E-Journal of Tourism Vol.9. No.2. (2022): 184-195

Social Media (Youtube) Content Analysis to 5 Indonesian’s Super Priority Destination

Study Case: Comparison from Wishnutama and Sandiaga’s Tourism Promotion

Candraning Koes Primastahta*, Cakry Lientang Widyaninggar, La Mani

Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24922/eot.v9i2.88982

Article Info



The COVID-19 pandemic directly provided a huge answer to leaders.

July 13th 2022 Accepted:

Therefore, all countries and their respective countries must have various competent policies or strategies to overcome the impact of the COVID-

September 19th 2022 19 pandemic, and of course these policies or strategies are implemented Published: and adapted to developing conditions, one of which is Virtual Tourism September 30th 2022 innovation. A tourist activity that can be enjoyed anywhere and anytime,

because it only requires an internet network, social media platforms and gadgets. With the emergence of this innovation, it is hoped that it can maintain tourism and reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic because it can be enjoyed at home. The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of Government Policies in 5 Super Priority Destinations (Lake Toba, Labuan Bajo, Borobudur, Mandalika and Likupang) through social media (YouTube) with a comparative case study of promotions conducted at Wishnutama and Sandiaga's tenure. Quantitative descriptive research method using YouTube videos collected since January 1st. 2020 to February 4, 2022. The number of samples used is 65 videos that meet the requirements of 5 Super Priority Destinations. The testing tool used is Nvivo 12 Pro with several stages of Node creation to a total comparison of the subject and object of research. The result of this study is that Sandiaga is more communicative in promoting 5 Super Priority Destinations with various new programs such as video content created and consistent upload schedules. Both Wishnutama and Sandiaga have the same significant focus on the Lake Toba destination. The messages included in the uploaded YouTube videos are dominated by Communication Policy messages as well as informative messages from each destination. In addition, to support the two messages also use Advertising, Persuasive and Educational messages.

Keywords: content analysis; communication policy; 5 super priority destinations; tourism promotion; youtube.



Tourism has become one of the sectors that directly got effect from the pandemic of COVID 19. Considering the significant slope of visitor to Indonesia, this has made the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy takes a decision on changing the business model. From Traditional Tourism Management to Digital Tourism Management which has an opportunity for maintaining, also recovering tourism sector in Indonesia (Renstra, 2021).

Moreover, in the long-term planning, Indonesia will develop these 5 super priority destinations, not only designed to be attractive to the tourist, but also developing the creative economic ecosystem that will involve the local people. These 5 super priority destinations are Lake Toba from North Sumatera. This infamous lake is known as the biggest volcanic lake in the world, in the second spot there is Borobudur Temple from Central Java. This temple is a sole tourism object that has the most visitors. For the third spot is Man-dalika from West Nusa Tenggara, this destination has become the host of class world MotoGP event, for forth spot there is La-buan Bajo from East Nusa Tenggara. Beside the eyes pleasing scenery, Labuan Bajo has the Comodo Island as the only original habitat in the world. The last destination is Likupan from North Sulawesi. Likupang offers marine tourism with beaches and beautiful yet magnificent undersea scenery.

COVID 19 pandemic has directly giving a very huge demand to the leaders. Therefore, all countries and their governments have to have various policies or strategies that competent to overcome the effect from COVID 19 pandemic, and of course this policy or strategy is enforced and customized with the developing condition. (Purwanto, E. A., Kumorotomo, W., Widaningrum, A., Mas' udi, W., & Astrina,

A. R., 2020). The former Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, in his term explain about the strategy of 5 Super Priority Destination, which for the physical development will be postponed because of some obstacles, but for infrastructure related to the connectivity, airport still has to be running according to the plan that has been done and team up with PUPR Ministry and Ministry of Transportation (Kemenparekraf, 2020).

