. The tool that they used are XRY version 8.0.0 and Encase Mobile Forensic version The Result they got from their research are the digital evidence that they extracted from the smartphone [2].

Research conducted by Hussein Abed Ghannam (2020) is about “Forensic Anaysis of Artifacts of Giants Instant Messaging “WhatsApp” in Android Smarphone”.his research discusses about how the researcher acquire data from WhatsApp from it database. Decrypt and extract the database without rooting the smartphone and collect digital evidence as much as possible. The tools used in this research are Whatcrypt to decrypt the database, SQLite to view the database, UFED cellbrite to recover the deleted message. In the end of the research, the researcher succeeded in getting data from extracting and analyzing these data [3].

Research conducted by Muhammad Irwan Syahib et al (2018) entitled " Analisis Forensic Digital Aplikasi BEETALK untuk Pengamanan Cybercrime Menggunakan Metode NIST ". Their research discusses the analysis of BEETALK applications using the NIST method. In the data acquisition process, the beetalk smartphone application must be rooted first using the Kingroot tools. After that, take data from the smartphone, but the data from the smartphone must be backed up first using the MOBILedit Forensic tool, then Examination using OXYGEN Forensic which is used to acquire data that has been backed up by MOBILedit [4].

Research conducted by Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan and Imam Riadi (2019) entitled “Forensic WhatsApp based Andorid using National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST) Method”. Their research discusses about acquisition the data from rooted and non-rooted smartphones. The researchers using following tools FTK Imager, ProDiscover Basic, WhatsApp DB Extractor. TWRP and WhatsApp Viewer. The result from the research are they successfully raised evidence from the smartphones [5].

Research conducted by Dr. Iyobor Egho-Promise et al (2020) entitled “A Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp on Andorid Smart phone”. Their research is about how to extract valuable information from WhatsApp and from similar mobile applications installed on the Android platform and focus on extraction and analysis data user from volatile and non-volatile memory of an Android Device [6].

  • 2.   Reseach Methods

The main purpose of this research is to do forensic WhatsApp data and extract the data with

Smartphone Forensic System and view the extracted data in WhatsApp Viewer using NIST

Method. The scenario that will be carried out in this research is that the perpetrator and victim communicate with WhatsApp then the victim sends money and confirms to the perpetrator and the perpetrator runs away ad cannot be contacted again

  • 2.1.    NIST

This research use forensics method from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The steps are:

Figure 1. National Institute of Standards and Technology Method (NIST)

  • a.    Identify/Identification

In identify or identification, we will acquire data and protect data related to a specific event. In this research the event is about online scams. The data that we acquire is digital evidence is smartphone. The smartphone contain the data that we need for this research.

  • b.    Collect Data

In this step the researchers start to collect the data and extract relevan pieces of information from it. From this step to collect and extract the data we need from evidence, the researchers

start use tools, the tool is MOBILedit. In this case we need WhatsApp Data from the evidence smartphone.

Data Backup

Figure 2. Acquisition Process

  • c.    Analyzed Data

After we get the extracted data, we analyze the data. From WhatsApp data we get from Collect Data Steps. In this step, we will analyzed the database from WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Databases are Encrypted after backup. The way to decrypt it is to find the key or downgrade the WhatsApp on smartphone and backup the data again, because the older version WhatsApp does not use encryption.

Figure 3. Process to get Decrypted Database

  • d.    Report the Result

Last step is to report the result of the research. After analyze those data. In this step, the researchers make report on the steps that have been taken. The report contain data we get from identification, collect data and analyze data.

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

The research succeeded in producing the desired evidence, where the evidence was obtained from the WhatsApp data extraction or database (msgstore.db). The database contain conversations between the perpetrator and victim on WhatsApp Application.

Table 1 below contain tools and material that will be used in the research.

Table 1. Tools and Materials


Tools and Materials




Asus type A456UR



Samsung J5 Pro



WhatsApp is a chatting application which is an object for this research


MOBILedit Express version

Tool for acquisition data from the digital evidence


Smartphone Forensic System(SPF)

Tool for mobile forensic and one of the feature can decrypt WhatsApp databases


WhatsApp Viewer

View WhatsApp messages from databases

  • 3.1.    Identification

In this step the researcher find and gather information from perpetrator smartphone such as specification of the smartphone and the condition of the smartphone.

Table 2. Perpetrator Smartphone Spesification



Samsung J5 Pro (SM-J530Y/DS)

OS Version: Android 9

RAM : 3 GB

Internal Memory : 32 GB

Condition: The Smartphone Works Well , nothing broken

The information above is specification of perpetrator smartphone. The evidence is secure and no data has changed. If the smartphone is not secured, then someone who is not responsible may change the data from the smartphone.


Collect Data

In this step the researcher begin to acquisition data from the smartphone. The Software that we should use is MOBILedit. This software will extract all data from the smartphone, after that we will find the all extracted data in specific folder.

Figure 4. MOBILedit

Figure 4 is the appearance of MOBILedit Forensic Software, this software extract all data from smartphone included all backup from applications that installed in smartphone.

■ ■

adb-backup ba c ku p_f i I es

9/23/2020 1 0:1 7 P M

9/23/2020 10:3 0 P M

File folder

File folder

■ ■

■ ■

mobiledit-ex port-files pdf files



9/23/2020 10:39 PM

9/23/2020 10:37 PM

9/23/2020 10:4 5 PM

9/23/2020 10:26 PM

File folder

File folder

Text Document          2,316 KB

Text Document              1 KB

m o bι led it ba c ku p

9/23/2020 10:30 P M

XML Document         4,249 KB


mobiledit-cx port

Report report.uf dr

9/23/2020 10:39 PM

9/23/2020 10:37 PM

9/23/2020 10:45 PM

XMLDocument       11,931KB

Adobe Acrobat D...     138,310 KB

UFDRFiIe           2,513,591KB

report_conf ig uration.cf g

9/23/2020 10:17 PM

CFG File                     2 KB

Figure 5. Extracted Data

Figure 5 shows All the extrated data in specific folder. The WhatsApp folder application must be in backup_files folder, where the databases is stored.