Beside that, Wishnutama also explaining that COVID 19 pandemic also can be used with rearrange Indonesian’s future tourism plan. This recovery will paying attention to 3A developing aspect (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) in 5 Super Priority Destinations. Still, Wishnu-tama also emphasize on increasing the 2P that are Promotion and Participation of the entrepreneur. On the other side, sto-rynomich tourism approach that put forward the narration will be used, creative content, living culture and the power of culture, also utilise KPBU scheme in constructing the entertainment centers, such as theme park that can absorb a lot of tourist. According to Wishnu tourism development is not only just building the infrastructure or making an event. There is also an important matter that is increasing interpretation toward a place or tourism destination. Packing the Indonesian tourism into a story become an important thing on planning to develop the tourism sector, especially on 5 Super Priority Tourism Destinations (inews.id, 2020).

On December 23rd, 2020, there was a change in Indonesian’s government cabinet. The next Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy is Sandiaga Uno, he explain that the development of 5 Super Priority Destinations is a direct order from President Jokowi. Sandiaga has strategy on 5 Super Priority Destinations this will be developed not only in building the infrastructure but also from the side of creative economy. Furthermore, explained that this e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

focus is expected to get quality from tourist visit, either domestic or international, so they can stay longer in Indonesia. Thinking that the tourist usually spends the vacation budget to buy creative products from the region they visit. If it’s well packed, the creative entrepreneur certainly will get a positive impact (kemenparekraf.com, 2021).

Start from infrastructure, the communication network quality, product of creative economy to preparing the superior human resource. Because this is super priority, so the interconnection from infrastructure side has to be done seriously. Like airports, ports, roads, all of them have to have world class quality.

The Ministry also considering the aspect of communication network in the super priority destinations. According to him, seeing the trend that tourist always want to be up to date in their media social, so telecommunication aspect is important in 5 Super Priority Destinations (ke-menparekraf.com, 2021).

Also do not forget to develop the creative product in the super priority destination. One of which the focus is the culinary from the destination. As we know, culinary from every destination always become the charm for tourist. Like culinary from other destinations that very attached, like gudeg from Yogjakarta, nasi liwet from Solo or rawon from Surabaya. Also don’t forget that has to be prepare is the human resource quality that will welcome the tourist in the super priority destination. For example, Minister Sandiaga said that Bali has the best hospitality in the world (ke-menparekraf.com, 2021).

To preparing tourism in the New Normal era, the Ministry also encourage quality tourism that taken with increasing the tourism quality also the comfort and security from each tourism destination. So, the Ministry adjust the Clean, Health, Safety and Environment (CHSE) certification to all tourism entrepreneurs. The http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot

CHSE certification becomes an important thing where there is a pandemic, will change the community’s habit on traveling. Also, comfort, security and cleanliness will be considered for overseas or domestic tourists to do the traveling.

Not only up to the application of CHSE certification on this digitalization ear, this is the perfect time for transforming the tourism ecosystem with using digital technology as much as possible. The high number of social media users in the world or in Indonesia, by it’s nature to allow two ways communication, sharing contents and information, also the wide range making social media as one of the most ideal media to promote the tourism industry, especially for the Ministry. Through social media, Ministry can do promotion/marketing campaign, spreading information related with a product, tourism event and tourism destination to the future tourist effectively and efficiently.

One of the interesting innovation for supporting Indonesian tourism in the middle of COVID 19 pandemic is through Virtual Tour. Reckoning our tourism sector is undergoing a decreasing, the utilization of digital platform can be uses to support the continuity of our tourism. In short, Virtual Tour is one of a new concept for vacationing in the middle of the pandemic. We can explore some interesting tourism destination in Indonesia with only internet connection and gadget from home. Virtual Tour can be in a form of pictures, videos with other multimedia element like sound effect, narration and also texts. (Muhammad, R., Mutiarin, D., & Damanik, J., 2021)

Figure 1. Statistic of Social Media Users in Indonesia (Source: dataeportal.com)

income (PDB), the growth of private sector and also the infrastructure development. Tourism also has potential to push the increase of state revenue from taxes, especially the indirect tax (Nizar, 2015).

Pandemic Covid-19 not only strike on tourism sector in Indonesia, but also happen in global scale, where in every parts of the world, there are significant drop in the flight, hospitality, ground and sea transportation service. Besides that, the sectors that directly connected with tourism will be affected by Covid 19 pandemic, like processing industry, transportation, accommodation providers also large scale merchants and also retails (Pambudi et al., 2020).

There are a lot of research that has been conducted about the international tourism policy, but only small number of research that is done on how the adaptation of economy policy in a country can affected to the tourism (Kim et al., 2018). Reviewing the growth economic plan does not mean change the whole planning, but adding part according with the current condition with the more flexible (Lew, 2014).

The positive side from Covid-19 pandemic is tourism destination management can start to innovate with increasing the service quality and the environment quality in creating the sustainable tourism growth (Gössling et al., 2020). The effort on destination tourism management in giving online service on the adaptation of new habits is an opportunity form on creating smart tourism destination (Novianti & Wulung, 2020).

The affected on tourism sector on Covid-19 pandemic happen significantly, one of the attempt for tourism sector improvement that can be done by the Government is making promotion through virtual visit. This approach can be used to socialize as early promotion to the potential prospective visitors. Technology user always growing through times, virtual visit can be one of the effective strategies in promoting 187     e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

January 2020, based on statistic data from datareportal.com, digital media users in Indonesia, in total population of 272.1 million and with the number of internet users as big as 64% from the population, which is 175.4 million. And for social media user as big as 59% from population, is 160 million. More than half of Indonesian population use social media. This showing that social media users in Indonesia have a high presentation, with the statistical data, social media is suitable to use to do promotion through social media. The most used social media in Indonesia is YouTube, with the percentage as big as 88%. (datare-portal.com, 2020).

The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of Government Policies in 5 Super Priority Destinations (Lake Toba, Labuan Bajo, Borobudur, Mandalika and Likupang) through social media (YouTube) with a case study comparing promotions carried out at Wishnutama and Sandiaga's tenure.


Super Priority Destination

Indonesia is one of the famous countries that know to have various customs, culture, tradition also the beautiful nature. The natural wealth that owned by Indonesia is very various and having a tropical climate, has 16.766 islands (bps.go.id, 2021). Aside from foreign exchange source, tourism also giving contribution and national http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot

tourism destination (Sulaiman et al., 2020).

The growth tourism sector in Indonesia during the Covid 19 pandemic has become Government’s spotlight. Indonesian Government has established 5 tourism destination with the predicate of super priority. Consist of Lake Toba, Labuan Bajo, Borobudur, Mandalika and Likupang. This program is expected can give attraction and a better life to the people around it (Wiar-tha, 2020).

Government Policy

The decrease of visit from overseas tourists effect on foreign exchange income from tourism. Indonesian government has assign policy package to accelerate the tourism sector performance also to attract tourist visit in the middle of Covid 19 pandemic, that is to allocate additional national budget to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in the amount of 298.5 billion rupiah, giving insentive for airlines, travel agents on joint promotion scheme for tourism promotion, familiarization trip and influencer. Also giving discount on domestic airline tickets that can be used by the domestic tourists as big as 51% for 25% seats capacity in one direct flight. This policy will be take place for 3 months and the discount applied to all domestic airlines with destination as such: Denpasar, Batam, Bintan, Manado, Yogja-karta, Labuan Bajo, Belitung, Lombok, Lake Toba and Malang (Sugihamretha, 2020).

Giving support for incentive according to the association’s idea, that the tax fee for hotel and restaurant in 10 tourism destination will be zero. Government will gives subsidy or grand to the regional government that get affected by the declining numbers of visitors. The tax rate for hotel and restaurant is 8.8 Trillion rupiah. To push the domestic tourist with continuously giving a domestic tourism promotion campaign, encouraging the meetings from

government institutes and corporations in domestic tourism destinations. Promote the domestic events such as sport and music events. On the other hand, some efforts has been done to attract MICE potential and international events to be held in Indonesia (Sugihamertha, 2020).