  • 3.3.    Analyze Data

WhatsApp application store all the message in database named msgstore.db.crypt12 we know that the file is encrypted, because recent or latest version of WhatsApp use encryption on their databases. There is two ways to decrypt the database, first we need to find the key encryption.

Actually after WhatsApp encrypt the database it also generate the key encryption and store it in the smartphone, but it is not easy to find because we need to ROOT the smartphone to gain access to the folder where the key stored. The second way is to downgrade the WhatsApp application and backup all the data, because the older version of WhatsApp not using encryption to the databases. Because the recent smartphone is too hard to ROOT, the second way is the method chosen by the researchers. There is a

tool used for this method, the tools is Smartphone Forensic System. The tool has feature to decrypt the database from WhatsApp.

Figure 6. WhatsApp Message Extraction and Decryption

This Software can be used to decrypt the database, to use it we must connect the smartphone by USB and wait until the software detect the device, after that select the folder destination and start.



10/7/2020 11:25 AM

Data Base File

24 KB



10/7/2020 11:34 AM

Data Base File

24 KB


Ksm packs.db-journal

10/7/2020 11:34 AM


9 KB



10/7/2020 11:25 AM

Data Base File

4 KB


10/7/2020 11:32 AM


32 KB



10/7/2020 11:25 AM


53 KB



10/7/2020 11:34 AM

Data Base File

4 KB



10/7/2020 11:34 AM


32 KB


10/7/2020 11:34 AM


49 KB



10/7/2020 11:41 AM

Data Base File

872 KB


10/7/2020 11:41 AM


900 KB



10/7/2020 11:25 AM

Data Base File

4 KB


payments, d b-shm

10/7/2020 11:25 AM


32 KB


payments, d b-wa I

10/7/2020 11:25 AM


81 KB

Figure 7. Decrypted Database File

Figure 7 shows the result of decryption WhatsApp database. The database change from msgstore.crypt12 to msgstore database file.After the database decrypted the next step is to view what inside the database. To view message inside the database we need to use

WhatsApp Viewer tool.This tool unable to view the message with user interface and looks like WhatsApp Application.

Figure 8. WhatsApp Viewer

Figure 8 shows the conversation between the perpetrator and the victim. From the evidence that has obtained, it is seen that the victim made a transaction, then after the perpetrator got the money the perpetrator promised to meet the victim, but the perpetrator ran away. Because the researchers obtained the evidence, then the goal of the research was reached successfully.

  • 3.4.    Report

The last step is make report, the report contain all information from the previous steps. From identification the digital evidence that the researcher got is smartphone of the perpetrator. In collect data, begin the acquisition process using tool MOBILedit and backup all data in smartphone. The most important is data from WhatsApp application and it is the databases. The database that we used is message database, where the message or the conversation stored, the database file named msgstore.db.crypt12. The database was encrypted, so need to decrypt it using tool Smartphone Forensic System with built-in WhatsApp Message Extractor and Decryption. After decryption, begin analysis the database from the database that decrypted open it through WhatsApp Viewer and it will shows all messages stored in the database. From the conversation between the victim and the perpetrator that viewed by WhatsApp Viewer, The perpetrator talking about selling smartphone after the victim sure and send the money the perpetrator

ran away and lost contact. This evidence is sufficient to prove that the perpetrator committed online scam and the evidence can be brought to court.

  • 4.    Conclusion

From the research that we have done, there so much we can explore in forensics especially in mobile forensics. There are many tools we can use depending on our needs. In this research we are using MOBILedit to acquisition the smartphone mobile data, Smartphone Forensic System to decrypt the databases and using WhatsApp Viewer to view all message that stored in the database. The latest version of WhatsApp, the database always encrypted so we must decrypt or extract it first before we can use WhatsApp Viewer to shows all the data from it. This research use forensic method from NIST where the steps are identify or identification, collect data, analyze data and report the result. The evidence that obtain from those steps. The steps can be applied to any forensic for mobile to obtaining data from WhatsApp.


  • [1]    Patroli Siber, “Patroli Siber”, 10 Januari 2020, Available: https://patrolisiber.id/news/tren-kejahatan-siber-2019-penipuan-menempati-posisi-teratas [accessed:9-Oct-20].

  • [2]    Wirara,Ayubi. Hardiawan, Bangkit. Salman, Muhammad. “Identifikasi Bukti Digital Pada Akuisisi Perangkat Mobile dari Aplikasi Pesan Instan WhatsApp”. Teknoin, vol. 26, no. 1, p.66-67, 2020.

  • [3]    Ghannam, Hussein Abed. “Forensic Analysis of Artifacts of Giant Instant Messaging “WhatsApp” in Android Smartphone”. Journal of Applied Information, Communication and Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2020

  • [4]    Syahib, Muhammad Irwan, Riadi Imam, Umar Rusydi. “Analisis Forensic Digital Aplikasi BEETALK untuk Pengamanan Cybercrime Menggunakan Metode NIST”. SemnasIF, 2018.

  • [5]    Ramadhan, Muhammad Iqbal, Riadi, Imam. “Forensic WhatsApp base Android using National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST) Method”. International Journal of Computer Applications. Vol. 177, No. 8, 2019.

  • [6]    Egho-Promise, Dr.Iyobor, Ola, Bamidele, Arhin,Aaron, Asuming, Richard. International Research Journal of Computer Science(IRJCS). Vol. 7. 2020