The destination’s image as a save place and secure, where tourist will feel better (Van et al., 2020). Indonesian government has established new normal transition period in early June, 2020 (Anies, dalam Setyawan 2020). Government uses this opportunity to build up interest and awaken positive emotion towards the tourism product. Covid 19 has given information of uncertainty and constant changing so the needs of new information had become important. What it means that the information is not only from quality but also from the quantity (Falcone & Sapi-enza, 2020). The government policy that has been changed because of Covid 19 needs to be inform immediately to the public and stakeholders. The information can give sense of secure to the public in term of the protection from Covid 19 as well as how to minimalized the spread of the virus (Gorfinkel et al., 2020) and might make the condition is easier to predict (Falcone & Sapienza, 2020).

Social media gives a good and effective chance to the public sector on promoting the policy and activities that are being done, other than that, also to sending message to interact with the public (Hancu-Budui et al., 2020). Social media is information tool that facilitated the authority to share information in real-time (Bonsón et al., 2019). This has been one of tourism destination promotion policy that is effective and efficient to be used in the Covid 19 situation.


Youtube is a video sharing web that is very popular, where the users can make,

watch and share a video freely. YouTube itself was established on February, 2005 by 3 young ex PayPal employee, they are Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. This platform also can be said as the most popular video database in the world because of the diversity and comprehensiveness of the videos. (Fatty et al., 2016).

As one of the social media platform, certainly YouTube has its own characteristic, for YouTube, there are some characteristics that will make the users feel comfortable when using it, that are, first there is no duration limit on the video when users want to upload their videos. This thing has become YouTube’s supremacy from other platforms. The accuracy from the security system, YouTube has made video restriction permit that will be uploaded by the users, like video that contain racist and illegal content.

YouTube provide honorarium system to all of the users, this make the users to be pushed to interesting contents to get the most viewers. Beside that, there is offline system fiture that made by YouTube to help the users for watching the video offline, with one condition that they have to download the video first before they can use this fiture.

Figure 2. Most-Used Social Media Platforms in Indonesia (Source: dataeportal.com)

According to statistical data from We Are Social and Hootsuite on January 2020, about the overview, YouTube in Indonesia place on the first place with 88%

from 272.1 million Indonesian. This shows that YouTube can be uses as media to do marketing communication strategy in Indonesia, proved from on how many enthusiast and user in YouTube (datare-portal.com, 2020).

YouTube’s position that get the first position on the most used social media in Indonesia is a media opportunity for government to promote the policy widely and equal, so that government can promote the destination’s image effectively in Covid 19 pandemic.


This analysis is a method to analyse content from various data, like visual and verbal. It might reduce the phenomenon or event into category that has been decided so it can be analysed and interpreted better. This paper gives description about analysing content from marketing perspective. Concept and basic technique is served to be able to operate the content analysis. (Harwood et al., 2003).

So far, the data resource that commonly used for this analysis is written text (Krippendorff, 2021). The next approach to content analysed which is in between lowered model pure empirically and pure theoretically is a model that known as code that emerged. This approach is lowered from quantitative research concept grounded theory (Glase & Strauss, 1967). So this analysis is about making valid conclusion, can be replicate and has objective message based on explicit rules. The content of analysis can be daily notes, newspaper articles, story, radio message, television, documents, textes or symbols (Prasad, B. D., 2008).

There are some steps that need to be done to do this analysis, that are: formulate the research matter; do the literature review; deciding on the observation unit and analysis unit; deciding on sample;

deciding the variable; creating on category and coding guidelines; data collecting; do the data coding; data managing, data coding; presenting data and giving interpretation. Dan the last one is compiling the research report. So it can be concluded that analysis with quantitative is focused on visible communication (written/manifest/real). While for explaining the written things, such as ideology or political language that contained in a news. (Ahmad, J., 2018).

Data Collection

This research is using descriptive quantitative research method that is done with the help of a computer program called Nvivo 12. Subject in this research are Wishnutama Kusubandio as former Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy on 2019 – 2020 period term and Sandiaga Uno as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy on term of office since 2020 until now. While the object from this research is the official social media from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, that is YouTube. The social media is a primer data source. Also in this research using direct observation method as the observation form on official YouTube.

The data collecting is been done with data study promoting policy on 5 Super Priority Destination from each research subject that can already spread out through press conference with the source from official website of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Next observation is through YouTube that was used for research from January 1st, 2020 until January 1st, 2022, on 2 years period time to provide content that enough to be identified.


NVivo 12 Pro is a tool that is used on data processing process in this research. Data as tool that used in this research is obtained from official account of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in YouTube, and processed into NVivo software with category to helping on theme composing and exploring on how colle-ration between attribute or finding things on the field. The category was made on derivate from the finding on the field to the research subject and secondary data. In this research, Nodes categorization based on the message type that included in the video’s description (caption). There are 5 Nodes that found, such as informative, Government policy, persuasive, educative and advertisement.

Analysis Comparation on 5 Super Priority Destination

Picture 3 shows the whole comparison result for promoting 5 Super Priority Destination on Wishnutama period and

190 e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

Figure 3. Analysis Comparison on 5

Super Priority Destinations (Source: Data Processing Result from

NVivo 12 Pro, 2022)

Sandiaga Uno that obtained through Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy YouTube account. It can be seen from 5 Nodes, such as informative, Government policy, persuasive, educative and advertisement, only several destinations that has the 5 Nodes on Wishnutama’s term. The destination that has the 5 Nodes are Man-dalika and Labuan Bajo. Also, there is one super priority destination that does not have video in YouTube in Wishnutama period, that is Likupang.

While on Sandiaga Uno’s period, all the super priority destination has the 5 nodes on the uploaded videos on YouTube. It can be seen from the various contents that was made like their unique food from each destination, tourism destination that can be references around the destination and the consistent time on uploading videos to promote the 5 super priority destinations. Also, there is an additional special video that directly discuss about the 5 super priority destination on one video that was uploaded to YouTube.

Tabel 1. Analysis Comparison on 5 Super Priority Destionation



Danau Toba_Sandiaga


Danau Toba_Wishnu




Labuan Bajo_Wishnu








Labuan Bajo_Sandiaga


5 DSP_Sandiaga




Source: Result from Data Processing NVivo 12 Pro, 2022,

But for both, either Wishnutama and Sandiaga Uno has focus on Lake Toba with result showing from Table 1, where the percentage coverage from Sandiaga Uno’s

data is 26.32% and Wishnutama is 24.91% for Lake Toba destination. On the second spot from the table, it is occupied by Borobudur, with Sandiaga Uno’s percentage as 22.94% and Labuan Bajo for Wish-nutama with the percentage as 22.31%. There is a significant different on the number 2 spot from the data comparison.

Communication Policy

Figure 4. Comparison of Communication Policy (Source: Result from Data Processing NVivo 12 Pro, 2022)

Picture 4 shows special comparison from communication policy between Wishnutama and Sandiaga. On Wishnu-tama’s term there are only two destinations that has Nodes in the form of Communica-

tion Policy related 5 Super Priority Destination that was uploaded to YouTube, that are Labuan Bajo and Mandalika. Content from Communication Policy to Man-dalika’s video as a form of Earth Revitalization Program that already been done in 6 spots including Central Lombok, East Lombok, South Lombok and West Lombok. Dan the result, there were found a lot of processed wood waste, if sum up with Bali’s outcome, at least 3.109 ton of ocean waste already been handled.

Next on Labuan Bajo, content from Wishnutama’s communication policy is about some Regency that located in East Nusa Tenggara, that is a border between

Indonesia and Timor Leste. This thing is in line with Government’s program to build up Indonesia from the border and attract tourist from the border, because there are a lot of destinations and tradition that can be enjoy there. Different from Wishnutama, Communication Policy Nodes on Sandi-aga’s term is owned by all 5 Super Priority Destinations. Where the communication policy in Sandiaga’s period discussing about the area that become government’s focus to be developed through:

  • 1.    Building Infrastructure; with renovating and fixing the road also spot or rest area is become an important step to recovering the tourism sector and beside that it is for increasing the wellbeing of the surrounding people because it will open a new employment.

  • 2.    Communication Networking.

  • 3.    Creative Economy marketing product: such as developing the special food from each destionations so they can enrich the culynari value in the destination, and program for increasing the up-skilling and the marketing through marketplace or e-commerce to widen the market and increasing the turnover of the businessmen.

  • 4.    Preparing the superior human resource so the 5 Super Priority Destination can be class world destination.

Beside that Sandiaga keeps on reminding the people that wants to visit the destination to obey the safety guidelines that already strictly designed but also feel comfortable for the visitors and always remember about the CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability). Next there is another communication policy from Sandiaga to promote the 5 Super Priority Destinations with Village Tour. Village Tour has become feature program from Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in creating tourism that has quality and sustainable.

Did not stop with Village Tour program, Sandiaga also have another program that is Trail of Civilizations , this program http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot

aiming for increasing the quality of tourism experience for the tourist. The next communication policy is to launch e-tourism ‘Go Mandalika’ as the effort to boost the digitalization from tourism sector in the middle of Covid-19. E-tourism Go Man-dalika is one of a digital platform that presented by the District Government of Central Lombok to give easiness for tourist in getting information about Central Lombok.

Tabel 2. Comparison of The Communication Policy

Name                Coverage

Danau Toba_Sandiaga     12.61%

Borobudur_Sandiaga      12.49%

Mandalika_Sandiaga      6.80%

Labuan Bajo_Sandiaga    4.97%

Mandalika_Wishnu       2.71%

Likupang_Sandiaga       2.37%

Labuan Bajo_Wishnu     0.57%

  • 5    DSP_Sandiaga         0.01%

Source: Result from Data Processing NVivo 12 Pro, 2022.

Table 2 shows that Communication Policy Nodes most explain in Sandiaga’s term with the first position on Lake Toba destination videos, next is Borobudur, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo and Likupang. Meanwhile on Whishnutama’s term, the first position is occupied by Mandalika then Labuan Bajo.

Nodes Comparison

Figure 5. Nodes Comparison (Source: Result from Data Processing NVivo 12 Pro, 2022)

Super Priority Destinations in social media YouTube because of the content variations also the consistency of the upload schedule. Besides that, there are a lot of new programs that was made by Sandiaga on promoting tourism destination, like village tour, Trail of Civilization in the storytelling form, building up the infrastructure, communication networking, creative economy product marketing, preparing superior human resource. And also, the appeal of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) to keep the safety guideline that already set at the time they visit the tourism destination.

All of the communication policy already delivered by Sandiaga on press on April 29th, 2021, in the official website of Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy on promoting the 5 Super Priority Destination. Next, for destination that has the most videos uploaded to YouTube on Wishnutama and Sandiaga’s term is Lake Toba, this proves that on Table 1 with coverage percentage from Sandiaga Uno’s data with 26.32% and Wishnutama with 24.91%.


The related messages with the videos that uploaded into official YouTube account is dominated by the message of Communication Policy and also informative message from each destination. Also, to support both message, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also using the advertisement message like telling about events that is happening in the 5 Super Priority Destinations, persuasive message in a form of invitation to visit and to keep the safety guidelines that is applied and the last message is an educative message where it gives interesting message about the 5 super priority destinations. It is recommended that other destinations also has the approximately the same amount of videos to be uploaded to YouTube. And also, invitation like persuasive message to visit the 5 super priority destination can be 193     e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

Next, the comparison between Nodes, it can be seen in picture 5 above that for both Wishnutama and Sandiaga on promoting 5 Super Priority Destinations with explaining the message about the video that uploaded to YouTube is dominated with Communication Policy message and also informative message from each destinations. Besides that to support the two messages, they also using advertisement message like telling about event that is held in the 5 Super Priority Destinations, persuasive message in a form of invitation to visit or to keep the applicable safety guideline, and the last one educative message where it gives interesting facts about the 5 Super Priority Destinations.


This research did content analysis related with Government Policy on 5 Super Priority Destinations with case study the comparison tourism promotion by Wishnu-tama, the former Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy also Sandiaga Uno as the current Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy through the Ministry’s official social media account.

With using NVivo 12 Pro software as tool that used to process the data in this research. Getting the result that Sandiaga is more communicative in promoting the 5 http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot

made into one exclusive video and scheduled to be uploaded into YouTube.


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